
F41LOk, so... I'm tethered to my cell ATM on the KDE box. The only way to pick the bootloader was to do manual drive setup, which meant having to set my own mountpoints and swap location.00:05
F41LAnyway.... I can't connect to freenode using Konversation or Quassel. >.>00:06
F41LSays no ident response.00:06
kdeboothF41L: no internet connection?00:10
F41LNo, I've got an internet connection. USB tethered to my 4G phone.00:10
kdeboothOk neat00:11
F41L[17:11] [Notice] -asimov.freenode.net- *** No Ident response [17:11] [Info] Disconnected from irc.freenode.net (port 6697).00:12
kdeboothWhat's your name set as in those two?00:12
F41LIdunno, same as always?00:13
F41LNot really important. I'd love to get my ethernet up, though :D00:13
F41LIntel 82574L, shows up in lspci00:13
F41LBut I think it has bad NVM configuration00:13
kdeboothUgh Why is intel stuff so wonky00:16
kdeboothWhat are you using now to connect to IRC?00:17
F41LRight now, I'm using my cellphone tether >.>00:19
F41Lbut only through freenode webchat.00:19
F41Lquassel or konversation both cannot connect to freenode for whatever reason O.o00:19
F41LWorked fine before using cellphone-ternet on my laptop00:20
kdeboothah webchat00:20
kdeboothF41L: can you join #konversation ?00:20
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LinkmasterBluesKaj: ping01:22
kdeboothhi Linkmaster01:27
Linkmasterkdebooth: hello?01:27
* kdebooth waves01:28
LinkmasterDo you know how to help me with my dual-boot problem?01:29
Linkmaster_kdebooth: I missed anything you might have said01:35
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Programmer_what is the purpose of activities in kubuntu05:22
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goodtimeman what do i use for kubuntu to copy music to my iphone07:45
hateballgoodtime: I was under the impression that Amarok would handle iDevices, but I don't have any myself to test on07:52
goodtimety hateball08:00
goodtimeConnecting to iPhone, iPad or iPod touch failed.08:01
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod08:01
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eagles0513875_hey guys is anyone noticing on 13.04 when using chromium its asking constantly to install the unity web apps plugin. I am on kde and i have no intention to install it is there a way i can disable that in chromium09:14
noaXesshey hey09:28
noaXesshave upgraded to 13.04.. seams all is working fine on my ASUS N76VZ, check out this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213438009:29
noaXessbut now.. skype does have sound problem.. some crazy effects if eg. i get a message09:29
noaXessit's only in skype. if i listen some music with vlc it is ok as it should09:30
fr0gger_anyone know if there is chanell about VirtualGL and VNC-like software?09:55
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ct529hi everybody .... I am having serious performance problems. I have been trying to set the CPU frequency manually using command line (CLI), but the "usual" commands are not there any more .... how do you do it now?10:10
ct529monkeyjuice: that is not for setting your cpu frequency using CLI10:20
ct529monkeyjuice: it is for reading cpu frequency using CLI10:20
ct529monkeyjuice: I need to set it.10:20
ct529monkeyjuice: before you just used cpufreq-set10:20
monkeyjuiceok ill keep looking around10:20
ct529monkeyjuice: I have done a lot of googling, I keep ending up on GUI ways of doing it10:20
monkeyjuiceoh i c10:21
monkeyjuiceyour on 13.04?10:21
monkeyjuiceah so something has changed i get it10:22
ct529monkeyjuice: trying cpulimit now .... but it works a different way.10:34
monkeyjuicei do see cpufrequtil but looks to be a gui10:35
monkeyjuicenot sure10:35
ct529I think I am ready to move to gentoo or arch ....10:36
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BluesKajHIyas all12:45
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tdnI have just installed 13.04 in a fresh installation. I have enabled auto-login during installation, however, when I boot up, it seems that lightdm is not even started. How do I fix this?12:50
tdnIf I start lightdm manually by running service lightdm start, it starts and logs me right in.12:51
tdnWhy does lightdm not start automatically? How do I debug this? Which log files to look in?12:51
