[04:29] 这个系统好用不? [04:30] kingwen: 好用! [05:10] :) [05:53] 有长沙同学在吗 [05:57] ypwong: You are there? [05:58] smartboyhw, no ar [05:58] ypwong: BTW would it be possible to add a Chinese (Traditional) UbuntuKylin? :P [05:59] smartboyhw, you want to lead? [05:59] :P [05:59] ypwong: Lead what? [05:59] lead the project [05:59] ypwong: Which project? [05:59] traditional version [06:00] for a trad chinese version, it's better to be done by hk/taiwan people [06:01] ypwong: OK. I do want a Chinese (Traditional) UbuntuKylin:) But I thought Cheng-Tsia Tseng, the Taiwan LoCo leader, has the project… [06:01] smartboyhw, do you have a link to his project? [06:02] ypwong: Try to find it in the Taiwan LoCo wiki/forums [06:02] ok~ [06:02] hi [06:04] ypwong: http://wiki.ubuntu-tw.org/index.php?title=Litebuntu [06:05] JackYu: 午安! [06:13] smartboyhw: hi [06:48] ypwong, 社区活动信息已更新。 [06:49] JackYu, cool 我去看看 [06:52] JackYu, 还是把闪电show写成 lightning talks 比较好,暂时国内没有翻译,怕别人看不懂 [06:52] ypwong: +1 But I think a Chinese user would not understand both:P [06:53] 恩,有一个人已经发邮件报名了 [06:53] smartboyhw_, 至少知道的人会多 [06:53] JackYu, wow [06:53] 我觉得闪电show更容易理解一些。。。 [06:53] JackYu, 我怕别人以为是表演节目 :P [06:54] ypwong: LOL [06:55] haha [06:56] 呵呵 也是可以的 [07:21] ypwong, 已更新网站。。。 [07:29] JackYu, looks good :) [07:30] ypwong, QQ群里有人建议开通网络视频直播 [07:41] ypwong,ubuntu网站上的兼容列表在什么位置? [07:41] maclin, 看看 http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/ 是不是你需要的 [07:50] ypwong, QQ群里有人建议开通网络视频直播,你看可行不? [07:50] 刚才重启了电脑了 [07:58] JackYu, 可以啊,要看看中科院网络给不给力 [08:03] 恩 你方便时问问他们 [08:06] JackYu, 5个人在活动行报了 [08:06] 报了名 [09:37] 大家五一快乐! [09:38] JackYu: Happy May holiday to yourself as well! [09:39] ruien: thanks:) === a16g_ is now known as ypwong === ypwong changed the topic of #ubuntukylin-devel to: 五一快乐!| 欢迎来到 ubuntukylin-devel 开发频道,welcome to #ubuntukylin-devel。进入请先查看频道主题,本频道的对话都有日志,使用本频道代表您同意 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService 使用条款。This channel is logged, use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService. [09:46] ?? [09:52] ypwong: You guys start to have holidays today? [09:52] smartboyhw, tomorrow [09:54] ypwong: BOO [09:54] * smartboyhw still has school days on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, IIRC [09:56] smartboyhw, we have to work yesterday and today [09:56] for china employees [09:57] ypwong: You have to work on Sundays? [09:57] :O [09:58] only this week [09:59] ruien: Oh [10:00] Essentially it's intended for convenience; as the 2013-05-01 holiday can't be moved by definition, but is not contiguous with a weekend, two days are swapped ({sat, sun} <-> {mon, tues}) so that the three days off are consecutive. === smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw