
=== smartboyhw__ is now known as smartboyhw
shadeslayerapachelogger: dunno, I tried installing kubuntu-desktop in a armhf chroot07:03
shadeslayerand it was pulling zenity07:03
BluesKajHey all10:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's because zenity is still first choice10:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you think you can have a look at framebuffer stuff on the nexus 10 when we meet?10:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: sure, shall I also write you a display manager?10:41
shadeslayeryus plz10:41
yofelshadeslayer: talk to the sddm folks whether they can do that?10:44
yofeldidn't have enough coffee today yet10:44
ghostcubehi folks11:05
ghostcubejust updated 12.10 to 13.04 64 bit11:05
ghostcubenotices that a wrong qdbus package is installed11:06
ghostcubeits the i386 one instead of amd6411:06
ghostcubeafter installing qdbus:amd64 desktop works again11:06
ghostcubeonly for info11:06
yofelghostcube: mind sharing your /var/log/apt/history.log?11:07
ghostcubeno problem pls wait a moment 11:07
ghostcubeyofel: history doesnt show do-release-upgrade from yesterday11:18
yofelis there anything in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ ?11:19
ghostcubeyep history log 11:20
ghostcubei will post it11:20
ghostcubeyofel: http://nopaste.info/4f9ca10823.html11:23
yofelweird, that only shows qdbus:i386 for upgrade. Can you check in the old history logs whether qdbus:amd64 was removed at some point please?11:24
ghostcubebut desktop worked fine tilll update11:28
ghostcubeafter the update dekstop freezes with dbus error at kdm login11:28
ghostcubeis there any call changed inside maybe? so it needs amd64 11:28
apacheloggeryofel: this here issue may be related to the poweroff button always shutsdown issue which is also apparently due to qdbus transitional weirdness11:50
ghostcubei searched some logs ut i cant find any removal of qdbus11:52
BluesKajI'm crossposting this , because I think it needs it. I wonder what happened to the 64 bit builds for the hdmi/intel audio patch that was published earlier this week , it. seems to have disappeared ..this is the 32 bit  url : https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/+packages12:12
BluesKajhmm, ignore that post above , guess the 32 bit works on 64bit arch12:18
sheytanapachelogger: ping pong12:51
sheytanapachelogger: what was that package i had to install to run the ldm theme we were working on?12:52
sheytanit doesn't seem to work without it12:52
apacheloggerkubuntu-qtquick-components or some such12:53
sheytanmight it be, that without this, the theme doesn't even display on the list in kcm?12:53
apacheloggerthe theme rc file format and such schanged12:54
apacheloggerso I guess that's why it is not showing up12:54
sheytanwell, do i still need those qtqucik components to make it work?12:55
sheytanare they still somewhere in launchpad?12:56
apacheloggeryofel: http://bd.summit.net/blog/2013/04/short-tip-fix-qdbus-problems-during-a-kubuntu-upgrade-to-13-04/14:05
Mamarokwhy is kdelibs-dbg a hard dependency for amarok-dbg?14:31
Mamarokit makes sense maybe, but some people have no broadband and not much sapce14:31
yofelMamarok: it recommends it, that's not a hard dependency14:47
shadeslayerRecommends: kdelibs5-dbg14:48
yofelapachelogger: I heard about that, but that doesn't tell how people got the 32bit version installed in the first place14:49
yofelas qdbus:i386 being used on a 64bit system sounds kinda wrong14:49
Mamarokyofel: ah, OK14:54
Mamarokthen that guy told it wrong :)14:54
yofelMamarok: what might have happened is that kubuntu-debug-installer just installs it as it's recommended14:57
yofelyou can't de-select packages there I believe14:57
apacheloggerit's not a package manager ^^14:58
yofelwould be cool if muon had a kpart it could just embed for that ^^14:59
Mamarokright, that's why people are complaing that they have to install 280 Mb for "just Amarok"14:59
Mamarokand I was surpised to hear it also install kdelibs debugging symbols15:00
Mamarokbut fine for me, just a hard ride for people with little space and slow connections15:00
