=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam | ||
moocow1452 | So I built and booted Ubuntu for my Nook Color and can adb into it, what can I do about the black screen? | 01:01 |
RobbyF | is the galaxy nexus (carries sold version) sim unlocked? | 01:11 |
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_ | ||
moocow1452 | ANyone home? | 02:30 |
dell | hi guys I am getting Read-only file system message while trying to copy file using adb push. Does anyone had this problem? | 02:41 |
dell | is there a way to copy file to device without using ssh ? mounting filesystem would be great, but fdisk does not show any such thing | 02:43 |
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liberty | hi - just installed touch. trying to connect to a hidden network, any idea how? | 07:52 |
liberty | hidden wifi network, i know the ssid but can't seem to get up a dialogue to connect to it... | 07:53 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:58 |
seb128 | dholbach, good morning to you too ! | 08:00 |
highvoltage | goooooood moooooooooooooooorning! | 08:00 |
dholbach | :) | 08:00 |
dholbach | salut mes amis | 08:00 |
dholbach | ça va? | 08:00 |
highvoltage | tres bien, merci et toi? | 08:00 |
dholbach | oui ça va :) | 08:00 |
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dholbach | lool, salut aussi à toi! | 08:01 |
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Ramiisleem | hello | 09:31 |
Damp | mhall119: Hi, could you ask the SDK Developer guys today? | 09:38 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk | ||
philipheinser | Guten Morgen | 09:41 |
t1mp | Damp: what's the question? | 09:42 |
philipheinser | Is there a way to test ubuntu touch apps in some sort of simulator on a pc? | 09:43 |
Damp | philipheinser: YOu can see your own apps in the "simulator" thats in QTCreator. Follow this install guide: http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ | 09:45 |
Damp | t1mp: Well, in QTCreator i dont have the Ubuntu Phone templates to start creating apps | 09:45 |
t1mp | Damp: on raring? | 09:46 |
popey | Damp: have you installed ubuntu-sdk? | 09:47 |
popey | (not just qtcreator) | 09:47 |
Damp | popey: I think so :) I followed the installation guide that I just posted. http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ | 09:47 |
t1mp | Damp: and make sure you have the ppa listedo n http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ installed. | 09:48 |
t1mp | Damp: I had to remove qtcreator, and then install it again to get the correct version after adding the ppa | 09:48 |
popey | Damp: apt-cache policy ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples | 09:48 |
Damp | I ran this (sudo add-apt-repository ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk notepad-qml) yesterday and it said 0 new installations 0 updates | 09:48 |
popey | uh | 09:48 |
popey | what version of ubuntu you on? | 09:48 |
Damp | 12.10 | 09:48 |
popey | ah | 09:49 |
Damp | Thats the problem? :p | 09:49 |
Damp | I should use the LTS? | 09:49 |
popey | no | 09:49 |
popey | no | 09:49 |
popey | ☻ | 09:49 |
popey | one moment.. | 09:49 |
Damp | Sure :) | 09:49 |
t1mp | jppiiroi1en: are the templates only for raring? | 09:49 |
popey | Damp: apt-cache policy ubuntu-sdk | 09:49 |
popey | can you pastebin that? | 09:50 |
Damp | Sure. Just let me restart my mac :P | 09:50 |
Damp | Ubuntu does NOT work well on a macbook :( | 09:51 |
Damp | I seriously have to buy a new laptop to run that on | 09:51 |
Damp | The wireless card on the mac is soooo slow in ubuntu! :( | 09:53 |
Damp2 | popey: http://pastebin.com/Zt08a4qS | 09:55 |
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader | ||
popey | Damp2: hmm | 09:59 |
popey | Damp2: apt-cache policy ubuntu-ui-toolkit | 10:01 |
Damp2 | popey: Unable to locate package ubuntu-ui-toolkit | 10:01 |
Damp2 | I think you found the problem :p | 10:01 |
popey | ☻ | 10:01 |
popey | install that, see what else it pulls in | 10:02 |
popey | qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin might get pulled in | 10:02 |
Damp2 | should I just apt-get install ubuntu-ui-toolkit? | 10:02 |
popey | yes | 10:02 |
popey | try that, let us know what happens | 10:03 |
Damp2 | E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-ui-toolkit. Maybe I am missing some PPAs? | 10:03 |
popey | ah, no. | 10:04 |
popey | can you apt-get install qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin ? | 10:04 |
Damp2 | popey: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 10:05 |
popey | oof | 10:06 |
Damp2 | Sorry :/ | 10:06 |
popey | not your fault | 10:06 |
* popey points Damp2 at Mirv ☻ | 10:06 | |
Damp2 | mirv? :p | 10:06 |
popey | so when you "File -> New" you dont get ubuntu touch apps as options? | 10:06 |
Damp2 | Thats correct | 10:06 |
popey | hmm | 10:06 |
Damp2 | I can screenshot it if you wanan see? | 10:06 |
popey | do you have a devices thing on the left? | 10:07 |
Damp2 | reSu | 10:07 |
Damp2 | Yes | 10:07 |
popey | is ubuntu-ui-toolkit-examples installed? | 10:07 |
Damp2 | 0.1.42 quantal1 is installed | 10:08 |
popey | ok, close qtcreator.. | 10:09 |
Damp2 | done | 10:09 |
popey | rm ~/.config/Trolltech.conf | 10:09 |
popey | rm -rf ~/.Qtproject/ | 10:10 |
popey | then restart qtcreator | 10:10 |
Damp2 | done | 10:10 |
popey | does it work now? | 10:10 |
Damp2 | qt creator works yes? | 10:11 |
popey | yes. | 10:11 |
Damp2 | popey: http://imgur.com/v4ReJGO | 10:12 |
popey | hurrah, that works | 10:13 |
popey | happy days. | 10:13 |
popey | oh, hang on, that doesn't look quite right. | 10:13 |
Damp2 | No? | 10:14 |
Damp2 | I still dont have the "ubuntu phone" options? :p | 10:14 |
popey | those are the ubuntu phone options ☻ | 10:14 |
popey | choose Ubuntu UI - Simple | 10:14 |
popey | or Ubuntu UI - Tabs | 10:14 |
Damp2 | Wow! Yesterday I asked if "Ubuntu" was "Ubuntu phone" and people said no :p | 10:14 |
popey | those are the templates we're using for developing Ubuntu Touch. | 10:14 |
Damp2 | Then it has been working all along.. :p | 10:14 |
popey | Oh dear, sorry about that. | 10:14 |
popey | haha | 10:14 |
Damp2 | Not your faul! I didnt ask you :p | 10:15 |
Damp2 | But thank you so much for your help! :D | 10:15 |
popey | no probs, any time | 10:15 |
Damp2 | Is there any place where there are some good QML guides? to learn multiple views etc? | 10:15 |
Damp2 | And what does: Functional test with autopilot means? | 10:16 |
Oranger | Damp2: There is not a lot of guides, QML is very young :) | 10:19 |
Mirv | Damp2: ok, works now? :) | 10:23 |
popey | Mirv: seems the new stuff isn't backported to 12.10? | 10:24 |
Mirv | popey: so could some terminology be better somewhere? | 10:24 |
popey | so in Damp2's screenshot I dont see HTML5 apps for example | 10:24 |
popey | ☻ | 10:24 |
Mirv | popey: you're right, the qtcreator in SDK Release PPA does not yet match what we released to raring last week | 10:25 |
Mirv | coming soon | 10:25 |
popey | \o/ | 10:25 |
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ogra_ | sergiusens, no image today ? | 10:50 |
Damp | Oranger: Is there some documentation like the one Xcode has? I have seen the ubuntu.components docs, but its really shallow. Where should I look for more? | 10:58 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch | ||
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk | ||
Damp2 | Is there some way to acces the phones features? Like the most basic example to make a "flashlight app" to the phone using the phones camera flash? | 11:32 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch | ||
ogra_ | Damp2, not yet afaik .... this will likely be covered by the sensors api which is still being worked on | 11:42 |
Damp | ogra_ thx! :) Is there en eta on Ubuntu Phone yet? | 11:42 |
Damp | I bought a phone to test it, and I am wondering if I'm just gonna return it or if I'll buy a computer to run linux to program for it | 11:43 |
Damp | :p | 11:43 |
ogra_ | the 13.10 release should see its first fully funmctional release | 11:43 |
ogra_ | there is an ubuntuonair talk today about the sensors api btw | 11:43 |
Damp | And the ETA for that is? :p | 11:43 |
Damp | What is Ubuntu on Air? | 11:44 |
ogra_ | http://ubuntuonair.com/ | 11:44 |
ogra_ | 13:00 UTC | 11:44 |
ogra_ | (in 75min) | 11:44 |
=== SkavenXXI is now known as SkavenXXI-[OFF] | ||
ogra_ | you can ask questions and discuss via irc once the hangout started | 11:45 |
Damp | Sweet | 11:45 |
Damp | How will Ubuntu Phone handle App installations? Like Android, where everything can get stolen, or like app-store where apps are locked to be installed via the store? | 11:46 |
