[05:05] (.)(.) [05:05] __ [05:27] morning people rise and shine [05:42] mornin kilos [05:42] morning trender [05:42] hi superfly and others [05:42] os i wonder when our banks are gonna collapse [05:43] it looks like we are gonna go back to gold and silver coins [06:13] morning [06:13] I think [06:14] least I assume so [06:14] though it's dark outside [06:15] hi Squirm looks like big rain coming [06:15] hope some reaches us [06:15] need lotsa water here or gonna be a bad winter [06:21] snowed on the berg yesterday [06:49] Kilos: it rained yesterday. it's been raining since I woke up [06:49] still is [06:50] just had a few drops here just now [06:50] hi henkj [06:50] hi kilos [07:03] good mornings [07:16] morning inetpro [08:22] hi Vince-0 zeref [08:22] Hi Kilos, Tinuva [08:23] busy trolling #linux on ShadowFire [08:25] Ohai [08:25] I would like to get all the Linux type peeps in one place - there is no "master" mail-list for Linux in ZA is there? [08:25] * skillpiG pokes Tinuva [08:25] hi skillpiG [08:26] Kilos, look!Found more people [08:26] I will make you regret that [08:26] :p [08:26] ohi Tinuva welcome to ubuntu-za [08:26] I have a natural effect on people [08:26] more like, digital. [08:27] hi skillpiG welcome to ubuntu-za [08:27] skillpiG, tell your friends - we need to grow the ZA Linux community [08:27] tell us about yourselvews [08:28] yourselves as well [08:28] yes Vince-0 [08:28] I have no friends [08:28] http://bit.ly/MCOujZ [08:28] don't even know why Tinuva is talking to me [08:29] thats the mailing list [08:30] Kilos, I'm on the ubuntu-za list but can it be called the go to place for Linux for ZA [08:30] lol [08:31] if they dont push ubuntu to one side i dont see why not [08:31] inetpro: what you think? [08:32] everyone linux is welcome here so i dont see that the list should not be a part of the US [08:32] often linux peeps can help ubuntu users [08:33] yep [08:34] lets just hear what the pro and fly say but i feel they are welcome [08:34] but then they must say morning to me when i greet inna morn [08:35] hehe [08:35] ha [08:35] are they from your lug Vince-0 [08:35] ? [08:36] good day Kilos [08:39] Kilos, nope - just joined #linux on ShadowFire and started rambling [08:39] made 7 people upset [08:39] try to ignite a vim/emacs flamewar [08:39] this will start an epic e-battle [08:39] SHADOWFIRE vs FREENODE [08:40] freenode wins, [08:41] for a global context anyways [08:41] but no wars here, we are a peaceful channel [08:42] hehe Kilos, you starting a war again? [08:42] no inetpro read about the list [08:42] :-) [08:42] with Vince-0 s suggestion we will grow methinks [08:43] I must be honest I don't think ubuntu-za is the place for all linux peeps, there are lots of them who can't stand ubuntu [08:44] inetpro, that is very true but it doesn't help to be at all exclusive in a smaller community (ZA) [08:44] well us "dumb ubuntu users" need a channel somewhere [08:44] lots of more generic linux stuff used to be discussed on the Gauteng Linux User Group (GLUG) mailing lists [08:44] I'm on the various LUG mail-lists [08:45] I'm making a local communities page on the DBNLUG site to list all the channels of comms [08:45] clugs got some good links [08:45] I'm mnot trying to make ubuntu-za exclusive at all but I just think we should try as much as possible to keep focussed on stuff that works on Ubuntu [08:47] while the fact that it's a .za forum does makes it a bit broader than just a regional based user group [08:48] I don't have a problem with generic linux discussions, but I'm not the boss here [08:48] true, context here is important as it is with the LUGs - we've chatted about this context thing here before [08:49] I'd just like to see everyone involved with *nix, FLOSS in one place so there might be a big conference type event [08:49] all I see is TechEd - yawn [08:50] good to see some activity here [08:50] not sure whether we'll ever have a huge croud in here at once [08:50] not everyone uses IRC [08:50] everyone that matters use IRC [08:51] no, but at least an association - Email is ubiquitous [08:51] and that is law. [08:52] oh, scale-conf is on right now but I couldn't get there [08:52] ubiquitous is a big word, Kiloswat beteken dit? [08:52] Maaz: define ubiquitous [08:52] inetpro: Ubiquitous \U*biq"ui*tous\ ([-u]*b[i^]k"w[i^]*t[u^]s), a. [See {Ubiquity}.] Existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent. -- {U*biq"ui*tous*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] In this sense is he ubiquitous. --R. D. Hitchcock. [1913 Webster], ubiquitous adj 1: being present everywhere at once [syn: {omnipresent}, [08:52] {ubiquitous}] [08:52] meer mense gebruik dit as IRC [08:52] ahh... true [08:54] the sad reality is that with social media we just have way to many distractions these days [08:54] * Vince-0 busy reading past the 3rd page of Google search results for Linux in pages for South Africa [08:54] Maaz: define ubiquity [08:54] Kilos: Ubiquity \U*biq"ui*ty\ ([-u]*b[i^]k"w[i^]*t[y^]), n. [L. ubique everywhere, fr. ubi where, perhaps for cubi, quobi (cf. alicubi anywhere), and if so akin to E. who: cf. F. ubiquit['e].] 1. Existence everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresence; as, the ubiquity of God is not disputed by those who admit his existence. [1913 Webster] The arms [08:54] of Rome . . . were impeded by . . . the wide spaces to be traversed and the ubiquity of t… [08:54] ya, social usually means brain rot if you stare at it long enough [08:55] * inetpro gets way to many emails per day, so tend to stay away from huge email discussions [08:55] mail-lists tend to be a bit clumsy especially with digest subject headers [08:56] true [08:56] digets are awful [08:56] you just want to filter mailing lists into folders, and use a decent e-mail client [08:56] don't be afraid of getting thousands of e-mail a day [08:56] but what are the options? A myBB forum?: busy looking at Linux forum on mybroadband [08:57] forms are horrible because you have to go and look at them [08:57] tumbleweed [08:57] * inetpro agrees with tumbleweed [08:57] I remember that name [08:57] perhaps in a mumble channel, with demonik [08:58] ohi [09:00] ha inetpro ctrl+R is really helpful hey? [09:00] ty [09:01] skillpiG: naah, never used mumble in my life [09:01] I don't believe you [09:01] I will greet you as the same person that was on mumble [09:02] Vince-0: what are you planning to achieve by having all Linux type peeps in one place? [09:02] zombie nodes [09:02] DDoS the government [09:02] :-) [09:03] ai! [09:04] good luck with that... [09:05] inetpro, just a ZA Linux community entity - imagine there was a computer expo with a bit Linux contingent - geeks would need to know [09:06] talking about geeks [09:06] there seems to be very little corporate interest in any Linux community, which is a bit counter-intuitive for fostering open culture and all that [09:06] anyone here running an AMD piledriver with ubuntu ? [09:07] Vince-0: I think it was with kmf at the helm of it we tried this with floss.pro [09:07] having some trouble with 12.10 [09:09] hmm... there was something about amd the other day here [09:09] i cant scroll back so far [09:10] inetpro, what's kmf and floss.pro [09:11] kmf is a nick and floss.pro is a channel on irc [09:11] Vince-0: kmf = Karl Fisher who used to have hist own microblogging site running at http://floss.pro [09:11] and a site methinks [09:11] and in fact we still have the irc channel #floss.pro [09:12] ah yes, I looked at that before [09:12] Vince-0: but not much happened there for a very long time [09:13] even back then it became very clear to me that it will always be very difficult to get everyone talking on a single platform [09:13] s/platform/medium/ [09:14] but obviously we should not give up trying [09:19] Vince-0: most of those who were on floss.pro ended up just using twitter [09:19] social is never one platform [09:20] the nice thing about using something like twitter is that you are free to talk about any subject [09:21] I check the Twit occasionally [09:22] I think a mail-list is the lowest common denominator [09:22] always [09:23] unfortunately that is still true [09:23] ey it's good enough for the Linux kernel devs [09:24] would be nice to have a sizable Linux contingent at something like Rage [09:25] does Rage overlook people with their own PCs and pirate software? [09:26] I believe so [09:26] I don't think they have the right to inspect people's software before allowing them in [09:26] could be a tedious process [09:27] and lose 90% of their league competitors [09:28] the alternative is have the pirate busters show up and start breaking people's games [09:28] and pr0n [09:29] haha [09:29] I rate, if you want to attend a LAN like rAge, you should go