tdnWhy does kubuntu not use KDM anymore?12:51
BluesKajlightdm skips it's login page with autologin enabled , afaik12:52
tdnBluesKaj, it seems that it does not even start up.12:52
tdnBluesKaj, I just get the console mode login.12:52
BluesKajit doesn't need to12:52
tdnSo I can log into a TTY and run sudo service lightdm start.12:52
tdnBluesKaj, it does not?12:52
tdnAlso, when I do get X up, it seems that network manager is not running.12:53
BluesKajautologin skipped it's page and went directly to the desktop when i used it , but that was a while back12:53
tdnBluesKaj, yeah, that would be the bahavior I expected.12:53
tdnBluesKaj, but it does not even start up. Or maybe it crashes?12:53
BluesKajhave you updated upgraded since the install?12:54
tdnBluesKaj, fresh install.12:54
BluesKajtdn,, no matter have you updated and upgraded?>12:54
tdnBluesKaj, you mean apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade?12:54
tdnBluesKaj, yes, all updates are installed.12:55
BluesKajok tdn , did you try reinstalling lightdm?12:56
tdnI have not tried that. apt-get reinstall lightdm?12:56
BluesKajtdn,  sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm12:57
tdnBluesKaj, I will try that, but why would this have any effect? This is a *fresh* installation. I installed it 1 hour ago.12:58
tdnreinstall will just reinstall the binaries frmo the .deb package, right?12:58
BluesKajtdn, there a few issues with lightdm , and a reinstall might bring the dependency lib that might have not installed properly13:00
tdnI have reinstalled. I am rebooting now.13:00
BluesKajit happened to me with 12.10 and 13.04 in the tresting phase13:01
tdnBluesKaj, did not work.13:01
tdnBluesKaj, lightdm stilld oes not come up.13:02
tdnIs there a log file I can see if it is even trying to start it?13:02
BluesKajtdn , you have the autologin turned off ?13:02
tdnBluesKaj, no, I enabled it during OS installation.13:03
BluesKajyou can disable it in system settings>login screen >general tab, tdn13:05
BluesKajit could be the auto login is failing by turning lightdm off completely13:06
BluesKajtdn, you checj the logs in /var/log syslog13:07
tdnBluesKaj, what to look for in syslog?13:08
tdnBluesKaj, it does not seem that lightdm has any messages in syslog before I manually restart it.13:10
BluesKajthen it isn't being called to load , might be a bug , tdn13:12
tdnBluesKaj, how do I fix it?13:12
tdnBluesKaj, how do I make it load lightdm in bootup?13:12
BluesKajyou can disable it in system settings>login screen >general tab, tdn13:12
tdnBluesKaj, I am pretty sure that such a bug would be noticed, I mean if X does not come up...13:12
tdnBluesKaj, why would I want to disable autologin?13:13
tdnI want that.13:13
BluesKajtdn, disable the autologin13:13
BluesKajwell then you need to report the bug to launchpad13:13
tdnOK, I have disabled auto now.13:13
BluesKajit's safer not to autologin13:14
tdnBluesKaj, no, not in my environment.13:14
tdnBluesKaj, also, I want this behavior. And disabling auto login did NOT help.13:14
BluesKajhow can it not be safer13:14
smartboyhwtdn: Auto-login is NEVER safe.13:15
BluesKajsmartboyhw, he wants what he wants , so let him file a bug13:16
BluesKajsmartboyhw, unless you have a fix13:17
smartboyhwBluesKaj, I know, I need to tell him the fact13:17
smartboyhwWhat's the release BTW? 13.04?13:18
BluesKajalready did , but he seems to need a quick login13:18
BluesKajyes , 13.04 fresh install13:18
smartboyhwReport bug is best then:(13:19
BluesKajI had the same problem , but it was waaay back in the early days of 13.04 ...wasn't using autologin but lightdm wouldn't load , had to load it from the tty13:21
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tdnBluesKaj, smartboyhw: please let us keep the security discussion out of this. This is a portable virtual machine that only has one user. For the purpose of this machine, it does not make sense to not have auto login. Regardless, the security aspect is not relevant for my problem. The problem is that I am trying to use a useful feature that is included in Kubuntu... But this problem does not even seem to be caused by autologin. The problem is that li13:31
tdnEven when I disable autologin.13:31
BluesKajtdn, then you should have expalined that in the first place. We can't read minds .13:32
