[00:31] so has anyone here who uses the proprietary video driver upgraded to raring yet? does VDPAU seem to be functioning acceptably? [00:32] raring is in beta, one day away from release [00:32] the nvidia propritary driver* [00:33] jmichaelx, try #ubuntu+1 [00:33] OerHeks: i'd rather ask here, atm [00:35] OerHeks: Actually it is release candidate right now xD [00:37] how do I add apps to the top row of Search and Launch? === todd is now known as tfirkins [00:45] even if you find the official iso, you get update errors, grinn [00:46] OerHeks: what do you mean? [00:48] work [00:56] Hello, wondering if anyone here can help me with how to install previous version of QT on 13.04 === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [01:24] Hello, I am having a problem with a package of firefox, can someone help me if I put the pastebin with the errors? [01:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5599825/ [01:25] Here there is. [01:26] Spaceghost: Paste that on the firefox and ubuntu channels, so you have more people seeing it [01:26] Ok thank you. [01:30] tyrog: are the packages of Kubuntu the same than Ubuntu? [01:30] Spaceghost: yes === marcelo is now known as Guest92642 [01:58] hello [01:58] hey [01:59] how can I change the default associations for protocols/extensions (e.g. ftp:// or .mp3)? [01:59] in settings there's "default applications", but it only has a few entries (email, text editor, file manager, IM, terminal, browser, windows manager) [02:10] Taggnostr: for extensions System Settings>File Associations [02:10] Taggnostr: or right click on the file>Properties>File type options [02:11] For protocols, I don't think that you can directly associate them with a particular application [02:11] thanks, I missed that === Jikan is now known as Jikai === Jikai is now known as Jikan [02:50] just for curiosity: What is the torrent client people here use with KDE? [02:51] ktorrent [02:52] Riddell: is there transmission for Qt? === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away [02:54] tyrog: what does that mean? [02:55] Is there the Transmission client from GNOME written to work fine with KDE? [02:55] what's Transmission? [02:55] a torrent client, just like Ktorrent is [02:56] I can see transmission-qt [02:56] ok, thanks === luigi is now known as Guest74015 [04:17] hey guys, I'm getting a "Could not locate the org.kde.active.activityscreen package required for the Contour activity screen widget" in the middle of my desktop [04:18] of course, with a big error icon [04:18] any idea? [04:18] I tried installing contour but it wasn't enough === FabianB is now known as Guest83735 [06:03] I'm having a hard time accessing my Kubuntu LAMP virtual box through my half-way complicated home network. I think I need help setting up a static route between two routers? [07:06] ok its the 25th! [07:06] WHERE IS IT?! [07:06] 13.04 [07:06] lol [07:06] its been the 25th for SIX MINUTES! [07:06] 25th here too [07:06] i WANT the 13.04! :D [07:06] the RC is up [07:07] and I doubt there will be many changes [07:07] yea but when i installed the beta 2, EVERYTHING was broke [07:07] really? [07:07] couldn't update [07:07] yea, went to update and it failed everything [07:07] I've been upgrading on my test boxes, and everything has been butter [07:07] including the RC [07:07] last night [07:08] it COULD have been simply that my wifi was turned off and i hadn't noticed, but i thought i checked that. [07:08] i AM, after all, a ROMANOV [07:08] the Russian Empire is rightfully MINE! step aside, Putin! [07:09] if it really was that i simply forgot to turn the wifi on, after downloading and installing 13.04 Beta 2, and unetbootin it to flash drive... and installing it... and it all failed because i forgot to turn the wifi on to update, then i went all the way back to 12.10.... ugh [07:10] because that would be very embaressing [07:11] i didn't even save the beta 2 either, it went right to flash drive... so i'll have to download it AGAIN [07:11] not that it takes long at 15mbps, but WHY didn't i check the WIFI SWITCH! [07:14] this requires more coffee.... [07:15] i'll get into the ubuntu servers and force extract 13.04 from them... i CAN'T WAIT another day! [07:15] lol starbucks run [07:15] in the beginning, there was only slackware.... and redhat... and then someone said, LET THERE BE UBUNTU KDE! or xfce... whatever your style.. [07:16] why can't you just upgrade? [07:16] really, it's fine [07:16] because its not in the software sources :/ [07:17] i CLICKED "prerelease updates" [07:17] do an upgrade now, and then update again tomorrow [07:17] my father Nicholas is going to be very heavy handed with Canonical.... if i don't get 13.04 by morning. [07:17] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaringUpgrades/Kubuntu [07:18] geez, doesn't