chris____ | good morning from Canada | 11:46 |
ogra_ | thats being discussed still as well ... the current method is just apt like in any other ubuntu | 11:47 |
ogra_ | but that will very likely change to a per-user app model | 11:47 |
ogra_ | its all in flux :) | 11:47 |
Damp | Hehe. As one who is looking forward to invest in this or not, that is crucial. I hate android. There is so much piracy in small apps even tho they cost only a dollar | 11:47 |
Damp | What is the per-user app model? | 11:48 |
ogra_ | well, normal ubuntu packages always install system wide ... in a multi user setup like on a tablet you want to have some separation per user | 11:49 |
chris____ | can i change my time zone on the N4 ? i cant see how I can | 11:49 |
ogra_ | chris____, see the release notes (see chanel topic) | 11:49 |
chris____ | thanks | 11:49 |
Damp | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Timezone | 11:49 |
ogra_ | it has a description how to change it | 11:49 |
=== SkavenXXI-[OFF] is now known as SkavenXXI | ||
chris____ | "Alternatively you can import contacts from a csv file. The csv file should be in same format as /usr/share/demo-assets/contacts-data/data.csv. Replace the sample data.csv file with your own version and run manage-address-books.py create to import your contacts. " | 11:54 |
chris____ | i guess I can just mount the phone to my ubuntu box and copy / paste files? | 11:55 |
chris____ | i use KDE4 | 11:55 |
Damp | Ah, I see. I would love if they kept the installation of applications secure so one could make some money of creating great apps :) | 11:55 |
chris____ | is there a way to mount the nexus4 to my ubuntubox as a device in KDE4 ? | 12:00 |
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow | ||
ogra_ | chris____, you can use adb to transfer files or install openssh-server and access it via sshfs | 12:01 |
ogra_ | (sshfs over wlan indeed) | 12:01 |
Damp | ogra_, is it possible to make calls with the N4 or is that not implemented yet | 12:02 |
highvolt1ge | I would also recommend using "-o reconnect" with sshfs, so if your device is out of range and then back again it remounts. | 12:02 |
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage | ||
ogra_ | Damp, with an unlocked SIM (without PIN) you should be able to | 12:03 |
chris____ | ok, i will see about the manual for that. thanks. i have only used adb to install Touch | 12:03 |
ritesh | hi | 12:03 |
Damp | Is there any way to unlock my sim? I made a duplicate at the store last week but I havent tried it yet | 12:03 |
ritesh | Its possible to install on Xperia X10i ? | 12:04 |
ogra_ | you should be able to remove the PIN code on an android phone | 12:04 |
ogra_ | ritesh, if it is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices ... else you need to port it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | 12:04 |
ritesh | found Xperia S and T | 12:06 |
ritesh | here the problem is that Xperia no longer software update | 12:06 |
ritesh | and its running on 2.2.3 Android, We need to replace with suitable one | 12:06 |
ritesh | your next plan list also not mention this mobile | 12:07 |
chris____ | "Run ip addr show wlan0 on the device " | 12:14 |
chris____ | how do i do that? | 12:14 |
chris____ | i assume "device" means "the phone" ? | 12:15 |
ogra_ | surely does | 12:15 |
ritesh | yes | 12:15 |
ogra_ | log in via adb, run the ubuntu_chroot shell (like described in the release notes) | 12:15 |
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik | ||
ogra_ | sergiusens, did you see my ping above ? seems there is no daily today ... | 12:16 |
ritesh | If you have idea how to install on Xperia X10i Please give me the detail. | 12:16 |
ogra_ | you will need to port it | 12:16 |
ogra_ | follow the porting howto ... or find someone on the xda developer forum that did/tried already | 12:16 |
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ritesh | xda dev not reliable, I found info through portal, still buggy. not function fully. | 12:18 |
ritesh | Actually I use Ubuntu linux personal and office also. | 12:19 |
ritesh | so I first preffer this | 12:19 |
sergiusens | ogra_: I stopped the build, want the next one to be pure raring and also needed you to check if we can copy ubuntu_stamp without the raring- or quantal- in it | 12:19 |
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader | ||
ogra_ | ok | 12:20 |
ogra_ | just give me a heads up once youre done, the first new sync needs to be manual to force the version bump (assuming you dont go on at #95) | 12:21 |
ritesh | Thanks | 12:23 |
Damp | Does anyone know how I kan switch "views" in a tabbed example template by pushing a button in a toolbar | 12:26 |
Damp | What is the qml command to make views "active" | 12:26 |
ogra_ | mhall119, ^^^ | 12:27 |
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage | ||
ZDmitry | Damp: You can switch tab by changing "selectetTab" or "selectedTabIndex" of Tabs item. | 12:44 |
t1mp | ZDmitry, Damp you can only update selectedTabIndex to switch tabs. updating selectedTab doesn't update anything. | 12:47 |
t1mp | ah selectedTab is marked as readonly, good :) | 12:47 |
ogra_ | lool, fyi https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/AndroidAutobuilds | 12:48 |
t1mp | but yeah, selectedTabIndex is the way to go | 12:48 |
ogra_ | lool, i'll adjust the blueprint once we have more tech details during the sprint, building on the livefs builds isnt possible | 12:49 |
ZDmitry | t1mp: yes, it's my mistake. selectedTab is read only | 12:51 |
ZDmitry | So about soft keyboard in UT: how I can call it (is it possible ever)? | 12:53 |
mhall119 | Damp: you can set the current tab index on the Tabs component | 12:59 |
didrocks | sil2100: are you still block or need anything else? | 12:59 |
poutine | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices <- This page lists Galaxy Nexus (toro), but it is not in the download here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/ | 13:02 |
poutine | additionally the page for toro is just a template | 13:02 |
poutine | is it a currently supported device or not? | 13:02 |
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle | ||
Damp | mhall119: I'm looking at the Tabs api docs now. It has two selected-options (selectedTab : Tab (preliminary) | 13:05 |
Damp | selectedTabIndex : int (preliminary)) Is this the one you mean? | 13:05 |
popey | mhall119: I pushed akari to my ppa, its up to date in lp:akari.. want to upload to the ppa? | 13:06 |
sil2100 | didrocks: no, it's ok now - should I still get libhud-qt available in quantal, or we're leaving mediumtests disabled for now? | 13:06 |
didrocks | sil2100: I would say disabled for now. This will motivate us during the sprint as well to get everything ready :) | 13:06 |
ogra_ | ubuntuonair.com hangout about sensor handling in ubuntu is running right now | 13:07 |
popey | jppiiroi1en: https://code.launchpad.net/~juhapekka-piiroinen/ubuntu-qtcreator-plugins/fix-bug-1170692 - do I just "make" that/ | 13:10 |
popey | ? | 13:10 |
popey | looks like it pulls in qtcreator and stuff, will it make a nice installable deb? | 13:10 |
mhall119 | Damp: selectedTabIndex should do it | 13:10 |
mhall119 | popey: if you've tried it and it works, go ahead and upload it | 13:11 |
Damp | mhall119: So just selectedTabIndex = 3 for my third tab? | 13:11 |
popey | mhall119: ok | 13:11 |
mhall119 | Damp: it probably starts at zero, so selectedTabIndex=2 would be for your third tab | 13:12 |
Damp | :) | 13:13 |
nik90 | Damp, mhall119 it does start at 0 | 13:14 |
ZDmitry | mhall119: where I can find something about soft keyboard in UT? Or how I can call it from my code (since qApp->inputMethod()->show() didn't work) | 13:15 |
mhall119 | tmoenicke: can a developer call up the keyboard? | 13:17 |
tmoenicke | mhall119: you mean show/hide? | 13:17 |
pmcgowan | I would think it just comes up when the text field is entered | 13:17 |
mhall119 | tmoenicke: yeah, without a TextField | 13:18 |
mhall119 | ZDmitry is working on the terminal app | 13:18 |
pmcgowan | ah | 13:18 |
ZDmitry | I have custom item | 13:18 |
tmoenicke | mhall119: you can, but it is recommended to rely on text input having focus or not | 13:19 |
ZDmitry | tmoenicke: when my item get focus on desktop I can type just as usual, but on device - I can't see VKB. | 13:21 |
mhall119 | tmoenicke: any documentation on how to make a custom widget that does teh same as TextField? | 13:22 |
