Ludlow | Hola | 00:51 |
Ludlow | anyone dere? | 00:51 |
Ludlow | breathing? | 00:52 |
Ludlow | alive? | 00:52 |
Ludlow | !lubuntu | 00:52 |
ubottu | lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 00:52 |
Unit193 | !ask | 00:53 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 00:53 |
Unit193 | Howdy. | 00:53 |
Ludlow | I just figured out how to remove a desk app icon from lxde menu. | 00:55 |
Ludlow | Thanks anyways :) | 00:55 |
Unit193 | Heh, sure. You can also try out menulibre, it's the menu editor that will be in the raring repos. | 00:56 |
Ludlow | awsome. For some reason dead icon dont want to remove themselves from lxde :( | 00:56 |
Unit193 | Are you talking about something being stuck in cache? | 00:57 |
Ludlow | yeah I remmoved gunmeric and the icon is still stuck in the menu | 00:57 |
Ludlow | I already removed the gnumeric.desktop, but its still in the menu | 00:58 |
Unit193 | .cache/menus/ may want to look in there. | 00:59 |
Unit193 | Ludlow: What file did you modify? | 00:59 |
Ludlow | I removed the gnumeric.desktop from /usr/share/applications/ | 01:00 |
Ludlow | I cant find menulibre either | 01:01 |
Ludlow | is this correct? sudo apt-get ppa:menulibre-dev/devel? | 01:06 |
Ludlow | is this correct? sudo apt-get -repository ppa:menulibre-dev/devel? | 01:06 |
Ludlow | nevermind I went the other way to install menulibre. thanks | 01:09 |
okabi | Has anyone else had the problem with gpicview where you zoom in the image and you try to move it around but gpicview resets the position right back to the center? | 01:46 |
Unit193 | Yep. | 01:47 |
Unit193 | Try restritto? | 01:47 |
Unit193 | !info ristretto | 01:48 |
ubottu | ristretto (source: ristretto): lightweight picture-viewer for the Xfce desktop environment. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.3-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 239 kB, installed size 1141 kB | 01:48 |
okabi | Haha. | 01:48 |
okabi | Thanks, I'mma try it. | 01:48 |
PlastikSpork | Trying to get Google Chrome to open Deluge when clicking on Magnet Link... Right now it just opens up another Chrome Browser window. So far I have tried this: and | 03:54 |
holstein | PlastikSpork: you cant just grab the URL and dump it in manually? | 04:14 |
holstein | PlastikSpork: are you sure the default browser is set properly? try setting it to chrome with the terminal command "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" | 04:16 |
Unit193 | You can with deluge, but nicer to click I'd guess. (I don't know chrome.) | 04:16 |
holstein | im just not sure what the issue is.. im just seeing a screenshot of a few ask ubuntu pages | 04:17 |
PlastikSpork | holstein, yes i can dump it manually but I would be nice to get it working. It works fine with Firefox | 05:09 |
holstein | PlastikSpork: and you set the default browser? | 05:10 |
Unit193 | PlastikSpork: And you followed both links? | 05:11 |
PlastikSpork | holstein, doing that right now... 2 options for chrome... auto mode and manual | 05:11 |
PlastikSpork | Unitl93, yes i followed both... Unless I'm missing something | 05:12 |
Unit193 | xdg-mime default deluge.desktop x-scheme-handler/magnet too? | 05:14 |
PlastikSpork | yup | 05:14 |
Unit193 | xdg-open "magnetlinkher" does what for you? | 05:17 |
PlastikSpork | what is magnetlinkher | 05:18 |
Unit193 | magnet link here | 05:18 |
PlastikSpork | ahh hold on | 05:19 |
Unit193 | With quotes. | 05:19 |
Unit193 | That opens deluge for me, as it should. | 05:20 |
PlastikSpork | LOL, it opens a new chrome window! | 05:21 |
Unit193 | You log out and back in since setting it to deluge? | 05:22 |
PlastikSpork | yes | 05:22 |
PlastikSpork | Ok since xdg-open is set to open up chrome... who do you change xdg-open? | 05:23 |
PlastikSpork | with: xdg-mime default deluge.desktop x-scheme-handler/magnet Is this what changes the xdg-open to use deluge? | 05:24 |
Unit193 | So I have MimeType=application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet; in /usr/share/applications/deluge.desktop too, and I have run update-desktop-database since. | 05:24 |
PlastikSpork | Hold on I will check the deluge.desktop file. | 05:25 |
Unit193 | It's default. | 05:26 |
PlastikSpork | yes I have that as well.. and I've run update-desktop-database as well... Hold on I have to go do something really quick for my job, ill be back in 10 min. | 05:27 |
PlastikSpork | ok back. | 05:34 |
Unit193 | In deluge, I recommend you disable the appindicator option, but as far as chrome goes... That line I pasted should just do it, and does for me. | 05:39 |
Unit193 | PlastikSpork: Could try a new user login, see if a clean slate helps. | 05:39 |
PlastikSpork | the mimeapps.list had this entry....[Default Applications] | 05:40 |
PlastikSpork | x-scheme-handler/magnet=deluge.desktop | 05:40 |
Unit193 | (Just tested it too.) | 05:40 |
PlastikSpork | I will try new user later... | 05:42 |
Unit193 | Sorry I couldn't help. | 05:42 |
PlastikSpork | It's all good. It's just my luck.. stupid stuff like this seems to happen to me all the time. | 05:49 |
retabell | can someone tell me where i can find the locallisation files from pcmanfm->edit>Preferences ? | 14:24 |
retabell | and also pcmanfm in raring needs an update for | 14:24 |
delocaz | Hello! After I gave up on Xubuntu, I wanted to try Lubuntu to fix up an old PC. When I boot up the installer, it simply blackscreens. The computer's GPU is a Silicon Integrated. Can anyone help? | 16:40 |
Bus_08-10 | I am having a problem installing Rigs of Rods. I can get everything installed except ogre library. Can anyone help me? | 18:56 |
subman | How is the Lubuntu UEFI installation working out? Does it work? | 20:20 |
Unit193 | Quantal 64bit should work just fine with UEFI. | 20:21 |
Unit193 | !uefi | 20:21 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 20:21 |
subman | Yeah, that didn't work out so will with Ubuntu | 20:23 |
Unit193 | Worked pretty well when I did it the once. | 20:24 |
Myrtti | well it depends on what kind of uefi you're talking about, if I'm not mistaken | 20:24 |
Myrtti | or rather, what mode it is in | 20:25 |
Unit193 | That is true, but secure should be fine as well. | 20:25 |
Myrtti | if you can't get it to work with Ubuntu, it's unlikely it would with Lubuntu, as the base system is the same. | 20:26 |
subman | This UEFI is a nightmare | 20:33 |
subman | How is the average user supposed to do this? | 20:33 |
subman | Sorry, I don't mean to rant here | 20:36 |
zleap | subman, hmm contact the spanisj lug who are taking this issue to court, at least to add weight to the cause | 20:46 |
subman | I hope so. | 20:48 |
zleap | not sure how they will get on | 20:50 |
zleap | the sooner we are rid of microsoft the better, | 20:50 |
Unit193 | Though, this is getting a little offtopic. | 20:50 |
zleap | yeah but it is an issue that is getting more serious | 20:51 |
zleap | subman is there not some sort of option to turn off secure boot | 20:52 |
zleap | oh hes gone | 20:52 |
Vivekananda | hey there | 23:30 |
Vivekananda | anyone here | 23:30 |
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