anyone know the history of Russia? Nicholas Romanov was the last tsar and Alexei was his son. [07:19] then the commies murdered the entire Romanov family in a basement, they were only kids. [07:21] !ot | AlexeiRomanov [07:21] AlexeiRomanov: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [07:21] yes, I know all this [07:21] and you are off-topic [07:21] did i just get kicked? [07:22] AlexeiRomanov, lets move on [07:22] ok, upgrading... [07:22] AlexeiRomanov, this is NOT the chat channel. [07:23] i'm not chatting! i'm simply acknowledging your authority. you're putting me in a self reinforcing negative feedback loop. [07:23] #kubuntu-offtopic please AlexeiRomanov [07:24] grrrr [07:25] unwanted PMs are rude [07:25] #kubuntu-ot [07:27] cold hearted human calculators are crude, diseased spirits... goodbye. === Spaceghost is now known as Guest63420 === Guest63420 is now known as Spaceghost [07:50] Hellos all [07:51] anyone wanna shhot the breeze about a kubuntu install thats failing? [07:51] vivian: Which release? [07:51] 12.10 64 [07:51] 64 bit [07:52] OK [07:52] digital: any reason you need 8 clients in here? [07:53] The problem is that I got a new Acer Travelmate. It had windows 7, I reformatted drive, installed windows 7 again after partitioning, leaving half the drive for kubuntu [07:54] when I boot up kubuntu, and install (dual boot purposes) after the install, it reboots all ok, but PC starts in windows 7 [07:54] Bios isnt booting from UEFI [07:54] I changed it to Legacy [07:55] Left drive as AHCI [07:57] I am going out, if anyone has some hints, tips, ideas, help, or links, pls message me [08:02] hi, is there a way to remove the Actvities from Kubuntu desktop for one special user? (right corner icon) - the taskbar icons are removeable but i can't find the delete option at the corner icon [08:04] JensKapitza: you can't really remove Activities, but you can remove the icon. It will still be available through the right click on the desktop, though. That's what you want? [08:09] Mamarok: yes [08:11] JensKapitza: then please have a look at this blog, there is an update on it for newer versions: http://blog.hanschen.org/2008/10/23/plasma-how-to-remove-the-cashew/ [08:11] mind you, you are entirely on your own here, not supported by us [08:11] and you could have googled that yourself :) [08:12] Mamarok: ^^ thanks (i've googled activites not cashew) but i don't want to remove it for all users just for one [08:16] JensKapitza: then it's Stealth Cashew you need [08:22] Mamarok: just moving to the new KDE (unity sucks, and XP user will not move to windows 8 - KDE is much easier to use - [like XP] ), i'm searching some known features know. [08:24] A cool thing is the ability to configure multiple monitors with diffrent views [App-search, ... ] [08:27] i agree JensKapitza [08:29] also kubuntu is the most costomizable desktop ive ever used === Jikan is now known as Jikai [10:41] hi [10:42] anyone around? [10:42] Hello [10:42] heya [10:43] would you be able to help me with a kubuntu install? [10:44] DLandonCole: Yeah sure. What's the issue? [10:44] i have a 20GB hard drive i'm trying to install onto; it keeps saying that there's not enough space on there [10:45] DLandonCole: Hmm how did you partition it? [10:45] i told it to use the whole thing [10:45] there was a previous install of linux mint [10:46] i'm looking at the partition manager from the live CD and it sees it there as a 20GB drive [10:46] i'm just a bit confused [10:46] DLandonCole: Hmm [10:46] in the manager, though, it's made two partitions [10:47] one is 2.72GiB, and it's trying to install it there [10:47] and then there's a 15.92GB space it seems to have allocated to swap [10:48] DLandonCole: That MUCH swap?! [10:48] yes [10:48] Try re-partitioning then [10:48] should it not have done that from the installer? [10:49] DLandonCole: I think it recongnizes non-swap space… [10:51] ok, i've used the partitionmanager to delete all the partitions and create a single, new ext4 partition on the whole disk [10:51] that sound about right to you? [10:52] DLandonCole: Yep sure:) [10:52] thanks so much for your help [10:52] as you can tell, i'm pretty hopeless at all this :) [10:53] DLandonCole: :) [10:53] It's weird that you are installing 12,10 now === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [10:53] 13.04 is going out soon (possibly 6-8 hours later) [10:54] oh [10:54] i didn't realise [10:54] well, i'll just get something up and running first :) === Jikai is now known as Jikan [11:15] hellp [11:15] hello [11:15] Happy release day :D [11:16] Yeap! [11:18] Let's talk about our Linux release version and desktop environment? [11:19] taoyunwen, it is not out yet [11:19] ^.^ === ubott2 is now known as ubottu [11:24] new kubuntu will be released today? [11:25] heh === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [11:37] I was hoping to make more room on my default panel, but when I resize it, my icons grow to be very big--is there a way to fix the icon size on the default panel? === manu is now known as novocain4dasoul [11:41] Hiyas all [11:44] _o/ === apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | http://www.kubuntu.org/ Kubuntu 13.04 out | KDE SC 4.10 updates http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.10 [12:28] Kubuntu 13.04 out! [12:29] * rosco_y is not touching 13.04--He's hooked on LTS.... [12:30] Riddell: Congrats! === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away [13:37] Hello [13:37] Riddell: What versions of Kubuntu support SecureBoot? === melter is now known as Guest5946 [13:46] Secureboot is a grub or ffs shim thing as nothing to do with linux or DE, but to answer your ? I think 13.04 does have booting support [13:46] Captain_Proton: does 12.04 lts also have it? [13:47] I am not sure. I would ask in #ubuntu if noone has the answer here. [13:48] i thought it start in 12.10 but at best in a guess [13:48] is* [13:48] Actually it is 12.10 + 12.04.2 + 13.04 [13:49] 13.04 is already out? [13:50] It's time! [13:50] FlameReaper-PC yes:) [13:51] I hope my university's mirror is back up [13:51] otherwise it can be a big pain >_< [13:51] LOL [13:58] I have a urge to install Unity *shiny* [13:58] well if you like macs [13:59] Captain_Proton why!; [13:59] Macs over priced crap [14:00] something to do.. but I hate mixing gnome and kde apps [14:00] I guess I will hold out till they write it in QT [14:02] there should be a qt version of gimp |: [14:02] albeit it would be rather ironic considering gtk was afaik made for gimp in the first place === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [14:05] I like krita but I understand it design for a different purpose [14:05] there are some great hows and youtube [14:06] i use kolourpaint for lighter image editing [14:06] and then gimp as the "heavy arsenal" :P [14:07] i should try krita out though [14:08] Should I do a fresh install of final 13.04 or just upgrade my daily build? [14:08] kitzune: upgrades have work very well for many years [14:09] kitzune: If you have the daily, you should be fine. [14:09] kitzune: Upgrade is OK [14:10] I wonder if unity is moving to qt will they start shipping more kde apps over gtk? [14:12] Captain_Proton: I feel like they already have. Empathy now uses the KDE notifier sounds. [14:12] Captain_Proton: in Unuty [14:12] *Unity [14:13] imo kontact is far better then thunderbird or evolution [14:15] like krdc over remmia which had many problem over the years [14:16] man how many are it guys? I love being one but many is it boring :D === phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy [14:16] man* === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [14:42] hey guys... has anyone reported problems doing an upgrade within Software Updates in kubuntu? [14:42] * pianogmx worried that something would break [14:45] pianogmx: did your upgrade fail? [14:46] Captain_Proton: no i havent tried it yet... i just want to make sure I dont break anything by upgrading [14:47] pianogmx: I always do my from the terminal. as it may try to replace something that may be locked. but for the most part I never had any problems [14:48] okay... im going to hold my breath and click upgrade [14:48] unless you suggest doing it from the terminal? [14:48] If it was me I would but I am old school [14:50] pianogmx: if you want to do it that way : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [14:50] To jump versions, you need: sudo do-release-upgrade [14:51] genii-around: what do you mean jump versions? [14:51] pianogmx: 12.10 -> 13.04 [14:52] pianogmx: To go from for instance 12.10 to 13.04 dist-upgrade will only bump your kernel version higher for the distribution you're already running, if one is available [14:52] he right my bad! [14:53] huh... my do-release-upgrade has an error in it [14:53] hi [14:53] I just updated to Raring, and it looks all weird [14:53] and mismatched [14:54] Drag0nflamez: How? [14:55] smartboyhw_ well, kickoff menu edges look mismatched, just like desktop widgets [14:57] pianogmx: What sort of error? Please pastebin [14:58] whats the quick way to paste terminal stuff to pastbin? [14:58] i forgot [14:58] pianogmx: pastebinit for terminal [14:58] !pastebinit [14:58] pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com [14:59] back apparently === Drag0nflamez_ is now known as Drag0nflamez [15:00] smartboyhw_: well, kickoff menu edges look mismatched, just like desktop widgets [15:02] http://pastebin.com/atnEu2xd [15:03] the terminal thing didn't work right. [15:03] sudo do-release-upgrade [15:03] ok, i just updated to raring and plasma desktop now looks all weird [15:05] salut, des