invarianttdn, you should not bother with BluesKaj. He is ignorant.13:34
BluesKajyeah , that really irks me when ppl are on VB or VMware and don't tell us what environment they're computing in. It's not the same as anormal install.13:34
smartboyhwinvariant: That's a bad insult.13:35
invariantsmartboyhw, it's not an insult when it is the truth.13:35
BluesKajok invariant show us your stuff , fix this guys lightdm not loading problem13:35
invariantBluesKaj, how is that even remotely related?13:35
* smartboyhw agrees with BluesKaj13:35
invariantBluesKaj, all I know is that your problem resolution success rate is close to zero.13:36
invariantBluesKaj, it's not worth to listen to.13:36
invariantWhich reminds me to put you on my ignore list again.13:36
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
BluesKajsmartboyhw, don't bother with his insults , it's his only pleasure in life , or so it seems , let him stew13:36
smartboyhwBluesKaj: +113:36
invariantIf smartboyhw thinks BluesKaj has any skills, he can also go on the list.13:37
BluesKajok invariant , cmon show us how wonderful you are and help someone , and be a positive influence for a change13:38
smartboyhwinvariant: If people have to have 50% correct rate to answer user support, nobody will be doing it.13:38
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tdnBluesKaj, I was not aware what it was relevant for my problem (I am still not sure it really is), and you did not ask if this was a VM.14:30
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akSeyahi folks15:29
akSeyaI get no mouse nor keyboard after upgrade to 13.04. If i boot with kernel 3.5.0 it works but with latest kernel don't. what can I do?15:30
akSeyalooks like network do not work either15:33
akSeyabe right back15:34
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scottlocalI have installed pbis open and joined the AD domain and can log in using the domain account but the desktop does not load icon and can not set display settings16:26
scottlocalI am trying to find the domain user in kusers to add admin the the account but can not find a domain account in the kusers how do i show ad users in my list16:27
roastedhello friends16:31
roastedis the homerun launcher not integrated into 13.04? Or is it still required via ppa?16:31
scottlocalhello I ask my question first sorry16:32
bazhang!find homerun16:33
ubottuFound: hdhomerun-config, hdhomerun-config-gui, libhdhomerun-dev, libhdhomerun1, libhomerun-dev16:33
Tm_Tbazhang: different homerun16:34
bazhangroasted  hdhomerun?16:34
roastedbazhang: homerun launcher.16:34
roastedbazhang: the Unity-esque KDE Launcher16:34
bazhangTm_T, whats the package name16:34
Tm_Tbazhang: "homerun"16:34
Tm_Troasted: cannot find it in standard repositories16:35
roastedyeah I'm not seeing it in the 13.04 repos16:35
bazhangthen it appears to be PPA only roasted16:35
roastedI thought it would be added in 13.04. hm.16:35
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roastedthat's fine, I was just confused. I could have sworn conversation with the homerun dev suggested it would be in 13.04 by default16:35
roasted(this was about 2-3 months ago)16:35
Tm_Troasted: it should be in the repos, yes, not in use by default though16:40
roastedTm_T: I understand it's not in use by default. I just thought it'd be available. I'll know more in about 5 seconds though wit hthis live VM16:41
roastedoh nice - it is there by default. IT's an available widget.16:41
roastedthe homerun launcher sure is snazzy.16:43
EliripsHello. I'm trying to do a fresh install of 13.04. But I get the error: ubi-console-setup failed with exit code 141. any help?16:43
Eliripsjust after partitioning the disk16:43
Eliripsand selecting switzerland as country16:43
Eliripscannot set LC_TYPE to default locale: no such file16:45
Elirips(or similiar)16:45
Eliripscan that be because of I'm not connected to the internet?16:45
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Eliripstail -f /var/log/syslog16:49
Eliripsops, sorry16:49
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MySystemis it possible with diff to only show files&folders which are on FOLDER1 but not on FOLDER2 and ignore all which are on FOLDER2 and not on FOLDER1 diff cmd looks atm like "diff -r FOLDER1 FOLDER2"17:03
