Seniorita | [Ubuntu Security] USN-1804-1: IcedTea-Web vulnerabilities | 01:16 |
=== andrej is now known as tink|away | ||
=== miha__ is now known as miha | ||
miha | jutro | 07:07 |
mkey | lp | 07:07 |
dz0ny | jutro | 07:17 |
miha | !g test | 07:26 |
Seniorita | - The Global Broadband Speed Test | 07:26 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Tiskalnik na routerju | 07:33 |
Seniorita | [] dz0ny: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 07:40 |
Seniorita | [Ubuntu Security] USN-1805-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities | 07:43 |
miha | sterna: | 07:44 |
Seniorita | Guest Post: Unintended Consequences Are Increasing World Demand For Gold | Zero Hedge | 07:44 |
Seniorita | »With the financial experts claiming, some gleefully, that gold has "lost its safe haven status" in the aftermath of its biggest tumble in 30 years, many commentators thought (hoped?) that the dramatic price drop would steer people away from gold ownership. To my eyes, the past week has all the earmarks of a high-gloss propaganda campaign complete with well-placed anti-gold stories in the media and the careful use of language aimed at sowing doubt abo | 07:44 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 07:49 |
Seniorita | [] dz0ny: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 07:58 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 08:10 |
dz0ny | !t en sl scoping | 08:41 |
Seniorita | ocenjevalni | 08:41 |
miha | | 08:53 |
Seniorita | Suspect in murder of MIT cop dead, 2nd suspect, tied to Boston bombing, at large | Fox News | 08:53 |
Seniorita | »Gunshots reported on MIT campus« | 08:54 |
dz0ny | miha old | 08:54 |
miha | but it's fox | 08:54 |
dz0ny | old guy je mrtev, se je razstrelil | 08:54 |
dz0ny | white hat pa predal | 08:54 |
zdobersek | dz0ny: for realz? | 08:57 |
zdobersek | pa kter je 'old guy'? | 08:57 |
zdobersek | white hat = missing guy? | 08:58 |
dz0ny | the non white hat | 08:58 |
dz0ny | | 08:58 |
dz0ny | nope | 08:58 |
Seniorita | Live updates of Boston Situation [Part 2] : news | 08:58 |
Seniorita | »I hit the max amount of text. I will update this thread* from now on! **IF YOU LIVE IN BOSTON**: Do not go to work! Take a day off, stay inside!. ...« | 08:58 |
dz0ny | dobil so ju ko sta po kampusu nastavljala tiste posode | 08:58 |
dz0ny | pol sta fetala varnostika | 08:59 |
dz0ny | spizdila avto | 08:59 |
dz0ny | in šla v predmestje | 08:59 |
dz0ny | tam so enega ujel | 08:59 |
dz0ny | pa se je razstrelil ker je imel na sebi eksploziv | 08:59 |
dz0ny | ta drug je pobegnil malo metal ročne pa tiste posode | 09:00 |
dz0ny | pol ure so se streljal | 09:00 |
miha | kul | 09:00 |
dz0ny | nato so ga spet zgubil | 09:00 |
miha | to bo dobr film | 09:00 |
dz0ny | potem so pogruntal da se alarmi po hišah prožijo | 09:00 |
dz0ny | tako da so ga potem našli v eni hiši | 09:01 |
dz0ny | kejr se je potem predal | 09:01 |
dz0ny | ene 20 let zgleda star | 09:01 |
dz0ny | lolek en | 09:01 |
miha | lepo, zdj bo 20 let v zaporu, pol pa injekcija ane | 09:01 |
miha | dobr si je to splaniru | 09:02 |
dz0ny | and he speaks arabic | 09:04 |
dz0ny | not | 09:04 |
zdobersek | dz0ny: link? | 09:05 |
dz0ny | | 09:05 |
Seniorita | Live updates of Boston Situation [Part 2] : news | 09:05 |
Seniorita | »I hit the max amount of text. I will update this thread* from now on! **IF YOU LIVE IN BOSTON**: Do not go to work! Take a day off, stay inside!. ...« | 09:05 |
dz0ny | aja enga tipa so pa prijel pa slekel po pomoti | 09:06 |
dz0ny | in že spustil | 09:06 |
zdobersek | nikjer ne najdem, da bi se taziv predal | 09:11 |
zdobersek | aha, belokapi je se ziv | 09:12 |
dz0ny | EDIT 4:44 EDT: "All is well" after a period of silence. | 09:12 |
dz0ny | EDIT 4:43 EDT: Officer heard saying "Get down on your knees". | 09:12 |
zdobersek | 12min staro: | 09:13 |
Seniorita | Twitter / Boston_Police: #CommunityAlert: Residents ... | 09:13 |
Seniorita | »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« | 09:13 |
dz0ny | hm jaz sem sklepal da so ga dobil | 09:14 |
zdobersek | 'sklepal' :> | 09:24 |
zdobersek | CNN tud 'sklepa' :> | 09:24 |
miha | FOX pa vedo! | 09:24 |
zdobersek | zdej se za drugega porocajo, da je hin | 09:25 |
zdobersek | EDIT 5:21 EDT: Second suspect connected with bombing is dead. | 09:25 |
miha | tango down! | 09:27 |
miha | :p !g tango down | 09:27 |
Seniorita | Urban Dictionary: Tango Down | 09:27 |
miha | hm | 09:29 |
zdobersek | EDIT 5:27 EDT: Hospital Press Conference is where they are talking about dead suspect. My TV says "second suspect" but it seems out of date and doesn't look to be "White Hat". | 09:29 |
Seniorita | Twitter / gfdtech: Bližnje srečanje na štajerski ... | 09:29 |
Seniorita | »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« | 09:29 |
zdobersek | | 09:31 |
Seniorita | - Vodja NPU naj bi se pijan usedel za volan in trčil v Darsovo vozilo | 09:31 |
Seniorita | »Šef Nacionalnega preiskovalnega urada naj bi pod vplivom alkohola na avtocesti izgubil nadzor nad vozilom in trčil v Darsov avto. Neuradno naj bi zaradi incidenta že ostal brez pooblastil na NPU.« | 09:31 |
zdobersek | *clap clap* | 09:31 |
miha | še boljš bi blo, če bi šlo za KPKjevca | 09:33 |
zdobersek | se boljs bi blo, ce bi slo za Ljudmilo | 09:35 |
sterna | miha: to bi en rad drago prodal k je peak zamudu :) | 09:42 |
miha | :) | 09:50 |
sterna | sej bitcoin je cist isti klinac | 09:51 |
sterna | tam tvitne | 09:51 |
Seniorita | Twitter / maxkeiser: I'm working with ... | 09:51 |
Seniorita | »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« | 09:51 |
sterna | pol pa dumpne :) | 09:51 |
miha | sterna: lej jst bi sam kovanček pa kovanček dal v šparavček, ne da bi trejdal/prodajal.. pač tko.. mal za okras, mal za zlato rezervo | 09:54 |
miha | pol bi jih pa štel pa gledal :D | 09:55 |
miha | kot iz starih pravljic | 09:55 |
miha | :p | 09:55 |
sasa84 | juhuuu | 09:55 |
miha | dan sasa84 | 09:55 |
sterna | miha: ja sej bitcoin je idealn za to | 09:56 |
sasa84 | mihko ;) | 09:56 |
sterna | pac cenejs ga je kupvat pa shranjevat | 09:56 |
sasa84 | živjo sterna, dz0ny , lynxlynxlynx ... | 09:56 |
miha | sterna: ti gledaš pa šteješ bitcoine? | 09:56 |
sasa84 | a zdobersek tukej? ;) | 09:56 |
sterna | miha: ne | 09:56 |
lynxlynxlynx | ojla | 09:56 |
dz0ny | hi | 09:56 |
sterna | okol 250 jih mam zdej stashed | 09:56 |
sterna | z ene 15-50 coini pa trejdam mal za foro | 09:56 |
dz0ny | a je reddit crknu? | 10:01 |
