wilee-nilee | no problem | 00:01 |
tsukasa_ | hey guys | 00:09 |
tsukasa_ | quick question | 00:09 |
tsukasa_ | is any dev working on the htc one s at this moment | 00:09 |
tsukasa_ | ? | 00:09 |
tsukasa_ | i am asking this because i might be able to help in the development | 00:14 |
FUF | so, following instructions here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/243/builds/42413/downloads | 00:55 |
FUF | on grouper, once the flash is completed and the device reboots, after the initial Google boot logo, the device powers off. | 00:56 |
FUF | i.e. phablet-flash completes, devices reboots into recovery and flashes, then reboots again and the device powers off after initial Google logo. | 00:57 |
FUF | any thoughts, anyone? | 00:57 |
Steve____ | Hi team | 02:11 |
solstag | hi there | 03:01 |
solstag | Ni! | 03:01 |
solstag | im trying to install via manual procedure in a galaxy nexus | 03:02 |
solstag | anyone had success with that? | 03:02 |
solstag | im trying to understand what the "adb push" commands do, since they dont seem to do nothing but transfer a file... : P | 03:02 |
solstag | also, my galaxy nexus isnt recognized by adb in recovery mode | 03:02 |
solstag | should I just apply those adb push commands under a normal boot? | 03:03 |
wilee-nilee | solstag, Are you using the install wiki? | 03:03 |
solstag | any ideas would be appreciated | 03:03 |
solstag | yes, im using the install wiki | 03:03 |
solstag | wilee-nilee: ˆ | 03:04 |
wilee-nilee | solstag, You added the phablet ppa and apps? | 03:04 |
solstag | thats the problem, i dont have an ubuntu machine handy right now | 03:04 |
solstag | so im trying the manual install procedure | 03:04 |
solstag | at the end of the install wiki page | 03:05 |
wilee-nilee | solstag, Ah, there is a manual install from that wiki from ubuntu, thought you meant that, that is about the limit of my help. | 03:05 |
solstag | wilee-nilee: ah, ok, thank you very much anyway +) | 03:06 |
solstag | hopefully someone else who has some understanding reads this... | 03:06 |
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harris | will it come to galaxy tab 2 10.1 | 03:47 |
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user82 | hello all. can i just install ubuntu touch with clockworkmod recovery via "factory reset/wipe all" and "install zip from sdcard"? | 07:39 |
STEI | hello | 07:43 |
kirix | hello | 07:48 |
kirix | has anyone else had trouble with " phablet-flash –alternate-settings raring_settings.py | 07:49 |
rigved | hi everyone | 07:58 |
rigved | using the new raring images, is it possible apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 07:58 |
wilee-nilee | rigved, A dist-upgrade is not a release upgrade | 08:00 |
kirix | do I need to specify my device with "phablet-flash -alternative-settings raring_settings.py"? | 08:10 |
=== popey_ is now known as popey | ||
kirix | guess I need to try to manually install raring | 08:12 |
rigved | wilee-nilee: what i mean is is that do i need to flash the daily image to get a new version or is it possible to get updates via apt-get? | 08:13 |
=== doubleW is now known as Double_W | ||
Double_W | can samsung galaxy gt-i8150 use ubuntu touch? | 08:16 |
wilee-nilee | rigved, You can get apt-get updates yeah, but the images may have changes not included in a update at times I suspect. | 08:18 |
kirix | /home/kirix/Desktop/unltlauncher100.sh | 08:19 |
kirix | oops | 08:19 |
kirix | had to put android back on my phone. im too dumb to upgrade developers preview to raring | 08:24 |
ogra_ | just use the manual method from the install wikipage then ... its not hard, its only 4 commands | 08:26 |
kirix | thanks | 08:32 |
user82 | sorry for asking again. can i just install ubuntu touch with clockworkmod recovery via "factory reset/wipe all" and "install zip from sdcard"? | 08:46 |
