[03:07] wgrant: margin:auto doesn't seem like a magic bullet. text-align:center on the container div and display:inline-block on the calender div just results in the widget looking squashed and still on the left of the overlay === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [04:01] wallyworld: ^ Can you give me some clues about the above? [04:02] StevenK: sadly my css foo is not that good [04:02] curtis is your best bet [04:04] wallyworld: Fair enough, I might hit up a few friends of mine [04:04] sorry [04:06] StevenK: Is whatever you're trying to fix, online? [04:07] I mean, can I see it? [04:07] Not really [04:07] It's a LP branch, but it requires you have a dev environment [04:08] argh. Mine's broken for now :/ === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [04:40] StevenK: Are your latest changes pushed? [04:40] wgrant: Nope [04:40] Please do so :) [04:40] wgrant: I have it working now anyway [04:40] I will poke [04:40] Ah, good [04:40] What'd you need to change? [04:41] I needed to apply 'margin: 0 auto' to .yui3-calendarbase [04:42] Ah [04:42] Screenshot? [04:42] What remains to be fixed? Wiring up the selection events properly? [04:42] Which is not CSS, so it's trivial :) [04:43] No, done [04:44] wgrant: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/new-calendar-4.jpg [04:45] StevenK: So it writes the correct format to the textbox, and only when the tick is clicked? [04:46] wgrant: Yeah, it will only close the overlay when you click the tick [04:46] In the case of showing time as well [04:46] Right. [04:46] wgrant: If it looks good, I can push it up [04:47] StevenK: Sounds good [05:06] StevenK: Were you going to integrate that CSS? [05:06] Into combo.css [05:07] wgrant: Well, yeah [05:08] It gets pulled into combo.css as part of combine-css [05:08] StevenK: Then why'd is referenced in launchpad-widget-macros.pt? [05:09] Oh [05:09] Right [05:10] Sorry, I thought you meant the other bits I changed in css/modifiers.css [05:10] Ah, no [05:10] wgrant: So, I can. Not a great deal of pages use the calendar [05:11] StevenK: Sure, but it's pretty small and it sucks to have the four extra requests like that. [05:11] StevenK: Also, you've split the .inline and .hidden rules, but the order between them matters, so they should ideally always be together. [05:12] And those skin overrides will want a comment detailing their motivation. [05:19] StevenK: Do you also want to destroy the overlay and calendar when the overlay is hidden? [05:19] At present you only destroy them on cancel [05:20] Hmm, I should refactor that out [05:28] * StevenK stabs combine-css for not including the calendar css [05:33] combine-css really dislikes yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css [05:34] Howso? [05:34] wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5591677/ [05:36] StevenK: What if you include the -core and -skin separately? [05:37] It may not like the pre-minfied version. [05:41] combine-css really dislikes yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css rather than yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css works [05:41] Bleh [05:41] Including yui/calendar/assets/calendar-core.css, yui/calendar/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css and yui/calendar/assets/skins/sam/calendar-skin.css rather than yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css works [05:44] StevenK: Right, that's what I meant. [05:45] I wonder if it's a bug in YUI's minification, or a bug in cssutils. [05:45] Except I need calendar-base too [05:45] Oh [05:45] Misread [05:45] xml.dom.SyntaxErr: PropertyValue: No match: ('CHAR', u':', 2, 588) [05:45] That calendar.css should be redundant with calendar-skin.css and calendar-core.css [05:46] foo-core.css + foo-skin.css = foo.css [05:46] So you want to include calendar.css, calendar-base-core.css, calendar-base.skin.css [05:46] wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5591691/ [05:46] Try that [05:46] + 'yui/calendar/assets/calendar-core.css', [05:46] + 'yui/calendar/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css', [05:46] + 'yui/calendar/assets/skins/sam/calendar-skin.css', [05:46] + 'yui/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css', [05:46] 