jazzhi all15:03
apacheloggerif you have limited resources a locale trace may not be the best choice anyway15:03
apacheloggerunfortunately of course drkonqi has no approach to remote retracing in any capacity, so that is a bit fishy15:04
apachelogger... IMO a kpart would not solve the problem, you may still need to have kdelibs installed in order to get a usable backtrace15:04
apacheloggerin particular every amarok backtrace contains symbols from at least kdelibs and qt due to how k/qapps work15:05
apacheloggerif a user were to actively deselect stuff it would in many instance lead to a bug report, and then the triager asking for a complete backtrace, and then the user being frustrated because he downloaded some 50 mib and it still was not good enough15:06
apachelogger(the entire trace experience is le crap, though that is a big and complicated issue from a KDE perspective)15:07
genii-aroundKubuntu support cycle matches regular Ubuntu ?15:49
yofelgenii-around: it should IIRC15:49
genii-aroundyofel: OK, thanks15:49
yofelgenii-around: at least right now I don't think we have any differences for the LTS releases, for the normal ones we have the same support time anyway15:50
genii-aroundyofel: Because I think the LTS are 5 years now unified, wasn't sure if still on 3 or went to 5 now too15:51
yofelgenii-around: 12.04 is 5, 10.04 is 315:52
genii-aroundyofel: Cool, that's what I thought but wasn't 100% sure.15:52
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:53
yofelgenii-around: wrt #kubuntu, we cannot put kde in the official backports. Too many dependencies to test16:03
genii-aroundyofel: Is it still installable through the ppa?16:05
yofelgenii-around: the backports PPA has 4.10.2 for precise16:08
shadeslayerthe pun is strong in this one16:09
apacheloggerquite saucy statement16:11
* apachelogger emits yawning16:11
yofelnow this is fun. I just tried to make an install using the mini.iso, which failed because d-i tries to run grub-install on the wrong disk o.O16:12
genii-aroundTries to run it on the DVD drive or something?16:13
yofelon the flash drive (sda), the hdd is sdb16:13
yofelah lol, if I select "don't install in MBR" then I can manually select where it should install it on16:14
genii-aroundGrub is very unintuitive. When I update my 10.04 on another partition in sdb it installs to sda then I have to go back, boot to my 13.04 on sda and re-run update-grub all the time16:17
yofelbug 117468916:17
ubottubug 1174689 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Nvidia/Dual screen - No Taskbar/Kdemenu on default install Kubuntu 13.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117468916:17
yofelwhere is our desktop setup script again? this sounds fishy...16:33
yofelplasma-desktop(2085)/plasma DesktopCorona::printScriptError: Startup script errror: "Error: TypeError: Result of expression 'panels()[i]' [undefined] is not an object. at line 4616:33
afiestasRiddell: do you know if we finally have daily snapshots for kscreen?16:34
afiestasI'd like to confirm that the patch fixes the crash that is being reported, but we can't do that if we don't patch the package first :3316:34
Riddellhum, didn't shadeslayer set that up ages ago?16:35
apacheloggerI don't think so16:35
afiestasat the moment I wanted them for Quantal, now I need them for rarin16:35
apacheloggerneon has kscreen16:35
yofelthe source import is only used by the neon recipe, so it seems like that's all we have16:37
shadeslayeryofel: kubuntu-default-settings16:37
shadeslayeror kubuntu-settings-desktop now :P16:37
Riddellafiestas: hum no I don't see it I'm afraid, I'm busy just now but can look at it tomorrow I think16:38
afiestaswill make the release then, and use the snapshots next time16:38
shadeslayerI had to read that 3 times because I kept substituting kscreen with ksnapshot16:38
* apachelogger off16:39
yofel    //Create more panels for other screens16:39
yofelwhy o.O?16:39
shadeslayerbecause, panels!16:39
afiestasapachelogger: so, I have a to do a release now16:40
afiestaswhat dafuq should I do Sr?16:41
* afiestas installs ruby16:43
afiestasnot working16:45
