
cooloneywho smb` 00:21
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_d4vidwhen come 3.8.10 to kernel mainline ppa?11:40
_d4vidand 3.911:41
zequenceapw: So, linux-lowlatency development release maintenance? How does that work?11:46
zequenceapw: I suppose I'd prepare the source the same way, but how do I keep track of when to do it?11:48
zequenceI'm going to try get some upload rights this cycle. How difficult might that be for linux-lowlatency? I'm focusing on Ubuntu Studio packages first, but I suppose if I were to become a MOTU, I'd be able to upload linux-lowlatency as well11:49
zequenceTo begin with, I'm going to focus on getting upload right for the Ubuntu Studio package set first, but -lowlatency is seemingly not a part of that group of packagesd11:50
hallynapw: do you know whether macvlan/macvtap over wifi is supposed to ever work?  (been googling for awhile, and looking at the src, all i know is it doesn't in fact work :)13:57
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DeaconDesperadoI have a kernel bug to report in ubuntu, but it's on a friends comp and he's pretty lost running the reporter on terminal14:34
DeaconDesperadoI have output from hardinfo and screencaps of the crash14:35
DeaconDesperadowhere to submit?14:35
dobeyDeaconDesperado: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug14:52
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DeaconDesperadodobey: thanks15:39
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melkorWhat happened to the -extras in the mainline kernel?21:36
melkorThis 3.9 kernel is tiny.21:37
Sarvatt42MB is the same size as the old image/extras combo, it just got condensed into one21:44
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infinityapw: The 3.9 kernel appears to fail to autoload overlayfs.ko when I schroot for the first time.22:53
infinityapw: Manually modprobing it works fine.22:53
apwinfinity, i would expect that to be modprobe'd by mount ?23:40
infinityapw: You'd think, right?23:40
apwinfinity, though ... as you are in a chroot (right?) it would not be there to probe23:41
infinityapw: No, this is on bare metal.23:41
apw"autoload overlayfs.ko when I schroot"23:41
apwwhat does that mean23:41
infinityapw: It means schroot fails and vomits something about overlayfs being an unknown filesystem type.23:43
infinityapw: And when I modprobe the module first, it works fine.23:43
* apw is expecting the schroot to use mount, hmmm23:43
infinityE: 10mount: mount: unknown filesystem type 'overlayfs'23:43
infinityIt is.23:43
apwand the same version booted to the raring kernel works i assume23:44
xnoxinfinity: and that's on a nexus or normal desktop?!23:44
xnoxah, never mind me if it works on raring.23:44
apwinfinity, very odd ...23:51

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