pmcgowan | mhall119: whats i the notes app? thats similar | 13:23 |
mhall119 | as far as bringing up the keyboard when it gets focus | 13:23 |
mhall119 | pmcgowan: ah, good example | 13:23 |
tmoenicke | ZDmitry: is the maliit-server running? | 13:23 |
ZDmitry | assuming yes | 13:24 |
cyphermox | can someone enlighten me on the actual purpose of the orange blobs around the clock on the image, and one the "lock" screen ? | 13:25 |
mhall119 | cyphermox: they will eventually change according to the data being displayed | 13:26 |
ZDmitry | tmoenicke: ps -A | grep maliit says yes | 13:26 |
mhall119 | to give a quick visual indication of what the data is | 13:26 |
cyphermox | mhall119: ok, like number of blobs = number of tweets | 13:26 |
cyphermox | or on the clock it's seconds or something? | 13:26 |
mhall119 | cyphermox: something like that, yeah | 13:26 |
cyphermox | cool, cool | 13:26 |
mhall119 | cyphermox: it may not be a 1:1 match | 13:26 |
mhall119 | but more circles == more tweets, for example | 13:27 |
mhall119 | so you can tell at a glance if you have "many" or "few" | 13:27 |
cyphermox | was just curious, I was showing a daily image to coworkers. | 13:27 |
tmoenicke | ZDmitry: is it working elsewhere? like in the browser? | 13:27 |
mhall119 | cyphermox: that's what it will do eventually | 13:28 |
ZDmitry | tmoenicke: it works on standard items like TextField | 13:28 |
cyphermox | mhall119: great, thanks | 13:28 |
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tmoenicke | ZDmitry: you're writing your own textfield? | 13:29 |
Damp | How does the ubuntu phone save data from your app? If I was to make a notepad app, where would the notes be stored and how? | 13:31 |
mhall119 | Damp: you have a couple options | 13:31 |
mhall119 | LocalStorage, which gives you an sqlite database | 13:31 |
ZDmitry | tmoenicke: I'm writing terminal emulator qml item for terminal app | 13:31 |
mhall119 | or U1DB, which also gives you an sqlite database, but will allow you to sync your data between devices | 13:31 |
h01ger | so phablet-flash -b downloads+installs quantal-preinstalled-system-armel+mako.img - how to make it install raring? is this because i have 0.7-0phablet1 of phablet-tools installed? | 13:32 |
ZDmitry | tmoenicke: that item can accept focus and keyboard events | 13:32 |
ZDmitry | tmoenicke: I thought that calling qApp->inputMethod()->show() is enough. | 13:34 |
ogra_ | h01ger, look at the install wikipage, there is a maual method (and i think sergiusens has also a python extension for phablet-flash now) | 13:34 |
tmoenicke | ZDmitry: QInputMethod sends you a QInputMethodQueryEvent asking if Input method is enabled for it, you would have to reply with setting it to true | 13:34 |
ogra_ | we will default to raring within the next days in phablet-flash | 13:34 |
mhall119 | \o/ | 13:35 |
mhall119 | h01ger: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/04/testing-ubunutu-touch-images-now-with.html | 13:36 |
h01ger | ogra_, thanks! even found raring images now :) | 13:36 |
mhall119 | has instructions for getting and testing the raring images | 13:36 |
ZDmitry | tmoenicke: I know. I have replied with true on that request. But for something went wrong. I'll make one more test. | 13:37 |
jppiiroi1en | popey: just copy stuff in qtcreator/share/qtcreator to /usr/share/qtcreator | 13:37 |
sergiusens | h01ger: well if you have 0.7 you have the ppa:phablet-team/tools ppa disabled | 13:37 |
sergiusens | you should enable as next build out is going to be raring only | 13:38 |
h01ger | ok, and instead of going the fully manual route i will jsut edit /usr/share/pyshared/phabletutils/settings.py :-) | 13:39 |
h01ger | sergiusens, i'm on wheezy anyway... | 13:39 |
* h01ger guesses he shall upgrade phablet-tools too :-) | 13:41 | |
jhodapp | mterry, ping | 13:42 |
sergiusens | h01ger: bzr branch lp:phablet-tools and use it from there... update often though for latest | 13:44 |
h01ger | sergiusens, thanks. (though my bzr foo is little i will manage to clone that repo) | 13:45 |
mterry | jhodapp, hi | 13:45 |
jhodapp | mterry, any idea why nobody has reviewed your MR yet? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/phablet-extras/libhybris-no-gles/+merge/158160 | 13:45 |
jhodapp | mterry, that's causes a build failure when I tried to do an MR against libhybris: https://code.launchpad.net/~jhodapp/phablet-extras/add-vasprintf-hook | 13:46 |
h01ger | sergiusens, i've been thinking about uploading phablet-tools to debian sid (so it will end up in jessie too) - what do you think? | 13:46 |
jhodapp | mterry, I need your MR before my MR will build successfully | 13:46 |
mterry | jhodapp, I think your MR might have failed because quantal still has the old mesa, eh? | 13:47 |
mterry | sergiusens, is the phablet team ready to switch to raring? | 13:47 |
jhodapp | mterry, not sure, but it shouldn't fail, especially when my MR had nothing to do with OpenGL | 13:47 |
mterry | jhodapp, well, I can't seem to get the build log failure, I get a 404 on those links | 13:48 |
mterry | jhodapp, but I'm guessing that you fixed a ftbfs in raring because the mesa headers changed | 13:48 |
rsalveti | ChickenCutlass: tvoss: lool: ogra_: dholbach: sforshee: thanks! | 13:48 |
dholbach | HUGS! | 13:48 |
ogra_ | :) | 13:48 |
tvoss | rsalveti, thanks :) | 13:48 |
Damp | ogra_ what is all this raring your guys are talking about? | 13:49 |
mterry | jhodapp, but since we still build in both quantal and raring... we need to make the change conditional | 13:49 |
ogra_ | Damp, the release name of the ubuntu release that will come out on thu. | 13:49 |
ogra_ | also known as 13.04 | 13:49 |
Damp | I see | 13:49 |
sergiusens | mterry: the switch started to happen yesterday | 13:50 |
jhodapp | mterry, yeah...any chance you can add that conditional to fix | 13:50 |
ogra_ | Damp, all ubuntu touch dailies were based on 12.10 ... within the next days we will switch over to default to 13.04 | 13:50 |
sergiusens | mterry: we are just waiting on the medium tests thing to shutdown quantal completely | 13:50 |
jhodapp | mterry, my MR's build issue? | 13:50 |
ogra_ | Damp, which will not last very long ... then we will switch to the 13.10 developer release as a base | 13:50 |
sergiusens | mterry: jobs should switch soon to only build on raring... | 13:51 |
mterry | sergiusens, ok | 13:51 |
sergiusens | mterry: feel free to do it for hybris if yu have the time, if not I'll be getting a blanket MR for all later today | 13:51 |
mterry | sergiusens, what do you mean about the mediumtest thing? | 13:52 |
sergiusens | mterry: medium tests, that run with every merge are still on quantal... fginther and mzanetti are working on it | 13:52 |
mterry | sergiusens, ok | 13:52 |
mterry | jhodapp, let's switch the config to only build libhybris on raring, then try to merge again | 13:53 |
fginther | mterry, sergiusens, the mediumtests have been disabled for everything except unity/phablet so far | 13:53 |
mterry | jhodapp, I can do that | 13:53 |
jhodapp | mterry, perfect...we can just have jenkins try to rebuild then | 13:53 |
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mterry | sergiusens, here's libhybris: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/cupstream2distro-config/raring-libhybris/+merge/160376 | 13:59 |
rsalveti | jhodapp: I'm on your mr | 14:16 |
rsalveti | jhodapp: just had to fix a build issue first | 14:16 |
jhodapp | thanks rsalveti | 14:16 |
rsalveti | jhodapp: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/phablet-extras/libhybris_update_build_raring_mesa/+merge/160264 | 14:16 |
rsalveti | then will take care of yours and the other from mterry | 14:16 |
rsalveti | sergiusens: latest raring from ibs has the correct source list already :-) | 14:17 |
rsalveti | then later today we need to try the unity-next stuff | 14:17 |
mterry | rsalveti, oh | 14:17 |
mterry | rsalveti, sorry, was talking to jhodapp above about your merge failing on quantal because the mesa change happened between Q and R, eh? So your changes would need to be conditional. But instead, I'm dropping quantal builds for libhybris. | 14:18 |
mterry | rsalveti, change coming soon | 14:18 |
rsalveti | mterry: we don't need to care about quantal anymore :-) | 14:18 |
rsalveti | and this will need further cleanup to use the upstream version of hybris anyway | 14:19 |
mterry | rsalveti, just in time for R's actual release | 14:19 |
rsalveti | yeah | 14:19 |
ogra_ | heh | 14:19 |
ogra_ | "in time" | 14:19 |
rsalveti | ogra_: details ;-) | 14:19 |
