
hannieteolemon, if you are in, I just want to say I sent you an email a minute ago with my experiment results14:35
teolemonlooking at it14:35
teolemonyou have to mark them as translated14:37
teolemonnot fuzzy14:37
teolemonand import them as translated in the bogus project14:37
hannieyou mean I have to approve them in Lokalize first?14:38
hannieIn that case it is not different from how I used to do it14:38
teolemonand what you can upload first are machine translations14:38
hanniewhat you call machine translation is already in the merged file14:38
teolemonnot quantal14:38
teolemonraring+ machine translations14:38
hanniein my case precise-e2 (100% translated)14:39
teolemonand then the po file with the fuzzy14:39
teolemonmarked as translated14:39
hannieso precise-e2 + raring > merged14:39
teolemoncan you send me the po file14:39
hannieok it is about 928 kB14:40
teolemonmachine translation for me is google translate14:40
hannieIs that not too big?14:40
teolemonand did you mark them as translated14:40
hannieteolemon, if I approve them in Lokalize there is no point in sending the file to manualautomated14:41
teolemonbefore uploading14:41
hannieBecause then I have already done the work in Lokalize14:41
teolemonso that they show up as suggestions ?14:41
teolemoni should be ok14:41
hannieIf I open the merged file in Lokalize there are more than 500 suggestions called Not ready14:42
teolemongive it a try14:42
hannieteolemon, I already have uploaded the merged file with suggestions to LP but the suggestions that show in Lokalize do not show in manualautomated.14:43
teolemonyou mass approve them in a text editor or using keyboard shortcut14:43
hannieIf I approve them in Lokalize there is no point in uploading the file to ubuntuautomated14:44
teolemonand then several translators can review them14:44
hannieI can just as well upload it to /ubuntu-manual/raring14:44
teolemonbecause you didn't mass validate offline first14:44
hannieI have to validate one by one. Is there another way?14:44
teolemonyou feed the bogus project with strings you mass validated14:45
teolemonyou don't care about the content14:45
hannieAnd where do I mass validate the fuzzies?14:45
teolemonselect all14:45
teolemonand upload14:46
hannieHold on. Select all where? In a text editor? A text editor does not have a function Validate14:46
teolemonand then14:46
teolemon10 people can look at them online14:46
teolemonand see if modifications are necessary14:47
hannieteolemon, I think I have to see if Lokalize has this function "validate the whole selection"14:47
hannieNow I think I see what you mean. Before uploading I have to approve the whole selection. I have to check if I can do this in Lokalize. I will let you know.14:48
teolemonusing a text editor14:48
hannieyou mean a CAT14:48
teolemonor using a keyboard shortcut14:48
teolemonas you wish14:49
teolemon#, fuzzy14:49
teolemonmsgid "label 1" //Nouveau msgid14:50
teolemonyou find and replace the fuzzy part14:50
teolemonto make it look like a regular string14:51
hanniejust a minute, I'll open it in gedit14:51
teolemoni did it in one or two minutes using shortcut and typing like a crazy person on my keyboard14:53
teolemonbut a find and replace in kedit14:53
teolemonor any text editor will be even faster14:54
hannieright, I see #, fuzzy in gedit14:54
hannie#, fuzzy must be changed to what?14:54
teolemonhere's an exemple14:54
hannieYes, I spotted the #, fuzzy lines. Do I have to delete them or replace them by someting else?14:56
teolemonfind all14:56
teolemon#, fuzzy14:56
teolemonreplace by14:56
teolemon(and put nothing)14:56
hannieok, so just delete the whole line #, fuzzy14:56
teolemonand you're done14:56
teolemonis that ok ?14:56
hannieI think I get it now. But you still have to find and delete them one by one. There is no bulk deleting in gedit14:57
teolemonwipe them14:57
hannieOr is there a command I do not know?14:58
teolemonto make them look like translated strings14:58
teolemonyou can check the result in lokalize15:00
teolemonif you want15:00
teolemonreplace all ?15:00
CarstenGHannie, try CTRL+H15:00
teolemongedit doesn't have a find and replace function15:00
hannieright. It takes a while to delete 500 #, fuzzy lines15:00
CarstenGgedit has a replace function.15:01
teolemonis that what you're implying ?15:01
hannieCarstenG, that's the right shortcut (didn't know it, thanks)15:01
CarstenGOpen the window with CTRL+H15:01
teolemonhum hum15:02
CarstenGand there you fill the fields and click then »Replace all«15:02
hannieAyay, my bad. Didn't know it existed in gedit15:02
teolemonotherwise, if you're into KDE, you can use a kde text editor15:02
hannieIt is done in a jiffy15:02
teolemonwith more functionnality :-P15:02
hannieNow I will upload it again to ubuntuautomated15:03
teolemonten seconds ?15:03
CarstenGteo: We are making the manual for GNOME, so we use gedit :-p15:03
* teolemon won't joke about German efficiency :-)15:03