with a small - medium crowd of people playing the same game [09:29] to have fun with your mates etc [09:29] copying you can do at home [09:30] unless you go to fill up 10TB [09:30] I don't even know what you want to do with 10TB of movies and series :| [09:30] or the alternative is to go to rAge [09:30] to pick up those hot sponsor girls [09:31] ha, I'm sure they get sick of geeks hitting on them - the ratio is like 1000:1 [09:45] busy reading about makululinux.com - from Mybroadband forums, which has a very active Linux sub-forum [09:49] saw that a while ago on newshost [09:49] looks like a nice idea [09:51] yep, and local too - the guy deserves some support and feedback [09:52] Vince-0: how far can you scroll back [09:52] there is a special ubuntu for amd i think the weed said [09:53] Kilos: what are you looking for? [09:53] skillpiG: having probs with 12.10 on a amd inetpro [09:54] ha, Kilos - a couple of days in this client [09:54] oh, in gnome-term I use like 100k lines [09:54] was maybe 4 or 5 back with that amd toy of trender s [09:54] Kilos: 13/04 13:50:48 Kilos have another pc with an amd 980mhz chip and a nvidia card [09:54] there was a link for ubuntu and amd [09:55] it was a pretty weird problem [09:55] top reports 100% cpu utilization [09:55] but everyone responds fairly immediate [09:55] and then it shuts down [09:55] not the temperature or power [09:55] ai! [09:55] works stable in windows 8 [09:56] googling dont give me that amd ubuntu link [09:57] Kilos, search online logs? [09:57] hehe Vince-0 my eye reads too slow [09:57] will take forever [09:57] egrep! [09:57] maybe we ask tumbleweed [09:58] Kilos: Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com [09:58] the link for ubuntu and amd please tumbleweed [09:58] ai! [09:58] 4 or 5 days [09:58] Kilos: eh? [09:58] ill be here another 2 just trying to read [09:59] tumbleweed: do you have that link for ubuntu onto a amd pc please [09:59] Kilos: there's nothing special about AMD processors [10:00] house4hack is having their Ubuntu Raring release party in Randburg on the 4th of May [10:01] oh my im sure i read something about it uses other kernel stuff or something here [10:01] ai! [10:01] maybe i dreamed it [10:03] or maybe i was on maverick at the time [10:03] sigh [10:08] there's never really been anything spceial about AMD CPUs, they are clones of Intel CPUs [10:08] AMD invented the 64bit x86 architecture, so we call it amd64 [10:09] but Intel support it too [10:09] so, really, nothing special [10:11] ah ty tumbleweed === highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage [10:32] aw skillpig shoulda looked at what is using 100% cpu === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [14:03] ohi superfly [14:03] you been busy hey [14:05] yes, at a conference, along with tumbleweed and a few others [14:12] ah [14:13] aw shame and i bothered him, say im sorry please [14:13] Kilos: no problem at all. I'm sitting with a laptop on my lap [14:13] I have way more time for IRC when I'm at conferences, then normally :) [14:14] ty but you guys should just let us know if you doing things like that [14:14] lol [14:15] * tumbleweed is getting through huge mountains of e-mail too [14:15] hehe [14:16] are they talking been there done that stuff [14:17] actually a really good talk on SKA right now [14:17] (last talk of the conference) [14:18] http://scaleconf.org/schedule === Zarw is now known as frootloops === frootloops is now known as Zarw === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [15:42] hi Trix[a]r_za Cantide [15:42] hello :) [15:42] and Zarw [15:43] he never acknowledges === Cantide is now known as Caneat [16:03] wbb after storm === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za === Caneat is now known as CanAFK [17:16] hmm... [17:16] evening all [17:25] G'd eve === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [19:30] night all. sleep tight === CanAFK is now known as Cantide [20:34] (.)(.) [20:34] __ [20:34] are those breasts or eyes? [20:35] :) [20:35] just checking for signs of life man [20:35] yes i can asure you [20:35] eyes [20:36] ey the linux okes are a serious bunch :) [20:37] 22:30 on a Friday evening? People have social lives [20:38] some do yea [20:38] i dont try work to hard [20:38] more smarter that harder [20:38] than [20:39] but i keep strange hours [20:57] beetroot sarmies anyone ? [22:01] Hello