EliripsOkay, the error doesnt show up if I run the installer in english17:08
Schrodinger`CatMySystem: maybe you can try ##linux ?17:11
MySystemok thx will try17:12
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aguitelhow manage ufw from systemsettings in kde ?17:48
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krissi_I got no fronts in steam on linux on kubuntu 13.04 anyone have any idea what i can do ?17:52
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Quintasankrissi_: I'm not entirely sure why, you might actually want to ask on Steam forums17:53
BluesKajaguitel, install gufw if you need a gui control17:58
aguitelBluesKaj, this is gnome apps17:59
QuintasanI believe there is no ufw frontend for kde in repositories17:59
Quintasanaguitel: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/UFW+KControl+Module?content=13778918:00
QuintasanYou might want to try compling that18:01
BluesKajaguitel, then install the gnome vers ion , this is kubuntu suport , btw18:01
BluesKajaguitel,, dunno if it's a kde app , didn't check , but muon says this in the description , Canonical does not provide updates for gufw. Some updates may be provided by the Ubuntu community18:04
aguitelBluesKaj, ok18:04
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l0ll0lll-hi all. I've just launched kubuntu 13.04 from livecd, and the plasma panel appears almost empty - only activities button and a kashew is present. Is it somehow a new "feature" of kubuntu or what?18:14
BluesKajl0ll0lll-, is the Kmenu on left of the panel ?18:18
l0ll0lll-BluesKaj: no18:19
l0ll0lll-had to add launcher, task manager and clock18:20
BluesKajhmm, check if kubuntu-desktop is completely installed18:20
l0ll0lll-(btw, if this matters, x started in extended desktop mode, with panel on right monitor, maybe this setup broke kde?)18:20
lordievaderGood evening.18:22
eli__Hello. How can I change the locale? Currently it is set to de_CH.ISO-8859-1 but I would like to have de_CH.UTF8 ?18:23
eli__I setted LANG="de_CH.UTF8" in /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale, but no effect18:23
eli__after a reboot locale reports 8859-118:23
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michaelpfresh install of ukubuntu 13.04... i have no hdmi audio.. any ideas ?19:37
michaelppulseaudio installed19:38
BluesKajmichaelp, itel audio ?19:43
BluesKajintel rather19:43
michaelpidt built in sound.. but hdmi goes thru my ati catalyst19:45
michaelpNever had this problem until now19:45
BluesKajyes but what is your soundcard, it transfers the audio thru the ati hdmi out , michaelp19:49
michaelpi already said    ( IDT )19:50
BluesKajaplay -l in the terminal19:50
michaelpi googled... its a bug19:50
michaelpsupose to be fixed next kernel update19:51
michaelpcard 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]19:52
michaelpSubdevices: 1/119:52
michaelp  Subdevice #0: subdevice #019:52
michaelpard 1: Generic_1 [HD-Audio Generic], device 0: STAC92xx19:53
michaelpAnalog [STAC92xx Analog]19:53
BluesKajhmm, michaelp we need to know the audio chip , if it's anintel and i suspect it is, there's a patch for it19:58
BluesKajcat /proc/asound/cards , michaelp19:58
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michaelp HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic20:00
BluesKajmichaelp, here's the patch https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/+build/447014320:03
michaelpis i386 going to work on x64 ?20:06
michaelpwhat link do i want on that20:08
BluesKajok nm , Ilost the 64 bit link , michaelp20:09
michaelpBluesKaj: i ment what link do i want for the patch20:10
michaelpis this the file oem-audio-hda-daily-dkms20:11
BluesKajmichaelp, did you find the 64 bit patch ?20:29
ardianHi I have Ubuntu 12.04 installed and I want to install the last version of KDE 4.10, how do I install it20:38
bazhangardian, ^20:38
ardianbazhang: thank you20:39
bazhangfrom the topic :)20:39
BluesKajsudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , ardian20:40
ardianand then can I install it from tasksel20:40
BluesKajardian, then update and upgrade20:40
ardianwell I don't have kde20:41
ardianright now20:41
steve723update ornic to latest version failed20:41
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BluesKajsteve723, you can't jump over releases, do a freah install and backup your data first20:43