hannieor less ;)15:03
hannieI use gedit too15:04
hannieI only saw it as a toy compared to big brother Word15:04
hanniethanks for your patience with me15:05
hannieOne thing I have to say to my defence: there is no Find and Replace in the menu bar of gedit15:07
teolemonsmall but powerful :-)15:07
CarstenGTeo: Can you explain this topic »bogus project«, »ubuntuautomated« on the mailing list? It sound interesting, but I did not yet understand it in detail. Also for other translator it would be useful, or?15:07
teolemonwhich ml ?15:08
teolemonubuntu-translators ?15:08
CarstenGno our ml15:08
hannieor both15:08
teolemonit's basically a rehash of what we did for the ddtp15:10
CarstenGHannie: There is a entry in the menu bar \menu{Search \then Replace \ldots} :-)15:10
teolemonwe detailed our methodology here15:10
hannieCarstenG, I found it under Search, I expected it to be under Edit. O, O, O15:11
teolemonyou know things are bad when you start talking LaTeX to fellow team members15:11
teolemonhannie, have you uploaded it ?15:12
hannieI am going to do it in a second15:12
CarstenGteo: Thanks for this link. I'll have a look15:12
hannieteolemon, done. Thank you for your upload. In import queue15:14
teolemoni've added a paragraph15:14
teolemonon how to unfuzzy strings15:15
teolemonas we mainly used google translate for ddtp suggestions15:16
hannieteolemon, are you the one who approves the import?15:17
teolemonwe didn't rely on fuzzy15:17
teolemonjust approve15:17
teolemonapproved it15:17
teolemonit should appear in a couple of minutes15:17
hannieah, great! Thanks15:17
hannieI am so curious if the result is ok now15:18
teolemonbut you'll have 100 or so strings left to translate fully by youself15:18
hanniebetter than 500 ;)15:19
teolemonpossibly more15:19
hannieI may even decide to translate raring. so far we only do LTS versions of the manual15:19
teolemoni think so15:19
teolemonor maybe you can approve it yourself15:19
hannie100 strings of the manual is different from gui strings (much shorter)15:20
teolemonas ubuntu-translators member15:21
hannieNot many of my fellow translators like the long strings15:21
teolemonI can guarantee that when you do that at DDTP scale15:21
CarstenGTeo: It looks like that the project https://launchpad.net/ubuntumanualautomated is for the current raring translation. Is it possible to use it also for the quantal version?15:21
teolemonyou get a great chill15:21
teolemon(teaser ^^)15:21
teolemonand we should be good !15:21
teolemonhave a look15:21
hannieWe may start working on DDTP again if I can do the fuzzy trick there too15:22
teolemonyou have 207 strings left15:22
CarstenGOr should we create a https://launchpad.net/ubuntumanualautomated-quantal15:22
teolemondo you want me to add automated suggestions ?15:22
teolemonwe'd need to upload the quantal template15:22
teolemonbut yes15:22
teolemonwe've finished quantal so i didn't do it15:22
teolemon(French love to brag)15:22
teolemonon the ddtp15:23
hannieWe have a shortage of translators at Ubuntu Dutch Translators15:23
teolemonfuzzy is not enough15:23
hannieteolemon, I know I have to study the instructions you wrote. Haven't found time to do it yet15:24
teolemonyou need automation15:24
teolemonnot useful15:24
hannieYes, automation is the key word15:24
teolemonand polluting launchpad15:24
hannieWe are very grateful what you did for ddtp. I have started to work with Nightmonkey again15:24
hannieAnd a good idea to find people with interest in a specific field15:25
teolemonuse Ubuntu Robot Dutch Translators15:25
teolemonthey don't complain15:25
teolemondo the work in 5 minutes15:26
hannieThere is always a human behind the robot ;)15:26
teolemondon't eat15:26
teolemondon't breathe15:26
teolemonmy wish is that we all automated15:26
hannieyeah, definitely15:26
hannieYou have made a good start. Keep up the good work!15:27
teolemonthe ddtp have been here for too long15:27
CarstenGTeo: Nice, if you could upload the template for quantal. But I first have to generate the merged po file based on the precise translation.15:27
teolemoni want to get done with it15:27
hannieI am going to have a look at ubuntuautomated15:27
teolemononce and for all15:27
teolemonit should be crowdsourced15:27
hannieKissy, kissy, only 207 untranslated........15:28
teolemonand then the translators act as reviewers15:28
hannieteolemon, there is a small risk that I approved strings that shouldn't have been approved15:29
teolemonrobots >reviewed by> humans non translators >reviewed by> ubuntu professional reviewers15:29
teolemonit's a pyramid15:30
teolemonthe thing is I can't push other teams15:31
hannieteolemon, I will try to revive the ddtp translation in the Dutch team15:31
teolemoni've requested a pot for quantal15:31
CarstenGHannie: I have a problem with the msgmerge...15:32
hannieCarstenG, what's the problem?15:32