français pour me guider pour l'utilisation IRC ? [15:05] mon francais n'est pas bon, excuse-moi [15:05] !fr | mmind_ [15:05] mmind_: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [15:06] pianogmx: Perhaps try: sudo do-release-upgrade --mode=desktop [15:06] genii-around: did you check my pastebin? [15:06] genii-around: ok [15:06] thanks [15:06] pianogmx: Yes, I checked it. Just I'm at work too so back and forth from the computer :) [15:07] genii-around: nope same error [15:08] Interesting. I haven't seen this error before. [15:08] what package handles do-release-upgrade ? maybe broken package [15:09] pianogmx: update-manager-core and update-manager-kde [15:14] pianogmx: You should also ensure that any non-standard repositories you may have manually added to /etc/apt/sources.list are commented out, additionally that any PPA you added are removed. [15:20] genii-around: i am in the process of updating the core files for upgrading .... [15:22] This section is blank: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseNotes#Kubuntu Should there be a reference to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13.04 as with the section above (Xubuntu) ? === jack is now known as Guest4934 [15:25] Sorry I meant below not above [15:26] genii-around: yep... my upgrade core files were out of date. i got it to run now [15:27] pianogmx: Cool. [15:30] now i got to find something fun to do for like an hour while this is doing its thing [15:32] pianogmx: Whaddaya mean? [15:32] SonikkuAmerica: im bored and i dont know what to do lol... just looking at headlines at lxer right now [15:33] pianogmx: I assume you're performing a release upgrade... [15:33] SonikkuAmerica: yes I am. [15:33] pianogmx: Homerun or Kicker? [15:33] SonikkuAmerica: huh? [15:34] pianogmx: You now have a choice of which app launcher to use, courtesy of the KDE people! [15:34] SonikkuAmerica: oh wow. i have followed KDE news much... i guess ill go read about that. [15:37] oh wow... homerun looks interesting but maybe perhaps a little to "large" for me personally. [15:38] SonikkuAmerica: /\ === palasso_ is now known as palasso [15:40] pianogmx: It's designed similar to Unity and both are now written in Qt. [15:40] SonikkuAmerica: yeah... I know my girlfriend would like it. [15:40] More info here: http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma_application_launchers [15:40] pianogmx: I wonder what my crush would think. About Ubuntu in general. [15:41] SonikkuAmerica: ? [15:42] Hain't used nuttin' but Windows, she. [15:42] :) [15:42] i set my girlfriend on a dual boot between ubuntu and windows on her netbook [15:43] right now I see her using windows 8 more... I think her ubuntu broke or she just wants to use windows for now. === erry_ is now known as erry [15:43] Touch netbook by any chance? [15:43] i on the other had, virtualize windows since my school teaches stuff that requires Windows... [15:44] I virtualize for music notation software only. [15:44] I doesn't work in Wine. [15:44] SonikkuAmerica: no. havent got one of those yet [15:44] *Ittttttttt [15:45] SonikkuAmerica: saw that they had a tablet image for the nexus? i think? that makes me want to get a tablet.... [15:46] pianogmx: It's Unity, but it looks good thus far; Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4/7/10 (GSM only) [15:46] SonikkuAmerica: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install - yeah... it does look interesting [15:46] Since this channel is used for Kubuntu support you may want to check out #kubuntu-offtopic [15:47] palasso: lol... my bad [15:47] Yeah... I'm too lazy to type [15:47] so I'mma stop now [15:48] sometimes i feel like the ubuntu servers are a little slow but then again, i guess ever person using ubuntu is doing upgrade all day today... [15:52] pianogmx: Not me. I did the upgrade 72 hours ago. [15:52] my terminal is bouncing between 45 mins to 1hr 15 mins [15:53] Good afternoon [15:54] its still morning for me [15:54] drinking coffeee [15:54] lordievader: Good morning from `Murrica! === spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57 [15:56] Hey pianogmx, SonikkuAmerica. How are you guys/girls? [15:56] I'm a guy and I'm good [15:57] * pianogmx is a man with dr pepper on his mind [15:57] Ohh Dr. Pepper haven't drank that in a while. But I'm going offtopic... === gw_ is now known as swan1 === DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway [16:18] hi everyone, why there is an automatic cancghe of version in kubuntu !?! [16:19] tobay I just start my machine and there was the icon for Upgrade ....., but just clicking it , it's started the procedure to upgrade to 13.04 ...., we are sure that to force people to upgrade is the best choice ? === eristikophiles is now known as Hg [16:20] Woo, sweet boot screen. [16:20] AlexZion: did it