afiestasapachelogger: !16:45
shadeslayerit's software, did you expect it to work?16:49
shadeslayerScottK: apachelogger FYI gstreamer transition is going to be blocked till we also port qgst16:50
shadeslayeralternatively, we drop ktp and bring back kopete :P16:50
shadeslayerQuintasan: can you even build the CM TF101 kernel?16:57
Quintasannot really16:57
Quintasanas in16:57
QuintasanDo you want me to try?16:57
shadeslayerno, I meant, have you even tried16:57
QuintasanNo, but I think it won't work 16:58
shadeslayerbecause I get this : /tmp/ccQeqQD5.s: Error: .size expression for __tegra_cpu_reset_handler_data does not evaluate to a constant16:58
shadeslayerwith CM10116:58
shadeslayertell me about it :|16:58
Quintasanyou might want to try to backport some fixes from 3.1 divemaster16:58
shadeslayerand the flipping Nexus 10 won't show anything on the screen16:58
shadeslayerWHY IS THIS SHIT SO HARD16:58
Quintasanit's not hard, it just requires special knowledge :P16:59
shadeslayerI have no idea what's going wrong with X and the Nexus 10 though17:00
shadeslayerI mean, no errors whatsoever, except some cryptic issues in lightdm17:00
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yofelmeh, found the issue with the plasma script17:12
yofelit's setting up panels for other desktops assuming the primary screen panel is already there - but it isn't17:13
yofelRiddell: there?17:16
yofelpanel.height = panels()[i].height = screenGeometry(0).height > 1024 ? 35 : 2717:16
yofela) why set the height twice?17:16
yofelb) are all panels supposed to have the same height?17:17
afiestasRiddell: tags pushed, tarballs waiting to be moved17:22
afiestasfeel free to package it whenever possible17:22
afiestas(libkscreen and kscreen 0.0.92)17:22
Quintasanshadeslayer: Try adding KDE Microblog to your desktop and adding your twitter account17:36
yofeldoes that still not work?17:36
Quintasanif it doesn't crash the plasma-desktop then it fails to do anything because twitter asks you to input some pin number into the application17:36
QuintasanI have no idea where the hell I'm supposed to input that17:37
shadeslayerhmm actually17:37
shadeslayerit grabs my gravatar17:37
yofelit tries to open some window for identi.ca when I last tried it. But that didn't work right17:37
Quintasanit also shows my avatar shadeslayer but first it crashes the desktop and even then it doesnt do anything17:38
shadeslayerdidn't crash for me17:38
shadeslayerbut yeah, nothing in the wiedget17:38
shadeslayeraaaaandddd crash17:39
yofeland empty folderview widget looks somwhat sad...17:40
shadeslayerskype being wtf now17:43
yofelskype itself or the discussion on the bug?17:43
shadeslayertrying to buy credit results in a failed transaction17:43
shadeslayerand I bought credits with the same card last time17:43
shadeslayerand ofcourse, skype support is out17:50
QuintasanI just noticed17:52
Quintasanbut some plasmoids17:52
Quintasanscale reaaaaaaaaaaaaly badly if you place them on an vertical panel17:52
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1123126] 12.04 plasma init script order wrong @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1123126 (by lordievader)17:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1123126 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu Precise) "12.04 plasma init script order wrong" [Critical,Fix released]17:52
yofel/tmp/buildd/rekonq-2.3.0/src/webtab/webview.cpp:77:22: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory18:17
yofel #include <X11/Xlib.h>18:17
yofel                      ^18:17
yofelcompilation terminated.18:17
yofelgcc-4.8 = usability++18:17
shadeslayerclang like error messages ftw :)18:22
yofelclang is still a tad better, but this already helps a lot18:22
shadeslayeryofel: also, you won't believe it, if I go through the "Add new card" process in skype and pay that way, it works18:22
shadeslayeryeah :/18:22
shadeslayerI suspect it's because of the 3D secure code thingum18:23
yofelkubotu: newversion kdevelop 4.5.018:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1175273 in kdevelop (Ubuntu) "Please update kdevelop to 4.5.0" [Undecided,New]18:24
shadeslayeryofel: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/display/20130430230347_Intel_Core_i_Haswell_Microprocessors_May_Require_New_Power_Supply_Units_for_PCs.html18:24
yofelthis skype bug is becoming a total chaos18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1155327 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 (Ubuntu Raring) "skype crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc@plt()" [High,Confirmed]18:28
shadeslayeryofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/skype/+bug/1155327/comments/9318:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1155327 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-304 (Ubuntu Raring) "skype crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc@plt()" [High,Confirmed]18:30
yofelshadeslayer: there's *at least* 2 issues that can make skype crash18:31
* shadeslayer hasn't had skype crash till now18:31
yofelit seems like a 3rd one is using a newer glib than raring has18:31
shadeslayer*newer* glib? :S18:32
yofelshadeslayer: #9718:33
shadeslayerI need one kernel hacker pronto18:36
shadeslayergit clone at 1 KBps 18:43
yofelhopefully not the kernel18:43
shadeslayeryou hoped wrong18:43
yofelmy condolences18:43
shadeslayermore precisely http://git.chromium.org/chromiumos/third_party/kernel-next.git18:44
shadeslayeryeah, it's been cloning since 6 PM18:44
shadeslayerso just over 6 hours18:44
shadeslayer74% done though18:44
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1175168] Typo in kde-window-manager @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1175168 (by Pierre Slamich)18:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1175168 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Typo in kde-window-manager" [Low,Triaged]18:55
ahoneybunhey shadeslayer18:59
shadeslayerhi apachelogger18:59
shadeslayerahoneybun: 18:59
ahoneybunwhats going on19:00
shadeslayerwell, cloning a kernel, objdump'ing my coursera assignment to solve it, and looking for kernel devs :P19:01
ahoneybunoh any luck with the cloning? and kernel devs?19:02
shadeslayercloning has been on for 6 hours :P19:02
shadeslayeralmost done19:02
shadeslayercan't find a kernel dev, no19:03
ahoneybunshadeslayer: oh wish I could help but I have no exp. in dealing with the kernel, I have not even built one for source19:04
shadeslayerme neither19:04
ahoneybunif there is something I can help with just tell me19:05
shadeslayernot really19:12
ahoneybunjust saying19:16
yofelahoneybun: hey, how's the n7?19:25
ahoneybunyofel: I can't get it past initram screen19:27
ahoneybundoes not mount right19:27
ahoneybunyea I know19:28
ahoneybunI need new images19:29
yofelahoneybun: btw. the others already asked but I can't find any answer: what would you be interested most in with helping? Or anything you have some experience in?19:32
ahoneybunyofel: yes, of course19:33
ahoneybunI have some graphic design skills, web design, and I have seen some python 19:34
ahoneybunand built some packages from source19:34
ahoneybunor so the n7 says mounting /dev/mmcblk0p9 on /root failed invalid arguement19:35
shadeslayeruhhhh 0.o19:36
shadeslayerthat's odd19:36
* yofel tries to remember what could cause an invalid argument...19:37
ahoneybunI think Riddell is stuck at the same point19:39
shadeslayerwell, I'll be meeting him soon, so maybe we can debug together19:39
ahoneybunyea 19:41
BluesKajthat sounds dangerous shadeslayer :)19:41
yofelahoneybun: thanks for the info, it's great to have someone with design skills. I work mostly on packaging, scripting or Q/A if you have questions there19:41
shadeslayer"Tonight at 11, Exploding Nexuses after hackers get together"19:41
shadeslayerHe can have a look at my N10 and I'll look at his N7 :P19:42
shadeslayeryofel: http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2013/05/01/water-cooled-raspberry-pi-computer-complete/119:42
ahoneybunshadeslayer: sudo fastboot -c "root=/dev/mmcblk0p9 ro console=tty1 rootwait rootfstype=ext4" flash:raw boot path_to_/moslo-nexus7/zImage-moslo19:43
BluesKajrunning 13.10 here, or what can be called a facsimile i guess , so far so good , onlu one little segfault with FF19:43