ogra_ | :) | 14:19 |
mterry | ogra_, fine, "early" for R's actual release ;) | 14:20 |
rsalveti | yeah ;-) | 14:20 |
ogra_ | :) | 14:20 |
mterry | rsalveti, can you kick your job again? the raring-only change should be active | 14:21 |
rsalveti | mterry: sure | 14:21 |
mterry | fginther, right? For CI job changes, the branch just needs to be merged, there's not a manual step afterwards? | 14:21 |
ogra_ | oh sigh ... it just struck me that assembling the debian/copyrigyt for the android image package might actually be quite some effort ... | 14:22 |
ogra_ | probably even the biggest in creating that package ... | 14:22 |
sergiusens | ogra_: changelog bigger than the orig.tar? :-P | 14:23 |
ogra_ | copyright, but yeah :) | 14:23 |
ogra_ | i guess there are a ton of different licenses | 14:23 |
sergiusens | yeah, sorry, always use them mixed up | 14:23 |
ogra_ | "that c file in the debian dir" :) | 14:24 |
sergiusens | ogra_: mostly apache for the android stuff | 14:24 |
sergiusens | ogra_: /external is going to be the varying one | 14:24 |
ogra_ | yeah, but we have prebuilt binaries etc | 14:24 |
rsalveti | ogra_: jezz, that will be a pain indeed | 14:24 |
rsalveti | just say it's whatever is described at phablet.ubuntu.com haha | 14:25 |
ogra_ | heh | 14:25 |
ogra_ | i could try ... though i would have to have it ready before the sprint ... | 14:25 |
ogra_ | then we just need enough alcohol and an archive admin in the bar | 14:26 |
ogra_ | (and a laptop) | 14:26 |
rsalveti | :-) | 14:26 |
rsalveti | that can all be arranged | 14:26 |
fginther | mterry, correct. Just re-approve a merge proposal to retry the autolanding and merge | 14:26 |
ogra_ | haha | 14:26 |
bcp | Hi! I've flashed Ubuntu on my Nexus 4. I logged via ssh and realized that the sensorservice process is consumming the CPU 90% (I think this could be also the reason why my battery goes flat in a couple of hours) | 14:26 |
bcp | any idea how to stop/kill this process and why this is happening? | 14:27 |
didrocks | ogra_: count me in for the alcohol, but the price will be high so that I approve :) | 14:28 |
didrocks | ogra_: then, I'll take the double for the MIR ;) | 14:28 |
ogra_ | rsalveti, you read that above right ? and the channel is logged ? | 14:28 |
* ogra_ copy pastes didrocks words as well ... to have a proof | 14:29 | |
didrocks | ahah ;) | 14:29 |
rsalveti | hahah :-) | 14:29 |
ogra_ | :) | 14:29 |
mterry | sergiusens, so a big merge dropping all the quantal stuff is planned today? | 14:30 |
rsalveti | quantal is no more | 14:30 |
sergiusens | mterry: yes, was supposed to do it yesterday, but got delayed... that and phablet-land for everything in daily release | 14:30 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, sergiusens , rsalveti , whats with monthly-04 vs monthly-04.1 ... do we want to keep both ? | 14:31 |
rsalveti | ogra_: I believe we can kill monthly-0.4 | 14:31 |
sergiusens | ogra_: no, we probably only want the .1 | 14:31 |
rsalveti | sergiusens: ^? | 14:31 |
ogra_ | k | 14:31 |
rsalveti | I just hate when manta is out of battery | 14:31 |
rsalveti | takes ages to charge | 14:32 |
sergiusens | rsalveti: lower the brightness | 14:32 |
rsalveti | sergiusens: was 'suspended' | 14:32 |
rsalveti | guess our network stack keeps it running all the time | 14:32 |
ogra_ | remove /etc/init.d/ondemand ;) | 14:33 |
sergiusens | rsalveti: yeah, doesn't suspend | 14:33 |
ogra_ | that helps a lot over here ... thogh for keeping the load down during operation, not sure it has impact on suspend too | 14:33 |
ogra_ | we urgently need to re-do that crap | 14:34 |
rsalveti | guess it's a wakelock issue here | 14:34 |
mhall119 | kenvandine: do we have docs packages for Accounts and Friends? | 14:36 |
kenvandine | mhall119, not yet | 14:39 |
kenvandine | mhall119, but that is on my todo list for this week | 14:39 |
mhall119 | ok | 14:41 |
rsalveti | mterry: sergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/phablet-extras/libhybris_update_build_raring_mesa/+merge/160383 | 14:41 |
rsalveti | still used quantal | 14:41 |
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mhall119 | kalikiana: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/u1db/overview.html | 14:44 |
kalikiana | mhall119, sweet! | 14:52 |
mterry | sergiusens, do you know why the above used quantal? | 14:52 |
sergiusens | mterry: probably because the merge happened but the push of cu....distro-config didn't ... the job still has quantal | 14:53 |
mterry | sergiusens, it looks like it started over at build number 1, so it is using the new libhybris-specific config | 14:53 |
mterry | sergiusens, how does the push happen? | 14:53 |
sergiusens | mterry: manually... | 14:53 |
mterry | sergiusens, oh. hmm. Is that "deploying" the config? | 14:55 |
mhall119 | rsalveti: how are the 3 core apps currently being pulled into the daily image builds? | 14:55 |
sergiusens | mterry: yeah | 14:55 |
mterry | sergiusens, ah... | 14:55 |
sergiusens | mhall119: rule in our live-build/offspring stuff | 14:55 |
mhall119 | sergiusens: so when we change the package names to drop the ubuntu-, we'll need to let you know so you can change it | 14:56 |
mhall119 | right? | 14:56 |
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mhall119 | does it need to be all of them at once, we can we do them one at a time as the package rename changes land? | 14:57 |
sergiusens | mhall119: yup, that's what we talked about :-) | 14:57 |
rsalveti | mhall119: right, can be one at a time | 14:57 |
sergiusens | mhall119: just gradually | 14:57 |
mhall119 | ok, thanks | 14:57 |
mterry | didrocks, I made a change to a phablet stack's CI config. But it's not taking effect. I have to deploy it somehow, but you said the cu2d-update-stack was just for daily-release stuff, which phablet isn't. How do I deploy a phablet config? | 14:59 |
sergiusens | mterry: I'm looking into it... getting an error, might be easier to ask fginther | 15:00 |
sergiusens | mterry: supposedly it's just ./ci/cu2d-update-ci stacks/phablet/extras.cfg | 15:00 |
mterry | sergiusens, ah.. but you get an error on that? | 15:00 |
sergiusens | mterry: yes connection refused... it worked last time I used it so not sure | 15:01 |
fginther | mterry, I'll take a look | 15:02 |
mterry | hrm. I get credentials not found. I must never have set this script up | 15:03 |
fginther | mterry, the cu2d-update-ci looks for credentials under ci-jenkins | 15:04 |
sergiusens | fginther: I have those, but get a urllib connection refused... ah | 15:05 |
sergiusens | fginther: ip change on jenkins! | 15:05 |
sergiusens | mterry: fginther deployed | 15:06 |
fginther | sergiusens, thanks | 15:06 |
mterry | sergiusens, awesome, thanks | 15:07 |
sergiusens | seems the change did not have an effect on jenkins though :-/ | 15:08 |
* h01ger has upgraded (with phablet-tools) his nexus4 to raring but now the ui flickers heavily.. | 15:15 | |
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ZDmitry | tmoenicke: may I ask You one more question? | 16:32 |
ZDmitry | I'm bit slow. Not admit disconnection... | 16:39 |
std | is it possible to install ubuntuphone on a rasberry pi? | 16:41 |
ogra_ | std, no | 16:47 |
std | lame | 16:48 |
ogra_ | well, make the RPi use proper hardware and it will become possible ... | 16:48 |
rsalveti | mterry: happroved https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/phablet-extras/libhybris-no-gles/+merge/158160 | 16:48 |
ogra_ | rsalveti, btw, would be funny to port to the new beaglebone :) | 16:53 |
rsalveti | ogra_: indeed | 16:53 |
mterry | rsalveti, thanks! | 16:54 |
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rsalveti | jhodapp: mr happroved | 17:04 |
jhodapp | thanks rsalveti | 17:05 |
mpt | Just posted the winning layout for System Settings overview on phone. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemSettings#phone | 17:11 |
ogra_ | what did it win ? | 17:12 |
mterry | Saviq, !! my lightdm merge finally passed the ci bot. :) | 17:12 |
mpt | ogra_, the promise of existence | 17:14 |
ogra_ | :) | 17:15 |
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mhall119 | popey: in this week's IRC meetings, can we get any incomplete or postponed work items from the -month-0 milestone retargetted to -month-1? | 17:45 |
sergiusens | rsalveti: lp:touch-preview-images/livebuild | 17:56 |
sergiusens | rsalveti: offsrping is going to be switched to that | 17:56 |
sergiusens | mhall119: popey you can create MRs against this when you want to add or rename packages http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/touch-preview-images/livebuild/view/head:/chroot_local-packageslists/apps.list | 17:58 |
