[21:52] jbicha: Thanks for the ubuntu-docs instructions. I'll give it a test run now and see how it goes. [22:25] jbicha: For translations (.po files) that are new (have never existed before), should I add those to the repository or ignore/delete them? [22:46] godbyk: add them and also add them to ubuntu-help/Makefile.am [22:48] although a lot of the languages are virtually untranslated so it might not help much [22:48] jbicha: Okay, will do. [22:48] That's true. [22:49] jbicha: Any pointers or tips on building the .deb? I've been going through the Ubuntu packaging guide but I suspect there's a lot of 'first time .deb file' stuff there that I can ignore. [22:52] well there's a few different ways of doing it, I use sbuild and here's a draft of instructions that I wrote for the packaging guide: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5709067/ [22:54] Okay, thanks. I'll give that a shot. [22:54] Should the .pot file from Launchpad be committed to the bzr repository along with the updated .po files? [22:55] no, the .pot in Launchpad comes from the .pot in the bzr tree [22:57] Okay. With the ubuntu-manual project, I ignore Launchpad's .pot, too, because it typically just rewraps the lines.