
jcastrodavecheney: wrt. the image numbers01:12
jcastroI don't want to promise "just this once"01:12
jcastrobut ... just this once.01:12
* jcastro quickly hides to escape responsibility01:12
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freeflyinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5622314/ trying to bootstrap within maas by using kvm, got this error, any clues? dns resolved successfully11:35
marcoceppifreeflying: What's your "maas-server" set to?12:53
marcoceppiin your configuration12:53
freeflyingmarcoceppi: set to the vm I have maas installed13:04
marcoceppiRight, I mean I think that error is because that address isn't formatted properly. Wanted to see what you had there13:04
marcoceppifreeflying: Yeah, you need to include the port in the address. Try:
freeflyingmarcoceppi: thanks, will give it try, but the same configuration worked before, its on precise with latest update, using ppa version of juju + maas13:08
marcoceppifreeflying: hum, things may have changed. I know when I tried MAAS + Juju about a year ago the port missing from the address blocked everything up13:09
freeflyingmarcoceppi: right :)13:11
jcastromarcoceppi: whoa, _6_ new juju questions from yesterday13:23
jcastrothat's a record13:23
marcoceppiAskUbuntu Y U NO POST IN HERE13:24
jcastroI'll edit through them in a bit13:24
marcoceppiStupid irc bot thing13:26
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marcoceppihazmat: any reason why this was changed? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/wordpress/trunk/revision/6514:47
hazmatmarcoceppi, because its on port 80?14:48
marcoceppihazmat: the loadbalancer is, but each unit actually runs on 808014:48
marcoceppithe "automagic peer loadbalancer"14:49
hazmatmarcoceppi, the load balancer is a peer.. i was using an external load balancer14:49
hazmatand its misrepresenting its port14:49
hazmatmarcoceppi, the only port exposed is 80.14:49
hazmattry connecting a varnish or haproxy charm to it..14:50
marcoceppihazmat: Right, but 8080 is the port it should be hitting since the peer relation is a lb that pushes back on to 8080, if you're adding a lb relation you shoulnd't need that port exposed for it to work14:50
marcoceppiIf that is the case though, 8080 should be exposed as opposed to using 80 for the relation, otherwise you're just adding one more hop on to the lb -> wp relation14:51
hazmatmarcoceppi, fair enough14:51
marcoceppiI'm just about done fixing the memcached relation, I'll check out varnish and haproxy to make sure they work properly in addition to memcached14:52
hazmatmarcoceppi, its only listening on localhost:808014:52
marcoceppieach unit should be listening on 80 and 8080, 80 being the lb that re-routes to a peer on 808014:53
hazmatthe automagic loadbalancer is a bit confusing, is that adding value?14:53
hazmatallows for just  multiple dns entries for the service without an exnternal lb?14:53
hazmatmarcoceppi, cool re memcached14:54
marcoceppiAt this point I'm not sure. It was a nice feature, have peer loadbalanced units without needing an extra layer. Hit any node and it'll just "automagic" distribute the load in a dumb way14:54
hazmatmarcoceppi, actually the haproxy issue turned out to be a compatibility issue/bug in juju-core14:54
hazmatdoesn't support -r rel_id to relation-list atm14:55
marcoceppihazmat: ah14:55
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hazmatmarcoceppi, i can revert/or feel free to14:55
marcoceppihazmat: I'm already working in the branch, I'll just revert it. nbd14:55
hazmatmarcoceppi, thanks14:56
rshade98if my keys are right in aws what might cause this: 2013/05/01 15:27:46 ERROR command failed: cannot query old bootstrap state: Access Denied15:28
rshade98I figured it out15:34
jcastroarosales: ok I'm going to fire up the hangout early so we can spread the URL.15:46
jcastroif anyone wants to pop in early for the meeting15:48
arosalesjcastro, ok, thanks. I am wrapping up a few items here so won't join to closer to the top of the hour.15:49
jamespageOK _ so how do I bootstrap a MAAS managed environment using juju-core?15:51