shadeslayer | ChickenCutlass: uh, the root=/data didn't quite work btw | 18:01 |
ChickenCutlass | shadeslayer: where is you rootfs? is it on /data | 18:02 |
shadeslayer | I mount it on /data | 18:02 |
ChickenCutlass | shadeslayer: are you at the end of init in the ramdisk? WHere it trys to run /sbin/init on the new rootfs | 18:03 |
shadeslayer | yeah, that's what I'm going to check, I suspect it's hanging at the point where it was last hanging | 18:03 |
shadeslayer | which is mounting the rootfs | 18:03 |
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mhall119 | sergiusens: noted, thanks | 18:06 |
ogra_ | did you set root=/data on the kernel cmdline ? | 18:06 |
shadeslayer | I did indeedly | 18:06 |
ogra_ | yeah, that wont work | 18:07 |
shadeslayer | oh? | 18:07 |
ogra_ | it would look for a device /data | 18:07 |
ogra_ | which it indeed cant find | 18:08 |
sergiusens | ogra_: is syncing off? | 18:08 |
ChickenCutlass | shadeslayer: I modified the init script drectly. did not use the kernel command line | 18:08 |
shadeslayer | aha | 18:08 |
shadeslayer | ChickenCutlass: care to share :) | 18:08 |
ChickenCutlass | shadeslayer: modify the rootmnt env var | 18:09 |
ogra_ | look at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local | 18:09 |
ogra_ | sepcifically the mountroot function | 18:09 |
ogra_ | thats what mounts your root devices | 18:09 |
ogra_ | -s | 18:09 |
ogra_ | ChickenCutlass, why ? | 18:10 |
ogra_ | ChickenCutlass, once run-init was executed it will be / anyway ... and /data as a mountpoint doesnt exist in the initrd | 18:10 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: I set rootmnt to /data/ubuntu and manually mounted /dev/block/mmcp23 to /data | 18:10 |
ogra_ | ah | 18:10 |
ogra_ | right, but thats a moot step | 18:11 |
ogra_ | since run-init will change it to / in any case | 18:11 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: so that all works -- ut when run-init starts -- the phone reboots | 18:11 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: even after turning off watchdog | 18:11 |
ogra_ | yeah | 18:11 |
shadeslayer | it still reboots after turning off the watchdog? :D | 18:12 |
ogra_ | i guess your prob is that you want to enter /data/ubuntu | 18:12 |
ogra_ | not just /data | 18:12 |
ChickenCutlass | shadeslayer: for me -- but only after trying to launch upstart | 18:12 |
ogra_ | run-init will just turn /data into / | 18:12 |
ogra_ | its pretty dumb | 18:13 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: let me try and move everything up a level | 18:13 |
ogra_ | so what you want is: mount /dev/block/mmcp23 to /temptootmount (or so) ... and then bindmount /temptootmount/ubuntu to /root | 18:14 |
ogra_ | and leave the script just do its job ... | 18:14 |
ChickenCutlass | ok | 18:14 |
ChickenCutlass | let me try | 18:14 |
shadeslayer | how about just mounting the block to /root directly? | 18:15 |
ogra_ | effectively we should have a "mount by label" subfubnction in mountroot (and if it knows it is an android base it also should do the bind mounting) | 18:15 |
ogra_ | so you can just say root+label:userdata on your kernel cmdline and it does the right thing | 18:16 |
ogra_ | err | 18:16 |
ogra_ | root= | 18:16 |
ogra_ | shadeslayer, should work if it has the rotfs at the toplevel | 18:16 |
ogra_ | *rootfs | 18:16 |
ogra_ | the prob here is the ubuntu subdir ... it needs to reside at root/ | 18:17 |
shadeslayer | my biggest fear is that I'm placing my mount call in the wrong location | 18:17 |
ogra_ | as a toplevel dir | 18:17 |
ogra_ | shadeslayer, arent you after a plain ubuntu anyway ? | 18:17 |
shadeslayer | I am indeed | 18:17 |
ogra_ | so there ids no need for you to jump through all these hoops | 18:18 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: though I suspect I'll need files from /system for things like wifi :/ | 18:18 |
ogra_ | just make sure /dev/mmcwhatever has your / | 18:18 |
shadeslayer | that's what I was trying to do | 18:18 |
ogra_ | the prob with ubuntu touch is that it lives in a subdir ... so that needs compensation ... i'm not sure a bind mount will survive run-init though | 18:19 |
shadeslayer | heh | 18:19 |
ogra_ | but it should ... all tempdirs survive as well | 18:19 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: so I just put a mount call at the top of my initrd to mount /dev/block/platform/dw_mmc.0/by-name/userdata as / ? | 18:19 |
shadeslayer | or /root? | 18:20 |
ogra_ | and i think we isitially used a bindmount for /dev | 18:20 |
shadeslayer | from reading the init it seems like rootmnt is /root | 18:20 |
ogra_ | shadeslayer, no, dont touch your initrd at all ... | 18:20 |
shadeslayer | oh | 18:20 |
ogra_ | just set the right root= option on your kernel cmdline | 18:20 |
shadeslayer | I tried that :S | 18:20 |
shadeslayer | didn't work | 18:20 |
ogra_ | well, it should | 18:20 |
shadeslayer | I set root=/dev/block/platform/dw_mmc.0/by-name/userdata | 18:21 |
ogra_ | what did it do ? | 18:21 |
ogra_ | no | 18:21 |
ogra_ | you want the actual device name | 18:21 |
shadeslayer | ah | 18:21 |
shadeslayer | you mean /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 | 18:21 |
ogra_ | /dev/block/platform/dw_mmc.0/by-name/userdata is a link ... use the device it points to | 18:21 |
shadeslayer | I tried that as well | 18:21 |
ogra_ | yeah | 18:21 |
ogra_ | now you are using ubuntus udev ... | 18:21 |
shadeslayer | right | 18:22 |
ogra_ | are you sure /dev/block even exists ? | 18:22 |
ogra_ | thats an android dir :) | 18:22 |
shadeslayer | hm, good point, I didn't check | 18:22 |
ogra_ | try /dev/mmcblk0p9 and see | 18:22 |
shadeslayer | okay | 18:22 |
ogra_ | (and indeed be sure to have a properly working rootfs there) | 18:23 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: same problem | 18:23 |
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ChickenCutlass | ogra_: just reboots after trying to run run-init | 18:23 |
ogra_ | ChickenCutlass, i'll sit down on my n7 tomorrow and try some things ... | 18:23 |
ChickenCutlass | ok | 18:23 |
ogra_ | i suspect the /dev/blok thing might be an issue | 18:24 |
ogra_ | *block | 18:24 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: so root is mounted -- it gets past the check for /root/sbin/init | 18:24 |
ogra_ | not sure if devtmpfs even creates such a subdir | 18:24 |
ogra_ | ah | 18:24 |
* shadeslayer will still need to mount the Android system partition to get wifi to work | 18:26 | |
shadeslayer | so many proprietary files in there :/ | 18:26 |
ogra_ | are you sure there is no linux driver for the wifi ? | 18:26 |
ogra_ | (do you know which chipset it is etc ? ) | 18:27 |
shadeslayer | I don't know if there's a driver, but look at https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_manta/blob/cm-10.1/cm-proprietary-blobs.txt | 18:28 |
shadeslayer | seems like it's a Broadcom 43241 | 18:28 |
ogra_ | you might be able to just use an in kernel broadcom driver but lose some features | 18:31 |
shadeslayer | hmmm | 18:31 |
ogra_ | https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/1388591/ | 18:31 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: can't I just mount the system partition once ubuntu is up | 18:31 |
shadeslayer | mount it to /system | 18:32 |
ogra_ | sure | 18:32 |
shadeslayer | and voila kernel just picks up the firmware from there | 18:32 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 18:34 |
shadeslayer | if I pass root=/dev/mmcblk0p9 it just reboots | 18:34 |
ogra_ | with a plain unhacked initrd | 18:35 |
shadeslayer | yep | 18:36 |
ogra_ | and an ext4 filesystem that has / on that device ? | 18:36 |
shadeslayer | yep | 18:36 |
ogra_ | hmm, then it might actually be /dev/block | 18:36 |
ogra_ | s/be/have/ | 18:36 |
shadeslayer | oh wait | 18:37 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: [ 8.874121] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p9): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) | 18:37 |
shadeslayer | :D | 18:37 |
ogra_ | aha | 18:37 |
shadeslayer | it panics shortly afterwards | 18:38 |
ogra_ | so next question is ... does run-init run | 18:38 |
shadeslayer | http://paste.kde.org/730772 | 18:38 |
ogra_ | hmm | 18:38 |
ogra_ | are you 100% sure your fs is proper ? where did you get it from ? | 18:38 |
shadeslayer | debootstrapped it | 18:39 |
ogra_ | hmm | 18:40 |
