SergioMeneses | balloons, around? | 00:18 |
balloons | SergioMeneses, I am at th emoment | 00:47 |
SergioMeneses | pm | 00:47 |
phillw | balloons: still around? | 01:46 |
balloons | phillw, pong | 01:46 |
balloons | kinda of | 01:46 |
phillw | pm okay? | 01:47 |
JoseeAntonioR | hey guys, I've got no unity, have you seen this bug before? | 02:18 |
pitti | Good morning | 05:26 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:24 |
jibel | good morning | 07:06 |
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Noskcaj | is saucy meant to be in testdrive? | 08:45 |
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smartboyhw_ | Hey SergioMeneses and balloons | 14:38 |
smartboyhw_ | I hope that balloons isn't in Disneyland now:P | 14:39 |
balloons | hey smartboyhw_ | 14:39 |
balloons | lol.. I actually rather dislike amusement parks | 14:39 |
smartboyhw_ | \o/ | 14:39 |
smartboyhw_ | balloons: Aren't we supposed to have release parties? | 14:39 |
SergioMeneses | smartboyhw_, \o | 14:39 |
SergioMeneses | balloons, great! | 14:39 |
balloons | smartboyhw_, yes, but we canned it | 14:39 |
SergioMeneses | smartboyhw_, yest | 14:39 |
smartboyhw_ | balloons: Why? | 14:40 |
smartboyhw_ | And we = ? | 14:40 |
balloons | too much, too fast, too soon :-) | 14:40 |
balloons | basically we found out schedules conflicted too much, so we pushed it back | 14:40 |
balloons | as in, we never scheduled it | 14:40 |
smartboyhw_ | balloons: Your fault:P | 14:40 |
smartboyhw_ | LOL | 14:40 |
balloons | the testdrive thing was meant for today too | 14:41 |
balloons | as part of it.. it's all TBD still | 14:41 |
* smartboyhw_ is suddenly more into development :O | 14:41 | |
balloons | have to make sure you can attend :) | 14:41 |
smartboyhw_ | For Saucy | 14:41 |
SergioMeneses | we have new members in the loco-council | 14:41 |
smartboyhw_ | SergioMeneses: I know. Please send them my congrats | 14:42 |
SergioMeneses | smartboyhw_, :) | 14:44 |
SergioMeneses | smartboyhw_, | 15:19 |
SergioMeneses | lol | 15:19 |
balloons | that's the late night meeting council right? | 15:20 |
smartboyhw_ | balloons: what what? | 15:21 |
SergioMeneses | balloons, what council? | 15:21 |
balloons | smartboyhw_, lol.. SergioMeneses was meeting really late at night one night | 15:22 |
balloons | I was wondering if that was the lococouncil meeting | 15:22 |
balloons | I couldn't remember | 15:22 |
SergioMeneses | balloons, no no... it was a ubuntu-colombian team meeting | 15:22 |
smartboyhw_ | lol | 15:23 |
SergioMeneses | LC meeting are at 20:00UTC | 15:23 |
smartboyhw_ | balloons, SergioMeneses I'm signing off see ya | 15:40 |
SergioMeneses | smartboyhw_, see you | 15:41 |
phillw | balloons: well, 24 hours on.... It has been pleasantly quiet on support areas! | 17:54 |
balloons | phillw, :-) | 17:54 |
balloons | I'm enjoying reading the zero day bug laments | 17:55 |
phillw | balloons: well, we did get one minor one on lubuntu. And a bug that we couldn't have fore-seen regarding someone updgrading their system using ssh :D | 17:56 |
balloons | please tell me they used screen | 17:56 |
balloons | please please | 17:56 |
phillw | balloons: it left a file in place, once deleted all was sweet in the world. I'd have never worked it out, but Brian Murray had seen it before and knew the solution :) | 17:58 |
balloons | gotcha :-) | 17:58 |
phillw | balloons: so, did you have a read of the email from Julien about the possibility of us not having a 13.10? | 17:59 |
balloons | from a user perspective, I like it | 18:01 |
balloons | alot | 18:01 |
phillw | one of the guys on the mailing list has pointed out a problem.... desktops are only supported for 9 months :/ | 18:01 |