prompt you to enter in your credentials? [16:20] At least much better than the previous versions [16:22] AlexZion: in no shape or form was i coherced into upgrading into 13.04, so it apparently seems from my point of view that your are trying to find something to speak negative about kubuntu just based on some off the hat generalization. === Hg is now known as eristikophiles [16:31] yeah sure pianogmx as you say , but I just Open my desk ...., click on tinme on the icno that normally is for a normal update , and the procedure do upgrade to 13.04 , it's just started , without asking me nothing ......., congratulayion ..., this is the best way to make the biggest damage you can , canching version ....., congratulation again guys ....., finally I decide ......... [16:33] AlexZion: congragulations... you possibly hit a bug.. consule https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs in reporting a bug . Im sorry that Kubuntu doesn't uphold your expectations. [16:34] AlexZion: feel like you are better programmer than the people who programmed it? http://www.kubuntu.org/community/contribute please contribute than crticiize. I am sure your not perfect... neither are we. [16:34] I use Kubuntu sonce 8.04 pianogmx but I'm getting tired of those things ...., seems in jubuntu the real goal is to keeo away users ....., and you do very well .............., anyway probablly I souldn't say nothing and just change distro ..... [16:35] I'm not a programmer , and is not a programm error to make the problem ......, anyway ....., forgive me to disturb you pianogmx..... [16:38] ahh , and thanks to anyone for this , so now Ill have to spend hours or maybe more , to fix it ...., thanks guys ...... === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away [16:45] AlexZion: I have heard alot of good things about suse. Also there is option in update manager to tell how and what you like to upgrade. [16:46] * pianogmx - "Close minded people use the computer in a close minded way, and instead of realizing the imperfect reality of human beings, feel the need to criticize rather than to build up" [16:47] If Alex was seriously using Kubuntu since 8.04, then wouldn't the person just wise up and realize that no OS (Windows, Linux distros, Mac) are perfect in their very nature... [16:48] Captain_Proton: yeah I'll check some other option to use KDE without be worried about it , I need a distro to work , and I cannot even image that it do something like this ... [16:48] so just a heads up AlexZion, nothing is perfect. its just your willingness to work with imperfection. [16:49] hey i thought 13.04 was using a 3.8.x kernel? [16:49] pianogmx: just one things , defending those stupid error , because they are , you are not making a good service to kubuntu ...., anyway , is just point of view [16:49] here it seems not a real problem of perfect software [16:49] AlexZion: I understand. I did distro upgrade is check by default. so why it did it. if you are running 8.04 were yo u staying there for 3.5 kde [16:50] i did check* [16:50] AlexZion, i didn't defened, rather I opened the idea of you contributing by sending a bug report or fixing it yourself. [16:50] I'm on 12.10 Captain_Proton..., but it'sd ok , don't worry ...... [16:51] I even tried to partecipate pianogmx but anytime the answer eas , not we will not change taht comma , so, after a while ......, you know ... [16:52] anyway , sorry to disturb you guys ......, and don't worry about what I said ....., have fun ..... === jack is now known as Guest27582 [17:03] Muon shows a distribution upgrade, but when I click "upgrade", nothing happens. [17:04] I've tried updating software sources, etc. but nothing works [17:04] mikkle, you might have stumbled into the same problem i have had... [17:04] mikkle: i had to upgrade some packages in order to allow the upgrade to work [17:05] pianogmx, no packages show up for upgrading [17:06] if I do a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" it says that 0 packages will be upgraded [17:07] if I do a "sudo do-release-upgrade" it appears to be able to upgrade it...I haven't done it yet just in case this is not a safe method of upgrading [17:07] does anything know? [17:07] I meant, "anyone" [17:08] mikkle: i had to look through my logs [17:08] mikkle: try going into terminal and reinstall 'update-manager-core' [17:09] aha [17:09] how? [17:09] is apt-get reinstall a command? [17:10] btw, I have the backports repo enabled [17:10] mikkle: sudo apt-get remove update-manager-core [17:10] mikkle: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core [17:10] before you do that though... do sudo apt-get update [17:11] well it's quite funny ; I didn't want to upgrade and the procedure starts just with a click....., people who want to upgrade they cannot ....., wow really