miha | | 10:04 |
Seniorita | - Is Reddit Down Right Now? | 10:04 |
Seniorita | »Having problems with website today? Check whether Reddit server is up or down right now for everyone or just for you.« | 10:04 |
zdobersek | sasa84: ayo | 10:06 |
dz0ny | miha: fake toel je real | 10:07 |
Seniorita | Twitter / redditstatus: We are working on recovering ... | 10:07 |
Seniorita | »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« | 10:07 |
zdobersek | fwiw, Daft Punk je dal Get Lucky ven | 10:07 |
dz0ny | s/toel/tole | 10:07 |
zdobersek | in kdo in zakaj qrca bi ddosal reddit? | 10:08 |
dz0ny | zdobersek: nc psoebnega se mi ne zdi | 10:11 |
zdobersek | me zanima, ce je zarad teh live reportov | 10:12 |
dz0ny | hm, verjetno | 10:13 |
miha | | 10:36 |
Seniorita | Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ cover designer Storm Thorgerson dies aged 69 | The Raw Story | 10:36 |
sterna | o njem sm pa ful prebral | 10:36 |
dz0ny | huh Marathon Bombers are from Russia if it is real | 10:45 |
zdobersek | tko pravi CNN? | 10:46 |
dz0ny | tko pravi tip ki je urejal reddit | 10:46 |
dz0ny | | 10:47 |
Seniorita | Twitter / JpDeathBlade: Boston Update: Marathon Bombers ... | 10:47 |
Seniorita | »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« | 10:47 |
dz0ny | Harvard University is closed due to public safety concerns. | 10:49 |
dz0ny | | 10:49 |
Seniorita | Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Killed, Another On The Loose | 10:49 |
Seniorita | »WATERTOWN, Mass. - A violent crime spree across Greater Boston that took the lives of a campus police officer and one of the suspects in the Marathon bombings morphed into a desperate door-to-door search for a man believed to be the second bomber in Monday’s dual blasts. After a string of explosions and volleys of gunfire that seriously injured a transit officer, police cordoned off much of Watertown, Mass. Residents were ordered to “shelter in p | 10:49 |
dz0ny | ker clusterfuck imajo | 10:50 |
zdobersek | a clusterfuck it is | 11:00 |
miha | | 11:48 |
Seniorita | Twitter / shawna_england: View from my house...crazy ... | 11:48 |
Seniorita | »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« | 11:48 |
dz0ny | one of them | 11:53 |
Seniorita | Djohar Tsarnaev | VK | 11:53 |
Seniorita | »Djohar Tsarnaev, Boston, USA. Graduated from �1 in 2001, ���������. Log in or sign up to contact Djohar Tsarnaev or find more of your friends.« | 11:53 |
miha | | 11:56 |
Seniorita | Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt | 11:56 |
miha | dz0ny: ka se zdj ti rusi grejo? | 11:58 |
sterna | napadajo ameriko | 11:58 |
sterna | z ekonomlonci :) | 11:59 |
dz0ny | | 11:59 |
miha | | 12:06 |
Seniorita | Why the Boston Marathon Bombers May Have Attacked | Praxis | Big Think | 12:06 |
Seniorita | »Now that the two suspects Monday’s horrific bombing have been identified, attention turns to their motive. Why would two brothers from the troubled region of Chechnya, a republic of Russia, move to the United States and plan to detonate bombs in Boston on Patriot's Day? Here is a very raw, very ...« | 12:06 |
CrazyLemon | je kdo že probal te nove okuse red bulla? :) | 12:07 |
miha | ja | 12:07 |
miha | rdeč mi ni všeč. moder pa srebrn sta pa dobra. | 12:07 |
