
=== idnaria is now known as idnar
kelkoobenoitrhello. I have my first source package uploaded and building nicely in launchpad for precise (i386/amd64)12:22
kelkoobenoitrnow i want to tell launchpad to build it for quantal12:23
kelkoobenoitri have been told (by xnox) yesterday to add a new changelog, that should create a new dsc and then dput it.12:25
kelkoobenoitrhere is what i did:12:25
kelkoobenoitrdch -v 0.3.1-3 (with the same version number as the precise version)12:26
kelkoobenoitrdebuild -us -uc12:26
kelkoobenoitrdebuild -S -sa12:26
kelkoobenoitrdput ppa:name/package package_0.3.1-3_source.changes12:27
kelkoobenoitrand i got this message:12:27
kelkoobenoitrPackage has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net12:27
kelkoobenoitrNothing more to do for slowmovideo_0.3.1-3_source.changes12:27
kelkoobenoitrWhat am i doing wrong ?12:28
kelkoobenoitror how should i tell launchpad to build my package for quantal12:28
StevenKkelkoobenoitr: The same version number will cause it to be rejected12:32
kelkoobenoitrso i should give different versions if i want to release the code for precise and quantal ?12:32
kelkoobenoitrlike 0.3.1-3~precise1 and 0.3.1-3~quantal1 ?12:33
xnoxkelkoobenoitr: also that error message was from dput arguing that it noticed a ".upload" file. You can remove it, or pass --force to dput. Then it would be uploaded to the PPA, but rejected if there is same version in the ppa already.12:37
kelkoobenoitrok thx12:38
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
=== Mkaysi is now known as Ciblia
petrus_ i have a poor performance on ubuntu gnome 13.0414:09
petrus_my laptop uses optimus graphics14:09
petrus_installed nvidia bumbleebee but did't reconized nvidia14:09
=== Ciblia is now known as Mkaysi
czajkowskipetrus_: this isn't a support area for ubuntu14:10
petrus_ah nederlands hier14:10
czajkowskipetrus_: you'll have more luck in #ubuntu14:10
petrus_oke np bye14:10
mmcc`Hi - can anyone tell me more about the status of staging.launchpad.net? It looks like it's been down for code update for a long time, maybe days.16:34
mmcc`I'm working on some software-center code that makes use of sc.staging.ubuntu.com, which talks to staging.lp, so unfortunately this is blocking me right now16:35
czajkowskimmcc`: hasn't been down for days16:40
czajkowskilet me go get it poked16:41
mmcc`czajkowski: thanks! And yes, I only have evidence that it's been down for a few hours, but I was getting errors from sc.staging that I thought might have been due to this earlier. Sorry for the false alarm16:42
xnoxczajkowski: is there any way for devs to reply to bad reviews in the software center?16:49
czajkowskixnox: hmm16:50
czajkowskicant you also leave feedback there16:50
czajkowskior contact the developer16:50
czajkowskidavmor2: may know more16:50
xnoxczajkowski: it's just some "John" left a bad review, and the developer want to help "John" yet there is no way to contact "John".16:51
xnoxczajkowski: as far as gather. the developer already left a review / "reply to somebody elses problems", and thus can't leave yet another review.16:52
davmor2xnox: Not that I am aware of give me a second though16:53
davmor2xnox: also #software-center would be the better place as it is nothing to do with LP :)16:53
xnoxdavmor2: i really have no idea who/where/what the reviews are done.16:55
davmor2xnox: so NO.  About the best thing he can do is write a review for it answering but you can only write one review per app iirc16:57
davmor2xnox: he will of signed in using SSO but that doesn't mean the user has a lp account, but he might be able to look the user up on LP and see if the users LP page lists contact details16:58
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=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
mmcc`hi, since it's late for c-zajkowski , can anyone else look at why staging.launchpad.net is down? Thanks!18:47
davmor2mmcc`: there is czajkowski and then there is Australia I have no idea when they are on.18:53
dobeygive it a few hours18:54
dobeythen they'll start popping up, like spring daisies18:54
mmcc`:D I'll keep an eye out18:54
davmor2mmcc`: However czajkowski is awesome, but don't tell her I said that!  and will let them know first thing if it isn't up by the time she is :)18:55
czajkowskimmcc`: wont be up for a while18:56
czajkowskimmcc`: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/117044018:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1170440 in Launchpad itself "Staging Launchpad build process is trying to easy_install from internet which is blocked by egress firewall rules" [Critical,Triaged]18:56
mmcc`davmor2: your secret is safe with me18:56
mmcc`czajkowski: ah, ok. thanks - I'll keep an eye on that bug, then.18:56
davmor2mmcc`: See I told you ;)  but mums the word18:57
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Known issues: Staging.launchpad.net is currently down | Requesting ARM builds on PPAs - https://dev.launchpad.net/CommunityARMBuilds | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
wgrantmmcc`: Staging is back22:19
mmcc`wgrant: indeed it is! thanks for the ping :)22:19
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Known issues:-| Requesting ARM builds on PPAs - https://dev.launchpad.net/CommunityARMBuilds | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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