balloons | hmm.. and lubuntu didn't have an LTS | 18:02 |
phillw | nope. | 18:02 |
balloons | that would mean you would tell people to not move from 12.10 | 18:02 |
balloons | heh | 18:02 |
balloons | see why it's important to declare this now? | 18:02 |
balloons | :-) | 18:02 |
balloons | my thoughts are the same I suppose. The release team would have to agree, but I think you have to decide now, not halfway through | 18:03 |
phillw | indeed, it's why Julien threw it out for discussion as soon as concentration was switched from 13.04 release | 18:03 |
balloons | and etheir way, I think you'll end up making images, so there will be confusion potentially on what the 13.10 image for lubuntu i | 18:03 |
balloons | *is | 18:03 |
phillw | I'll have a chat with Julien. | 18:04 |
balloons | overall, I like the idea a alot of making a really nice 14.04, then potentially changing the project direction | 18:04 |
balloons | I'm not so sure you have to skip a release persay to do it.. again, I was always in favor of flavors supporting LTS's only beyond the normal time of running a non-lts | 18:05 |
phillw | Yeah, but the usual problem of not having enough developers :'( | 18:05 |
balloons | much like what has now happened | 18:05 |
balloons | 13.04 for 9 months, then done.. if your non-lts, you keep going | 18:05 |
balloons | since you effectively have no lts version, it could be a bit stickier, but it's not like your not supporting 12.04 or 12.10 | 18:06 |
balloons | so there are options | 18:06 |
phillw | balloons: the problem there is that 'ubuntu' components such as kernel etc.... will not be there. | 18:06 |
balloons | you can't roll support beyond what ubuntu itself has agreed sure | 18:06 |
phillw | I don't think that lubuntu could turn 12.04 into an LTS, besides which, the TB rules state that 12.04 can't be an LTS as it was only our second release and you have to have had two prior releases before issuing an LTS. | 18:10 |
phillw | balloons: when does support of 12.10 run out? | 18:12 |
phillw | I recall you saying it has an EoL after 13,04? | 18:12 |
balloons | yes | 18:13 |
phillw | does it last until 14.04? | 18:13 |
balloons | yes | 18:13 |
balloons | | 18:14 |
phillw | Hmm, okies. It gives a rather extreme option | 18:14 |
balloons | heh | 18:14 |
phillw | I can find it, I just kewn you would know it by heart :D | 18:14 |
phillw | *knew* | 18:14 |
phillw | so, could lubuntu make a 12.10.1 ? | 18:15 |
balloons | lol | 18:15 |
balloons | I'm pointing out things | 18:15 |
balloons | think about it | 18:15 |
phillw | balloons: I don't follow? | 18:17 |
balloons | TheLordOfTime, I want znc 1.0 | 18:18 |
balloons | phillw, I'm saying think about what you might want to do, in light of everything you know | 18:19 |
balloons | off the cuff, no making 12.10.1 isn't a real proposal | 18:19 |
phillw | balloons: which version are they currently using on trekweb? | 18:19 |
balloons | I've no idea.. I simply want the 1.0 feature, and precise has the old series | 18:19 |
balloons | so I'm vocally whining to TheLordOfTime :-) | 18:19 |
balloons | mostly for fun, but also to see if he knows how best to get it | 18:20 |
phillw | balloons: okies, I only host a couple of VM's for them, I don't understand it :P | 18:20 |
balloons | if there's no other way, I'll one-off pull the package back | 18:20 |
balloons | but I would really rather not do that | 18:21 |
balloons | I'm migrating my installation, so now is the time.. I'd rather stay on precise, but.. | 18:21 |
balloons | ohh yay! grating my installation, so now is the time.. I'd rather stay on precise, but.. | 18:22 |
* balloons facepalms | 18:22 | |
balloons | i swore I check backports.. grumble | 18:22 |
balloons | someone else did the work :-) | 18:22 |