CrazyLemon | kateri je najbolsi | 12:07 |
miha | probi | 12:08 |
miha | nobenmu nč ne fali, sam brusnica (rdeč) mi ni všeč | 12:08 |
miha | na sploh | 12:08 |
miha | moder: borovnica, srebrn: limona | 12:08 |
LorD_DDooM | Moder>srebrni>rdeč | 12:08 |
LorD_DDooM | Zaprobat so pa vsi | 12:08 |
CrazyLemon | js sm modrega zdej kupu | 12:10 |
dz0ny | CrazyLemon: kaj znano ? :) | 12:15 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny cisto nic.. pa tebi ;) | 12:16 |
dz0ny | un alert o misconfigured ssl | 12:16 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny nisem blond.. i can smell a hint a mile away :D | 12:18 |
CrazyLemon | en z morsa na | 12:18 |
miha | cyberwarfare? | 12:19 |
CrazyLemon | we'll see :D | 12:20 |
dz0ny | ukrajinci tud :) | 12:24 |
dz0ny | pa nemci | 12:24 |
CrazyLemon | prav sram me je kje vse se je znajdu link zaradi dokuwikija | 12:25 |
CrazyLemon | spiderji pa še kr indexirajo | 12:25 |
dz0ny | na froogle web tools lahko naložiš listo teh strani | 12:25 |
dz0ny | hm kaj je šele na forumu | 12:26 |
dz0ny | v bistvu bi se dal pogledat | 12:26 |
dz0ny | a nardim? | 12:26 |
CrazyLemon | kaj? | 12:26 |
dz0ny | da pokaže tudi z foruma | 12:26 |
CrazyLemon | ne ni treba | 12:27 |
dz0ny | ok | 12:29 |
CrazyLemon | RB borovnica je res kul | 12:47 |
LorD_DDooM | Enjoy you're insomnia! | 12:50 |
CrazyLemon | good..ker pol itak moram v LJ :) | 12:50 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 13:26 |
CrazyLemon | | 13:51 |
Seniorita | Copy-Paste from Website to Terminal | 13:51 |
miha | | 14:04 |
Seniorita | Models Catch Head Lice on Heidi Klum Show Germanys Next Top Models - SPIEGEL ONLINE | 14:04 |
Seniorita | »Contestants on Heidi Klum's hit show "Germany's Next Top Model" are scratching their heads over where they picked up lice, Thursday night's episode revealed. At least two of the young women are battling the itchy parasites, much to their revulsion.« | 14:04 |
miha | | 14:10 |
Seniorita | What You Need To Know About Chechnya And The Boston Bombing Suspects | Alternet | 14:10 |
Seniorita | »Ethnicity doesn't indicate any defined motives or ties to possible groups, but it gives us some hints about the suspects' backgrounds.« | 14:10 |
Seniorita | [Web Upd8] Andrew: FBMessenger: Stand-Alone Facebook Messenger For Linux | 14:27 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 14:32 |
Seniorita | [] CrazyLemon: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 14:35 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 14:46 |
zdobersek | | 15:30 |
Seniorita | Password Minder Infomercial - YouTube | 15:30 |
Seniorita | » Takes brass balls to make something like the Password Minder infomercial! Find more hilariou...« | 15:30 |
Seniorita | [OMG! Ubuntu!] 10 Best Ubuntu 13.04 Features – From Social Lens to Window Snapping | 15:35 |
Seniorita | [] dz0ny: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 15:38 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 15:48 |
Seniorita | [Web Upd8] Andrew: Cloud Sync Tool `Seafile` 1.6.0 Gets Improved Collaboration Features | 15:52 |
Seniorita | [] dz0ny: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 15:54 |
Seniorita | [] Bob: Re: Tiskalnik na routerju | 15:55 |