shadeslayer | sudo debootstrap --verbose --arch armhf --foreign --include=btrfs-tools,locales,kbd,wpasupplicant,openssh-server raring kubuntu/ | 18:40 |
ogra_ | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-preinstalled/current/raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+ac100.tar.gz | 18:40 |
ogra_ | try that | 18:40 |
shadeslayer | then I put qemu-arm-static in kubuntu/usr/bin and finished debootstraping | 18:40 |
shadeslayer | will do | 18:40 |
shadeslayer | will take a bit to download :) | 18:41 |
shadeslayer | mmm recovery has tar, I can just unpack it then | 18:42 |
ogra_ | zcat /path/to/tarball |tar --numeric-owner x | 18:43 |
ogra_ | thats what you want | 18:43 |
ccvvcc | when is the release date of this great os | 18:44 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: so that is better | 18:46 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: just passed root=/dev/mmcblkp23 | 18:46 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: not rebooting now | 18:46 |
ccvvcc | how to get the dock of ubuntu os? | 18:46 |
shadeslayer | ChickenCutlass: :D | 18:47 |
shadeslayer | I didn't realize that /dev/block was Android specific | 18:47 |
ccvvcc | ubuntu for android == ubuntu touch? | 18:48 |
ogra_ | ChickenCutlass, yay | 18:48 |
ogra_ | ccvvcc, no | 18:48 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: can I push the tar to the userdata partition and zcat it there itself? | 18:49 |
ogra_ | ccvvcc, ubuntu for android is like an android app :) ubuntu touch is a full OS | 18:49 |
shadeslayer | that won't corrupt the tar right? | 18:49 |
ogra_ | shadeslayer, as you like ... as long as it ends up as / there | 18:49 |
shadeslayer | okay | 18:49 |
ogra_ | it should even bring up X | 18:49 |
shadeslayer | fancy | 18:49 |
ogra_ | so you should have a chance to hack it to get a user and an xterm up for further work | 18:50 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: I'll settle for ext4 coming up :P | 18:50 |
shadeslayer | s/ext4/root | 18:50 |
ogra_ | heh | 18:50 |
ogra_ | if a missing kernel option doesnt kill upstart it should just work | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | ^_^ | 18:51 |
ogra_ | hmm, though there might be plymouth bits that get in your way | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: I'll have to write a blog post if this works :P | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | oh | 18:52 |
ogra_ | :) | 18:52 |
shadeslayer | and maybe buy you a beer or two | 18:52 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: how difficult would it be for you to setup a rootfs build that pulls in kubuntu-active and the armsoc driver for the Nexus 10? | 18:53 |
shadeslayer | so that if this works, we can try that out next :) | 18:53 |
ogra_ | shadeslayer, well, i tried with Riddell to do that for the nexus7 ... but it kind of fell off the table | 18:54 |
shadeslayer | yeah, I'm going to have a look at the N7 when/if I meet him | 18:54 |
shadeslayer | same process for the N7 :P | 18:55 |
shadeslayer | build kernel > enable fbcon > flail about a bit > poke ogra_ with issues ;) | 18:55 |
ogra_ | yeah, might be that you get hit by plymouth | 18:55 |
ogra_ | haha | 18:55 |
ogra_ | ChickenCutlass, did you keep the override files in place for plymouth ? | 18:56 |
shadeslayer | I don't like tegra however | 18:56 |
* ogra_ does | 18:56 | |
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ogra_ | its the easiest to handle due to the binary blob and the kernels are too androidized so that you can usually switch off the android stuff and still build g_serial for example | 18:56 |
ogra_ | *are not too | 18:57 |
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shadeslayer | ogra_: you clearly haven't used the TF101 | 18:59 |
shadeslayer | oh the joys of flashing the TF101 with kernelblobs | 18:59 |
shadeslayer | and hitting size limits | 18:59 |
dobey | hey all. is there a technical document anywhere describing various user interaction and app expectations for phone/tablet? in particular, window stacking and multi-process/multitasking behavior and expectations for apps? | 19:00 |
ogra_ | i have a tf101 here ... havent booted it in ages and never even tried to get ubuntu on it | 19:01 |
ChickenCutlass | ogra_: yes | 19:01 |
ogra_ | ok, good | 19:01 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: yeah, it's a PITA | 19:03 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: I've had it for about a year now | 19:03 |
shadeslayer | I went crazy during the time I tried to work | 19:04 |
ogra_ | the n7 was a pleasure to port to :) | 19:04 |
shadeslayer | lilstevie gets the award for patience though | 19:04 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 19:04 |
ogra_ | shadeslayer, so you definitely want to move all /etc/init/plymouth*.conf files out of the way | 19:05 |
doomlord | i still havent't got round to trying ubuntu on my n7 | 19:05 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: will do | 19:05 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: something to investigate once all of this is done, fbcon :P | 19:06 |
shadeslayer | why does it not work | 19:06 |
shadeslayer | and maybe try to make it work | 19:06 |
ogra_ | yeah | 19:06 |
ogra_ | will likely need kernel patches though | 19:07 |
shadeslayer | fine with me ;)_ | 19:07 |
ogra_ | yeah, with me too ... as long as i dont have to write them :) | 19:07 |
shadeslayer | haha | 19:07 |
shadeslayer | we can find someone in #ubuntu-kernel :P | 19:08 |
mhall119 | bzoltan1: can you have someone look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1171973 please | 19:09 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1171973 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Swiping between tabs from content don't work" [Undecided,New] | 19:09 |
* ogra_ has patched kernels in his life ... but never with code i would show to anyone | 19:09 | |
shadeslayer | xD | 19:10 |
shadeslayer | I've patched kernels too, but with other people's code :P | 19:10 |
ogra_ | yeah, that i didnt count | 19:10 |
dobey | or is there anyone specific that would be good to ask about that sort of thing? | 19:11 |
ogra_ | dobey, probably mtp | 19:12 |
ogra_ | err | 19:12 |
ogra_ | mpt ... i know he is no protocol ... | 19:12 |
shadeslayer | :D | 19:12 |
dobey | mpt: ^^ if you're still around, are you the person to ask about details regarding window stacking and multi-process/multitasking bits of the new world order of phablet converged ubuntu? | 19:15 |
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shadeslayer | fun | 19:16 |
shadeslayer | there's /sys/class/leds/as3668/color | 19:16 |
shadeslayer | so I can maybe control the color of the LED on the N10 | 19:16 |
bzoltan1 | mhall119: I know it sounds unpleasant, but that is how it suppose to work. It is a decision made by design -> http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/building-blocks/tabs and http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/global-patterns/navigation | 19:25 |
hey | hi | 19:27 |
hey | can touch be downloaded on micro sd card and dual boot phone | 19:28 |
ogra_ | no | 19:28 |
ogra_ | there are some hacks to do dual boot on the xda forums ... but an upgrade could break that since ubuntu touch doesnt support it | 19:29 |
hey | thanks | 19:29 |
pmcgowan | bzoltan1: the new qtc looks great | 19:29 |
ogra_ | so the hack might just be overwritten | 19:29 |
shadeslayer | ruh roh | 19:30 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: zcat: write: Broken pipe | 19:30 |
ogra_ | wow | 19:31 |
ogra_ | so your android shell doesnt know how to pipe ? or does tar not work ? | 19:31 |
shadeslayer | I have no idea | 19:32 |
shadeslayer | I could zcat it locally and adb sync it | 19:32 |
ogra_ | well, it will grow quite a bit | 19:32 |
shadeslayer | oh | 19:33 |
shadeslayer | wel | 19:33 |
shadeslayer | if I place the 'x' after tar it works :) | 19:33 |
ogra_ | err | 19:33 |
ogra_ | yeah | 19:33 |
ogra_ | heh | 19:33 |
shadeslayer | so zcat foo.tar.gz | tar x --numeric-owner | 19:33 |
shadeslayer | :P | 19:33 |
ogra_ | sorry | 19:34 |
shadeslayer | np ;) | 19:34 |
shadeslayer | done, fingers crossed, rebooting | 19:34 |
shadeslayer | didn't reboot, so far so good | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | no GUI as well | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | oh drat | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | forgot about plymouth | 19:36 |
ogra_ | i was about to say | 19:36 |
shadeslayer | :D | 19:36 |
ogra_ | but that would have caused a hard reboot most likely | 19:36 |
