[00:01] subman: I can't help on that one.. I'd suggest asking on the lubuntu mailing list. [00:02] phillw, thanks for the help! [00:02] if you installed lubuntu ONTO ubuntu, you need to ask on ubuntu area. [00:02] Thanks. [03:08] Lubuntu 13.04 VBoxing complete. [03:25] SonikkuAmerica: 13.04 was running in VBox, KVM and LVM :) [03:26] XD. I'm going to set it to the 13.10 preliminary testing as soon as it's available. :) [12:49] Hello everyone === gstudent2 is now known as germanstudent [14:17] !ro [14:17] Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro [14:21] hello [14:21] any messenger with webcam? [14:21] pidgiin works? [14:44] hello [14:45] hi [15:14] Hey guys, I'm having issues on lubuntu 13.04. Everytime I reboot the computer, my desktop icons get all messed up, and the wallpaper gets back to default [15:14] explain "all messed up" [15:14] Am I missing something? any config.. [15:14] well, I adjust them in a different order [15:15] everytime I boot up, it gets to the default position [15:15] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1843824 might be relevant, though,, i might just use something like nitrogen [15:16] Hmm, I'll check it out [15:16] thanks dude :) [15:16] for me, if i wanted to use icons on the desktop like that, i would just not use LXDE.. === benmoose is now known as SonikkuAmerica [16:19] hello [16:19] !ro [16:19] Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro [16:27] welcome [16:27] TO THE ICE CREAM [16:29] ok? [16:30] cerebrate: +1 [16:30] fink ployd rulez. [16:54] Hey guys, I'm having issues on Lubuntu 13.04. I've created some desktop icons, and changed their position on the screen. Everytime I boot up those icons get back to their default position. How do I "set" em to a fixed position? [16:59] maybe I should use a script to do it? [17:00] Atum: i would just use a different file manager.. or DE in general [17:02] holstein, LXDE doesnt support those functions? [17:03] or it was not designed for icons? [17:04] Atum: what you are going to want to look for is thunar AFAIK.. getting thunar to draw the icons like that [17:04] Atum: and, what im suggesting is, maybe you would want something that is more "out of the box" the way you want it [17:06] i mean, its all open, so in theory, the answer is always "yes".. but, the goal of lxde in general is to be light.. not necessarily "pretty" or "persistent" [17:13] Hi! [17:13] Suomesta ketään? [17:14] So quietly [17:15] Hmm I'll check thunar [17:15] thanks [17:15] !fi [17:15] Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-) [17:16] So, PCmanFM is resposable for those icon positioning, right? [17:17] Thunar is a file manager like pcmanfm [17:17] too late [17:17] (for the !fi factoid) [17:17] yup.. missed :/ [17:17] yeah, its pcmanfm.. not thunar.. my bad [17:18] oh, ok [17:18] http://blog.lxde.org/?p=804 is relevant [17:19] That's quite useful, thanks [17:19] i would have been quicker with that, but i was thinking thunar for some reason.. [17:23] I love this lxde interface, its simple, useful and beautiful. Lubuntu its such a perfect mix.. [17:25] holstein: seems "all quiet on the Western front" (i.e. installs and upgrades seem to be working well) :) [17:26] phillw: \o/ [18:21] Has anyone used LXLE? That's what I'm on right now. [18:22] Hopefully someone in #lxle has at least once. :P [18:22] Ha, you [18:22] you'd hope so [18:47] so anyone get any bruises from upgrading to 13.04 ? [18:51] Only done one upgrade so far, but only thing I noticed was that I personally "needed" to hold a couple packages from upgrading, and for some reason it didn't pull in the kernel. (Though, I use liquorix on that one, so I wouldn't use them anyway and they are easy to pull in.) [19:25] Unit193: needed? [19:27] I had quotes on that... In order to keep a feature functioning, and functioning without pulling in crazy depends. (More than one package.) [19:28] hm, ok i'll take your word for it. i'm just trying to figure out what it might be? was it like a gtk app that went qt? (i have the opposite problem on the kubutnu machine at work; i want qalculator but they stopped qalculator-kde and now it's all qalculator-gtk) [19:38] ahhhh well that makes sense. did we get rid of indicators in raring? [19:42] You combined channels, didn't you? They went GTK3 in quantal, which isn't compatible with GTK2 panels. Also, the raring indicators have silly depends that bring in a couple unity packages I wasn't interested in having on the computer, and bamf, another daemon. [19:48] ew [21:22] hey, i install lubuntu on top of ubuntu 12.04 LTS because compiz/unity was using too much memory, but now i have lubuntu, i was wondering if i can remove compiz/unity without affecting the system? [21:29] !purelubuntu [21:29] If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde » [21:30] I wonder if all those