[02:45] call me a conspiracy theorist but this whole Boston thing looks fabricated [02:56] nah [03:00] case in point http://myepb.net/?inc=1 [03:01] how is that picture even possible ? [03:02] Omnifrog: that pic looks a little strange the light doesn't seem to match up from the background to the cops [03:02] I know! [03:03] but that doesn't necessarily mean its a govt conspiracy :) [03:03] I see this over and over [03:03] I'm not saying it is a government conspiracy [03:04] but it looks very well produced in a very short amount of time [03:04] won't argue with that or that everything has a political motive behind it [03:06] here is another http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/photography/2013/04/boston_marathon_boming_standoff_photos_of_dzhokhar_tsarnaev_from_watertown.html [03:20] when is the last time they told an entire local region to stay in their homes and for business' to stay closed so they could catch one guy? [03:20] and then they catch him [03:21] I dont remember that ever happening [03:22] me either [03:22] I really get that they wanted to catch him [03:22] but seems extreme [03:23] the pictures coming out of this event have an unusually high production value [03:23] I dunno [03:25] something bother me about this [03:25] bothers [03:26] I've doubted event like this before [03:29] a lot more tools to do that than say in 2001 also [04:06] teacher leave them kids alone