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* hyperair wonders how reliable ext4 is with auto_da_alloc,data=writeback.06:10
ggherdovHi all, getting this while trying the upgrade 12.10 --> 13.04 http://bpaste.net/show/ma5h6BlmF5piP2Hyh7YN/ . what's happening ? (xpost to ubuntu-motu)07:11
Tm_Tggherdov: hi, 1) this is not user support channel 2) please don't crosspost (:07:13
ggherdovTm_T: ok sorry.07:13
Tm_Tggherdov: #ubuntu would be the correct place for user support (:07:13
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Kanohi,can somebody set raring as default and saucy optional for packages.ubuntu.com?08:04
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hrw^C11:08 hrw@puchatek:~$ gcc --version09:08
hrwgcc-4.8.real (Ubuntu 4.8.0-4ubuntu2) 4.8.009:08
hrwthanks doko ;)09:08
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ivokshi; there's a problem with synaptic when running in nb_NO locale; it crashes14:17
ivoksreason why it crashes is known and has been fixed in translations.lp.net few months ago14:17
ivoksbut, it looks like fix never made it to raring14:17
mitya57ivoks: link to the wrong string?14:18
ivoksso, i'm not sure what package should i blame; synaptic or langpack? (both have been built months after the fix)14:18
ivoksmitya57: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/88049314:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880493 in synaptic (Ubuntu Quantal) "Norwegian translation has some issues" [Medium,Confirmed]14:18
ivoksmitya57: well, i'm not norwegian, but...14:18
ivoksmitya57: i think it's this one: https://translations.launchpad.net/synaptic/main/+pots/synaptic/nb/346/+translate14:20
mitya57ivoks: I'm looking14:23
ivoksmitya57: it crashes only on 32bit system, but on 64bit you can see wrong chars on status line of the synaptic's main window14:23
ivoksmitya57: if .mo is downloaded from lp, everything is fine14:23
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mitya57-mobileivoks: two of the translations mentioned in comment 46 haven't changed, third one looks like like a minor fix14:42
mitya57-mobilemaybe the string numbers have changed?14:43
ivoksmitya57-mobile: string numbers probably changed; check out the string i've pasted14:43
ivoksmitya57-mobile: it looks like a minor change, but it makes synaptic functional; the source of the bug and the impact are known14:44
ivoksmitya57-mobile: what's uknown is - how do we get this fixed in raring, since it has been fixed in LP since end of 2012.14:44
mitya57-mobileivoks: do you mean the "%i pakker i listen, ..." string?14:45
ivoksmitya57-mobile: yes14:46
mitya57-mobileah, I see the wrong %sB at the end14:47
hallynhi - bug 1113821 for libvirt in raring - could that get a quick push for sru testing?14:49
ubottubug 1113821 in libvirt (Ubuntu Raring) "libvirt-bin deletes /etc/dnsmasq.d/libvirt-bin on upgrade" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111382114:49
dobeyLaney: thanks14:49
mitya57-mobileivoks: I have a patch, will push when my wifi gets working again14:54
ivoksmitya57-mobile: patch is for... synaptic or langpack?14:55
mitya57-mobileivoks: synaptic, it's not in main so it's not in langpacks14:56
ivoksah, that's the reason...14:56
ivoksmitya57-mobile: thanks!14:56
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mitya57-mobileivoks: lp:~mitya57/synaptic/nb-po-fix15:15
mitya57-mobilemvo: ^15:16
mvomitya57-mobile: nice, could you please add a merge-proposal?15:17
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mitya57-mobilemvo: done15:19
mvomitya57-mobile: thanks15:21
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ivoksmitya57-mobile: awesome!15:57
ivoksmitya57-mobile: will you drive SRUs too? :)15:57
mitya57-mobileivoks: maybe, can you file a bug (one that you linked above is a more general issue)?15:59
ivoksmitya57-mobile: ok, i will, tomorrow15:59
mitya57-mobilethanks, then please assign or subscribe me16:00
ivoksmitya57-mobile: ok16:00
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pittislangasek: FYI, that was already requested in bug 1167196; I'll look at your MP, too16:46
ubottubug 1167196 in apport (Ubuntu) "should look for errors in upstart logs (once user sessions are enabled)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116719616:46
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bdmurraybarry: bug 1051935 has received a few more duplicates16:58
ubottubug 1051935 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "Fails with SystemError when too many files are open" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105193516:58
xnoxLaney: seb128: why was upstart activation support dropped from dbus? ted and desktop actually now needs those patches since upstart is in the user session now with the session dbus.17:19
Laneyxnox: Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about17:22
Laneygot a link or something?17:22
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dobeyLaney: hey, is pitti at the sprint too?17:27
* pitti waves to dobey, yes17:28
dobeyhi pitti :)17:28
xnoxLaney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/1014850/comments/917:28
dobeypitti: did you see bug #1173249 ?17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014850 in unity (Ubuntu) "Update to 1.6.4" [High,Fix released]17:28
ubottubug 1173249 in software-center (Ubuntu Raring) "update-software-center AttributeError during upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117324917:28
dobeypitti: there's a debdiff there against pygobject which maybe should also be included in the upstream debian package17:29
pittihm, no17:31
pittisoftware-center isn't even in Debian17:31
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pittiand it seems this rather should be the other way around, i. e. s-c and aptdaemon should bump their python-gi dep?17:32
Laneyxnox: I think I OKed this with Seb at the time mainly on the basis that it was unmaintained17:32
dobeypitti: the problem is when the old versions of those are still installed, but new python-gi is as well17:33
dobeypitti: so bumping the dep in them won't do anything if they're not installed yet17:33
pittiso as an SRU, yes; sorry, meeting now, will keep the bug open and look after it17:33
dobeyit's to fix the crashing during upgrade17:34
xnoxLaney: has the upstart team notified of this? from our point of view it was in dbus and usable =) and although default install didn't use it, the facility was provided (same like e.g. upstart socket activation bridge)17:34
xnoxLaney: seb128 anything else? I wonder how far dbus now moved on to readd that functionality17:35
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dobeyand software-center has no need to bump the version dep on python-gi. nor does aptdaemon really. the new version works on both the old and new python-gi. problem is that python-gi broke the old versions. because breaking API is fun17:36
xnoxLaney: jodh is an active upstart maintainer that things can be forked off to. regardless that scott was the original author of that patch series.17:36
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LaneyWell, now that it's needed it seems like a good time to investigate bringing it back :-)17:38
LaneyIdeally via upstream too ;-)17:38
pittiLaney: bring back GObjectMeta? no, that won't happen17:39
Laneypitti: no, not you - talking to xnox17:39
pittiit has been an internal implementation detail (documented nowhere)17:39
pittiah, ok17:40
LaneyI agree that aptdaemon was using private implementation that it shouldn't be17:40
Laneybut it still seems like Breaks: at least to aptdaemon is right17:40
pittiLaney: btw, I'm landing more logind stuff; do you want to look into landing the remaining logind bits? Robert is here, too17:40
pittiLaney: right17:40
pittithanks dobey for the heads-up17:40
Laneythe s-c one was try try and convince dpkg not to run its trigger until we have a working stack underneath it17:40
Laneypitti:  where are you? I'll come along in 10 minutes ish17:41
xnoxpitti: bring back upstart activation in the dbus package that was dropped in quantal without asking jodh to rebase the patches.17:41
Laneywait, Robert is here, wtf17:41
pittiLaney: QA room, 21017:52
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pittiLaney: http://pad.ubuntu.com/saucy-logind-transition18:17
slangasekpitti: ah, nice :)18:19
pittibetter than spamming everyone on each upload18:19
xnoxbarry: in python i want `a[1][0][3] or False` to not ever raise any exceptions.18:22
barrya.get(1, []).get(0, []).get(3, [])18:22
xnoxbarry: because otherwise i have seen `a[1] and a[1][0] and a[1][0][3]` instead.18:22
xnoxbarry: that didn't return false though.18:22
qenghoer.  a.get(1, [[False]])...?18:23
xnoxqengho: sure.18:23
xnoxqengho: hardly a one line =)18:24
qenghoxnox: space is cheap. understanding is expensive.18:25
