=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== smb` is now known as smb | ||
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ppisati | bjf: FYI, i invalidated the two new P/Q tracking bugs since the new stuff didn't affect omap4 (i915 revert and fb switcehroo fix) | 08:55 |
=== gema_ is now known as gema | ||
apw | ppisati, good plan :) | 09:40 |
zequence | apw: both lowlatencies updated in the ppa | 10:29 |
apw | zequence, thanks | 10:37 |
apw | zequence, it doesn't look like you have used -v<updates version> on your Q package ? | 10:45 |
apw | zequence, oh hang on, let me check that i am not being a wally | 10:46 |
zequence | apw: -v against last published version? | 10:47 |
apw | zequence, ignore me, i am just being an idiot, you did it just fine | 10:47 |
zequence | apw: Well, it wouldn't have been the first time after all. I'm glad I'm doing it right now | 10:49 |
apw | zequence, heh ... no this was all my stupidity :) missreading a diff | 10:53 |
* henrix -> lunch | 10:56 | |
apw | zequence, ok they look fine, copied over | 11:03 |
zequence | apw: Thanks | 11:11 |
* rtg shuts down tangerine for maint work | 12:33 | |
* rtg shuts down gomeisa for maint work | 12:41 | |
bjf | ppisati, ack, wfm | 13:09 |
backjlack | I'll write again something I've written yesterday: I've run into a soft lockup with precise, amd64: http://pastie.org/private/yjhhnettm9yrlr9uqgqntq | 13:10 |
backjlack | Is anyone from the ubuntu kernel team around to check it out? | 13:10 |
henrix | backjlack: i guess the best thing to do is to open a bug against the linux package (apport-bug linux) | 13:20 |
henrix | backjlack: also, your stacktrace indicates there was a BUG/OOPS before, so it would be better to include that in the bug report as well | 13:21 |
backjlack | henrix: That's all I got, I didn't get any BUG/OOPS before. | 13:26 |
henrix | backjlack: the 'D' in the 'Tainted' line says you did :) | 13:27 |
backjlack | henrix: Ok, I can reproduce this and I might be able to get that as well if it happened. | 13:28 |
henrix | backjlack: great, just make sure that's included in the bug report ;) | 13:29 |
sconklin_ | you here? | 13:59 |
sconklin | d'oh | 13:59 |
sconklin | cking: ^^ | 14:00 |
* ppisati starts packing some stuff... | 14:07 | |
* cking discovers he needs 7 shirts to be washed | 14:11 | |
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ddins | are there any specific optimizations i can make to the kernel for laptops ? | 14:29 |
cking | ddins, most of these are turned on when you run a laptop on battery | 14:33 |
ddins | cking, are they turned on by acpid? when the adapter is disconnected | 14:54 |
rtg | apw, did you ever see this ? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2013-April/027860.html | 15:03 |
cking | ddins, acpid will kick off the relevant pm-powersave script setting which in turn will then do the necessary magic tweaks | 15:29 |
cking | ddins, however, you most probably will find that one can tweak it to match your desired configuration | 15:31 |
ddins | cking, so from the kernel persp ist going to be sysctl's right? | 15:37 |
cking | ddins, most of it is /sys tweaking if I can recall correctly | 15:38 |
ddins | cking, ya /proc/sys | 15:38 |
apw | rtg, that should be resolved when gomeisa is back up, and i can update the s/w there | 15:44 |
rtg | apw, ack | 15:44 |
apw | rtg, we should start building using -saucy configs from here on out, which has it in | 15:44 |
* henrix goes start packing. I'll will be around later | 16:18 | |
georgelappies | hi all, I am getting drm_kms_helper kernel panics, what could cause this? this is on 13.04, never happened before | 16:48 |
georgelappies | it says something about not being able to sync with the interrupt?? | 16:49 |
georgelappies | would nomodeset be of any value? I don't know what it does, so don't want to set stuff that could break my machine | 16:56 |
ddins | nomodeset disables kernel mode settings . AFAIK it wont break anything . | 17:00 |
apw | georgelappies, i would suggest filing a bug with the panic stack in it so someone can look at it, they might then be able to make a more informed response | 17:01 |
georgelappies | apw: thanks for the advice, how would I go about to locate the panic stack? | 17:01 |
apw | georgelappies, you seem to be picking information out of it, so i assume you have seen it somewhere | 17:02 |
georgelappies | apw: I saw that info on the screen and wrote it down on paper ;) | 17:02 |
apw | georgelappies, depending how seriously broke it mades your system it might also show up in /var/log/messages | 17:03 |
ddins | try using nomodeset and check if it boots | 17:04 |
ddins | if it does , it could be a problem with your KMS | 17:04 |
ddins | or the graphics card drivers | 17:05 |
georgelappies | thanks, how will I set it though? Pardon my noobness | 17:05 |
ddins | type e on grub | 17:08 |
ddins | it will allow you ti edit the boot line | 17:08 |
ddins | add nomodset and press b to boot the newly edited line | 17:09 |
ddins | if it works add it to grub config file to make it permanent or else u'll have to do it every time u boot | 17:09 |
georgelappies | great, thanks ddins going to do that right away | 17:10 |
ddins | ok .. let us know if it worked | 17:11 |
* rtg -> lunch | 17:32 | |
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=== rtg-afk is now known as rtg | ||
* rtg -> EOW | 20:14 | |
rostam | HI is this a right channel to ask about ubuntu kernel module development? | 20:35 |
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