ogra_ | it definitely does on tegra ... so you might be past that point | 19:36 |
shadeslayer | /proc/last_kmsg has garbled messages about tty's | 19:37 |
shadeslayer | [ 57.459863] init: tty3 main process ended, respawning | 19:37 |
shadeslayer | but removing just incase | 19:37 |
shadeslayer | ah, I don't think I have CONFIG_VT enabled | 19:38 |
shadeslayer | would that cause issues? | 19:38 |
ChickenCutlass | shadeslayer: yes | 19:38 |
shadeslayer | okay, I'll enable CONFIG_VT | 19:38 |
ogra_ | yeah | 19:38 |
shadeslayer | hmm screen flashed | 19:41 |
shadeslayer | I'll take that as a good sign | 19:41 |
shadeslayer | probably something tried to start but failed | 19:42 |
ogra_ | yeah | 19:42 |
shadeslayer | bunch of garbled messages in last_kmsg | 19:43 |
ogra_ | mount the partition from recovery and have a look at /var/log/ | 19:43 |
shadeslayer | ack | 19:43 |
ogra_ | i think you have it booting ... | 19:43 |
ogra_ | but still issues | 19:43 |
shadeslayer | indeed ;) | 19:43 |
ogra_ | see if it gets to starting X | 19:44 |
ogra_ | there is definitely no Xorg.0.log in the tarball :) | 19:44 |
shadeslayer | it does :D | 19:44 |
shadeslayer | it has an Xorg.0.log | 19:44 |
ogra_ | yay | 19:44 |
shadeslayer | :D | 19:44 |
ogra_ | you should be able to chroot | 19:44 |
ogra_ | so you can less it etc | 19:44 |
shadeslayer | http://paste.kde.org/730814 | 19:45 |
shadeslayer | that's Xorg.0.log | 19:45 |
shadeslayer | dmesg http://paste.kde.org/730820 | 19:45 |
ogra_ | hah | 19:45 |
ogra_ | it even started | 19:45 |
shadeslayer | :D | 19:45 |
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shadeslayer | whoops at dmesg | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | http://paste.kde.org/730826 | 19:47 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 19:48 |
shadeslayer | I wonder if I can make it mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p8 on /system in etc/fstab | 19:48 |
shadeslayer | and then it won't complaint about missing firmware | 19:49 |
ogra_ | ir still will | 19:49 |
ogra_ | *it | 19:49 |
shadeslayer | oh, why? | 19:49 |
ogra_ | you need to copy /system/lib/firmware to /lib/firmware i think | 19:50 |
shadeslayer | not quite | 19:50 |
shadeslayer | the manta kernel passes the firmware paths, hardcoded into the config | 19:50 |
ogra_ | well, then create /system and mount it | 19:50 |
shadeslayer | CONFIG_BCMDHD_FW_PATH="/system/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd.bin" | 19:50 |
ogra_ | dmesg talks about /lib/firmware | 19:50 |
shadeslayer | mmm | 19:51 |
ogra_ | but try the mount | 19:51 |
ogra_ | seems to be easy to find out if it works | 19:51 |
shadeslayer | done, lets see if it works | 19:53 |
shadeslayer | hmm, nope | 19:54 |
ogra_ | well, whats weird is that X doesnt show up ... even though it starts without error | 19:55 |
shadeslayer | that's what I'm thinking as well | 19:55 |
ogra_ | might be a backlight controller issue | 19:55 |
shadeslayer | nppe | 19:55 |
shadeslayer | *nope | 19:55 |
shadeslayer | I can clearly tell there's alot of backlight | 19:56 |
shadeslayer | the screen isn't 'off' | 19:56 |
ogra_ | k | 19:56 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: maybe it's on the wrong tty? | 19:56 |
ogra_ | not the wrong tty but the wrong display | 19:56 |
shadeslayer | wrong *display* ? :P | 19:56 |
shadeslayer | how can it be on the wrong display | 19:56 |
shadeslayer | there is just one xD | 19:57 |
ogra_ | well, output ... | 19:57 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 19:58 |
ogra_ | there is likely a HDMI out internally | 19:58 |
shadeslayer | I'll try and get adb up | 19:58 |
shadeslayer | then maybe we can debug | 19:58 |
ogra_ | iirc that tablet supports attaching HDMI with an adapter | 19:58 |
ogra_ | though it clearly gets a modeline somehow | 19:58 |
shadeslayer | bah, no adb :/ | 20:06 |
ogra_ | how do you try to run it ? | 20:07 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: put an entry in rc.local | 20:08 |
shadeslayer | /sbin/adbd & | 20:08 |
shadeslayer | and it still complains about firmware | 20:08 |
shadeslayer | even though I copied it to /lib/firmware | 20:08 |
bobweaver | Good Idea or bad Idea. any feed back is awesome thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfvCUjf7HJs | 20:09 |
ogra_ | shadeslayer, where does that adbd come from ? | 20:09 |
ogra_ | (in /sbin) | 20:09 |
shadeslayer | from the recovery | 20:10 |
shadeslayer | it's a standalone binary | 20:10 |
ogra_ | well | 20:11 |
ogra_ | it doesnt link to bionic ? | 20:11 |
ogra_ | (which you dont have in ubuntu, we use libc) | 20:11 |
shadeslayer | uh, it said : not a dynamic executable | 20:11 |
shadeslayer | erm | 20:11 |
shadeslayer | ldd said | 20:11 |
ogra_ | file ? | 20:12 |
shadeslayer | you want me to host the file somewhere? | 20:12 |
ogra_ | no, what does the file command say | 20:12 |
shadeslayer | adbd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped | 20:13 |
ogra_ | hmm, k | 20:13 |
ogra_ | though its likely compiled for ARMv6 ... | 20:13 |
ogra_ | but even that shouldnt stop it from starting | 20:13 |
shadeslayer | would that make a difference even though if it's statically compiled | 20:13 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 20:14 |
shadeslayer | http://paste.kde.org/730844/ | 20:14 |
shadeslayer | that's what I have | 20:14 |
ogra_ | i guess you miss some device setup that android would do for you | 20:14 |
ogra_ | ah | 20:15 |
ogra_ | hmm | 20:15 |
ogra_ | hard to tell ... redirect the output to a file | 20:15 |
shadeslayer | yeah doing that | 20:15 |
ogra_ | does sdbd have any options ? | 20:15 |
ogra_ | -vvvvvv | 20:15 |
ogra_ | or some such :) | 20:16 |
shadeslayer | it doesn't implement -h :P | 20:16 |
ogra_ | hah | 20:16 |
shadeslayer | eh | 20:19 |
shadeslayer | no /var/log/adbd.log | 20:19 |
ogra_ | heh | 20:19 |
ogra_ | touch it :P | 20:19 |
ogra_ | oh, you mean it didnt output | 20:19 |
ogra_ | i thought that was the error msg | 20:19 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 20:19 |
shadeslayer | it didn't output | 20:20 |
ogra_ | hos did you set up the redirect ? | 20:20 |
shadeslayer | though rc.local magically changed permissions to 666 | 20:20 |
ogra_ | *how | 20:20 |
shadeslayer | /sbin/adbd &> /var/log/adbd.log & | 20:20 |
ogra_ | lol | 20:20 |
ogra_ | thats a bashism | 20:20 |
shadeslayer | oh god | 20:20 |
shadeslayer | *headesk* | 20:21 |
ogra_ | /sbin/adbd >/var/log/adbd.log 2>&1 & | 20:21 |
shadeslayer | right | 20:21 |
shadeslayer | hate shell :/ | 20:21 |
ogra_ | <3 shell | 20:22 |
ogra_ | as long as its POSIX | 20:22 |
shadeslayer | I suspect I'll have to strace it | 20:24 |
shadeslayer | yeah, still nothing | 20:24 |
ogra_ | you might hang at the echo above ... | 20:24 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 20:24 |
ogra_ | try adding || true | 20:25 |
ogra_ | to both ends of the lines | 20:25 |
ogra_ | (both echos) | 20:25 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: what then? | 20:29 |
ogra_ | ? | 20:29 |
shadeslayer | uh I meant, how can I tell if it hung at the switch after adding || true | 20:30 |
ogra_ | if it didnt, you should have a file ... | 20:31 |
shadeslayer | eh lol | 20:31 |
shadeslayer | It doesn't even run rc.local | 20:31 |
shadeslayer | I put : echo "Disabling usb for adb switch" > /var/log/adbd.log | 20:31 |
shadeslayer | as the first thing in rc.local | 20:32 |
shadeslayer | and /var/log/adbd.log is still empty | 20:32 |
shadeslayer | *but* | 20:32 |
shadeslayer | I see : [ 18.918466] android_usb: already disabled | 20:32 |
shadeslayer | [ 18.933087] warning: `adbd' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) | 20:32 |
shadeslayer | in dmesg | 20:32 |
shadeslayer | meh, let's just use openssh over usb, if possible | 20:34 |
ogra_ | well, i'll call it a day ... good luck :) | 20:38 |
shadeslayer | bye :) | 20:38 |
shadeslayer | thanks :) | 20:38 |
ogra_ | :) | 20:38 |
bregma | anyone around who can help me reflash my Nexus7 with the latest phablet image? | 20:40 |
bregma | adb devices won;t recognize it even though I see it through dmesg and lsusb | 20:40 |
bregma | I fear I'm doing something wrong | 20:41 |
pmcgowan | bregma: whats it go on it now | 20:43 |
pmcgowan | got | 20:43 |
bregma | it's got a current Ubuntu desktop image | 20:43 |
pmcgowan | bregma: then you need to do the manual instructions I think | 20:44 |
bregma | they seem to require adb see the device, too | 20:44 |
pmcgowan | is sergiusens around? | 20:44 |
