[01:11] akgraner: should I send out the email to summary writers? [08:42] JoseeAntonioR: Er are we supposed to fill in links ourselves to the Google Doc? There's only one news link thereā€¦ Normally there would have been many. [08:44] We don't even have the 13.04 release announcement, IIRC [14:25] JoseeAntonioR, I've added a bunch of links to the document and I'll add more in a couple of hours. Take a look [14:26] JoseeAntonioR, I'll also help write the summaries, that should be enough to get people started. I need to get links for In the Press and In the Blogosphere [14:26] smartboyhw, there are links on there now, feel free to hop in an write summaries if that is something you normally do [14:27] akgraner, hurray. Probably not this week then, I am writing a science project report and I needed to revise Chemistry tomorrow:( [14:27] smartboyhw, no worries and yes we can all add links of interest during the week [14:28] I think pleia2 has been do this herself lately (shame on me) I'll take a look daily again once we get this one out the door. [14:28] akgraner, :) [14:32] yeah, i want to get back to helping out... not this weekend though im afraid [14:32] holstein, \o/ [14:45] akgraner: thanks! [14:47] JoseeAntonioR, I'll rearrange some of the articles and where they are a little later, but if we can get these summed up that would be great (if not I'll work on them in a couple of hours) [14:47] I will too [14:47] holstein, we need to catch up - you in Asheville next week? [14:47] any local gigs? [14:48] working on the lococouncil announcement [14:53] akgraner: mind approving a fridge post? [14:53] sure - looking now [14:53] thanks [14:54] Done - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/04/27/new-members-of-the-ubuntu-loco-council-announced-2/ [14:55] great, thanks! [14:55] yw - ok - I'm out for a couple hours - I'll pull stats in the morning :-) [14:58] ok! have a nice day! === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [17:17] akgraner: i could make time.. what are you doing tuesday? [17:18] im on the radio at around 1 til 2.. then im free til the concert that evening [17:18] akgraner: hey.. it might be wcqs.. i'll have to check.. thats near you right? spindale?