ahoneybunis is same way this image is set up19:43
ahoneybunthe same dir19:43
yofelshadeslayer: rofl :D19:43
shadeslayerpro tip 1 : don't need sudo19:43
shadeslayerahoneybun: uhhh ... I don't see a initramfs in there19:43
ahoneybunI know but its the same dir /dev/mmclk0p919:44
shadeslayersame dir?19:44
ahoneybun/dev/mmclk0p9 is the same directory that I am having issues mounting19:45
shadeslayerwell, /dev/mmclk0p9 is the userdata partition19:46
shadeslayeryou want to mount that as the root partition19:46
shadeslayerexcept init is failing19:46
shadeslayerahoneybun: are you sure you're using an ubuntu initrd19:46
ahoneybunum, I'm using the images from here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-preinstalled/current/19:47
shadeslayerI always pack my initrd and kernel together19:47
shadeslayeruhh yeah19:47
shadeslayerI don't know if that bootimg has a ubuntu initrd19:47
ahoneybunoh well I just followed the wiki19:48
shadeslayerahoneybun: I should have something for you on Monday19:51
ahoneybunok thats fine19:52
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1175299] kwin Plastik decoration displays the help-button wrong @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1175299 (by Allo)19:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1175299 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "kwin Plastik decoration displays the help-button wrong" [Undecided,New]19:56
ahoneybunwhat happens if you install Ubuntu on the n7 and try to install KDE active afterwords20:06
shadeslayerwon't work20:07
yofelI tried that with quantal, it was a mess20:07
shadeslayerUbuntu uses the Android bits like SurfaceFlinger20:07
shadeslayerand AudioFlinger20:07
shadeslayeror well20:07
shadeslayerit uses some sort of PA plugin to interact with AF20:07
shadeslayerbut yeah, it uses AF20:08
shadeslayerso when you try to run X11 that interferes with SF20:08
shadeslayerand for reasons I don't know, you can't kill SF20:08
shadeslayerI tried that20:08
ahoneybunoh ok20:08
ahoneybunwhat about Ubuntu Touch?20:09
ahoneybunsame thing20:09
ahoneybunhave you heard of unixstickers?20:10
ahoneybunoh cool site with FOSS stuck 20:10
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ahoneybunthey give some money to Linux Mint for the sell of their stickers20:11
ahoneybunI'm trying to get the new Kubuntu 13.04 docs and read though those for errors20:13
shadeslayernot sure why I'd pay for stickers you usually get for free at confs :P20:13
shadeslayerI have like a whole bunch of them20:13
shadeslayerI even have duckduckgo stickers somewhere20:14
ahoneybunwell I don't have any fests to go to20:14
ahoneybunany that I can reach anyway20:14
shadeslayerare you in the EU>20:21
ahoneybunUSA, Florida20:22
shadeslayerstill more meetups than in Delhi/Gurgaon, India :P20:22
shadeslayerUDS was once held in Florida, it was fun20:22
ahoneybunI know I was in Plant City but I could not go as I could not drive at that time anyway, and never been on the highway20:23
shadeslayeroh drat20:24
shadeslayerI'll have to put my mouse in a separate bag and check it in :/20:25
shadeslayerbecause they won't allow batteries on the flight -.-20:25
shadeslayerI get to make presentations using my trackpad, hurray20:25
yofelwhat kind of policy is that o.O20:25
shadeslayeryofel: that's a policy on all the flights afaik20:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: QML will fix all of that20:26
yofelQuintasan: hm? (I like the background ^^)20:26
shadeslayerQML is going to become the magic sauce of KDE20:26
yofelshadeslayer: I obviously haven't been flying lately... july will be the first time in quite a while20:26
Quintasanshadeslayer, yofel: look at the background of the calendar when I click on the binary clock20:26
Quintasancan any of you reproduce that?20:26
yofelah that20:26
shadeslayerplasma theme cache broken20:26
QuintasanIt's damn clean raring install20:27
shadeslayercan't reproduce20:27
yofelme neither20:27
shadeslayerthough font colors are all wrong20:27
