
smartboyhwHello viniciue1983rj05:24
smartboyhwviniciuw1983rj ^05:24
vinicius1983rjsmartboyhw, good evening05:25
smartboyhwvinicius1983rj: Good afternoon05:25
vinicius1983rjsmartboyhw, I have problems with my soun card05:25
smartboyhw!proaudio | vinicius1983rj05:26
ubottuvinicius1983rj: For information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro05:26
smartboyhwvinicius1983rj: Try follow the above guide to setup your sound card first:)05:29
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:39
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
connectoHi! I have a question. I wanna know if I can upgrade from ubuntu studio 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager05:55
smartboyhw!patience | connecto05:57
ubottuconnecto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:57
smartboyhwAnd please upgrade to 12.10 first05:58
connectoUpgrade to 12.10 can be done through the update manager_06:02
smartboyhwconnecto: Yes06:03
Velldahello @all09:34
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
celestehhello, i have a few questions: I installed the beta2 of 13.04. If I am doing regular system updates, does this automatically put me at the release version, or should I re-install?14:08
smartboyhw_celesteh: First option is correct:)14:09
celestehthanks! that's a relief14:09
smartboyhw_If you keep on updating your systen that's 13.04 release version.14:09
smartboyhw_celesteh: :)14:09
przemekyou`ll be able to update your system14:09
celestehok, my next question: I have a tablet computer with a touch screen and a stylus.  When I plug it into aprojector and mirror the displays, my screen geometry changes, usually to be less wide, but the geometry for the stylus does not seem to change. Is there a way to get my stylus to recallibrate to match the screen?14:11
celestehOtherwise, the very centre of the screen is perfect, but it gets more and more off as I get to the edges.14:12
smartboyhwHmm bo14:15
celestehHrm. :(  I wish this were just built in. Lenovo should do more ot support linux development for their machines14:25
smartboyhwcelesteh: You do know Lenovo computers are the worst Linux-compatible ones?14:26
celestehsmartboyhw: I didn't know that. :(  I got it because I wanted something a lot more durable than a mac.14:38
celestehok . . . is there a way to write a script that is called everytime the screen changes geometry?15:40
len-1304If you are using ubuntustudio with xfce, there should be more info on #xfce or #xubuntu15:52
len-1304I think that is specific to the DE15:52
len-1304celesteh, ^^15:53
celestehah cheers, i'm using gnome16:04

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