phillw | balloons: he has trekweb on 12.04 LTS, he didn't want 12.10 | 18:23 |
phillw | p --> q should not hurt too much :D | 18:23 |
balloons | I don't need to upgrade etheir | 18:23 |
balloons | I wasn't going to upgrade just to get it trust me | 18:23 |
phillw | As I know virtually zilch about znc, except it is a cloaking service. I'll let you chat to him. I know virtually zero about ToR, but I host a relay for them :) | 18:25 |
balloons | problem is solved now.. I get 1.0.. of course I may fail to set it up, but we'll see on that | 18:25 |
phillw | Speaking of which.... I haven't run the update on that VM | 18:26 |
phillw | in quite a while | 18:26 |
phillw | bbs I now feel gulty | 18:27 |
balloons | hggdh, howdy :-) | 18:32 |
hggdh | balloons: heya, sir, happy (delayed) release day :-) | 18:33 |
balloons | indeed.. happy post-release day | 18:34 |
balloons | it's like waking up from a party that went on a little too long :-p | 18:34 |
balloons | in a good way! | 18:34 |
balloons | how are you? | 18:34 |
hggdh | and knowing that the preparations for a new party are starting... | 18:35 |
hggdh | good, but quite more busy than I expected :-) | 18:35 |
balloons | ahh.. the honeymoon period didn't happen for you eh | 18:35 |
balloons | no fun :-( | 18:36 |
hggdh | could not test much, still have a coreutils patch to propose (or not, perhaps now is too late), etc | 18:36 |
hggdh | no honeymoon. There was this kiss leaving the cerimony, then it is all "clean up the yard", "carry the trash away", etc | 18:36 |
balloons | hggdh, hahah | 18:39 |
balloons | i love the description | 18:39 |
hggdh | :-) | 18:49 |
plars | hi hggdh | 18:54 |
hggdh | plars: hey, sir, how are you doing? Is life good? | 18:55 |
plars | hggdh: raring is out, life has calmed down for a few minutes, but not for long :) | 18:58 |
hggdh | heh | 18:59 |
plars | some sort of lizard sauce for lunch next week I hear | 18:59 |
hggdh | now it is the week for rest, before UDS ;-) | 18:59 |
hggdh | which I am not sure I will be able to attend, unfortunately, not enough time to request time off | 19:00 |
balloons | hggdh, UDS is vUDS now | 19:01 |
plars | hggdh: keeping you busy I guess? | 19:01 |
plars | hggdh: hopefully you have everyone converted to ubuntu by now | 19:01 |
hggdh | balloons: I know, but still during (or preceeding) work hours | 19:01 |
plars | hggdh: for S, you can get them all testing isos right? | 19:01 |
hggdh | plars: rather busy, and I am trying :-) | 19:02 |
SergioMeneses | vUDS is rare | 19:02 |
hggdh | plars: they are jumping in the cloud wagon, but I am not sure I will be able to steer them to something decent | 19:02 |
plars | hggdh: if they are looking at cloud, ubuntu is definitely the clear choice | 19:02 |
hggdh | plars: heh, I can. I am not sure they will authorise me to install them, though | 19:02 |
hggdh | plars: I already suggested looking at it, and looking at how the market is positioned. Got back a sleazy talk about how vmware is their virtualisation provider of choice | 19:03 |
hggdh | plars: I almost stated that then they did not have a choice | 19:04 |
plars | ubuntu runs fine on vmware, I don't see a problem there | 19:04 |
balloons | :-p | 19:04 |
hggdh | yeah. But what I would like to see is a REAL, honest, 100% pure cloud, like, ah, openstack, plus juju, etc | 19:05 |
hggdh | and, guess what? Ubuntu on both the back-end and front-end | 19:05 |
plars | hggdh: of course, so just take what they are doing, put together some juju scripts, and show them how easily you can make it 436.2% more awesome doing it that way :) | 19:07 |
hggdh | that's my intention :-) | 19:08 |
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