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GridCube | so in theory this saturday its release date correct? | 12:47 |
GridCube | its there any schedule for us to follow, and by us i mean xubuntu, so i might bother some people to do iso testings etc | 12:48 |
maddernick | GridCube: thursday, no? | 13:44 |
GridCube | april 25th, its thursday correct, i read 27 and got confused, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule | 13:47 |
luke_ | hello everyone | 14:39 |
GridCube | :) hi luke_ | 14:40 |
GridCube | as i said you earlier, if you want to help, at this moment what we need the most its iso testings http://xubuntu.org/news/want-to-help-out-xubuntu-test-raring/ | 14:41 |
luke_ | alright thanks GridCude! | 14:42 |
luke_ | appreciate your help | 14:42 |
GridCube | :) | 14:43 |
GridCube | after this week everyone will have lots of free time and there will be more time for helping newcommers :) | 14:44 |
luke_ | ok great | 14:44 |
luke_ | what team are you from? | 14:44 |
GridCube | luckly we got some people interested in the last few weeks, we hope they stick around | 14:44 |
GridCube | im xubuntu, user support mostly, and some testings, but not lately :( sadly | 14:45 |
luke_ | how come? | 14:45 |
GridCube | my internets are not very helpful, very low rates adn my work its worse, so i cant get the isos | 14:46 |
GridCube | luke_, :) https://launchpad.net/~gridcube you can see my badges here | 14:46 |
luke_ | awesome | 14:47 |
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micom | do you think that c++ programmer with a little experience can be helpful in the xubuntu? | 19:56 |
knome | welcome here as well :) | 19:56 |
elfy | all channels lead to the same place :p | 19:57 |
Noskcaj | anyone willing to hel pis helpful | 19:57 |
knome | they do, they do | 19:57 |
Noskcaj | *help is | 19:57 |
knome | micom, definitely! and there are other contributors here as well :) | 19:59 |
micom | ok lets say that i have a IDE, g++ and etc, what's in your opinion best way to get into xubuntu's development? | 20:00 |
ochosi | usually the best way is to start with a bug | 20:01 |
knome | micom, fixing bugs that scratch your own itch is a very good way to start | 20:01 |
Noskcaj | micom, get a basic knowledge of python first. i did it in about a day, and learn as you go | 20:09 |
knome | micom, xfce is written in C... :) | 20:10 |
micom | :( | 20:11 |
Noskcaj | knome, one other thing to add to our list for next cycle: make the release notes link point to xubuntu.org rather than ubuntu.com | 20:12 |
Noskcaj | micom, have a look on bugs.launchpad.net, see what you can fix. C and python are the main languages. also, testing or translations could be a way to help | 20:13 |
knome | Noskcaj, does other flavors do that either? we still share most of the release notes with ubuntu, so i'm not even sure if that's ideal | 20:14 |
Noskcaj | knome, have a look at bug 1065789, it happened for all of this cycle and most of q cycle | 20:14 |
ubottu | bug 1065789 in ubuntu-website-content "the release notes link in installer points to www.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1065789 | 20:14 |
Noskcaj | kubuntu goes to kubuntu.org/news, xubuntu an ubuntu go ubuntu.com, i forget what lubuntu does | 20:15 |
knome | Noskcaj, as long as they point to the general release notes, i don't consider that a huge bug | 20:15 |
Noskcaj | understandable | 20:16 |
knome | if we wanted it to point to xubuntu.org, we'd have to create our own release notes page | 20:17 |
knome | from that, we probably want to link to the main ubuntu notes as well, so i don't know if that's a shortcut or a detour (xubuntu-specific notes *are | 20:17 |
knome | * in the general page as well) | 20:17 |
knome | brb | 20:17 |
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Unit193 | Not that it matters much, but as it stands now (or maybe a couple days ago?) http://unit193.ninth.su/xubuntu/quantal-to-raring.txt this is from unbooted live CDs. | 20:43 |
Noskcaj | is everyone running iso tests? if not, please start. | 21:32 |
Noskcaj | or fixing bugs, that works too | 21:32 |
knome | Unit193, umph. we'll need to fix that for S | 21:33 |
Unit193 | Well hey, may actually be more useful than I thought. | 21:33 |
knome | the 3.8.0 series kernels do not like my desktop :/ | 21:33 |
knome | whenever they upload a new one, my system refuses to boot the first time, then proceeds without problems on the second time | 21:34 |
Unit193 | .2 was very good, later hasn't worked yet. | 21:34 |
knome | (after a hard boot, that is) | 21:34 |
knome | staying with 12.10 on the laptop for some more | 21:35 |
Unit193 | I may only be able to upgrade one or two. | 21:37 |
knome | i was about to upgrade my wife's | 21:38 |
knome | then i realized it's a precise system | 21:38 |
knome | so going to do the wacko LTS jump | 21:39 |
knome | need to upgrade mum's when we get there the next time | 21:41 |
knome | i'm pretty sure she's running Q | 21:41 |
ochosi | live on the edge and upgrade her remotely ;) | 21:42 |
knome | hmm... | 21:42 |
knome | ;) | 21:42 |
knome | that's not completely out of question | 21:42 |
Unit193 | I've done several over SSH, worked pretty well. | 21:43 |
knome | i've done some less wanted commands over SSH too :) | 21:43 |
knome | resulting in questions like "where IS that server even (physically)?" | 21:44 |
ochosi | as long as it comes back on after reboot, it's probably fine/fixable :) | 21:44 |
knome | hehe | 21:44 |
