
BlueT_skraito: hiya00:44
skraitohi bluet whats up00:45
skraitohow are ya00:45
skraitoare u working for ubuntu00:45
BlueT_skraito: just woke up, going to attend osdc.tw00:46
BlueT_skraito: how are you00:46
skraitowhat is osdc00:46
skraitonice i am just chilling out00:47
skraitoopen source development00:47
skraitoare u working for ubuntu00:47
BlueT_skraito: oh I'm not a canonical employer, but I'm running ubuntu local team/community in Taiwan :)00:47
skraitooh dang00:47
skraitou got a job i am jobless now00:47
skraitosigh may be i should apply there haha00:48
skraitoanyway what is ure job there00:48
skraitodeveloper ?00:48
BlueT_skraito: http://osdc.tw00:48
skraitolet me check it00:48
BlueT_skraito: oh, I'm not doing PAID JOB for ubuntu. I'm working in a small startup company with my friend, and it's not related to ubuntu. :P00:49
skraitooh wait00:49
skraitoure not canonical employer00:49
skraitoi miss read it00:49
skraitoi thought ure00:49
BlueT_skraito: yup, haha00:49
skraitois opensource developer00:49
skraitowhat software or project ure working on00:50
skraitowould u like to join 0x71 00:50
BlueT_skraito: but many of my firend (and some on this irc channel) are working in Canonical Taiwan00:50
skraitoour channel is ##0x71 whitehackers00:50
skraitoand website 0x71.org00:50
skraitoi am currently working to code tripwire.com00:50
skraitoah ic00:50
skraitodid they get paid really well00:51
BlueT_skraito: whitehat hackers? sounds interesting00:51
skraitocheck out our website 0x71.org00:51
skraitowe can code together 00:51
BlueT_skraito: ok I'll check your site, seems interesting :)00:52
BlueT_skraito: but sorry I might need to AFK for a while, need to go to OSDC.tw now00:53
BlueT_skraito: maybe chat later?00:53
skraitookay see ya00:53
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=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun

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