excellent release .... [17:11] AlexZion: to each his own... [17:12] AlexZion: let me know when you do something optimistic and constructive in the channel. id be impressed [17:13] I got it to work by running "sudo do-release-upgrade -f kde -d" [17:13] it opens the "Distribution Upgrade" tool and starts a proper upgrade process [17:13] well pianogmx, sorry , but I will not anyore, I tried in the past but without result ..... [17:14] mikkle: cool. [17:15] pianogmx, thanks for you help through these rough upgrade times [17:16] mikkle: no problem. im kinda upgrading myself right now [17:16] AlexZion, sometimes shit happens when using linux where you expect it shouldn't. fortunately there's a tremendously awesome community which usually gets these things sorted out fast, with a little searching [17:17] And a new stable Catalyst (13.4) was released today. It's like upgrade heaven. [17:17] hi mikkle I know very well , and that's why I'm using it since years, but those kind of thing shouldn't never happen, I mean is the basic ...... [17:18] AlexZion is just a troll who likes to run their mouth spreading FUD about Linux... possibly doesn't even have Linux installed on their PC but rather in a virtualbox and is using Windows right now... [17:18] AlexZion, they shouldn't but they do so often that I've given up expecting the ideal and complaining about it when the less-than-ideal arises [17:18] mikkle: I mean is quite useless to have the most stable system , if open your pc and click on the normal upgrade icon , the system will detroy himself .... [17:18] yeah pianogmx you got it buddy ....... ;) [17:19] AlexZion, I don't think I get you. I have to admit though, on a side, that a totally problem-free system is boring [17:20] well , so we should build a system that has ramndom problem at any starts ...., it would be much more funny mikkle ? [17:20] ok I'm out...back running 13.04 :) [17:21] mikkle.... nice [17:22] anyway , I really like Kubuntu and I already said , I used it for daily work since the most unstable version of it 8.04..., but like anytime someone here tried to say something become troll ...... [17:28] pianogmx: just for you information about a new troll, I have a kubuntu 13.04 installed on Vbox as well since the alpha1 but for testing purpose ...., and I would like to decide by myself when to Upgrade , that's why I'm so disappointed about this problem .... === DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK === kubuntu is now known as Guest46328 === Guest46328 is now known as Allexit [18:05] howdy, my plasma panel seems to have lost its transparency in the upgrade to raring, and I can't get it back. Compositing is enabled. Any help? [18:05] well i managed to get my lappy to 13.04 without a hitch. [18:05] atox, have you tried re-applying your theme? [18:05] I did, no such luck [18:06] atox, are you using the built in themes or a downloaded theme? [18:06] default themes [18:06] atox, which one? [18:06] Oxygen + Air [18:07] huh... i have no ideas. might be something to do with graphic drivers rendering transparency...??? [18:07] atox, what gfx card you have? [18:08] toggling the Blur effect seems to have solved it, magically, silly compositing [18:08] atox, oh lol. [18:08] i just played with the homerun launcher... kindof impressive... === kubuntu is now known as Guest59160 === Guest59160 is now known as Allexit [18:20] meh... had to switch to kicker. i might not be used to homerun because its new to me... but i like kicker better. [18:20] If I have 13.04 beta installed do I need to do anything special to get the final release or is it automatically updated? [18:30] manenbu: just run muon update manager and let it update everything for you [18:30] pianogmx: I like them both [18:30] thx [18:31] manenbu: ahoneybun if i remember correctly, if you ran beta, you need to change a setting to make sure you get stable updates vs bleeding edge? [18:32] any idea where that setting is? [18:32] pianogmx: you mean for muon to look for normal releases over LTS? [18:32] manenbu: i would double check that you also UNCHECK Pre-relased updatings in Software & Updates... [18:33] it's unchecked [18:33] thanks [18:33] manenbu: cool [18:33] manenbu: cool === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y === G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U === dad is now known as Guest20495 [18:58] hmm [18:58] i'm upgrading to 13.04 and the updater seems stuck [18:59] http://paste.kde.org/732296/ [19:01] ........ -_\\ there was a dialog open [19:01] i am so stupid [19:04] No, you are not. [19:18] Hello :) [19:18] Wanted to share a new programming forum: http://thedevshed.net/forum/ [19:18] Feel free to join :) [19:25] does anyone know if there exists a ''latexdraw'' channel [19:31] Hi there, could i ask a question? === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [20:29] I just upgraded my laptop to 13.04 and my desktop is a blank black screen with a mouse pointer that moves but the buttons don't do anything. any ideas? [20:32] ethang: so you upgraded the desktop also? [20:33] or are you talking about the laptop [20:33] monkeyjuice: I just upgraded it with the automatic upgrader [20:33] I'm talking about the laptop [20:33] you boots to login screen? [20:33] soryr [20:33] Oh yes [20:34] login screen is fine [20:34] have you tryed just rebooting [20:34] monkeyjuice: several times [20:38] do you no what video card you have? [20:39] I'm rebooting again - I'll try lspci when I get back to the command prompt === luke-jr_ is now known as Luke-Jr [20:40] isnt command prompt windows lol? [20:41] :-\ [20:43] monkeyjuice: NVIDIA Corp G94GLM [Quadro FX 2700M] [20:52] ethang: not sure but seems your nvidia drivers are the problem , might ask at #ubuntu+1 see is someone can help ya [20:54] #ubuntu+1 ? That's for 13.10 [20:54] ok wasnt sure [20:54] thanks [20:55] We're a-supportin' 13.04 NAO [20:55] !topic [20:55] Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [20:55] ok any ideas on the nvidia drivers? [20:55] !nvidia [20:55] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [20:55] If you checked there and didn't find a solution... [20:56] I might be able to help... when was the last time I used Kubuntu? Doesn't matter really in this case... === DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway [20:57] not me ethang upgraded and now has blacksreen after login , running nvidia card [20:57] with mouse pointer and perfect pop-up windows [20:57] k [20:58] ethang: Did you use Additional Drivers or a script? [20:58] SonikkuAmerica: no [20:58] Neither one? [20:58] nope - just the little upgrade icon [20:58] did it automatically [20:59] Are you using a tty now to talk to us, or another device? [20:59] a different computer [20:59] I have ther laptop up & running [20:59] *the [20:59] Hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 and log in === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away [21:04] SonikkuAmerica: done [21:05] I can get krunner working and konsole on the desktop [21:05] they look perfect [21:06] But nothing else? [21:06] [ lspci ] and pastebin the result [21:06] haven't tried [21:07] SonikkuAmerica: please provide url for pastebin. sorry [21:07] !pastebin [21:07] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [21:07] First http:// link === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y === Bigcheese_ is now known as Bigcheese === SunTsu_ is now known as SunTsu [21:21] SonikkuAmerica: here we are [21:22] ethang: OK... try [ sudo apt-get purge nvidia* ] [21:23] OK done [21:24] Do you know your login name? [21:24] yes [21:24] Good. Reboot. Tell me if you get a console login. [21:24] hmm [21:25] i wonder if this was a mistake then [21:25] goodtime: What? [21:25] upgradeing lol [21:25] Why? [21:25] problems? [21:25] no [21:25] not done upgradeing yet [21:26] just wait [21:26] Oh. 'Tis a matter of paciencia [21:26] i hope it isnt and i hope it see'e my ihone [21:26] SonikkuAmerica: I get the KDE login screen [21:26] see's* [21:26] OK. Log in. [21:26] ethang: ^ [21:27] iphone wont work on kubuntu so far [21:27] !info gpod [21:27] Package gpod does not exist in raring [21:27] !info libgpod [21:27] Package libgpod does not exist in raring [21:27] NO. [21:27] and it doesnt see my hp officejet 6500+ wirelss allinone [21:28] did a update from 12.04 -> 12.10 it changed a few things and messed some things up. Should i do a fresh install to go from 12.10 ->13.04? [21:28] goodtime: Try GTKPod. [21:28] SonikkuAmerica: ok just heard the KDE startup music - konsole and firefox are both on the screen - still black though [21:28] natman: Your call, really... [21:28] no panel, icons, nothing [21:28] i did natt but ty SonikkuAmerica [21:28] ethang: Is there a taskbar? [21:28] no [21:28] notta* [21:28] SonikkuAmerica: how is 13.04 looking anyways compared to 12.10? === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away [21:29] natman: KDE SC 4.10; Homerun or Kicker app launchers; extremely nice and sleek too. [21:30] ethang: Hmm... at least X11 works... did you look in Additional Drivers? [21:30] ethang: Or whatever the KDE equiv is? [21:30] SonikkuAmerica: where to find? [21:31] ethang: I would say System Settings... but you don't have a taskbar... [21:32] ethang: Oh, here: [ systemsettings ] from the konsole [21:32] OK up and running [21:33] Oh goodness... running Unity, trying to envision where the drivers section is... [21:34] my window manager got purged with the nvidia drivers. I need to reinstall [21:34] hmm [21:34] updated to 13.04 - kwin seems very slow at updating window decorations [21:34] ethang: Get 13.04! (Or just 12.04, doesn't