teolemonand google translate could give you suggestions for the rest15:32
CarstenGI do a15:32
CarstenG$ msgmerge precise.po quantal.po > quantal_merged.po15:32
teolemonwe're down to 5015:32
hannieCarstenG, are you in the directory with the po files?15:32
teolemonwhere ?15:32
teolemonin the automated project ?15:33
CarstenGand now I get in the merged file a fuzzy string wich was already translated in the quantal.po.15:33
hannieCarstenG, only one? Perhaps there was a slight change15:33
CarstenGSo is there a way to ignore already translated strings in the quantal file?15:33
CarstenGNo, there are more...15:34
teolemonhave a look15:34
teolemonthe suggestions are showing up in quantal as well15:34
hannieCarstenG, why would you ignore already translated strings? they should be in the merged file15:34
CarstenGOk, let me give an example for better understanding.15:35
teolemoni can put online automatic suggestions for multiverse if you're interested to test15:36
hannieby all means. I am willing to test things for you15:37
hannieor for us the Dutch team15:37
teolemonif you're satisfied with the quality we can then put it for main and universe15:37
hannieI do not like google translate very much, although it is getting better lately15:38
hannieI only use it for common words. Do you know trans.eu?15:38
teolemoni've uploaded the template for quantal15:38
hanniesorry opentran.eu15:38
CarstenGLets use the glossary entry »Canonical« as example.15:38
CarstenGIn precise I have:15:38
teolemonif you want we can do a google hangout so that I can share my screen and drive you through all this15:38
CarstenG\\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, the financial backer of Ubuntu, provides support for the core Ubuntu system. It15:38
CarstenGhas over 310 paid staff members worldwide who ensure that the foundation of the operating system is stable, as well as checking all the work submitted15:38
CarstenGby volunteer contributors.  To learn more about Canonical, go to \\url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}15:38
CarstenG\\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, der Geldgeber Ubuntus, leistet Unterstützung für das Ubuntu-Kernsystem.15:38
CarstenGCanonical verfügt über mehr als 310 bezahlte Mitarbeiter weltweit, die sicherstellen, dass die Basis des Betriebssystems stabil ist, und die die15:38
CarstenGArbeit von Freiwilligen überprüfen. Mehr über Canonical erfahren Sie unter \\url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}15:38
CarstenGIn qnatal this string is already translated:15:40
CarstenG\\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, the financial backer of Ubuntu, provides support for the core Ubuntu system. It15:40
CarstenGhas over 500 staff members worldwide who ensure that the foundation of the operating system is stable, as well as checking all the work submitted by15:40
CarstenGvolunteer contributors.  To learn more about Canonical, go to \\url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}15:40
CarstenG\\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical ist der Finanzsponsor von Ubuntu und betreut das Herzstück des Ubuntu-Systems.15:40
CarstenGCanonical beschäftigt weltweit über 500 Betriebsangehörige, die sicherstellen, dass die Basis des Betriebssystems stabil läuft, und die auch15:40
CarstenGsämtliche Beiträge gegenprüfen, die von freiwillig Mitwirkenden eingereicht werden. Um mehr über Canonical zu erfahren, folgen Sie \\url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}15:40
hannieCarstenG, so you are talking about the change from 310 to 500 staff members?15:41
CarstenGIn qnatal this string is already translated:15:42
CarstenG\\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, the financial backer of Ubuntu, provides support for the core Ubuntu system. It15:42
CarstenGhas over 500 staff members worldwide who ensure that the foundation of the operating system is stable, as well as checking all the work submitted by15:42
CarstenGvolunteer contributors.  To learn more about Canonical, go to \\url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}15:42
CarstenG\\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, der Geldgeber Ubuntus, leistet Unterstützung für das Ubuntu-Kernsystem.15:42
CarstenGCanonical verfügt über mehr als 310 bezahlte Mitarbeiter weltweit, die sicherstellen, dass die Basis des Betriebssystems stabil ist, und die die15:42
CarstenGArbeit von Freiwilligen überprüfen. Mehr über Canonical erfahren Sie unter \\url{http://www.canonical.com}.}}15:42
hannieYes, and the translation will also be in raring when you merge. What's wrong with that?15:43
CarstenGHannie: Its no the change from 300 to 500 staff members... The problem is, that I get in the merged file a fuzzy string for an entry which is already translated in quantal.15:44
hannieCarstenG, it will not be a fuzzy anymore when you remove all the #, fuzzy lines from the merged file15:45
hannieAs I have only just learned from teolemon15:46
hannieYou DO want to keep the translation of a long message, even if there has been a slight change15:46
CarstenGIn short words:15:49
CarstenGMy "problem":15:49
CarstenGprecise translated -- quantal translated --> in merged file string from precise, marked as fuzzy.15:49
CarstenGMy expected behaviour:15:49
CarstenG* precise translated -- quantal translated --> in merged file string from quantal, not marked as fuzzy.15:49
CarstenG* precise translated -- quantal NOT translated --> in merged file string from precise, marked as fuzzy15:49
hannieteolemon, I suggest I start reading / experiment with your google translate instructions. After that I'll come back to you and see how we are going to do it for the Dutch language15:49
teolemonor if you're feeling like it15:50
teolemoni can screencast by doing multiverse15:50
teolemonwhile you're doing main15:51
teolemonand ask me any questions during the screencast15:51
hannieteolemon, forgive me, but what do you mean by screencast?15:51
teolemonand CarstenG can join too if he's interested for de15:52
teolemonwe can have up to 8 persons attenting15:52
hanniedo you mean the hangout?15:52
teolemongoogle hangout15:52
teolemonwhere i share my screen15:52
teolemoninstead of my face15:52
teolemonand meanwhile, we talk15:53
hannieyes, good idea. But I have to prepare before I join15:53
teolemondo you have a google account ?15:53
hannieteolemon, yes, but so far, for privacy reasons, I refused to participate in hangouts ;)15:54
teolemonbut you don't need to prepare much15:54
hannieyou may see if you can plan a date and time, I will do some reading in the meantime15:55
teolemonas we'll do the same thing at the same time15:55
teolemonit's a fuc***g efficient way to work15:55
hannieI suppose so. I'll participate15:55
teolemonif you so wish15:55
teolemoni had a couple of spare hours before our release lunch15:56
hannieCarstenG, if precise translated -- quantal translated --> merged there must have been a slight difference between the two messages15:57
teolemonso i intended to put them to good use :-)15:57
hannieotherwise you do NOT get a fuzzy15:57
hannieteolemon, se if you can find a convenient time and date for yourself and call for participants using doodle15:58
hannieteolemon, I'm sure Redmar will also be interested15:59
CarstenGHannie: yes, you are right. In this case is a difference between the precise and quantal string. But I'm wondering why I get the precise string as suggestion, if the quantal string is already translated. Or I have not yet understand the idea behind msgmerge...16:03
hannieThe strings of the first file are merged with those of the second, resulting in fuzzies in the third file if there is a difference between the two16:07
hannieCarstenG, that is why it is a bit dangerous to change too many things in a new manual version16:08
hannieExample \newglossaryentry was removed in raring, resulting in more than 20 fuzzies (all glossary entries)16:09
hannieThe same goes for splitting long paragraphs. It should be to the benefit of translators, but changing them means a lot more fuzzies16:10
hannieok, guys, time for a pause. See you16:13
CarstenGok, see you Hannie.16:17
CarstenGTeo: I see now two templates for the German language on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntumanualautomated16:17
CarstenGSo I can now upload the merged po files there? quantal.po and raring.po?16:18
teolemoni goofed a bit i thin16:41
teolemonin both16:41
teolemonit doesn't matter16:41
teolemonlaunchpad will accept anything16:42
teolemonthe suggestions will show anyway16:42
CarstenGwhat went wrong?16:46
teolemoni think i overwrote the raring template with the quantal template16:47
teolemonbut the translations are still showing up for French and Dutch16:47
teolemoni think lp doesn't care much16:47
teolemonit swallows everything16:48
teolemonand then uses them as suggestions16:48
CarstenGWell, I see both, raring and quantal in German language.16:48
teolemonthen yes16:48
CarstenGshould the file I will upload, have a specific name?16:49
teolemonupload them in their respective templates16:49
teolemongive it the name you want16:50
CarstenGok, ubuntu-manual-quantal-de.po is just uploaded.16:51
teolemonit's live normally16:58
teolemoni approved it16:58
CarstenGI forgot to remove the fuzzy string17:03
CarstenGOk, then I have to upload it again. :-)17:03
teolemonit's good17:14
CarstenGok, fine.17:33
CarstenGHow long does it take, that the strings appear in the ubuntu-manual as suggestions?17:34
teolemona couple of minutes to a couple of hours17:35
teolemonit depends17:35
teolemon_is it working ok now ?18:00
CarstenGno, not yet.18:16
teolemoncan you try uploading it into raring as well ?19:19
CarstenGI would, but I did not yet received the po file from LP.19:28

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