
pleia2summary writer email sent out03:33
pleia2I'll probably be able to do most of the prep this weekend03:33
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I'm going to give you a shell account on my community server so you can run the scripts without the whitespace problem, please send me your preferred username and public ssh key when you have a chance :)03:34
Unit193Ooooh!  Free shell account!03:35
smartboyhwpleia2, if you have any spare time do me a flavour and review my wordings for the UWN draft:P15:32
pleia2smartboyhw: a lot of these are really short again15:41
smartboyhwpleia2, grrr.15:41
pleia2like in the "10 Best Ubuntu 13.04 Features" you want to say what some of them are15:41
* smartboyhw leaves them for the other people.15:41
smartboyhwNo time to fix, sleep!15:41
pleia2people won't touch them since they will think they are done already15:41
pleia2I'll need to fix them all :(15:41
pleia2I've tried to explain this to you before, the summaries need to do more than just repeat what the article title is in different words15:42
smartboyhwpleia2, extremely sorry:(15:43
pleia2I highly encourage you to take more time on each one and leave some of the work for others instead of doing everything quickly like this15:43
* smartboyhw posts a reminder to self at the computer.15:43
pleia2doing them all quickly just makes more work for me15:43
smartboyhwpleia2, OK15:43
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
Pendulumsmartboyhw: when I do summaries, I generally figure they should be about a paragraph (so about 4 sentences). And they really do require reading the entire article. I'd had summaries longer than that for longer articles (it's hard to get 8 pages into 4 sentences), but you can't really get a good summary in less than a paragraph18:05
Pendulum*I have done summaries longer18:05
skellatNew summary for Burning Circle 110: "The  newly appointed Leader for Ubuntu Ohio, Stephen Michael Kellat, talks  about the on-going Membership Awareness Poll as an effort to gauge what  members are actually out there.  Mention is given as to preparing for a  possible UbuCon at Ohio Linux Fest 2013.  The leader declared at the end  that he intends to set up IRC office hours but has come to no decision  yet in that regard."18:14
PendulumDid we start summarizing podcasts? We used to just post the notes provided by the podcasters18:40
pleia2thanks Pendulum and skellat :)20:50
=== toddyhb is now known as kill
=== kill is now known as toddyhb
=== toddyhb is now known as toddy
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: ping23:27
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: pong23:28
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: mind a PM to send the info?23:28
pleia2go for it23:30

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