[00:14] mhall119: pong [00:14] hey :) [00:18] tiagoscd: hey, you've got a work item on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1303-revamping-ubuntu-community-pages [00:19] still marked as TODO [00:19] trying to clean up WI's for this cycle [00:21] is that something you think you'll have time to do this month? [00:21] if not, you can mark it as POSTPONED [00:21] but I know dholbach could really use the help on those [00:22] mhall119: fine, I think that I've no much free time, as I said on email, but I think that I can pick one or two pages to revamp [00:23] tiagoscd: thanks man! [00:24] mhall119: I'll send an email for dholbach right now checking about it, thanks for remember [00:28] :) [00:29] thanks tiagoscd, I know he'll be happy to get the help [00:35] mhall119: great, I replied it asking two pad pages [00:37] mhall119: let me ask you [00:38] could you send what was discussed at that hangout with webapps devs? === balloons_ is now known as balloons === balloons is now known as Guest92449 === mcs_ is now known as matt_symes === tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson === popey_ is now known as popey === czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski [08:13] morning [09:23] dpm clearly has a strange Planet Ubuntu feed. [09:23] His latest posts are ones about 2012:O [13:21] smartboyhw: can i ask why you joined https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-online-tour-team ? [13:25] popey, can't I join [13:26] I'm asking why you'd want to [13:27] popey, because I think I will want to help making the online tour. [13:28] But let me translate it first:P [13:28] I mean the 12.04 one [13:28] I want to make sure you're joining the right team [13:29] because that team was setup purely to have that ppa [13:29] popey, eh? [13:29] :O [13:30] what 12.04 one? [13:31] popey, http://davidplanella.org/get-the-ubuntu-online-tour-on-your-loco-site/ [13:31] ... [13:33] great [13:33] i dont think you need to be a member of that team in order to translate [13:33] do you? [13:33] popey, if I am only translating I wouldn't want to join the team would I?:P [13:33] * smartboyhw really wants to do it for 13.04 and after. [13:34] well, this is why I am asking. [13:34] i dont think the tour has been updated for 13.04 and after [13:34] and still, you dont need to join the team to do that. [13:34] popey, ;O [13:35] the instructions on dpm's site don't indicate you have to? Or am I mistaken? [13:35] popey, I don't have to. [13:38] ok, anything else I can help with? [13:38] nothing. [13:38] popey, :) [13:39] popey, good BBQ BTW:P [13:39] heh :0 [13:39] er ☻ [13:39] * popey is sat next to it in the garden ☻ [13:39] LOL [13:40] popey: make the most of it ;) === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw === huats_ is now known as huats === toddyhb is now known as kill === kill is now known as toddyhb === toddyhb is now known as toddy