jamespageI just get a message about tools not being found right now15:51
jamespageevilnickveitch, mgz: ^^ any pointers?15:52
evilnickveitchjamespage, hmmm, i haven't tested that yet15:54
mgzyou may need --upload-tools for now, or to manually upload to storage and specify that in config15:56
jamespagemgz, where do I get my tools:-)16:00
mgzjamespage: does `juju sync-tools` possibily with --all or --public help?16:01
jcastroJuju Charm meeting going on now: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/c90e71c6c9f5031e7b771639e8c0ea793a645663?authuser=0&hl=en16:02
jamespagemgz, "error: environment has no access-key or secret-key"16:02
jcastrofor anyone who wants to join!16:02
jamespagejcastro, many attendees this week?  do want to bulk it out to much16:02
jcastroonly 4 so far16:03
jamespagejcastro, OK - I'll come keep you all company!16:03
mgzjamespage: set them to anything, it's a design issue with the s3 client code16:04
mgzso, AWS_BLAH envvars set to summat16:04
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jamespagemgz, gah - no s3 access16:20
mgzthere was some kind of issue with that command, will see if I can dig up what it was from the log16:20
mgzso, you can manually copy things from the s3 bucket and upload them to maas16:21
mgzjamespage: get the series/arch you need from juju-dist.s3.amazonaws.com16:23
mgzwe have bug 1172973 on the silly creds thing16:28
_mup_Bug #1172973: sync-tools requires aws credentials be set in the (shell) environment <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1172973>16:28
mgzjamespage: suggests that sync-tools *should* work though if you do that...16:30
jamespagemgz, yeah - I set the shell env variables16:30
jamespagethat got me past error 116:30
jamespagebut the lab I'm working in has not outbound to s316:31
mgzah, and the second issue was, right16:31
mgzhadn't gathered that16:31
mgzso, if you can get the tar in somehow we can work out how to upload it to maas16:32
jamespagemgz, ok - hopping through another server now16:33
jamespagemgz, OK - I have the tgz's locally16:34
mgzjamespage: okay, so try `maas-cli maas files --help`16:38
jamespagemgz, right16:39
mgzshould be able to add, with the right name, and then use that16:40
jamespagemgz, the right name being: tools/mongo-2.2.0-precise-amd64.tgz or suchlike?16:40
mgzjust trying to see...16:41
jamespagemgz, thanks for you help btw16:44
mgzas far as I can see, it's all just the defaults, yes16:45
mgzso, "tools/juju-" prefix16:45
mgz".tgz" suffix16:46
mgzand version string in the middle16:46
jamespagemgz, OK - so  "maas-cli maaslocal files add filename=tools/juju-1.10.0-precise-amd64.tgz file=juju-1.10.0-precise-amd64.tgz"16:46
mgzlooks good.16:47
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jamespagemgz, I'm missing something "File not supplied"16:48
mgznow sure how the cli wants file attachments spelt, which is what the server side code seems to expect16:52
mgzlooks web-form-ish, maybe you can do it via the web front end as well?16:56
jamespagemgz, not that I can find16:59
mgzhave poked gavin in #maas as I can't figure it out from the code17:00
mgz(and the login mechanism makes it annoying to try and step around with curl)17:00
mgzis `maas-cli maas files add --help` any more specific about how it wants params?17:01
jamespagemgz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5623255/17:04
jamespagemgz, "application/octet-stream" but I have no idea how to pass that on the CLI17:05
mgzyeah, that's just the docstring, and I can't see from the code how to give a file upload either17:07
jamespagemgz, OK _ i have to downtools for the day17:08
jamespageI'll pick this up again tomorrow17:08
mgzlets poke someone maasy tomorrow17:08
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jcastromarcoceppi: hmm, ok so.19:06
jcastroa bunch of the incoming juju questions are still on pyju19:06
jcastrothat can't be right19:06
marcoceppijcastro: could be, if they downloaded it a while ago19:07
AskUbuntuJuju and MAAS: ERROR No matching node is available | http://askubuntu.com/q/28922619:13
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