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evbdmurray, cjwatson: I've updated the specification, creating a new "tying it all together" section with the notes from our discussion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker/PhasedUpdates#next19:05
evcan you have a look and make sure everything is there?19:05
bdmurrayev: look19:05
bdmurrayer looking19:05
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cjwatsonev: Looks mostly there except for a discussion of the curve from 0% up to 100%19:13
cjwatson(also priority -> urgency)19:13
bdmurrayev: I added a couple of things19:14
bdmurraycjwatson: it looks like there already is an ALWAYS_INCLUDE_PHASED_UPDATES in update-manager19:17
cjwatsonbdmurray: right19:18
cjwatsonbdmurray: I don't recall how (or if) that's exposed in the UI19:18
bdmurraycjwatson: okay, the request was for a UI for it?19:19
evcjwatson: can you add the points about the curve to the wiki page?19:19
evbdmurray: I've updated the page to account for those two issues per our discussion19:19
cjwatsonbdmurray: yeah19:26
cjwatsonev: done very telegraphically (in a meeting)19:26
roaksoaxdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-proposed restricted main multiverse universe19:35
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mptmterry, hey, have you seen <https://code.launchpad.net/~sjakthol/update-manager/fix-slow-calculation/+merge/161284>?21:01
xnoxmpt: nice. =)21:09
mterrympt, on21:14
mterrympt, no I hadn't21:14
xnoxLaney: pitti: seb128_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5617392/    lxc raring container.21:26
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seb128xnox, do you have debug output of the job/command?21:28
jibelxnox, this is a known issue with nested containers. There is a solution to fix this with latest lxc if your host is running raring too21:28
xnoxstgraber: ^ is looking into this....21:28
seb128oh, ok21:28
xnoxstgraber: wants to edit configs on my host ... =/21:28
xnoxpitti: so in lxc container libpam-logind fails to configure if its cgroups  are not there as expected.21:30
xnoxthus dpkg configure fails and it's all not pretty =/21:30
pittixnox: libpam-systemd?21:31
pittiyeah, I discussed this with stgraber the other da21:31
pittiI think he said it needs an apparmor update to allow mounting the cgroup in the container21:31
xnoxsure. but we should sru it in raring =/21:31
xnoxstgraber: ^21:31
xnoxor patch libpam-logind to not configure / require / blow up.21:32
pittiwell, you are not supposed to use libpam-systemd in raring in a production env?21:32
ogra_pitti, pfft, details :P21:33
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pittistgraber: did you already file a bug about the "reboot after upgrade" issue? Laney and I just analyzed this22:14
Laneyphew, figured it out and it's not *quite* as bad as it could be22:20
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ahoneybunogra_: can you make new images for Kubuntu Active?22:31
ogra_ahoneybun, for nexus7 ?22:32
ScottKogra_: Yes.  Nexus7.22:35
ogra_if you mean S i fear that wont work22:36
ogra_we are dropping the nexus7 flavour completely22:36
ogra_(we will start to use the kernel on the ubuntu touch images, which means we need to drop some patches that make the desktop touch stuff work)22:37
ogra_slangasek, ^^ thats why i was wondering if we should juet let the old nexus7 kernel rot in the archive22:38
pittislangasek, stgraber: reboot/suspend/etc. breakage after dist-upgrade fixed in policykit-1_0.105-1ubuntu3.dsc FYI22:39
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infinitydoko: Is it intentional that gcj-4.8-jdk pulls in gcj-4.7?23:01
ScottKogra_: How about for raring?  I think ours hadn't been updated in awhile.23:03
dokoinfinity, fix the ecj build23:03
infinitydoko: Oh, right.  I'll pass on that. ;)23:03
ogra_ScottK, well, why would it work better there if i rebuild the already broken image ?23:04
ogra_i can indeed trigger a new build, but i doubt it would work better than the last one23:04
ScottKHow old is the last one?23:04
ogra_hmm some time around beta i think23:05
ScottKMight get lucky.23:05
ogra_might actually be that there is a fix in23:05
ogra_ScottK, running (not sure i can monitor it though, i'm on and off here (sprint))23:09
ogra_ScottK, keep an eye on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-preinstalled/23:09
ogra_it usually takes between 90-120 min23:10
ogra_(and feb was actually quite old for the last image ... )23:10
ScottKRight.  So maybe we get lucky.23:12
cjwatsonogra_: did you remember to say DIST=raring explicitly, BTW?23:22