matter.) [21:35] SonikkuAmerica: this is 13.04 [21:35] ethang: Before you do, try [ sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop ] [21:36] ethang: 2 lines up. Read. [21:36] SonikkuAmerica: working... [21:37] SonikkuAmerica: should I restart? [21:37] probably [21:37] ethang: Wait till it's done. [21:37] it is [21:37] Reboot. And wait while I grab a Pepsi. [21:37] rebooting [21:38] this oxygen font is neat [21:38] looks like jockey-text -- list gives you driver list [21:39] Artakha: It's "Ubuntu." (Unless you're actually using that font.) === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [21:39] ..? [21:39] they're quite clearly two separate fonts [21:41] Artakha: The actual "Oxygen" font, then? [21:41] yes [21:41] the ubuntu font's neat too though [21:42] no panel or background [21:46] ethang: Nuts. [21:46] Try installing jockey-text [21:46] ethang: ^ [21:46] SonikkuAmerica: my battery is running out and I'm hungry. I think I'll give up for now and try again later [21:47] ethang: kbai [22:16] helloo :) [22:17] I'm looking for an iso that fits a cd, not dvd. Newest 13.x is over 900 mbs :/ [22:18] I think Ubuntu and variants have moved away from CD sized images === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away [22:21] You can still get the LTS version (12.04.2) as a CD sized image === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y === argh is now known as arrrrgh [22:24] i stepped away from my computer. i went to another one. played around a bit with xrdp. i connected to the original computer with it and quickly disconnected. then i return to the computer and now i can't get back to the original session. it's on :11 of all places. how can i log into it? [22:26] maybe this really isn't a kubuntu issue [22:26] i'm going to ask elsewhere [22:55] Hey everyone. I am installing Ubuntu Server 13.04. I am at a point where it is asking what I would like to install. What is the difference between Kubuntu Active and kubuntu desktop === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away === rosco_away is now known as rosco_y [23:02] bjrohan: Active is for tablets. [23:05] bjrohan you want the server edition if you are going to run it headless (without a GUI). Consider Kubuntu or another desktop version if you want to have a GUI only [23:08] Anyone using 13.04 under vmware? [23:08] So, Muon Updater tells me "A new version of Kubuntu is available" and gives me a fancy button to click on to "Upgrade", but literally nothing happens when I click it. [23:09] * keithzg is tempted to just open a VT and do-release-upgrade [23:09] keithzg: happened to me as well, I used the command line [23:10] Anyone else who is unable to make the panel appear when it is at the bottom of the screen? === ross is now known as Guest25322 [23:18] anyone ever make a bot useing irssi here? [23:20] the editing of that path usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1 is probably what's required for kubuntu [23:20] but i want to be careful [23:22] goodtime: I have made a simple one [23:22] sweet [23:23] help me please [23:23] did not give it any inputs, it just spits out a line every now and again [23:23] ok [23:23] :) [23:23] is that what you're after? [23:23] i just need a simple bot that show international weather [23:24] based on input? [23:24] and other simple ping [23:24] yes thelionroars [23:24] ah ok [23:24] I haven't worked out how to pipe input to it [23:24] like this !weather 02114 [23:24] mine is piping output from a simple python script [23:25] im useing irssi and its pearl script [23:25] which I run using python -u my_script | irc mybotsname irc.yourircnetwork.org -c '#channelname password' [23:26] it needs to run unbuffered or you won't get your output sent [23:26] ok [23:26] ty [23:27] np, let me know if you get input working :) [23:27] i that command i need to study more [23:28] i need to understand it more than i do but i kinda got it [23:28] do i need tobe root? [23:28] no [23:28] good lol [23:29] im taking my time [23:29] ill get back to thelionroars [23:29] ty thelionroars [23:29] that was an obscure question, you were pretty luck to get an answer :P [23:41] Hello [23:42] I want to know how I can install the same QT development tools in 13.04 that were offered in 12.10 [23:43] I have tried editing etc/apt/sources.list but conflicts arrise.... Any ideas? [23:44] idk figure8car but you might have to do it [23:44] oops [23:45] idk figure8car but you might have to do it a differnt way idk [23:46] I was able to install QtCreator 2.5.2, but it is basically a single package. [23:46] Installing the 4.8.3 libraries looks to have many deps that a package manger should handle [23:48] there is a bug with the new tools that I see only with the new tool set, so I assume its in the new QT5x kit [23:48] Creator 2.7.0