kirix | user82: right now im pushing the raring files to the SD card in recovery and going to try installing zip from sd card in Clockwork Recovery | 08:48 |
kirix | that worked | 09:04 |
user82 | kirix thank you for the information | 09:10 |
user82 | kirix what did you need to do? full wipe/factory reset? | 09:10 |
kirix | i "adb push" raring-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip and raring-preinstalled-armel+maguro.zip and installed those two in order | 09:18 |
kirix | i think i got raring on there, i cant find the version indicator inside ubuntu touch | 09:18 |
user82 | okay thanks. i wanted to do that without adb | 09:20 |
kirix | yeah i barely understand it | 09:20 |
kirix | it's still in test phase not for dumb people who ask too many questions | 09:21 |
Meizirkki | hey | 10:14 |
Meizirkki | I was wondering, what exactly is so different between android and ubuntu kernels? | 10:15 |
Namidairo | Meizirkki: currently? the defconfig. | 10:19 |
Meizirkki | I was thinking the standard ubuntu kernel and the standard android kernel. As in, are there some things that make them incompatible besides the drivers for individual hardware? | 10:22 |
Meizirkki | Or am I totally lost here? | 10:29 |
=== netcurli_ is now known as netcurli | ||
Meizirkki | What I'm wondering here is why can't the normal ubuntu arm release work if an android kernel is just dropped in | 10:31 |
Meizirkki | This is maybe the wrong channel to ask as it has nothing to do with ubuntu touch | 10:31 |
Meizirkki | :P | 10:31 |
ogra_ | yeah, #ubuntu-arm might be better | 10:35 |
urbanslug | Hey guys is there a way I can run ubuntu touch inside Linux Mint | 11:09 |
smartboyhw | urbanslug, do it yourself... | 11:10 |
smartboyhw | You can ask the Linux Mint devs | 11:11 |
urbanslug | Thanks | 11:13 |
gammie | how do i install ubuntu on samsung galaxy s1? | 11:14 |
urbanslug | Linux Mint devs? Okay I've been programming for just six months and I feel confident enough to try my own ideas on it. | 11:15 |
smartboyhw | gammie, please look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/galaxysmtd | 11:19 |
poutine | There doesn't appear to be a toro in here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/20130420/ any reason why? | 11:30 |
smartboyhw | poutine, toro? | 11:31 |
poutine | verizon galaxy nexus | 11:31 |
smartboyhw | Which device are you specifically talking about? | 11:31 |
poutine | they're all labeled by their sushi name, figured that was common nomenclature | 11:31 |
smartboyhw | poutine, erm Galaxy Nexus I think means the normal one. | 11:32 |
poutine | This is a normal one, this is built off cyanogenmod, why couldn't the cyanogenmod for the toro be used? | 11:32 |
smartboyhw | poutine, if you seriously want one you have to port it yourself | 11:33 |
smartboyhw | oh wait | 11:33 |
poutine | Ok I will look into it | 11:33 |
smartboyhw | poutine, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=38294870 | 11:33 |
smartboyhw | I think that's the toro thread for porting | 11:33 |
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Oranger | mhall119: Hey ! Thank you for your branch ! :) There is still an error because qt5-qmake and qt-chooser are virtual packages, i'm trying to fix it | 12:12 |
mybro | hello everyone | 12:23 |
mybro | getting strange errors when I attempt to flash the latest Dev Preview | 12:24 |
mybro | http://pastebin.com/VVhYQvs7 | 12:24 |
mybro | Nexus 4 - Did a clean install of 4.2.2., enabled USB debugging, device shows up in adb | 12:24 |
mybro | any ideas? | 12:25 |
mybro | the actual error is in the pastebin I just typed in.... | 12:25 |
ogra_ | did you follow the exact steps on the wiki ? | 12:25 |
mybro | This time I used the ones on the ISO testing site | 12:26 |
mybro | http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/243/builds/42607/downloads | 12:26 |