dz0ny | maxipin: maš ti usb ruter, ma to kak dmesg na stock fw? | 15:57 |
zdobersek | WTF | 16:25 |
Seniorita | Twitter / NateBell4AR: I wonder how many Boston liberals ... | 16:25 |
Seniorita | »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« | 16:25 |
zdobersek | pffffffff | 17:30 |
Seniorita | Sympatiat Bostoniin | Naamapalmu | 17:30 |
CrazyLemon | | 18:41 |
Seniorita | Katja Šulc - There Will Be Boys (HD) - YouTube | 18:41 |
Seniorita | »Katja Sulc - There Will Be Boys Music production: PIER (RIS, BADMOOD REC. RDYO DJs) Video director: Miha Knific DOP: Aljoša Korenčan Second camera: Tiln Hobi...« | 18:41 |
sasa84 | | 18:46 |
Seniorita | How to install Burg boot loader in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail & LinuxMint| Unixmen | 18:46 |
sasa84 | šekši! | 18:46 |
CrazyLemon | sasa84 dont "fix" it if its not broken | 18:47 |
sasa84 | CrazyLemon, nism nč inš zakaj? da neb kej zj*, k kul dela :P | 18:47 |
CrazyLemon | sasa84 zajeb.. boš ziher | 18:47 |
sasa84 | sej to :\ | 18:48 |
CrazyLemon | burg zna fajn zajeb... stvar | 18:48 |
sasa84 | pa take stvari se mi zdi d ti sam bootanje podalšajo | 18:48 |
CrazyLemon | vsaj tko je bilo ko sem bil še mlad :p | 18:48 |
sasa84 | dragi moj CrazyLemon Mišilemon...kok stvari sem se že jst od tebe naučila... :$ | 18:48 |
sasa84 | CrazyLemon, GuruLimun | 18:48 |
CrazyLemon | sasa84 MojitoLemon | 18:49 |
CrazyLemon | fyi..mojito fruc.. not that good | 18:49 |
sasa84 | hm...cuba libre? jst mam kr rada cuba libre | 18:49 |
sasa84 | ok, sej ej podobno sranje :P | 18:49 |
sasa84 | in kaj sem se jaz od cuba libre in mojita naučila? ne pij več kot je potrebno :P | 18:49 |
CrazyLemon | FRUC mojito! | 18:50 |
CrazyLemon | ne mojito mojito | 18:50 |
sasa84 | sm vidla reklamo, nism še pila..nekok me ni prepriču | 18:50 |
sasa84 | 1x bom probala d vidm | 18:51 |
CrazyLemon | sasa84 dont dobr..kot sm že omenu | 18:53 |
CrazyLemon | raje probaj redbull borovnica | 18:53 |
sasa84 | mene po redbullu včasih buši boli :( | 18:53 |
zdobersek | PEOPLE OF #ubuntu-si | 18:54 |
sasa84 | jouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu | 18:54 |
sasa84 | wassaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap zdobersek | 18:54 |
sasa84 | že mal pozn za kofe a? | 18:54 |
sasa84 | jst bi ga vseen :P | 18:55 |
sasa84 | ma zdobersek moj zlatkan fant | 18:55 |
zdobersek | sasa84: dejma jutr ;) | 18:55 |
* sasa84 stisne zdobersek ko kšna stara teta | 18:55 | |
sasa84 | povej zdobersek, kako živiš... zdravje, šport, kultura...? | 18:56 |
zdobersek | sasa84: kul, kul, kul! | 18:57 |
dz0ny | CrazyLemon: kakšen movie priporočaš? | 19:02 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny the guilt trip | 20:12 |
CrazyLemon | pa jack reacher | 20:12 |
dz0ny | thx 2nd sem že pogledal | 20:13 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny in? :) | 20:13 |
dz0ny | nič posebnega | 20:14 |
zdobersek | tom kruz sucks donkey balls | 20:15 |
dz0ny | oblivion je še vedno kul | 20:17 |
dz0ny | ker je pomankanje sf | 20:17 |
Seniorita | [] ales: težave ob posodobitvi programske opreme | 21:11 |
Seniorita | [] dz0ny: Re: težave ob posodobitvi programske opreme | 21:26 |
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