factoids are still applicable now ( !purelubuntu !purekde and so on) [21:32] He hasn't updated it for raring yet, so it would appear. I'm guessing he'll have it up soonish. [21:33] FrankieJ: You'll of course want the 12.04 version linked at the top. [21:33] genii-around: He also changed the URL, but put a redirect. [21:57] !flood [21:57] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [21:58] Yes? [22:11] Unit193: the bot on ##phillw doesn't have the factiod and I needed the link for image adding :D [22:25] hello! [22:26] i need some help with plugins in browsers [22:26] can i ask to someone? [22:27] please, there's anybody? [22:27] !ask | plugins [22:27] plugins: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [22:29] so i have an old pc and today i decided to install lubuntu. first i tried chromium: java plugin was obsolete and flash doesn't work (java -version tell me I have java sun 8). [22:29] so i removed chromium and installed opera. [22:29] now java and flash crash. [22:30] opera see correct plugins (in options, etc.) [22:30] what's the problem? [22:30] which version of lubuntu? [22:30] the latest, 13.04 [22:30] can i control with some command?... [22:32] what version of the plugins do you have in chromium? go to chrome://plugins/ [22:32] of course you'd need to have chromium [22:32] i wouldn't touch opera with a 10 foot pole, but that's just me [22:32] i have only opera now [22:32] i can't help you with opera [22:33] here's where you can find help with opera: http://my.opera.com/chat/blog/ [22:36] i'm installing chromium again [22:51] phillw: i had not [22:51] but really shouldn't have a bearing, unless it's a ppc [22:51] duh duh duh DUH [22:53] wxl: or a low spec intel [22:53] phillw: do they limit java/flash versions [22:54] wxl: xombrero may do. [22:57] phillw: you'd think that xombrero is going to change his plugin versions? :) [22:58] wxl: it comes with none :) [22:58] phillw: exactly my point silly :) [23:00] certainly would be lighter [23:00] but i suspect the issue is plugins more than anything [23:00] * wxl wonders [23:00] !info opera [23:00] Package opera does not exist in raring [23:00] yeah didn't think so [23:01] :) [23:02] * wxl wants the qt version of qalculate [23:02] * wxl whines [23:02] hi, i'm back again. [23:02] * wxl realizes this is quite offtopic [23:02] oh hai [23:02] i've removed java oracle [23:02] so install iced tea [23:02] and set openjdk with icedtea [23:03] and now java works [23:03] remain shockwave flash [23:03] !info adobe-flashplugin ! plugins [23:03] '!' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable [23:03] in english, the error could be something like: "impossible to load shockwave flash" [23:03] gr [23:03] !info adobe-flashplugin | plugins [23:04] plugins: Package adobe-flashplugin does not exist in raring [23:04] really?>??? [23:04] ? [23:04] wxl: adobe dropped support, it was well advertised [23:04] eh? [23:05] phillw: oh right but -installer and -downloader and -nonfree are still there? [23:05] yes [23:05] i've installed... [23:05] flashplugin-downloader adn installer [23:05] well you could always get chrome :/ or is that not a possibility either, phillw ? [23:06] in chrome://plugins -> Adobe Flash Player - Versione: 11.2 r202 Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202 [23:06] wxl: Chromium support is a mess. that is why I personally advise a non-ubuntu ppa; on the grounds that it works. BUT, it is not 'supported' by (l)ubuntu. [23:06] it seems to see this plugin [23:06] you could try gnash or lightspark [23:07] or phillw 's solution [23:07] afk [23:07] hum? i'm not so practice. i have to make this pc working for my parents and the only requests is browser everywhere without problems. [23:08] tell me what to do, and i'll do it. [23:08] it's all the day that i'm working and i'm really tired! xD [23:09] i have ubuntu on my laptop, and i have no problems with plugin. (i have opera) [23:09] plugins: I can chat better on #lubuntu-offtopic as my proposed solution requires you to use a ppa which is not officially supported. [23:09] it's a problem of lubuntu, so? [23:09] plugins: it seems an issue with you and chromium [23:09] lol [23:10] so, could you tell me what to do? [23:10] ppa will install a plugin for shockwave? [23:10] plugins: I will be on #lubuntu-offtopic if you want to try it. [23:12] shockwave causes 100% CPU time on my system on bad sites. [23:13] wxl what's the gnash solution? [23:18] plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#Free_Software_Alternatives [23:33] i'm testing gnash [23:33] and i have some problems. [23:33] the mai frame of facebook games doesn't load. [23:33] why? [23:44] wxl: i have to choose the plugin [23:44] or i have to install them both? [23:45] choose phillw [23:45] oops :) [23:45] plugins: i mean [23:47] ok let's change channel