lordievaderUnless it is LTS -> LTS.20:44
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111020:44
steve723Muno updater said I could upgrade so I told it to to.  It got %63 of the packages and then quit with no error message.20:44
bazhang11.10 was not lts20:45
BluesKajardian, you can install kubuntu-desktop then choose your desktop at login20:47
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ardianBluesKaj: got it thanks20:48
asunnOim having issues with vmware on 64 bit raring.... i cant enter serial and the app crashes..20:52
asunnOvirtualbox is functional but crashes often20:52
bazhangasunnO, vmware?20:52
bazhangtried in #vmware ?20:53
asunnOmy bad20:53
steve723I made a mistake I was upgrading from 12.1020:54
steve72364 Bit20:55
steve723Why can't I download Raring? The download site only has Percise.20:59
ubottuKubuntu Raring Ringtail (13.04) torrents can be obtained at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/raring/release/21:01
bazhangsteve723, ^21:01
BluesKajsudo do-release-upgrade, if you want to upgrade via the internet , steve72321:01
Whiskey`Wonkaanyone know why gimp would not have tiff support?21:02
bazhangWhiskey`Wonka, try in #gimp ?21:03
Whiskey`Wonkabazhang: sorry let me be clear, its a kubuntu repo of gimp edition21:03
steve723I did sudo do-release-upgrade and it failed! All repositorys faailed to fetch!21:05
BluesKajsteve723, have you updated and upgraded your packages lately . if not do so , and check your /etc/apt/sources.list to make sure you "are on 12.10 precise"21:11
asunnOis 3.9 kernel available at this time21:12
lordievaderasunnO: I don't think it is for Raring. Just saw that it available for Saucy (13.10 development version).21:12
BluesKajasunnO, https://www.kernel.org/21:13
asunnOCould it be estimated the time until raring release?21:13
asunnOThis concerns me,21:14
lordievaderasunnO: Releases usually stick to the kernel they came shipped with. LTS being an exception.21:14
asunnOI see, ,,   well raring i know is LTS,     might it be available in few days or should i go to development verison?21:15
bazhangraring is not lts21:15
lordievaderasunnO: Raring is not LTS, Precise (12.04) is.21:15
BluesKajasunnO, you can download it at kernel.org21:15
asunnOoh, someone tell me raring is lts21:15
bazhangraring is out now21:16
lordievaderasunnO: Develpment versions are not recommended...21:16
bazhangand raring is not one21:16
asunnOwould i have more ease with download kernel from kernel.org or use development saucy21:17
asunnOi am interested in the improvements in kernel 3.921:17
bazhangthere is nothing available for saucy now21:17
lordievaderbazhang: Only the repo's. But that's about it.21:18
bazhanglordievader, they have nothing of note21:18
asunnOAh, i understand21:18
asunnOSo more easily would really be wait for saucy to be release21:18
asunnOfor ease of upgrade21:18
bazhangasunnO, some random kernel is not supported at all21:18
asunnOtaht is what i thought21:19
asunnOSo when saucy is release then i can use the 3.921:19
lordievaderbazhang: 3.9 kernel.21:19
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steve723Thanks BluesKaj it seems to be upgrading now.21:25
BluesKajsteve723, good , hope it all goes well21:27
steve723to BluesKaj, I hope so.  I will see in a bit when I reboot ater the upgrade gets done.21:29
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steve723See you folks later.21:41
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Whiskey`Wonkamuon respects pinned packages via /etc/apt/preferences right?23:04
nafg_Hi, the git plugin does not seem to be working in dolphin.23:07
nafg_Apparently it is working but I can't figure out why it's not overlaying some files' icons23:15
Maceromg since this update to 13.04 (stable??) i have had nothing but problems23:31
Macerprinting won't work. bt tethering causes a kernel panic23:31
Macerit's insane23:31
Macerwow this really is messed up the older 12.10 was awesome23:49
Macerupdate and now it turned to total garbage23:49
Macerlet me move over to my win7 box since i can't even print on this laptop anymore23:49
Maceris there a kde based distro that is a bit more stable than ubuntu based kubuntu?23:50

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