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joao | hi, can i install ubuntu on 3g Nexus 7 already? | 15:24 |
ogra_ | sure | 15:25 |
joao | i am asking because the last time i tried it was unsupported | 15:25 |
ogra_ | that must have been quite a while ago then | 15:27 |
joao | hm about 2 months ago | 15:28 |
ogra_ | well, it has been supported 2 months ago | 15:29 |
darkfader | joao: did your question also include "does 3g *work"? | 15:29 |
ogra_ | i dont think anyone has touched that image in several months | 15:29 |
ogra_ | (and i definitely fixed the installer issues that made installs impossible around december) | 15:30 |
joao | darkfader: no, i merely want to use ubuntu. no need for 3g. However i wasnt able to install it when i tried, it sayed unsupported device "nakasig" (i think) | 15:30 |
ogra_ | oh, you talk about ubuntu touch | 15:30 |
ogra_ | better go to the #ubuntu-touch channel :) | 15:31 |
* ogra_ was thinking you talk about the nexus7 desktop image | 15:31 | |
joao | hm ok, maybe i'm mixing things up. There are two ways of having ubuntu on my nexus? | 15:32 |
ogra_ | there is ubuntu touch ... and there is a desktop image which isnt touch optimized | 15:32 |
ogra_ | the desktop image definitely doesnt care about crazy names like nakasig | 15:33 |
ogra_ | touch does, but you can just force the grouper image to be used | 15:33 |
ogra_ | which is essentially the same | 15:33 |
joao | hum ok, thanks that answered my question | 15:34 |
joao | questions, actually | 15:34 |
plars | ogra_: I've got two nexus7's in the lab that seem to always hang on reboot, not sure if it's on the way down or the way back up at the moment, but I can't ssh after I reboot over ssh | 15:47 |
plars | ogra_: have you seen anything like that? | 15:47 |
ogra_ | only for devices that are out of power | 15:48 |
ogra_ | they actually can go into a reboot loop in the bootloader | 15:48 |
plars | ogra_: no, it's plugged into a wall wart | 16:04 |
plars | ogra_: and someone in the lab says it appears to be on, and has the right ip address, trying to see if they can look at it further | 16:04 |
dannf | infinity, ogra_: i added two patches to #1170515 - only difference is that one keeps highbank as a recognizable subflavour, other continues to drop it | 16:23 |
ogra_ | dannf, well, i personally dont care either way buut would like it consistent | 16:25 |
dannf | ogra_: both are self-consistent imo. as i explained in the comment, the only reason i didn't drop highbank from f-k .deb is for upgrades | 16:25 |
dannf | ogra_: but i can see reasons for wanting to keep that support in f-k too (backporting, perhaps switching libd-i back to recognizing highbank as highbank) | 16:26 |
dannf | but both should function the same for raring | 16:27 |
infinity | dannf: I prefer the first patch. | 16:30 |
infinity | dannf: There's no reason for the second, IMO. | 16:30 |
dannf | wfm | 16:31 |
* dannf just covering bases :) | 16:31 | |
infinity | Also, way to get in just under the line. :P | 16:31 |
infinity | dannf: f-k isn't built into d-i, right, it fetches the udeb on the fly? | 16:31 |
dannf | infinity: correct | 16:32 |
dannf | and that's the problem here, d-i doesn't see generic listed in Packages.gz for f-k-i | 16:32 |
ogra_ | bug #1170515 | 16:32 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1170515 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu) "flash-kernel-installer: not installable on generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1170515 | 16:32 |
ogra_ | thats the one, right ? | 16:32 |
infinity | Right. | 16:33 |
infinity | Uploading now. | 16:33 |
infinity | For S, we'll fiddle all this crap a bit harder, but this works for now. | 16:33 |
infinity | I didn't want to mangle s/omap/generic/ all over this late in the cycle. | 16:33 |
ogra_ | infinity, so which patch did you take ? the one that keeps it | 16:34 |
infinity | ogra_: Hrm? The one that does s/highbank/generic/ in the subarch list. | 16:34 |
ogra_ | hmm, k | 16:35 |
* ogra_ would have liked it to be consistent ... but whtever | 16:35 | |
infinity | It is. There's no highbank flavour anymore. | 16:35 |
ogra_ | oh | 16:35 |
ogra_ | ok | 16:35 |
ogra_ | wrong angle here :) | 16:35 |
ogra_ | then i'm happy :) | 16:36 |
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