[00:05] DarkEra: Hurray expect a respin in the next 24 hours, Kubuntu has a encrpytion password matching bugfix to go in. [00:06] Maybe no, but just a warning;P [00:09] smartboyhw, i think when it's related to Kubuntu only and the ubuntu studio iso's are ok, it doesn't affect us [00:11] i could be mistaken though [00:16] I hate tutorials/manuals/references that are written as if the person reading it should already know what it is instructing [00:16] After much work, I'm finally doing some filtering with imapfilter using the lua scripting language [00:17] zequence : Congrats : ) [00:21] madeinkobaia: Thanks [00:22] I just finished a study work on Ubuntu Studio : http://sta.sh/015tu875d4ft [00:22] Aside from creating a personal filtering system, I also want to create something easy for other developers to set up in order to track massive amounts of mail coming from different mail lists [00:23] madeinkobaia: Looks nice [00:23] Its kind of mix of many things, a graphical improvisation. Nothing official, now we could do something. [00:23] What do you think of the slogan ? [00:26] "Sound & Vision"? It's stylish. Resembles a brand more than a slogan perhaps. [00:26] The coloring is nice though [00:27] From white to blue, and since they are two different subjects, it's also symbolic [00:29] Thanks for the feedback. (btw Its a Bowie album too) [00:29] Right. Must be from where I get some vibes :) [00:31] For sure. I searched on gog, there are no notable brands using that sentence. First I started on "Audio, Video, Graphics", but its was a little bit long so I switched on that. [00:34] When using it in context with Ubuntu Studio, it feels like it suits best in a poetic fashion. Like, a made up brand name. If you add the text to the picture, it becomes an expansion of the graphics [00:35] The more weight on "Sound & Vision", the more towards the poetic, IMO [00:35] I was just thinking about what if we would use our own codenames [00:36] Or, additional code names. [00:37] But, it would just be confusing, I think. At least, not very helpful anyway [00:39] Those kind of questions are important and needs reflexion. The concept is open. Now graphical studys are a good way for exploring new ideas. [00:44] I ask my self if I will expose it on deviantart for celebrate the release out. As "non official" advertising of course. Now it is hidden, its just on my personal storage place on dA (dA = deviantart). [00:46] I don't see any other reason not to publish personal stuff. === JTa is now known as JTa_aFK [00:47] I mean, I don't see any reason not to publish personal stuff [00:47] Reading through my inbox, which now holds all the mail from 1st of January. 79 mail lists so far (not all of them are actual mail lists) [00:48] Ok [00:48] madeinkobaia: I even think it would be nice to showcase stuff on our website [00:49] Anything that was done with Ubuntu Studio could be posted as "news" [00:49] For sure, could be great. [00:49] And one could keep a gallery of stuff too [00:50] It was done on Gimp at 100% [00:50] Even the text part (I was patient :D ) [00:51] madeinkobaia: Did you smudge the text? I don't know how to make it smooth myself, so I generally use Inkscape for doing text [00:52] zequence : smudge, you mean blur ? [00:52] madeinkobaia: Yeah :) [00:53] Oh its really easy, you enter the text with the text tool (who unfortunately really needs to be improve) then you select your layer and in [00:55] ..filter, then "blur", then Gaussian blur and you enter a blur between 0,1 and 0,9, the result will really smooth [00:55] I translate from French, but I think its ok [00:56] I've experimented with that, but if you want sharp text with smooth lines, I find it hard to do with Gimp. The text looks very uneven [00:56] Something about it being drawn seems so fundamentally different to how it happens in Inkscape [00:57] Uneven ? Normally there is no problem, I done like that. [00:58] Inkscape works vectorial, so its really more powerfull for work on text [00:59] On Gimp when you apply a filter you're text layer is automatically swtich on Bitmap. That's really a problem : ( [01:01] That means that every effetyou will apply after will alter the render. [01:04] Well, my "sound" and mainly "vision" start to be altered too :D 3 am, time to leave. [01:04] same here, still awake [01:04] Ah, just when I thought I had crashed my email server [01:05] the design looks nice though madeinkobaia [01:06] Thanks darkera, a lot work and hours on it and at least 20 layers 8-) But I learned a lot stuffs. [01:08] 20 layers? holy crap, that's a lot. But when you keep yourself going you learn and grow indeed :) [01:08] There are an amazing amont of filters and settings on Gimp, needs time to learn them all [01:08] Some of my works have 100 :D [01:08] wow [01:09] yeah, gimp has a lot of stuff in it [01:10] right, time to head to bed. Chat you all later ;) [01:10] DarkEra: GN [01:10] night zequence [01:11] Me too, Ok, guys see you later (or earlier ?) zequence : good luck for mail server config : ) [01:11] I guess I'll sleep when I die, resurrect from the dead, and someone from The Walking Dead stabs me with a wooden poke through my head [01:12] lool [01:12] madeinkobaia: Good Night [01:12] Good night Kaj :) [09:40] zequence: Can you do me a favor, and copy the release notes from the wiki to main site? [10:02] Hello DarkEra:) [10:02] hi there smartboyhw_ :) [10:07] spam cleaning: Check. Ubu Stu current checking: Check. Coffee: Check. [10:07] DarkEra: :) [10:08] all i need to do now is wake up my brain [10:40] I'm still working on my imapfilter. Wish I understood the underaying stuff better. Wrestling with syntax is not the most fun thing to do in life. [10:42] Right now, I'm not a big fan of lua, but I'm sure that's only because I've been getting too many nil related errors during these last days [10:42] And not because it's a rotten dirty language [10:46] zequence: Hurray! But can you do me the favor?:P [10:59] smartboyhw_: I'll take care of all the postings. Just give me the link, no problem [11:00] zequence: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/UbuntuStudio [11:01] zequence: One thing: Please let me have a look of the release announcement before it's out.;P [11:07] smartboyhw_: The final release announcement is more a job for the project lead. I will talk not only about the release, but about the future. I won't be asking people about their opinion. All though, my job is as always to follow what I've understood to be best for the community [11:08] I mean, I won't ask people about their opinion of the release announcement, that is [11:08] pl [11:08] ok [11:09] DarkEra: You did some testing on the current ISO? [11:09] ..I just want to filter my mail with generic tools. How hard can it be? [11:09] zequence: It depends;P [11:09] XD [11:10] smartboyhw_, no, not yet. I just finished writing it to usb stick [11:10] DarkEra: Alright :) [11:11] * smartboyhw_ hates possible respins [11:11] The Kubuntu-styled new ubiquity for Kubuntu is quite buggy it seems [11:12] testing will have to wait til my wife comes back, i'm taking care of the kids at the moment :) [11:14] DarkEra: No worries:) [11:22] DarkEra: speaking of this, can you help us do some upgrade testing? [11:24] * DarkEra needs a testing machine [11:24] smartboyhw_, from what to what version? [11:25] DarkEra: 12.10 -> 13.04 [11:25] These things don't respin:P (except image upgrading) [11:25] DarkEra: Try doing the Software Updater first [11:25] i only have 12.04 and 13.04 on this machine [11:26] Uh oh. [11:26] DarkEra: Try using ^* [11:26] s/^*/VMs/ [11:27] Grrr [11:27] time is not on my side today but testing 13.04 could be done though [11:30] DarkEra: OK [11:52] zequence: As a Ubuntu Forums user, please support https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/1172218 [11:52] Launchpad bug 1172218 in ubuntu-website-content "Ubuntu Forums not listed as part of thriving community" [Undecided,Confirmed] [11:59] smartboyhw_: Thanks. I reconfirmed it :) [12:01] * smartboyhw_ salutes to zequence for his help [14:19] Hey DarkEra:) [14:19] It turns out we won't have any respins again (except for Kubuntu) [14:20] i thought so :) [14:20] good afternoon by the way [14:20] zequence: Do you want to do a session in Ubuntu Open Week-R for Ubuntu Studio? [14:23] smartboyhw, guess what, i found out i still have a 12.10 32bit iso on one of my external hd [14:24] i could wipe the hd on my netbook, install 12.10 and test a upgrade if wanted [14:27] ooh [14:27] Thanks! [14:28] i'm busy copying it to the home folder and create a usb stick at the moment [14:30] :) [14:44] Damn possible respin due to a package that shouldn't exist:O [14:44] In our images at least. [14:47] DarkEra: ^ [14:47] * smartboyhw emits blood [14:48] smartboyhw, ok thanks, i'll wait and zsync later on when the respin is out. For now i'll keep myself busy with testing the upgrade. Had phone and starting to create the usb stick now [14:49] DarkEra: Keep on with the upgrades, they won't be affected:) [14:50] ok :) [14:51] heya madeinkobaia how are you doing today buddy? :) [14:51] darkera : I am fine :) [14:51] that's great :) [14:52] i need some food, bbl [14:55] Hello madeinkobaia:) [14:55] I put in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-resources/art/files/head:/ON-AIR/ 2 preview banners for G+/FB. That is a special version for the 13.04 release. Any feedback is welcome. [14:55] zequence : ^ [14:56] Hi smartboyhw, how are you ? [14:56] madeinkobaia: Great. I'll have a look [14:56] madeinkobaia: Hurray! [14:57] smartboyhw : Thanks : ) Witch version do you prefer ? 