mybro | though I doublechecked the preparatory steps on the wiki | 12:26 |
mybro | didn't run into this problem back in Feb when I flashed the original build | 12:27 |
ogra_ | well, you are obviously missing one :) | 12:27 |
ogra_ | go through them again | 12:27 |
mybro | ok, checking again... | 12:27 |
sergiusens | mybro: ogra_ if you are flashing from an android OS you need to add -b | 12:29 |
sergiusens | to the flash | 12:29 |
sergiusens | the instructions on isotracker are for people already using ubuntu touch | 12:29 |
mybro | sergiusens: Thanks. I didn't realize that | 12:29 |
mybro | my internet connection is horribly slow, so it takes about 4 hours each try if the images aren't cached. Will give the phablet-flash -b a try | 12:30 |
sergiusens | ogra_: you around? | 13:13 |
sergiusens | ogra_: nevermind... | 13:14 |
ogra_ | sergiusens, i am | 13:22 |
sergiusens | I'll be triggering a build soon, that's all :-) | 13:24 |
ogra_ | ah | 13:27 |
ogra_ | well, the i can see if the mailing works again ... good | 13:27 |
ogra_ | somehos this mornings build didnt send a log | 13:27 |
UserError1 | Does the beta have terminal or file manager? | 13:45 |
Oranger | UserError1: There is no beta version | 13:45 |
Oranger | UserError1: But the terminal and the file manager are being developed | 13:46 |
Oranger | UserError1: You can install it if you want, bug reports are welcome :) | 13:47 |
UserError1 | Do you guys have it set up so I can just chroot in or emulate on vbox / qmu and push to shared folder? | 13:48 |
UserError1 | Slashdot headlines, why did I believe them. They are throwing around the B word | 13:49 |
Oranger | UserError1: You want to use Ubuntu-touch in a VM ? Or you are already using it there ? | 13:50 |
UserError1 | i have a galaxy nexus, i don't know how i would otherwise get the files to that image other than chroot or something of that sort. | 13:51 |
UserError1 | Touch supports adb? | 13:51 |
Oranger | UserError1: I'm sorry I can't answer you now I have to go, hope someone else will help you here ! :) Some poeple did it before you so I'm sure this is possible | 13:53 |
sybrek | hi, does somebodyknow which features are working on htc sensation (pyramid) ? i can't find any information about that | 15:40 |
Bascalin | Hello, one little Question: It is possible to use/install Ubuntu Touch on an x86 Tabler (like Wetab or ExoPC) ? | 16:04 |
Bascalin | Anybody here who knows of capability running ubuntu touch on x86 tablets ? | 16:16 |
AndiTheBest | Hi, is there anywhere a changelog of the new ubuntu touch raring beta? | 16:24 |
Oranger | AndiTheBest: A changelog which include all changelogs of all apps updated in ubuntu-touch ? | 16:33 |
speedly | hi all | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: btw the framebuffer is on /dev/graphics/fb0 | 16:46 |
speedly | I looking for install ubuntu to my tablet A10 cortex8 1gb ddr3 mali400 and resolution 800X480 anyone can help me | 16:46 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: and there's a sysfs interface as well /sys/class/graphics/fb0 | 16:47 |
Oranger | speedly: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 16:48 |
speedly | thanks oranger which device compatible whit me A10 cortex8 1gb ddr3 mali400 and resolution 800X480 | 17:04 |
Oranger | speedly: I think that nobody tried with your device actually, you can try yourself to find which device will work for you ;) | 17:07 |
JHOSMAN | Hello there! | 17:07 |
AndiTheBest | Oranger: I want to know how usable ubuntu touch now is. | 17:07 |
JHOSMAN | please helpme, im run Ubuntu Next :~/unity/unity-next$ ./run ./run: 43: ./run: ./builddir/qml-phone-shell: not found | 17:08 |