yofelbut the theme is known to have rendering issues under some circumstances20:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: also, opera? really?20:28
Quintasanmaybe rekonq?20:28
Quintasanor bloatfox?20:28
Quintasanreadding the widget fixed that20:29
yofelI use opera sometimes, it's not that bad20:29
yofelnot being able to open an accidentally closed tab is what annoys me, but that's all20:29
shadeslayeropera doesn't have ctrl-shift-t in 201320:29
shadeslayerdoesn't classify as a browser then :P20:29
shadeslayerWhen I discovered Ctrl+shift+t It was a whole new world ^)^20:30
ahoneybunmaybe we should update the kubuntu-desktop image in the kubuntu-docs?20:35
yofelwait, didn't we remove the docs?20:35
yofelor which ones do you mean?20:35
ahoneybunI just bzr from launchpad20:36
ahoneybunthe ones from lp20:36
yofelask Riddell what plans he had for the docs, I believe they're currently unmaintained20:36
Quintasanit does lol20:37
ahoneybunthe xml in hardware is messed up20:38
Quintasanctrl+shift+t was in Opera since 9.81 I think20:38
yofelah ok, nvm then20:38
ahoneybuna lot of them are20:38
yofelI never knew the keyboard shortcut for that20:39
yofeland in the UI I can't find that20:39
ahoneybunyofel: can't I make the changes and then push it, then he can review them?20:40
yofelahoneybun: sure20:40
ahoneybunmaybe I'll wait on him before I put too much work into it20:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: you never say hi to me :(20:52
apacheloggerafiestas: gimme a log maybe?20:52
apacheloggeralso I fail to understand why people never get their tools lined up before they need them20:52
ahoneybunapachelogger: he did I believe20:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: kopete was here to stay anyway20:55
apacheloggeryofel: regarding more panels: more = better20:55
apacheloggerbug 117433020:56
ubottubug 1142213 in oxygen-gtk3 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1174330 emacs23/24 GUI does not start when run in Kubuntu 13.04 with oxygen-gtk theme enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114221320:56
apacheloggerfinally a feature that just happened20:56
apacheloggerI like20:56
yofelapachelogger: well, that I can somehow understand, still needs fixing. And Riddell need to tell me what that code is supposed to do, right now it feels just wrong20:57
apacheloggerit's so you get more panels20:59
yofelI'm talking about20:59
yofelpanel.height = panels()[i].height = screenGeometry(0).height > 1024 ? 35 : 2720:59
yofel"panels()[i]" is totally unpredictable at that poing20:59
apacheloggerI dunno20:59
apacheloggeryou only pasted one line :P20:59
apacheloggerand that is predictable :P21:00
yofelapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/735926/ line 4621:00
yofelIMO that's supposed to be21:01
yofel-        panel.height = panels()[i].height = screenGeometry(0).height > 1024 ? 35 : 2721:01
yofel+        panel.height = screenGeometry(i).height > 1024 ? 35 : 2721:01
apacheloggerthat line is so shitty it makes me cry21:01
apacheloggerdid I write that or Riddell?21:01
apacheloggerannotate says that was pulled in from upstream21:02
yofelannotate says something about more panels as well21:02
yofel+ neon doesn't crash21:03
apacheloggerwhat's the sync then ^^21:03
yofeldunno ^^21:03
yofelapachelogger: that is upstream code actually21:04
apacheloggerI really do not think Riddell would write a chain assignment with ternary if21:04
yofelbut the panel is loaded *before* the code there21:04
yofelso it works21:04
apacheloggerhe's already not amused when I do pointer simulation in bash :P21:04
apacheloggeryofel: what do you think by panel is loaded?21:05
apacheloggerthat kinda sorta is missng entirely21:05
yofelupstream first loads the panel, then the code21:05
yofelwe do that the other way around21:06
yofelwhich crashes, obviously21:06
yofelleeme try just reordering the code21:06
apacheloggerwhat we need to do is override org.kde.plasma-desktop.defaultPanel21:07
apacheloggernot 00-default21:07
yofelgood point21:07
apacheloggerwe appear to only fiddle with the panel21:07
apacheloggerso loading the template rather than having to manually sync up 00-default seems the way to go21:08