05 or 06 ? [14:58] madeinkobaia: Both are OK I think. [14:59] I rather prefer 05 though [15:00] madeinkobaia: I think 06 has a nicer style, but 05 speaks more directly - easier to catch it with the eyes [15:00] * smartboyhw has the same comment as zequence [15:00] smartboyhw : Ok, Lets go for the 05 ! [15:01] madeinkobaia: Probably because of too much complexity around the letters. The splashes might work better around the letters :) [15:01] zequence: 05 then? [15:01] Badly explained, but you know what I mean [15:02] * smartboyhw can understand even being an art crap:P [15:03] zequence : Hello, yeah no problems :) [15:03] madeinkobaia: hi :) [15:03] OK, we are really gonna respin soon. [15:03] Does anyone know what purpose of unity-assets-pool in our image? [15:04] The release is still for tomorrow ? [15:04] It's the package causing the respin (thx Microsoft for complaining about Skype) [15:04] madeinkobaia: It always is. [15:06] Ok so I will put the definitive version this evening in the branch, like that we can for tomorrow have our banners on line on G+ and FB : ) [15:09] ok [15:13] I be back around 8 pm (gmt +1), that let us a little bit time of reflexion for any changes on the banners. See you all : ) [15:23] 05 looks nice indeed [15:25] right, had some food, installing 12.10 on the netbook now [16:19] smartboyhw, software updater doesn't show 13.04 yet so can't upgrade through that [16:22] DarkEra: Start if from the terminal. Two options. I think -d would be one. See update-manager --help [16:22] Since it's still marked as development release, you need to specify you are upgrading to the development release [16:23] that's what i thought since 13.04 is not released yet and still needs testing [16:23] thanks zequence i'll look into that [16:25] yep, got it. Starting upgrade now [18:02] yay! upgrade finished [18:36] darkera : : ) [18:37] The final (?) version of the social network banner for 13.04 available here : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art/ubuntustudio-resources/art/files/head:/social-networks_googleplus/ [18:41] I also cleaned the Ubuntu Studio logo = before : https://plus.google.com/u/0/102125777892703446963/posts after : https://plus.google.com/u/0/112937756282972852089/posts [18:41] zequence : ^ [19:56] zsync time [20:40] madeinkobaia: Ah, great work on the logo :) [20:40] And that Debian banner looks awesome :) [20:43] zequence : Yep, the banner is one of my wp I made for Debian :) [20:44] zequence : For the logo I just added some blur, the borders are smooth now : ) [20:46] Yes, the borders were ok against white background, for apparent reasons. They needed to be cleaned up :) [20:46] Actually, I've cropped the picture on the G+ site [20:46] ..I think [20:46] :P [20:46] Anyway. It's good we have a nice set of replacements :) [20:49] zequence : Hope to see the result on line : ) [20:51] We have new releases of ISOs out now [20:51] Should finally be the final ones [20:51] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/269/builds [20:51] They will need a bit of testing [20:52] Ya about 2 hours ago. [20:52] Just downloaded... but have a dentist app now :P [20:52] len-1304: Always fun :) [20:53] I will test 32bit later when I get back. [20:54] I'm zynking both ISOs now. It's getting late, but I should be able to pull off some testing [20:55] zsync is done so i'm preparing the usb stick [20:56] i hope i can do some testing to but have to keep a eye on our oldest [21:11] Either I'm really stupid, or mail filtering is stupid [21:12] "The truth is often between opposite" (by "Lao Tseu", but I am not sure :D ) [21:17] Both could be true too [21:19] ...and reciprocally. [21:19] I'm realizing I'm dealing with databases, but I'm not doing it hands on, so I take the long way around understanding what I'm doing [21:22] lol, you're using "regular expressions" for create filters ? [21:28] Any Led Zeppelin fan's on Ubuntu Studio ? [21:32] I'm using a tool called imapfilter, to filter my IMAP mailbox. The filtering is done in LUA [21:34] zequence : ok [21:35] I'm emigrating to the mutt email client, from Opera [21:35] Or migrating :) [21:37] Depends on the place you leave ;) === JTa is now known as JTa_aFK [23:28] DarkEra: You zsynced the new image 20130424; [23:28] ? [23:34] smartboyhw, yep [23:35] DarkEra: \o/ [23:35] just installing it on the third partition on the laptop [23:36] almost done [23:36] smartboyhw, i also upgraded 12.10 to 13.04 on the netbook [23:37] i'm on that right now [23:37] * smartboyhw hugs DarkEra [23:38] :) [23:38] you can see how much i care about the project [23:40] i just want to thank you smartboyhw and zequence for being patient and showing me the way, i really appreciate that [23:41] DarkEra: :) I should have helped you do some testing, but holy christ secondary 3 tests took most of my time away:( I have a Chinese History test tmr. [23:42] smartboyhw, it's ok and i understand. Your private life and school have priority [23:43] :) [23:43] it was a busy day here to with my kids so i couldn't do much anyway [23:45] at least i got the netbook install upgraded this evening