Oranger | AndiTheBest: He is still in developpement, you can use it but keep in mind that few bugs will appears and a lot of core-apps are not finished :) | 17:09 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: what is that ? | 17:09 |
speedly | orenger thanks :) | 17:10 |
JHOSMAN | Oranger: http://www.ma-no.org/en/content/index_how-to-run-unity-next-on-ubuntu-12-10_1364.php | 17:12 |
JHOSMAN | Oranger: Step Four: Running Unity Next | 17:12 |
JHOSMAN | In cd ~/unity/unity-next ./run | 17:13 |
Oranger | you don't c/p "cd ~/unity/unity-next ./run" I hope | 17:14 |
AndiTheBest | Oranger: there is no OS without bugs ;) i'm searching for a replacement for my old n900, android didnt make me happy. as today everythig is webbased, i'm thinking about using ubuntu touch as main phone OS now. | 17:15 |
JHOSMAN | :P | 17:15 |
JHOSMAN | See | 17:15 |
JHOSMAN | :~/unity/unity-next$ ./run | 17:15 |
JHOSMAN | and the console print "./run: 43: ./run: ./builddir/qml-phone-shell: not found" | 17:16 |
Oranger | AndiTheBest: The beta version of ubuntu-touch is not really planned to be use as a main phone because it is not yet stable. But if you want you can, nothing stopping you :) Every bug report is needed :) | 17:18 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: What do you have in ~/unity/unity-next | 17:19 |
JHOSMAN | Oranger: See http://i.imgur.com/yx7LN9P.jpg | 17:25 |
AndiTheBest | ok, i will give a try :) thx | 17:29 |
isemenov | hello guys | 17:30 |
isemenov | I'd like to know if ubuntu phone runs compiled code or uses a Java VM similar to Android | 17:31 |
isemenov | or is it possible to install a version of it that runs compiled code | 17:31 |
isemenov | thnka you | 17:32 |
bef0rd_ | there is no java vm | 17:32 |
isemenov | wel, I've seen "ubuntu on android" and got worried | 17:32 |
isemenov | so does installing ubuntu phone mean that I get a real linux kernel, which is not locked down in any fashion, and a full collection of GNU utilities as in gnu/linux? | 17:33 |
isemenov | also a deb package manager and root access by default? | 17:34 |
isemenov | bef0rd_: ^ | 17:34 |
isemenov | thank you! | 17:34 |
bef0rd_ | isemenov: I think so, but I do not know all the things "under" it | 17:35 |
isemenov | ok | 17:35 |
bef0rd_ | I know that video drivers will be android compatible to make it easier | 17:36 |
bef0rd_ | and most of the other stuff is probably yes, I don't see them changing the package manager | 17:36 |
isemenov | ok, great | 17:37 |
isemenov | want to get rid of android in my tegra-based pda | 17:37 |
shadeslayer | hah | 17:42 |
isemenov | yeah, it has no root access and uses java, what for | 17:43 |
isemenov | java go home | 17:43 |
isemenov | those who can't code c++ flee away to java | 17:43 |
mhall119 | Oranger: I'm not sure what the problem is now, I'll have to ask the experts on Monday | 17:44 |
Oranger | mhall119: I know the problem | 17:44 |
mhall119 | what is it? | 17:44 |
isemenov | shadeslayer: didnt expect to meet you here ;) | 17:44 |
Oranger | mhall119: I watched at the quantal build, but qt5 is only avalaible on raring | 17:44 |
shadeslayer | heh :P | 17:44 |
mhall119 | Oranger: oh, right, it's in the ubuntu-sdk-team PPA on quantal.... | 17:44 |
* shadeslayer high 5's isemenov | 17:44 | |
shadeslayer | isemenov: trying to get KDE to run on the Nexus 10 :P | 17:45 |
Oranger | mhall119: So we can't build ubuntu-docviewer-app for quantal :) | 17:45 |
isemenov | yeah go go | 17:45 |
shadeslayer | I finally have the device showing up on the usb interface during the boot | 17:45 |
Oranger | mhall119: I'm fixing the last build errors for raring, it will be ok for today... i hope | 17:46 |
mhall119 | Oranger: the PPA should be getting them from the SDK team's PPA.... | 17:46 |
mhall119 | fginther or popey might be able to help figure this out | 17:46 |
Oranger | mhall119: Oh... ok, so I let them do it ^^ | 17:46 |