Unit193 | Or sometimes you have to wait half a week or longer to fix your goof... Been there. | 21:44 |
knome | yeah. probably better do the upgrade when i'm around and also AFTER RELEASE ;) | 21:45 |
knome | (moral right to point fingers at others!) | 21:45 |
mac_ | cant wait for 13.04 stable | 21:45 |
knome | only a few days | 21:46 |
Unit193 | He said stable, not relese. | 21:46 |
knome | lol | 21:46 |
knome | yeah. | 21:46 |
knome | only a few months | 21:46 |
mac_ | knome are you a team leader? | 21:47 |
knome | mac_, yeah, the xubuntu team/project leader | 21:47 |
mac_ | how would i get involved with QA? | 21:48 |
knome | mac_, the best way to get started is doing the ISO tests | 21:48 |
knome | mac_, this article: http://xubuntu.org/news/want-to-help-out-xubuntu-test-raring/ describes testing pretty well generally | 21:49 |
mac_ | what about code testing like writing units test etc. ? | 21:49 |
Noskcaj | mac_, you want to get involved in QA? | 21:49 |
knome | mac_, the first thing with that would be to do some planning/investigating work where xubuntu can benefit from it | 21:50 |
mac_ | ok fair enough | 21:50 |
knome | mac_, some of that is probably best cooperated with the xfce team, but some of it is naturally xubuntu-specific too (and it doesn't hurt to run more tests in xubuntu as well, naturally) | 21:50 |
knome | mac_, you might want to talk to our developers (micahg, mr_pouit, bluesabre) who could possibly point you to specific things on unit testing | 21:51 |
Noskcaj | mac_, Main things for QA team: ISO tests (easy), Autopilot (nothing fox xubuntu, but a version for post-install would be good) and just running a devel version of something and looking for bugs | 21:51 |
mac_ | who is incharge of the QA team? | 21:52 |
knome | Noskcaj is running the calling errands at the moment | 21:53 |
Noskcaj | mac_, for Xubuntu, i'm trialling | 21:53 |
Noskcaj | mac_, come onto #ubuntu-quality. that's were the team is | 21:53 |
knome | well, both here and there; #ubuntu-quality is for the ubuntu wide QA cooperation | 21:54 |
knome | xubuntu-specific issues are best discussed here where the xubuntu people hang out | 21:54 |
knome | i'd imagine -quality have more pointers on automated testing | 21:54 |
ochosi | pleia2: have fun! | 22:19 |
pleia2 | :) | 22:19 |
Noskcaj | pleia2, enjoy. | 22:19 |
pleia2 | thanks everyone | 22:19 |
knome | micahg, can you look at http://unit193.ninth.su/xubuntu/quantal-to-raring.txt someday before release if possible and see if there's some obviously unwanted packages, and get rid of them in our seed? :) | 22:49 |
Unit193 | (Added a couple more comments, some of those are clearly needed changes.) | 22:52 |
knome | what's the story of zeitgeist? | 22:53 |
knome | is xubuntu really benefitting from it? | 22:53 |
mac_ | looks like spyware to me | 22:56 |
Unit193 | I don't know the database well, but what's in mine was from UbuntuOne before I purged it. | 22:56 |
knome | i'll add investigating that to the todo-list for S | 22:57 |
Unit193 | Since we don't ship U1, I don't *personally* see anything using it, but I don't have all the shipped applications any more. | 22:57 |
knome | (unless micahg deems it unnecessary before R release and drops it) | 22:58 |
knome | is it not taking any resources then? | 22:58 |
knome | i doubt that | 22:58 |
knome | we should look in our seed anyway, not because of space or resources, just not to ship something utterly useless :) | 22:58 |
knome | (but for space and resources too) | 22:59 |
Unit193 | I don't have it running it would appear, and now I've purged the last of it. | 23:01 |
knome | i seem to have it running | 23:01 |
knome | bluesabre, how badly catfish needs zeitgeist? what's their connection? | 23:05 |
skellat | I had almost forgotten this merge request: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.raring/+merge/155753 | 23:39 |
knome | uuugh. | 23:40 |
knome | me too. | 23:40 |
skellat | Probably needs killing this late in the game | 23:40 |
knome | tbe, i had forgotten | 23:40 |
knome | i'd say let's do that and other small things in S | 23:41 |
knome | though meh, we changed the docs | 23:41 |
knome | micahg, when you look at Unit193's link, see the merge request 155753 too | 23:41 |
knome | i'd consider that low-mediumish | 23:42 |
knome | even more so because R only has 9 months of support, and we're more rolling now | 23:42 |
knome | we can probably let ourselves a bit easier with things like this on the interim releases in the future | 23:43 |
skellat | How about disapprove it now and we'll consider it in the S cycle then? | 23:43 |
knome | if we can get it in, it's fine | 23:43 |
skellat | Okay | 23:43 |
knome | if not, then it'll automatically be postponed | 23:43 |
skellat | There were supposed to be re-spins tonight. I don't know if the crew in -release started yet, though. | 23:44 |
knome | this doesn't affect any image really | 23:44 |
knome | it's just a matter if micahg has time before the release and if it's considered something that can pass through | 23:44 |
knome | if not.. then let it be | 23:46 |
skellat | Alrighty | 23:46 |
knome | a bit different from "oops, we forgot to upload the new wallpaper" :P | 23:46 |
skellat | :-) Been there, done that, got the IRC logs for it | 23:47 |
knome | that still wasn't as crazy as the "we know it's after UIF... but can we change our logo?" in 12.04 :D | 23:48 |
Unit193 | knome: /eval.txt too now. | 23:55 |
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