bregma | I can use fastboot to reboot it, so it's talking to my system | 20:44 |
RobbyF | phablet-flash isn't working for me atm, but I think that's because of raring change over taking place atm | 20:45 |
pmcgowan | did ogra_ leave? I think he did this onhis | 20:46 |
pmcgowan | bregma: have you used adb to the device before? | 20:47 |
pmcgowan | try another usb port, check the cable, etc have been known to happen | 20:48 |
bregma | well, I've flashed it with Ubuntu images before, so I assume so | 20:48 |
pmcgowan | hmm | 20:48 |
bregma | mm, right, Pournelle's Law (it's usually a cable) | 20:48 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: I'm around | 20:51 |
pmcgowan | bregma: maybe restart the service and ensure its running as root | 20:52 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: bregma having toruble with his nexus 7 | 20:52 |
pmcgowan | just found http://sergiusens.github.io/posts/installing-ubuntu-touch-preview-on-the-nexus-7-with-ubuntu-on-it.html | 20:52 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: adb not work | 20:52 |
bregma | should the device be in dead robot mode or recovery mode or any special state? | 20:53 |
sergiusens | bregma: so you have a nexus 7 with what? | 20:53 |
bregma | I believe it's the latest Ubuntu desktop image | 20:53 |
sergiusens | bregma: fastoboot when in the bootloader, adb when in recovery and android OS | 20:53 |
pmcgowan | bregma: the link above are the instructions | 20:54 |
bregma | OK, and fastboot definitely talks to the device but adb doesn't when it's in recovery mode | 20:54 |
sergiusens | bregma: sideload? | 20:55 |
pmcgowan | bregma: from the instructions you need to boot from the recovery img in the bootloader | 20:55 |
sergiusens | bregma: or adb in general? | 20:55 |
bregma | "adb devices" does not see the device | 20:56 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: is this the first step: sudo fastboot boot quantal-preinstalled-recovery-armel+grouper.img | 20:56 |
sergiusens | bregma: ok, how familiar are you with android? | 20:57 |
bregma | andoir? not at all | 20:57 |
sergiusens | oh, ok | 20:57 |
sergiusens | bregma: power off | 20:57 |
bregma | OK | 20:57 |
sergiusens | bregma: then follow that blog verbatim | 20:57 |
* sergiusens notices that latest nikola broke... hmmm | 20:58 | |
sergiusens | bregma: change quantal refs to raring ones | 20:58 |
pmcgowan | RobbyF: what problem are you having with phablet-flash? | 20:59 |
pmcgowan | oh nm I see | 20:59 |
* bregma searches for his bifocals so he can read what's on the N7 screen | 20:59 | |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: flashing busted? | 21:00 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: I flashed perfectly fine before sending my email... | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: getting an error latest build detection not supported | 21:02 |
sergiusens | today's build won't install unless you have phablet0tools - 0.11 | 21:02 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: did you update? | 21:02 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: I just did on raring to latest everything | 21:02 |
pmcgowan | the versioning there is wack though | 21:03 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: what is it? | 21:03 |
pmcgowan | 0.10.daily13.04.17blahblahblah | 21:03 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: main doesnt have that update yet probably | 21:04 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: do you have the ppa? if you upgraded from quantal it was probably disabled | 21:04 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: that's the prev version | 21:05 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools | 21:05 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: apt-get update && apt-get install phablet-tools | 21:05 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: right but tools are in main on raring apparently? | 21:05 |
pmcgowan | oh no I am wrong | 21:05 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: nope, you still have the one that was prolly installed from quantal or precise (if you updated) | 21:06 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: I see it on quantal, not raring, will do update | 21:06 |
pmcgowan | maybe timing was bad | 21:06 |
sergiusens | pmcgowan: the package was in 5 hours ago... not sure what happened ;-) | 21:07 |
pmcgowan | sergiusens: yep its there, just missed it | 21:08 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
SonikkuAmerica | What is the point of putting Ubuntu Touch on the Nexus 4 if it only suppors HSPA+? | 21:17 |
SonikkuAmerica | *supports | 21:18 |
SonikkuAmerica | I thought Touch only supported GSM. | 21:20 |
bregma | I'm waiting for it to support LTE | 21:20 |
* bregma is patient | 21:21 | |
netcurli | it is still a developer version | 21:21 |
SonikkuAmerica | Is there a broader road map that will include CDMA, HSPA+ and IDEN? | 21:21 |
SonikkuAmerica | Or is that a stupid question? :) | 21:24 |
GeekSquid | I have installed the latest phablet install to a nexus 4, I am loving it, My next question would be how can I help, and how can I get help? | 21:25 |
SonikkuAmerica | GeekSquid: You've come to the right place for now. | 21:26 |
netcurli | SonikkuAmerica: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-converged-network-stack | 21:27 |
SonikkuAmerica | netcurli: Ah, thanks. | 21:27 |
GeekSquid | Next question, when using nano via adb why doesn't the enter key work when trying to write out a file | 21:28 |
SonikkuAmerica | Spotted «WiFi direct support is in Android, not clear how important it is for touch tough» inside wpasupplicant: I would think it would be for a couple of reasons. | 21:29 |
Minste | Hi. Anybody know anything about the work with mobile data. I know the 3G/4G doesn't work, but what about EDGE? | 21:47 |
shadeslayer | ogra_: /etc/rc.local isn't run at all | 21:56 |
awe_ | Minste, mobile data support is in progress | 22:00 |
awe_ | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-telephony-stack | 22:00 |
awe_ | it requires Network Manager work in addition to the ofono/RILD work | 22:01 |
Minste | Thanks for information :) Looking forward to it, mobile data is the only thing missing for me to use it daily :D | 22:04 |
awe_ | Minste, your welcome | 22:05 |
Damp | I am trying to have a slider in a tab, but when I try to interact with the slider i just switch tab | 22:17 |
Damp | Anyone encountered the same problem or have a solution? | 22:17 |
nik90 | Damp: this issue is being fixed at the moment. The default behavior to switch tabs by swiping has been removed by default. This should fix the issue with your slider | 22:19 |
nik90 | it will land as an update soon | 22:19 |
Damp | Ok, so it is a known issue? | 22:19 |
netcurli | anyone using quantal here? | 22:19 |
nik90 | Damp: check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1166709 | 22:19 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1166709 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[tabs] Tabs should only be navigated by swiping or tapping on the header area" [Critical,In progress] | 22:19 |
nik90 | Damp: yeah it is a known issue | 22:20 |
Damp | Then its allright and I wont file a bug report :p | 22:20 |
netcurli | I just updated qtcreator and now it is not running anymore.. symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms/libqxcb.so: undefined symbol: _ZN15QPlatformWindow17formatWindowTitleERK7QStringS2_ | 22:20 |
rickspencer3 | hey, congrats everyone on getting onto raring | 22:33 |
rickspencer3 | good times | 22:33 |
Damp | rickspencer3 what do you mean? | 22:42 |
rickspencer3 | hi Damp | 22:43 |
rickspencer3 | Damp, I was referring to this: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg01797.html | 22:44 |
Damp | IF I update to a daily image then I'll get 13.04 or whats it called | 22:45 |
rickspencer3 | Damp, I would assume that is the case, but I am not a definitive source | 22:46 |
pmcgowan | Damp: yes the daily is now base on 13.04 | 22:47 |
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pmcgowan | should not see any difference in functionality | 22:48 |
Damp | Is there some big updates with this so I should update at once? | 22:48 |
pmcgowan | nope | 22:48 |
pmcgowan | its just where the development will be focused now, until we move to S | 22:48 |
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moocow1452 | Anyone good with Black Screen Boot Errors? | 22:53 |
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