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pitti | Good morning | 05:03 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:02 |
jibel | good morning | 07:00 |
wxl | !bug 1170597 | phillw | 07:26 |
ubot5 | bug 1170597 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "post-beta2 debian-installer in 20130416 requires internet connection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1170597 | 07:26 |
wxl | bah you don't like pipes with bugs, do you, ubot5 ? | 07:26 |
Noskcaj | could someone please confirm bug 1094804 | 07:48 |
ubot5 | bug 1094804 in testdrive (Ubuntu) "iso's from outside testdrive always open in QEMU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1094804 | 07:48 |
Noskcaj | SergioMenesesAFK, smartboyhw. can one of you help me with some testdrive stuff? | 07:54 |
Noskcaj10 | does anyone online have testdrive installed? i need some bugs confirmed | 08:28 |
Noskcaj | does anyone online have testdrive installed? i need some bugs confirmed | 08:50 |
Noskcaj | jibel, psivaa, wxl, pitti: since i know you're online, please read the above post | 08:51 |
Noskcaj | sorry to random ping people | 08:51 |
pitti | I usually just run "kvm -m 1024 ubuntu.iso", I never used testdrive admittedly | 08:52 |
Noskcaj | ok, you should try it, although it has a rather large bug list (at least 50% because of me) | 08:53 |
psivaa | Noskcaj: sorry i don't use testdrive either, although i could start that soon but don't think that will be today | 08:56 |
Noskcaj | psivaa, ok, no problem. hopefully you will like it | 08:57 |
psivaa | :) | 08:58 |
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jibel | Noskcaj, I never used testdrive | 09:17 |
Noskcaj | jibel, :( | 09:17 |
jibel | stgraber, are ubuntu touch images updated automatically on the tracekr? | 09:58 |
jibel | *tracker | 09:58 |
jibel | 20130419 is on cdimage, but 20130418 is on the tracker | 09:59 |
stgraber | jibel: I think they're supposed to but I have no idea whether anyone did the work on nusakan to make it happen | 10:05 |
stgraber | jibel: btw, I "think" I've got a fix for the javascript filtering | 10:06 |
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smartboyhw | Hello balloons:) | 14:24 |
balloons | hello smartboyhw ! | 14:25 |
balloons | how are you this fine evening? | 14:25 |
smartboyhw | balloons: Bah homework:( | 14:25 |
balloons | :-( | 14:25 |
smartboyhw | phillw: plars missed what? | 14:27 |
smartboyhw | balloons: ^ | 14:28 |
plars | smartboyhw: what was said about the status of the images for rc | 14:28 |
smartboyhw | plars: I asked that once:) | 14:28 |
plars | smartboyhw: yes, I see now :) | 14:28 |
smartboyhw | :P | 14:29 |
smartboyhw | Hey SergioMeneses | 14:41 |
SergioMeneses | smartboyhw, morning! | 14:41 |
SergioMeneses | how's everything¿ | 14:41 |
balloons | hello hello | 14:42 |
SergioMeneses | balloons, \o\ | 14:43 |
smartboyhw | SergioMeneses, balloons: :) | 14:44 |
balloons | so lots of exciting stuff | 14:49 |
smartboyhw | balloons: \o/ | 14:49 |
SergioMeneses | balloons, ? | 14:50 |
balloons | new ubuntu touch images, raring is readying for release.. a new uds is coming up, the visualizations are moving ahead | 14:51 |
balloons | there's always more surprises | 14:51 |
SergioMeneses | new UDS /o\ | 14:52 |
smartboyhw | \o/ | 14:55 |
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Noskcaj | does anyone online have testdrive installed? i need some bugs confirmed | 20:24 |
wxl | Noskcaj: since i didn't respond last night (you caught me right as i went to bed), no. sorry. | 20:25 |
Noskcaj | wxl, ok, no problem | 20:25 |
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=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
Noskcaj | as phillw has posted on FB and the mailing list, all daily's from now are essentially RCs, get testing | 21:13 |
phillw | balloons: if you're about, can you update the topic. Thanks. | 21:14 |
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=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam | Now testing raring images until release! iso.qa.ubuntu.com |
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