
sarnoldhazmat: what kind of performance losses do you see with the nested kvms using vmaas? where can one find the vmaas charm? (it isn't on jujucharms.com, anyway..)04:54
hazmatsarnold, http://jujucharms.com/~virtual-maasers/precise/virtual-maas04:54
sarnoldaha :) thanks hazmat04:55
sarnoldlooks nice04:56
hazmatsarnold, i don't have exact benchmarks offhand, its a significant loss, but passable on good hardware04:56
hazmatmarcoceppi, i have a drupal7 charm that does a basic install based off one of the drupal6's that was floating around04:57
sarnoldhazmat: ah, bummer. still neat. :)04:58
hazmatsarnold, its sliced bread cool :-)04:59
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marcoceppiJust installed juju-core alongside juju-0.720:58
marcoceppihaving issues when trying to bootstrap an environment I added: ERROR command failed: cannot query old bootstrap state: Get https://s3.amazonaws.com/<control-bucket-from-config>/provider-state: read tcp
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mwhudsonis it possible to install juju 0.7 on precise?23:01
mwhudsonwith lxc-create i guess23:16

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