[01:06] ok, newsletter sent off to editors [01:06] Unit193: care to link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue312 [01:14] Either script is broken, or no unexpected dead links. [02:22] pleia2: stats have been pulled? [02:45] JoseeAntonioR: yeah, it's pretty much ready aside from final editing (then adding "in this issue" and pulling out stray comments) [02:45] ok! [02:46] tomorrow I have to do a MUN audition, but once I'm done I'll get straight to it [02:50] :D [06:36] good morning [13:41] JoseeAntonioR, how's the news?:P === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw [22:18] smartboyhw: will try to work on that in a minute [23:06] ok, working on releasing now [23:25] JoseeAntonioR: \o/ [23:26] I'm manually working on the line breaks, so please be patient [23:31] Unit193: link check please? [23:45] Did not too long ago, nothing unexpected. [23:46] great, thanks [23:48] looks like it cuts off at this line - People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: Luis [23:48] Alvarado (http://askubunt [23:48] oops [23:49] hmm? [23:56] The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue312 [23:58] JoseeAntonioR: \o/ thx for releasing…):) [23:58] no worries, smartboyhw! [23:59] JoseeAntonioR why shall I worry? [23:59] it's an expression