wgrant | stokachu: What are you trying to do? | 00:24 |
wgrant | Indiscriminately getting publications from the Ubuntu primary archive doesn't seem very useful | 00:25 |
stokachu | wgrant: i was attempting to query package information with it, i just gave up and parsed it through rmadison :X | 00:27 |
wgrant | stokachu: That wasn't querying package information | 00:27 |
wgrant | That was querying a random package from the Ubuntu primary archive. | 00:28 |
wgrant | Indiscriminately. | 00:28 |
wgrant | Also, "statusPublished" probably wants to be "status=Published" | 00:28 |
stokachu | yea i couldnt find a good way in the api to pull package information via the api | 00:28 |
wgrant | What information do you want? | 00:28 |
wgrant | getPublishedBinaries on the Ubuntu primary archive will return a *lot* of publications | 00:28 |
wgrant | potentially millions | 00:28 |
wgrant | You will want to filter. | 00:28 |
stokachu | yea i was hoping to pull stuff like Vcs-* and Section | 00:29 |
stokachu | from the control files | 00:29 |
stokachu | i realize i was not even close but i was making an attempt | 00:29 |
wgrant | From which control files? | 00:29 |
wgrant | Which packages? | 00:29 |
wgrant | And why? | 00:29 |
stokachu | just packages in main | 00:29 |
wgrant | Any particular series? | 00:29 |
stokachu | i was targetting raring and precise for now | 00:30 |
wgrant | Simply asking Launchpad for every package in Ubuntu ever is probably not going to get you very far :) | 00:30 |
wgrant | Also, those are source fields, not binary fields. | 00:30 |
stokachu | yea i tried to use getPublishedSources but it there wasn't a way to give it a name | 00:30 |
wgrant | source_name? | 00:31 |
wgrant | Also, we don't store Vcs-* | 00:31 |
wgrant | So you'd probably be better to just scrape this directly from Sources on a.u.c... | 00:31 |
stokachu | yea that was my next attempt | 00:31 |
stokachu | im trying to build a database of people in my group who work packages and pull different stuff like commit data etc | 00:32 |
stokachu | mainly just scraping as much 'development' work as possible | 00:32 |
wgrant | That sounds very expensive for not very much benefit | 00:32 |
wgrant | You'd have to poll many thousands of branches regularly. | 00:32 |
stokachu | well i'd have the people put in their branches they work on | 00:33 |
stokachu | whether it was lp: or github etc | 00:33 |
wgrant | Then why do you need to ask Launchpad for a bazillion branches, if they're just going to tell you that? | 00:33 |
stokachu | well i wasn't intending on it, i was getting version information which i figured out i could use rmadison | 00:34 |
wgrant | That still sounds excessive | 00:34 |
wgrant | I'd just grab the Sources file | 00:34 |
stokachu | that first oops message was from an initial attempt at which i extended the filters | 00:34 |
wgrant | One file, with all version information for raring main | 00:34 |
stokachu | yea thats what ill probably do | 00:35 |
wgrant | API calls for sets of millions of objects probably aren't anything you ever want to do. | 00:35 |
wgrant | There's always a filter you can apply. | 00:35 |
stokachu | yea i was slowing making my way there | 00:36 |
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha |
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