JHOSMAN | Oranger: Yes, I understand you do not find the directory, but I followed the steps | 17:47 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Sorry, i'm with you in few minutes | 17:48 |
JHOSMAN | :P | 17:48 |
JHOSMAN | ok | 17:48 |
JHOSMAN | Oranger: One question, bazar files only work in Ubunu 12.10 | 18:13 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Depend of the app | 18:14 |
JHOSMAN | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-run-unity-next-on-your-desktop | 18:16 |
JHOSMAN | I get the same error, I have Ubuntu 13.04 Raring | 18:17 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: around? | 18:37 |
JHOSMAN | I tried several times but it still has the same problem. | 18:48 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Bazaar file of what ? | 19:06 |
JHOSMAN | Oranger: in the comand | 19:07 |
JHOSMAN | $ ./run | 19:07 |
JHOSMAN | excuse | 19:07 |
JHOSMAN | :) It's Run! | 19:07 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Good ! :) | 19:07 |
JHOSMAN | The documentation of OmgUbuntu it's out! | 19:08 |
JHOSMAN | http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unitynext/ | 19:08 |
JHOSMAN | and add the LP and Bazzar repositories | 19:08 |
JHOSMAN | how to close applications, what is? in UnityNext | 19:11 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Yes, you always have to follow official tutorials, not in blogs | 20:16 |
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze | ||
JHOSMAN | Oranger: Although the official tutorial is not very specific, for people who are not accustomed to using Bazar | 20:56 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Then edit it :) | 21:00 |
JHOSMAN | Yes =) | 21:00 |
JHOSMAN | the problem is that I have no permissions on these blogs :P | 21:01 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Can you send me the link ? | 21:01 |
kirix | does Maps work in raring? | 21:01 |
JHOSMAN | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-run-unity-next-on-your-desktop | 21:02 |
Oranger | kirix: maps ? | 21:02 |
JHOSMAN | http://www.ma-no.org/en/content/index_how-to-run-unity-next-on-ubuntu-12-10_1364.php | 21:02 |
kirix | yes | 21:02 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: I tought of the wiki | 21:02 |
JHOSMAN | I do not understand | 21:04 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: This link is for you the officiel tuto ? | 21:04 |
JHOSMAN | No | 21:04 |
JHOSMAN | But the information of http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unitynext/ It was not clear | 21:05 |
JHOSMAN | for this | 21:06 |
JHOSMAN | Build dependencies If its your first time, download & build deps $ ./build -s this will: Add ppa:phablet-team/desktop-deps For 12.10, add ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper and ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa Build and install lp:libunity/phablet, lp:unity/phablet-mods, lp:hud/phablet and lp:unity-lens-people locally For 12.10, build and install lp:nux/phablet locally Install build dependencies | 21:06 |
Oranger | JHOSMAN: Oh yes ok I see, this is only for dev... Yes the wiki need a tutorial for beginners | 21:22 |
JHOSMAN | ;) | 21:27 |
Roberth_ | hola buenas tardes | 21:35 |
Oranger | RobbyF: hey | 21:35 |
Roberth_ | como estas?? | 21:35 |
Roberth_ | quiero saber como puedo instalarle a mi tetelefono celular ubuntu | 21:36 |
Oranger | !es | 21:37 |
Roberth_ | hello | 21:39 |
Oranger | Roberth_: Did you search in google ? | 21:40 |
Roberth_ | nmmmm ok | 21:40 |
Oranger | mhall119: I fixed the build for raring, the quantal build still got errors | 21:50 |
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away | ||
iLarsona | Hello | 22:59 |
iLarsona | I need help | 22:59 |
hays | does the ubuntu-touch on a nexus4 have a phone? | 23:36 |
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