2 and 4 are the same [05:47] And 2 and 4 both include 1 and 3 [05:47] calendar and calendar-base are separate components [05:48] They each have -skin.css, -core.css and .css files [05:48] The .css file (without -skin or -core) is the combination of -skin and -core. [05:48] Minified. [05:48] wgrant: However, now combine-css croaks, so one of the unminified files causes the same thing [05:49] StevenK: Hopefully you can narrow it down. [05:49] Just doing so [05:50] Both yui/calendar-base/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base.css and yui/calendar-base/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base-skin.css [05:52] StevenK: Remember that one of those files is a superset of the other. [05:52] Oh, -skin is unneeded [05:53] No [05:53] -skin is the source [05:53] calendar-base-skin.css is a subset of calendar-base.css [05:53] So if you want to continue isolating, the next step is to drop to just the -skin [05:54] xml.dom.SyntaxErr: PropertyValue: No match: ('CHAR', u':', 12, 19) [05:55] wgrant: Line 12 of yui/calendar-base/assets/skins/sam/calendar-base-skin.css [05:56] That's what I guessed from looking at the file. [05:57] StevenK: btw, if you want to purge yui 3.5.1, it's probably safe now [05:58] StevenK: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-announce-list/2009-August/007679.html [05:59] Search for DXImage [06:00] >>> parser.parseString(".yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-content {\nfilter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#f9f9f9', endColorstr='#f2f2f2',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */\n}").cssText [06:00] I see that [06:00] WARNING Property: Unknown Property name. [2:1: filter] [06:00] Seems to work with that enabled :) [06:00] '.yui3-skin-sam .yui3-calendar-content {\n filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr="#f9f9f9", endColorstr="#f2f2f2", GradientType=0);\n /* IE6-9 */\n }' [06:01] wgrant: I need the .set line? [06:01] StevenK: Yes, before you instantiate the CSSParser [06:01] Or you may be able to set it on the CSSParser itself [06:01] Not sure [06:02] (we are using the latest cssutils as of last week, btw, so an upgrade won't help) === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [06:06] wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5591715/ [06:11] StevenK: Looks reasonable. Push and I'll rereview? [06:17] Oh, wait, I can go back to the original CSS [06:18] wgrant: Sorry, was on the phone since :08 [06:18] I'll check if the original CSS works [06:22] StevenK: good point [06:22] It does [06:22] wgrant: Changes pushed [06:25] wgrant: And diff updated [06:28] StevenK: + 'yui/calendar/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css', [06:29] Why aren't you using the one in yui/assets/skins/sam like the others? [06:30] wgrant: Good point [06:32] wgrant: Pushed that too [06:35] wgrant: Diff updated [06:35] wgrant: We no longer build 3.5.1, or do you want it dropped from sourcedeps? [06:36] % grep '^YUI_VER' Makefile [06:36] YUI_VERSIONS := 3.9.1 [06:36] StevenK: r=me [06:36] Oh, did you already do that? [06:36] I forgot [06:36] So you did [06:36] :) [06:37] r16573 [06:47] % bzr di | diffstat -s [06:47] 80 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 26238 deletions(-) [06:47] That felt good. [06:47] :) [06:49] wgrant: The checkwatches cronspam was python warnings? [06:51] StevenK: Yeah [06:51] There's also one Trac instance that returns truncated lines [06:51] But the main spam was from the RT deprecation warnings [06:51] Truncated lines is just awesome [06:52] That was the third most common avoidable cronspam on launchpad-error-reports, behind the process-upload encoding issues (which I fixed last week) and the process-upload build for superseded source exceptions (which are as-yet unfixed, but tolerable) [06:52] So it's still a firehose? [06:53] Much much better now that the process-upload encoding issue is fixed [07:02] StevenK: I wouldn't land the YUI2 removal until the new calendar is deployed and we're happy with it [07:03] Just in case we need to revert [07:03] Sure [07:03] But I'd thought I'd put it up [07:03] Mostly so I can gloat [07:04] Heh === Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck