[01:32] rick_h_: are you around? [01:35] hatch: yea, what's up? [01:35] questions about your proposed branch [01:35] is that for the little tab to open the store? [01:35] hatch: shoot [01:35] right [01:35] that opens/closes [01:35] so why couldn't you have a simple css based tab with a open/close method on the subapp ? [01:36] it looks like that's all it's doing but with way more code [01:36] hatch: no, because it needs to be state, back button enabled, urlable, etc [01:37] well doesn't it only have two states? shown and not? [01:37] and it's shown if the other two are closed [01:38] hatch: maybe I'm not following. So there's three 'states' to the browser. minmized, fullscreen, or sidebar view. And tomorrow I have ot add a hidden state as well [01:38] wana guichat it? [01:38] hatch: and I was going to ask to pair up on that because whenever we're on the juju-gui interior views, we have to get the sidebar to go to a hidden state and make sure the back button pops it back to the old state/etc [01:38] hatch: can we setup first thing tomorrow? I've only got 20min left here at the coffee shop [01:39] oh yeah sure np [01:39] hatch: cool, let me konw when you get in tomorrow morning and we can chat as I wanted to grab your time on the hidden state stuff as well. [01:39] going out tonight so it definitely wont' be before my usual time (8am) :) [01:40] hatch: rgr, have fun [01:40] currently 7:40pm [01:40] yea, add 2hrs here [01:43] rick_h_: In fact the minimised sidebar needs to remember its state so that when you open it again it remains the same as it was before you minimised it [01:45] huwshimi: right, so it should. It pushes a new state and doesn't change anything like charmids, search input, etc [01:45] huwshimi: so when you open it, it reloads. When we get the cache into place it'll avoid that reload as well [01:45] huwshimi: but that cache state stuff will be later on. For insance we can cache the interesting charm list and search results from fullscreen/sidebar and such [01:46] rick_h_: Ah I see your branch actually does that, but shouldn't it just be the real sidebar there that is just moved over? [01:46] (Although I don't know how that should be handled when you were in full-screen mode) [01:46] huwshimi: so yes/no. Yes, but that'll be harder since we'll have this state change but moving it over while this took me 2hrs tonight to add [01:47] huwshimi: so going with this for a first pass that does what it should and we can look closer at how to do it with sidebar/fullscreen/animation/etc as a later improvement [01:47] rick_h_: Yeah, fair enough, that makes sense [01:48] rick_h_: btw- 3.10 doesn't make any apreciable difference in speed in the tests :( [01:48] appreciable [01:49] hatch: :( [01:49] yeah....oh well [01:49] here's hoping 3.11 [01:49] :) [01:49] * hatch out! [01:50] hatch: we'll just have to fix our crap and make it faster :P [01:50] haha [01:50] * hatch really out! === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk === rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe [12:08] uh-oh, new version of nodejs.... [12:09] lol, run for the hills! [12:09] :-) [12:10] ugh, that's a lot of fonts to download. Did you do a comparison on the download size rick_h_ ? I'm fine with that landing, but I may want to negotiate with UX if this is a big increase [12:11] gary_poster: yea, I'm looking at it qa'ing it now [12:11] cool thanks [12:11] gary_poster: 482B gzip [12:11] gary_poster: well that's the css [12:11] B? [12:11] gary_poster: there we go, 164KB in fonts [12:11] heh [12:12] for the woff font in chrome [12:12] what was it before do you know? [12:12] I'm checking aganist uistage [12:12] cool [12:13] gary_poster: 164? what it says but wtf [12:13] uh [12:13] ooooh kay [12:13] :-) [12:14] maybe the different weights are done programmatically? [12:14] checking in FF. Havnig a hard time buying it [12:14] thx [12:19] oops, i forgot to wear my raring t-shirt today. /me changes [12:19] :-) [12:20] gary_poster: oh, so that's the old value. my local instance didn't pick up the change to index.html so it's still loading the old size [12:20] * bac much better [12:21] gary_poster: so the update isn't much bigger 205KB, but it's 5 files :/ [12:21] :-/ [12:22] rick_h_, was how many before? 1? [12:22] gary_poster: yea, one request out. Trying to see why it changed to 5. Not used the google webfonts much beyond "I want this font, load" [12:22] yeah, me too. [12:23] ah, css at least seems to have a diff url for each font/weight [12:23] ah that makes sense [12:24] well, but had hoped google would combine. Almost wonder if it'll to all of the ubuntu font in one request but larger size that's cached [12:32] gary_poster: ok, so I dropped the Book 300. Not sure if we need that one. Got it down to 4 requests. but yea, I'm not sure how to drop it down more without getting UX to agree to limit fonts combo/italics [12:32] http://www.google.com/fonts/#UsePlace:use/Collection:Ubuntu+Mono:400,700,400italic,700italic|Ubuntu:400,500,700,400italic,500italic,700italic [12:33] rick_h_, ok, thank you. I'd love to have your research saved someplace for later discussion... [12:33] * gary_poster thinks [12:34] jujugui blog? I can put it there or give you posting privs [12:34] gary_poster: yea, I'll put this up for review if that's ok and move forward, but file a bug/card to talk with UX on it. [12:34] ok perfect thanks rick_h_ [12:34] gary_poster: sure, I can post something there. [12:34] your choice rick_h_ . I'll go ahead and give you privs, and then you do whichever you prefer [12:56] gary_poster: ok, changed my mind. Did some more tweaking, posted to the blog. Thanks for access [12:57] gary_poster: if you get a sec, can you +1 the changes since you've peeked at it and we've had the chat? [12:58] rick_h_, will do. thanks for blog post and for the further imporvements you talk about [12:59] rick_h_, LGTM done [12:59] ty much [13:01] morning! [13:01] morn [13:01] rick_h_: looks like I made it an hour early [13:01] lol [13:01] * hatch isn't here [13:02] hatch: :P yea, I need a sec to swap out hard drives so come back later [13:02] * gary_poster looks around, sure he just heard hatch somewhere,,, [13:02] haha [13:02] my backup of my backup of my NAS finished after I started work so finally can swap the second drive out [13:02] * benji sees a hatch-shaped ghost fly through the wall. [13:03] * rick_h_ sees some green goo left behind on the wall and hopes he doesn't have to clean it up :) [13:03] do we have any beer connoisseurs? [13:03] wine? [13:04] http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/westmalle-dubbel/2205/ [13:04] taists like cherry chocolate :) === Makyo|out is now known as Makyo [13:55] ugh [13:55] anyone remember where the pyjuju logs are? [13:55] on the machines [13:56] jujugui ^^ [13:57] gary_poster: /var/lib/juju/units/.../charm.log ? [13:57] i'm not sure about the exact path but you should be able to follow from /var/lib/juju [13:58] bac that's it! thank you [14:01] hatch, probelm in CI is that make distfile is failing with this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5601096/ [14:01] oh awesome you were able to log in [14:01] looking... [14:01] I assume we can dupe after a make clean-all [14:01] ugh not that again [14:01] hatch, what is that? [14:02] it's a versioning issue [14:03] something between imagemagik and spritegen if I remember correctly [14:04] ah [14:04] this happened right after we switched node to 10.x right? [14:04] so what was the resolution before? (and why is it failing only in Canonistack, I wonder?) [14:04] yes hatch [14:05] can you do a version check on node, npm and the depdendencies so we can compare them to the working local versions [14:05] maybe for some reason it's getting a different version? [14:05] hatch: ready to chat whenever you are [14:06] I can help look through the dependency list if you like as it's pretty large [14:08] luca_: so I'm using https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/whatfont/jabopobgcpjmedljpbcaablpmlmfcogm?hl=en to check the fonts and only the readme is incorrect. One suggestion would be to launch a private browsing session so that it should break appcache/js cache and view the page? http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/bws/fullscreen/precise/cassandra-2/ [14:08] hatch, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5601114/ . Shouldn't the dependencies be the same because of the shrinkwrap? [14:09] yeah they should be [14:10] but outside of the versioning I don't know what else could cause this error [14:12] I'm looking to see what version of ImageMagick is on a working precise instance [14:13] I'm also thereby running make distfile there [14:13] it may be that we don't see this normally because we don't normally start the charm form a branch, and we are just broken on Precise [14:16] ohh that's possible [14:17] let me know if you want me to look into it more [14:20] rick_h_: guichat? [14:20] hatch: sure [14:21] rick_h_, alejandraobregon, luca_, jovan2: I've fixed staging, so uistage should also be fixed. [14:22] abentley: thanks! what was up? some charm bomb things out? [14:23] rick_h_: mongodb and elasticsearch had config-changed errors, but I don't know why because the debug logs are jammed up back to April 19. [14:23] rick_h_: I sent you an email of what I see in my chrome [14:23] rick_h_: the Ubuntu font isn't showing on the headers [14:24] rick_h_: but it shows in the body copy [14:24] luca_: k, otp [14:32] gary_poster: I'm going to get back on this service details stuff, but before I do that did you want me to look into this error or do you have it? [14:32] luca_: after this call can we do a hangout on your machine and try to use screen sharing/etc to walk through checking it out? [14:33] hatch, problem is in charm making distfile [14:33] hatch, if you change juju-gui-source=lp:juju-gui [14:33] then you can dupe [14:34] hatch, so simplest solution is to just revert the change [14:34] hatch I'd like to keep teknico's doc changes [14:36] yeah reverting to node 8.x is a quick fix - just need to change to the legacy ppa [14:36] although that's not going to be available forever [14:36] hatch: can you look over that branch please? [14:36] sure [14:36] hatch: ty much kind sir [14:40] hatch we can make our own PPA, as I proposed (on call, sorry) [14:41] oh right - yeah that should really help solve a lot of our issues....assuming that making our own PPA isn't a huge PITA (I have no idea how that's done) [14:41] very easy [14:48] ohh ok well in that case....maybe I Should do it so I can learn how ;) [15:05] Black magic going on in this dumb zoom code. [15:08] rick_h_: after I reviewed your branch I had an idea about the url stuff re minimized, lemme know when you have a second [15:09] hatch: yea, I need a few please. Trying to multi task around calls has me in cirlces atm [15:09] no rush whenever you have time [15:09] but I would really like some starbucks [15:09] hmmm..... [15:13] hatch: guichat? [15:13] sure [15:26] hatch I'd like to get the charm fixed up ASAP so I can send a juju-core announcement [15:27] hatch, talk through it when you are available? you may be on another call now [15:27] sorry on call with rick_h_ [15:29] ack [15:35] bcsaller, hey. I'd like to talk over your current card with you when you get a chance, please [15:43] gary_poster: done - did you want to chat? [15:43] hatch sure [15:43] guichat [15:45] gary_poster: I'm around to chat after that [15:45] thanks bcsaller [15:45] will ping [15:49] luca_: ping, still around? [15:50] jujugui please update kanban === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara [15:57] rick_h_: I'm available now, are you? [15:58] jujugui call in 2 [15:58] rick_h_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cf491220dfb7736cee2876baf29110eeb52f5997 [16:02] luca_: one sec [16:03] rick_h_: np [16:31] oh yay they dropped off our curbside recycling bin.....just what I always wanted...to pay for things I already do now for free [16:43] crap, I pushed to the wrong branch and now lbox thinks that's the one it should push to [16:43] anyone run into this before? [16:47] hatch: I think you can do a bzr push with --remember to the right branch and lbox will use it from then on [16:47] ahh ok - I just deleted it and started over [16:47] but I'll remember that next time [16:48] gary_poster: bcsaller https://codereview.appspot.com/8631048/ plz [16:50] rick_h_: is the router approach working? [16:51] hatch: no idea yet. Been sidetracked in calls for a bit [16:51] gotcha np [17:05] oh I gota push this to a trunk branch for it to be able to work [17:05] poop [17:05] I forgot about that issue [17:06] jovan2: looks like luca ran away. Can you verify that the fonts are all ubuntu for you on staging now please? http://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/bws/sidebar/precise/ceph-7/ [17:07] rick_h_ will do [17:08] rick_h_ looking good :) [17:08] jovan2: yay! [17:11] gary_poster: did you ever figure out where pyjuju puts the logs? I'd like to look at the gui charm log output. [17:12] benji /var/lib/juju/units/.../charm.log. [17:12] jovan2: questions posted on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1172790 [17:12] <_mup_> Bug #1172790: Lots of empty space below charm details [17:12] rick_h_ will send charm icons to you in a mo... [17:12] thanks [17:12] jovan2: cool, for the featured charms? Those really go to jcastro and arosales [17:13] jovan2: I can't get those in [17:13] rick_h_ yeah but you're being copied in ;) [17:13] jovan2: ah ok thanks [17:29] rick_h_, I'll work with my team on getting some merge requests for the icons into charms if I don't have time myself today. [17:29] arosales: thanks! I'm working on getting manage.jujucharms.com up and to the latest release so we can get them marked as featured and add QA to somem of them as well [17:29] arosales: that'll probably be tomorrow [17:31] rick_h_, sounds good [17:32] oh yay, the browser toggle branch landed on staging as well jovan...who left [17:32] * rick_h_ hits toggle over and over bwuhahaha [17:36] lol [17:49] the node downgrade appears to be deploying properly on EC2 once it completes all the tests I'll land that branch and get our CI back on track [17:50] but for now I'm going to grab lunch [17:50] does JS regex not support /^\/(charms|unit)/ ? for matching a set? [18:01] rick_h_, yeah, that would match /charms or /unit or /charmskumquat or /charms/kumquat and so on. :-) [18:01] gary_poster: hmm, regex tester fails only matching charms. I'll mess with it some more [18:02] I think I'm doomed anyway since I see there's no way to negate that in JS [18:03] rick_h_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5601849/ wfm [18:03] gary_poster: cool thanks === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk [18:41] rick_h_: oh yeah regex tester has some odd issues, it claims to work with everything js regexy but I've found a number of issues, I usually just try it in the console [18:41] gary_poster: I read charmskumquat as charmsqat lol [18:41] :-) [18:42] tests all passed and the branch has been submitted [18:43] so CI should be back on track now [18:45] hatch: so I've got a working prototype here but I'm worried if this will always hold true: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/949/ [18:46] ok looking [18:46] why would it always hold true? [18:46] I'm worried will :gui: always be in the url? [18:47] unless it's on / [18:47] at which point that should be false, and then show the browser [18:47] hatch: not that i'll always be true, but that this regex will always catch the internal views. Does :gui: every go out of the url? [18:47] hatch: ok, cool then [18:47] if /service /unit or /charms are in the url, it will be under the :gui: namespace [18:47] at least unless something else changes of course [19:09] anyone have any idea why `this.get('env')` in serviceList will return an array of undefined values equal to the number of services in the environment? [19:12] I'm pretty baffled, the envChange event is being fired with an undefined event facade [19:15] O K now I'm bonified confused because it's working now lol [19:15] hatch: hmm, login/logout view? [19:16] imho it should be hidden and so should the little toggle button [19:16] but I don't know how much say I have in that decision :D [19:17] hatch: yea, but there's no url to check on those [19:17] it's determined mid-request processing it looks like? [19:17] { path: '/logout/', callbacks: 'logout'} [19:17] ? [19:17] hatch: oh hmm, didn't see it in the browser when I did it [19:17] and was checknig for login :) [19:18] but you are right there is no login [19:18] see check_user_credentials [19:18] method [19:19] so we might need manual fn calls in there [19:19] darn! [19:19] hatch: checking, so logout I do have a url. And logout shows the login at the same time without another request [19:20] so that just works as is, check for that in the url as well [19:20] can you get to just login? there's no url for it [19:20] benji, would 40 minutes from now work for you? [19:20] if there are no credentials then it shows the login page [19:20] it should redirect to /login [19:20] I've been meaning to bring that up [19:20] * hatch creates card [19:20] rick_h_: in the meantime you'll need to call the callback manually in the check_user_credentials method [19:21] hatch: does it auto log you in though? I'm logging myself out and then I see a login screen. When I reload, I get the main site [19:21] hatch: k, looking for that method [19:21] yeah that's in the config.js [19:21] config-debug.js [19:21] has user: and password: properties [19:21] set those to undefined to land on a login page [19:21] hmm, but if I check user credentials it shows the login. I don't want to check it again [19:22] ah, but it cancels any other routes so I should be good [19:22] it'll show the login and kill dispatch so never hit my stuff [19:23] you want to put your callback call on line 682, right after this.show_login(); [19:23] that way if there are no credentials and it's showing the login then hide ths browser [19:24] at least it makes sense in my head [19:24] which has been wrong from time to time ;) [19:24] it seems dirty and another edge case for me to cover. Shouldn't subapps get killed on the login? [19:24] it seems crazy to need to call another method to force hidden in another corner case. [19:25] well your routes shouldn't be called if there are no credentials [19:25] so.... [19:25] yeah [19:25] ignore me [19:25] right, that's what I was thinking [19:26] cool, I'm happier now [19:26] and I feel dumber [19:26] THANKS!!! [19:26] haha [19:26] :P [19:31] gary_poster: my internet connection is back from its brief hiatus [19:32] hey benji cool. I asked earlier when I didn't realize that you were gone of we could postpone a half hour from the usual time. that work? [19:32] *if [19:32] gary_poster: yep, that's fine [19:32] ok thanks benji [19:47] hatch: https://codereview.appspot.com/8937046 [19:47] bac I lost you [19:49] rick_h_: cool, does it work? ;) [19:49] hatch: :) [19:49] hatch: seems to work fine. Do wish multi-dispatch would run away as it hits it 10 times but works [19:50] lol.....working on it [19:50] hatch: if you get a sec for review appreciate it. [19:52] yup doing it right now [19:52] hatch: ty [19:55] gary_poster: did you email luca over the landscape stuff from https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1171531 ? [19:55] <_mup_> Bug #1171531: Zoom control [19:56] rick_h_, I talked to jovan about it. He said to put the zoom control in the center. sorry for not updating bug. would you mind? :-P [19:57] not at all, will add note about moving zoom control to the center then. Thanks [20:00] rick_h_: review done [20:01] hatch: thanks, looking. === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara [20:12] jujugui: can I get one more review on https://codereview.appspot.com/8961044/ to help clear a card? [20:12] * hatch will do it [20:13] \o/ [20:16] Makyo: done like dinnah [20:20] ok benji, sorry, joining [20:20] hi hatch can i chat with you for a bit? [20:20] * benji looks up the URL [20:22] bac: sure, couple mins, just need to get the dogs in [20:22] ok [20:24] ok guichat [20:25] ^ bac [21:07] gary_poster: bac: here was the tiny RTE I was talking about http://mindmup.github.io/bootstrap-wysiwyg/ [21:08] I/we could likely convert that to YUI pretty easily [21:10] gary_poster: bac: There is also https://github.com/smugmug/yui-gallery/tree/master/src/sm-editor which is based on Y.Editor [21:11] demo if it http://jsbin.com/abaqiq/2 [21:22] hatch: some replies sent your way. Will work on adding a functional test. Was having a hard time finding a good home for it/how to get at it but working on it [21:22] thanks - yeah functional tests are hard but I wanted to avoid the case where we release the app and noone noticed that breaking :) [21:23] hatch: no, you're right. I did look around but test_app seemed bare and tried to sneak by :P [21:23] haha - nobody lets me sneak by so I'm just passing on the love rofl [21:34] hatch: ok, actually found an easy way to test yay. So code going through lbox now :) [21:35] awesome [21:35] ! [21:35] hatch: if you can get a second to look over before EOD so I can get it through that'd be great please [21:35] yep as soon as it updates I'll do it [21:35] doh, linter fail [21:36] thanks, clears the way for me to work on making it the default after this :) [21:37] haha - I have started to lint and make all tests pass before final commit so I don't get the last commit being "f'n linter" ;) [21:42] rick_h_: you're gona be irritated but you forgot to destroy app in your new test :) [21:42] hatch: lol, well crap. I was trying to use makeApp at first which auto destroyed [21:42] but it's nto in this closure so swapped out but missed that my bad [21:43] oh wtf, the tests before it app.destroy first? [21:44] afterEach has an app.destroy() [21:44] oh hatch there's an ap.destroy in afterEach [21:44] but you created it with var [21:44] :) [21:44] ok, I can remove that :P [21:44] haha - it's been LGTM'd [21:45] charmstore is sure gona look good once it has some icons with some color [21:45] like in the mockups [21:45] hatch: yea, they got some 10 icons in today but not through injest yet [21:45] hopefully tomorrow they'll start to show up [21:45] thanks for helping me out with this one today hatch [21:46] anytime [21:46] thanks for the implementation :) [21:58] ah crap, test-prod failure now? wtf [22:31] can anyone tell me why charm provides and requires would be undefined in a charm = db.charms.add() [22:45] ahh nm got it....newly introduced byg [22:45] bug [22:59] arg so close to finishing this [23:53] hey hatch. we explicitly don't want a RTE AFAIK, but I imagine bac already said that to you. [23:53] Is Rick's recent branch supposed to fix the CI failure?