cjwatsonogra_: I switched cdimage to saucy by default just before you started that build, I think ... hadn't noticed you were considering a new raring build23:23
cjwatsonoh, you're standing next to me, ok23:23
cjwatsonScottK: ogra_ said he did say DIST=raring when doing the build, which is good; but I think it'll actually spit out in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/raring/daily-preinstalled/ since raring is no longer the default series23:25
cjwatsonProbably, anyway.  It depends how closely the clocks on my IRC client and nusakan are synced ...23:26
ScottKOK.  Thanks.23:26
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pittibkerensa: hey! do you want to upload https://launchpad.net/~bkerensa/+archive/logind now, or shall I do it for you?23:39
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slangasekogra_, ScottK, ahoneybun: no, I certainly don't think we should "just" let the old nexus7 kernel rot in the archive; I think if flavors want to continue building images for n7 that requires a different kernel build than the one we're willing to maintain for Ubuntu Touch, we should have a conversation with them about assuming maintenance23:41
slangasekpitti: policykit> thanks :)23:42
slangasekogra_: which one is the old nexus7 kernel, anyway?  Is that linux-nexus7?23:42
jbichapitti: I believe bkerensa will need sponsorship at the least23:42
pittislangasek, stgraber: if you caught the old version, "sudo reboot" will fix it23:42
ogra_slangasek, yeah, and we will switch it to linux-grouper23:42
pittijbicha: np, I can upload it now23:42
slangasekogra_: ah23:42
ogra_so linux-nexus7 could just stay around23:42
slangasekogra_: then what is the linux-nexus4 kernel currently in the archive?23:43
ogra_a wrongly named one :)23:43
slangasekogra_: there's no reason archive-wise that it couldn't stay around, but there needs to be an explicit hand-off to maintainers other than the kernel team23:43
ogra_the discussion to switch to arch vs marketing kernels only took place after the upload23:43
slangasekogra_: ah, <shakes fist at rtg>23:43
ogra_well, its kind of my fault :) ... i started that scheme with the ac100 kernel23:44
slangasekogra_: anyway, it wouldn't be fair to either the Kubuntu folks or the kernel team to leave the package in the archive as-is, with Kubuntu images using it and the kernel team not actually maintaining it23:44
ogra_though there it was actually right to call it like that since the kernel will never be able to run on any other tegra223:44
ogra_slangasek, we had that for a good bunch of kernels in the past23:45
ScottKI'm sure we don't want to maintain a kernel for saucy.23:45
slangasekogra_: that was a *bug*.23:45
ogra_all the stuff that came from linaro was just removed before raring23:45
ScottKThis was just about raring.23:45
slangasekyes, and that was a bug that we left packages in place that were abandonware23:45
slangasekah, well if it's just raring, then ignore me ;)23:45
ogra_ScottK, well, there is not anything to do actually ... its not like there are any changes to it usually23:46
ScottKWe'll follow Ubuntu's lead on kernel stuff.23:46
ogra_(android kernels are usually pretty stuck at what they are ... )23:46
slangasekScottK: right; the challenge there is that the kernel we'll be building for nexus7 going forward will AIUI work for Ubuntu Touch but not be suitable for X-based systems23:48
slangasek(mutually incompatible patches at the moment)23:49
ScottKSo much for don't worry about Mir, it's all backward compatible.23:49
slangasekit's not Mir that's being incompatible here, it's the Android kernel23:50
ScottKOK, but it's compatible with?23:51
slangasekanyway, if you wanted a Kubuntu Active image using Mir+Xmir, I suppose that would work... once the code exists... :P23:51
slangasekScottK: it's compatible with SurfaceFlinger23:51
slangasekI don't know if it's compatible with Mir, even23:51
slangasekScottK: also, I'm playing telephone here so I may have misunderstood the nature of the compatibility issue23:51
ScottKI need to go help with making dinner anyway.23:52
ogra_slangasek, ScottK ... not a Mir/SurfaceFlinger issue ... the patch forces  the touchscreen to be an evdev device while Ubuntu Touch uses libinput23:55
ogra_(in either Mir or SurfaceFlinger ...)23:56
RAOFogra_: But Mir also uses evdev?23:58
slangasekso there you go - not compatible with Mir either ;-P23:58

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