
mwhudsonbigjools: hello yet again02:50
mwhudsonbigjools: do you know why juju might thing that maas nodes have a public-address like "calxeda01-18-00.localdomain"?02:51
mwhudsonthe .localdomain doesn't work in our set up02:51
bigjoolsmwhudson: because you probably left the default setting on the cluster name02:52
bigjoolsyou have to de-enlist everything, rename the cluster and start again02:52
mwhudsonoh yay!02:53
mwhudsonwhere do i rename it?02:53
bigjoolsyou might get away with just releasing nodes02:53
bigjoolsbut you'd have to edit all the nodes' hostnames too02:53
bigjoolsedit the cluster, there's a domain or name or something02:53
mwhudsonthe fqdn in the nodes' pages is what i want, no localdomain there02:54
bigjoolsshould be blindingly obvious, I hope02:54
bigjoolsyou need to edit the nodes then02:54
mwhudsonand there is "Default domain for new nodes" on /settings/ but that's set to "local"02:54
bigjoolsso just destroy-env and rename the nodes02:54
mwhudsonafaics the node names are already correct though02:55
bigjoolsno need to add a domain IIRC02:55
mwhudsoni don't understand what i would rename them too02:55
bigjoolsif I recall correctly (sorry this has always just worked for me), the nodes should have a name without a dot02:55
bigjoolsthen it uses the cluster's name as a domain02:55
mwhudsonthis doesn't appear to be what is happening02:57
* mwhudson rummages through the source02:59
mwhudsonhah, the cluster name is "Cluster 74184da7-7791-4a3b-a057-95d6a5b4bd60"03:00
mwhudsoni don't think that's making an appearance03:00
mwhudsonbigjools: is there a way of running a 'manage.py shell' sort of thing for maas?03:05
bigjoolsmwhudson: "maas shell"03:05
bigjoolsI'm interested in why it's gone a bit Pete Tong for you, since this stuff really does just work for me with no messing03:06
mwhudson>>> n.fqdn03:06
mwhudsonthat's correct03:06
mwhudsoncan i see the serialized form of this node that's being sent to juju somehow?03:07
bigjoolsI think one of the maas-cli ops will return it03:09
bigjoolsthere's a query or something03:09
mwhudsonah yeah, nodes list prints stuff03:10
mwhudsonand it looks right there too03:10
mwhudson        "hostname": "calxeda01-21-00",03:10
mwhudsonso i kinda think it's juju's fault maybe03:11
bigjoolsdo you not get a domain name in there then?03:13
bigjoolsa domain of .local is Avahi03:13
bigjoolsI always make sure it's something else03:14
mwhudsonthis makes no effing sense :(03:14
bigjoolsI suggest destroying your env and starting again03:15
bigjoolsand keep an eye on what maas has vs what juju thinks is going on03:15
mwhudsonit's pretty clear that the machine in juju is constructed with both dns_name and private_dns_name set to the 'hostname' from the serialization of the node03:15
mwhudson(this is pyju, fwiw)03:15
bigjoolsis "localdomain" mentioned *anywhere* ?03:16
mwhudsonit's not in the juju source03:16
mwhudsonor the maas source03:16
mwhudsonit's possible our dns is stupidly misconfigured somehow i guess03:17
bigjoolsdoes juju status show the right thing03:17
mwhudsonoh wait03:18
mwhudsonthe dns names for the machines are right03:18
mwhudsonbut the public adresses for the units are not03:18
mwhudsonubuntu@juju:~$ ssh calxeda01-17-00 hostname -f03:19
mwhudsonso where does that come from?03:20
bigjoolsit could be an artifact of not setting an explicit domain of your own03:20
mwhudson# Added by cloud-init03:21
mwhudson127.0.1.1       calxeda01-17-00.localdomain calxeda01-17-0003:21
mwhudson(from /etc/hosts on the node)03:21
mwhudsonso who makes the cloud init config?03:29
bigjoolsmwhudson: no, juju03:29
bigjoolswell let me clarify03:29
bigjoolsjuju makes user-data03:29
bigjoolsthe cloud-init config itself is fairly static, there's a template with it in03:30
mwhudsonit seems cloud-init really wants to have a fqdn with a dot in it03:35
bigjoolsif you want maas to manage the domain you need to set something03:36
mwhudsoni wonder if i can man dnsmasq resolve .localdomain03:37
mwhudsonhaha, i wonder how relevant this is http://askubuntu.com/questions/281628/juju-dnsmasq-and-localdomain03:38
mwhudson"I added domain=localdomain to dnsmasq.conf file which sorts the problem out.03:38
bigjoolsmwhudson: btw your tweet "like a boss"... really? :)03:41
mwhudsonoh look, creche pick up time!03:41
mwhudsonbigjools: thanks for the help03:43
bigjoolsmwhudson: no worries, hope it works eventually03:43
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