=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3 === jono is now known as Guest15458 [06:16] good morning === asdf is now known as Guest64863 [12:26] I'm adding the release announcement to the Fridge now [12:38] Release announcement is up - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/04/25/ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail-released/ [14:55] I'll post the new s-name announcement on the fridge in just a few minutes [14:56] well when I break for lunch [15:09] it's up now - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/04/25/the-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-scorpionfish-not/ [20:05] so, the saucy salamender it is [20:05] salamander* [20:06] akgraner: are we sure that ubunt.eu will stay up? I'd say to not use link shorteners [20:16] JoseeAntonioR, I didn't use a link shortner [20:17] akgraner: let me check where that comes from, then [20:18] JoseeAntonioR, I didn't change any links in anything I posted today [20:18] akgraner: so, Adam used a shortener on the email [20:18] just checked [20:18] should we just keep it like that? I'd say to change it, ubunt.eu may go down at some point [20:19] must have as I copied it from the announcement - if something happens I'll change it or I'll go back to Adam [20:19] I'll mention it to him for the next announcement [20:19] We should not have to pick apart the links that are in the announce emails [20:22] ok, then :) [20:22] btw, who'll take care of releasing next week? I can do it if you'd like [20:24] Let's work together like we normally do. :-) what time would you like to set as a goal? [20:27] I get home at 9 PM UTC, should be around 5pm your time === JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR