jrwren | my custom sata to esata doesn't work :( | 01:06 |
jrwren | i'll have to get out the caliper and take some measurements | 01:07 |
brousch | I found out the esata on my synology is only for attaching an esata drive, not for attaching as a guest | 01:08 |
jrwren | lol | 01:09 |
brousch | Yeah, so I'm stuck with gigabit | 01:10 |
snap-l | jrwren: A+ fkr effort | 02:12 |
jrwren | ty | 02:15 |
jrwren | i shall try again | 02:15 |
jrwren | hopefully pins are just not aligned | 02:15 |
jrwren | i did make it fit | 02:15 |
jcastro | rick_h_: ping | 02:41 |
jcastro | around? | 02:41 |
snap-l | btw: Release party at Penguicon tomorrow | 03:14 |
rick_h_ | jcastro: not really around heh | 05:05 |
rick_h_ | morning | 11:37 |
snap-l | Good morning, fellow Earth-travelers. | 12:45 |
rick_h_ | party | 12:45 |
snap-l | Just found out Google Contacts has a drop-down for Google Voice numbers | 12:47 |
rick_h_ | cool | 12:47 |
snap-l | Yeah, makes it a liittle nicer not to have to think: OK, which is the GV number, and which is the ... | 12:48 |
rick_h_ | yea | 12:48 |
flipsidecreation | I have been using btsync for a few days now, works really well | 14:24 |
rick_h_ | very cool | 14:24 |
flipsidecreation | started a subreddit for people to post publicly http://www.reddit.com/r/btsecrets/ | 14:25 |
snap-l | http://www.sjgames.com/img/newsq/illq/2013/OgreGarageFilledSponsor--800x600.jpg | 14:28 |
snap-l | That is a lot of cardboard. | 14:28 |
brousch | What is that? | 14:29 |
rick_h_ | umm, interesting | 14:29 |
snap-l | OGRE board game that I backed on Kickstarter | 14:29 |
snap-l | http://www.boardgamegeek.com/blog/1648/ogre-how-a-giant-cybernetic-tank-changed-my-life | 14:31 |
brousch | snap-l: What's a good RPG for a 5 year old? | 14:33 |
snap-l | I have just the thing | 14:33 |
* brousch is afraid too look | 14:33 | |
snap-l | http://www.rpgnow.com/product/94507/Argyle-%26-Crew---Adventure-in-the-Land-of-Skcos | 14:33 |
brousch | hm | 14:34 |
snap-l | http://www.rpgnow.com/product/106605/Hero-Kids---Fantasy-RPG <- haven't read this one, but it appears to be well regarded | 14:35 |
brousch | You read sock puppets? | 14:35 |
snap-l | I read through it. It looked cute. | 14:36 |
snap-l | http://www.rpgnow.com/product/92348/Do%3A-Pilgrims-of-the-Flying-Temple <- This one is pretty interesting as well | 14:36 |
snap-l | Excellent artwork | 14:36 |
snap-l | Might be a little over his head for now, but I think they have simplified rules for younger platers | 14:37 |
snap-l | players, even. | 14:37 |
snap-l | http://www.rpgnow.com/product/81529/Happy-Birthday%2C-Robot%21?manufacturers_id=2152 | 14:37 |
snap-l | Haven't read this one at all, so I have no idea how it plays | 14:37 |
brousch | At his age it needs no math beyond finger counting and little reading | 14:39 |
snap-l | http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2011/10/an-in-depth-review-of-do-pilgrims-of-the-flying-temple/ | 14:41 |
snap-l | What are his interests? Star Wars? | 14:41 |
brousch | and Thomas | 14:42 |
brousch | I modified the LEGO Minotaur game to make it more interesting, but he often got distracted and wanted to role play the characters. So I think and RPG might be fun for him | 14:43 |
brousch | The Hero kids looks pretty good | 14:44 |
snap-l | Yeah, that one could work | 14:45 |
snap-l | You might want to check out Do as well | 14:46 |
snap-l | I think you could adapt it for him | 14:46 |
snap-l | the mechanic is pretty simple | 14:46 |
snap-l | pull three stones from a bag | 14:47 |
snap-l | It has a writing component, but you could have him dictate to you | 14:47 |
brousch | He can write. It just takes a long time | 14:47 |
snap-l | Does he handle sentences? | 14:48 |
snap-l | I have the PDFs for Herokids if you want to peek at them. | 14:49 |
snap-l | (before buying of course. :) ) | 14:49 |
snap-l | And Argyle and Crew is CC licensed. | 14:49 |
snap-l | brb. Gotta do some errands. | 14:49 |
Wolfger | And so Penguicon begins | 16:33 |
Wolfger | howdy 'buntu peeps | 16:33 |
flipsidecreation | howdy Wolfger | 16:34 |
rick_h_ | party party | 16:34 |
Wolfger | you coming this year, rick_h_ or still shying away from the freak show? ;-) | 16:35 |
rick_h_ | Wolfger: I'm working :( | 16:35 |
Wolfger | :-( | 16:35 |
brousch | Wolfger lives? | 17:02 |
rick_h_ | no kidding :) | 17:03 |
flipsidecreation | Here is a cool visualization of the VideoLan servers getting DDOS attacked. http://youtu.be/hNjdBSoIa8k | 17:09 |
brousch | Aren't they hosted on SourceForge? | 17:10 |
Wolfger | brousch: :-p | 17:10 |
flipsidecreation | they have direct download for windows http://get.videolan.org/vlc/2.0.6/win32/vlc-2.0.6-win32.exe | 17:13 |
snap-l | Wolfger: come find me. i have a flash bet to settle. | 17:29 |
snap-l | we're not there yet | 17:29 |
brousch | Who is flashing? | 17:30 |
snap-l | i am. flashing beer to Wolfger for flash failing to die quicket | 17:34 |
brousch | ah | 17:36 |
Wolfger | can't wait. I'm thirsty. :-) | 17:38 |
Wolfger | hotel has a nice beer list, too. I'm going to have to try some new beers tonight. | 17:38 |
Wolfger | upgrading to 12.10... is 13.04 released yet? | 17:53 |
brousch | yes | 17:54 |
Wolfger | ok, so it must be a stepping stone process | 17:54 |
brousch | 12.04 is the best | 17:55 |
brousch | kubuntu | 17:55 |
Wolfger | so far as I'm concerned, 7.04 was the best | 18:03 |
Wolfger | but you have to "advance" some time | 18:03 |
greg-g | 7.04... was that fiesty? | 18:03 |
greg-g | hellz yeah! | 18:04 |
greg-g | look who has a memory! | 18:04 |
jrwren | skipped from b to f, right? | 18:04 |
Wolfger | greg-g: you're still here? I thought you quit Ubuntu as well as Michigan ;-) | 18:05 |
Wolfger | you should come to the #pcon again | 18:06 |
greg-g | Wolfger: heh, my heart will always be in #ubuntu-michigan, I mean #ubuntu-us-mi | 18:06 |
greg-g | Wolfger: wish I could | 18:06 |
snap-l | hullo from pcon | 21:13 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: party | 21:17 |
Wolfger | The hunt for my beer begins! | 21:39 |
greg-g | I'm seriously about ready to kill this laptop | 22:23 |
greg-g | awesome: "Ubuntu release party in tiki bar area at 7 pm #penguicon" | 22:56 |
rick_h_ | woot, with ya in spirit. glass of wine at the keyboard. | 23:26 |
rick_h_ | if I'm working at night it'll be my way :) | 23:26 |
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