
rwwI question the usefulness of !doublejoin, because 1) people complaining about doublejoins take up more room on channels than the actual problem, 2) complaining at people for things like this is obnoxious and just annoys people.03:59
rwwThat said,03:59
rww!no, doublejoin is <reply> Your IRC client is completing NickServ authentication after joining channels, which triggers a fake quit and rejoin to apply your cloak and increases channel noise. Please see https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakonjoin and use SASL or another method to prevent this.03:59
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, rww said: !no, doublejoin is <reply> Your IRC client is completing NickServ authentication after joining channels, which triggers a fake quit and rejoin to apply your cloak and increases channel noise. Please see https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakonjoin and use SASL or another method to prevent this.03:59
rwwThe current factoid incorrectly recommends setting a server password as a solution to this.03:59
ubottuYou don't seem to be identifying correctly, because you are double-joining the channel (join/quit/join). To identify yourself correctly, set your NickServ pass as the server password. For more information, see point 7 at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup04:00
IdleOne!no, doublejoin is <reply> Your IRC client is completing NickServ authentication after joining channels, which triggers a fake quit and rejoin to apply your cloak and increases channel noise. Please see https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakonjoin and use SASL or another method to prevent this.04:02
ubottuI'll remember that IdleOne04:02
IdleOnethank you rww04:02
* rww bows04:02
Flannelrww, just put your staff hat back on and fix the server spam when applying cloaks!04:03
Flanneloh, he left.04:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu, michaela_ said: ubottu: that is why i am looking for a ubuntu or linux security channel06:31
bazhangfree vpn!!11106:32
bazhang<yossarianuk> (offtopic but this is mental - Westboro baptist church going to picket the funerials of the dead in boston .... )11:33
bazhangin #k11:34
elkysounds about right.11:39
tonyyarussoCute.  Apparently I'm muted in #httpd.19:01
Fuchsyes, there is an account quiet matching you.19:02
jpdstonyyarusso: That's because in ubuntu, we use apache2, not the RHatty httpd.19:03
tonyyarussojpds: Um, wut?19:04
Fuchsthat channel _is_ for the apache httpd19:04
jpdstonyyarusso: The service in RHEL is 'httpd', in Ubuntu it's 'apache2'.19:04
tonyyarussojpds: I'm aware of that.  But it's the same software, and thus the same IRC channel, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.19:06
IdleOnedoesn't explain why he is muted19:06
IdleOnehe needs help with httpd, that doesn't mean he is using ubuntu.19:07
jpdsThat went over all of your heads.19:07
IdleOneI guess so19:07
tonyyarussoI get the feeling jpds was trying to make a joke, and made the mistake of it not being funny.  :P19:08

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