yofelhow does one override the template?21:08
* yofel only started with plasma scripting today21:08
apacheloggerthat I do not know21:09
apacheloggerassuming that was implemented corretly upstream you should just need to replicate the thing in kubuntu-settings21:09
apacheloggeri.e. there's probably a desktop file in services that defines where to find the scripty21:10
apacheloggerso you'll need two files in kubuntu-settings21:10
apacheloggeror perhaps21:10
apacheloggeronly replicating the code file may be sufficient21:10
apacheloggerin theory anyway21:10
yofelwell, just reordering the code fixes the crash21:11
yofelthat'll be ok as an SRU21:11
Riddellyofel: you pinged?21:11
Riddellbeen out doing business all day, still on the road21:11
yofelRiddell: we're talking about our broken plasma init script21:12
Riddellthese support people seem like just our sort21:12
yofelnow that's good to hear at least :)21:12
Riddellyofel: what's up with it?21:12
yofelRiddell: crashes when you have more than 1 screen attached at login (bug 1174689)21:12
ubottubug 1174689 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "Nvidia/Dual screen - No Taskbar/Kdemenu on default install Kubuntu 13.04" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117468921:12
yofel*at first login21:13
apacheloggerRiddell: like our sort? confused and overworked? :P21:15
ahoneybunRiddell: what are you going to do with kubuntu-docs?21:16
apacheloggeryofel: yeah well SRU just move the crap to the top21:16
apacheloggerthough the upstream code seems really fishy too21:16
apacheloggerno clue what panels() does21:17
Riddellahoneybun: hope some nice person comes along to maintain it?21:17
yofelpanels() gives you an array of all panels21:17
apacheloggerbut to me that assignment reads like it is accessing the same panelInstance.height21:17
yofelyeah, hence my confusion21:17
Riddellahoneybun: if you're a nice person and want to maintain it,awesomeness!21:17
ahoneybunI was looking into it and the xmls do not seem to work, they give a few error messages21:17
apacheloggeralso binding the panel height to screen0's geometry rather than its respective screen's geometry seems wrong21:18
Riddellahoneybun: right, first thing would be to decide if docbook is actually what it need or if something like a wiki would be better, I don't really know21:18
ahoneybundocbook is the program and wiki is internet based?21:18
Riddelldocbook is the xml it is currently in which through fiddly means gets turned into html21:19
Riddellwiki is like wiki.kubuntu.org, a website that can be easily edited21:19
ahoneybunwiki would much better but needs some form of offline viewing as well21:20
yofelapachelogger: I'm adding a trello todo to look at that more closer21:20
apacheloggerso panel[i] == newlyCreatedPanel as i is always > 121:20
apacheloggeralbeit it fails because we have no intial panel for the intial screen21:20
ahoneybunheck some of this is saying to use konqueror 21:20
apacheloggeriff the if >1 was not there or the panel creation was moved before the loop it would work21:21
apachelogger(although without the if you basically get one panel you don't need and that panel will have the appropriate content ^^)21:21
Riddellyofel: I synced 00-defaultLayout.js with upstream's default as much as possible21:22
apacheloggerahoneybun, Riddell: there's an upstream tendency to eventually do away with docbook and use wikis so in due time that will probably solve itself21:22
yofelapachelogger: just for reference, the bug I mentioned is an access on panels()[1] with only one panel present21:22
apacheloggeri.e. for offline viewing you could simply make a static html snapshot of the wiki at release day21:22
apacheloggerwhich ought to be simple enough at least with mediawiki21:23
Riddellyofel: it creates a broken activity by default21:23
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, that's what I said21:23
yofelapachelogger: right, too tried to read -.-21:23
apacheloggerit looks 0 to n21:23
apachelogger0 => nothing happens21:23
apachelogger1 => code happens, i =1 but panels().length ==1, i.e. there is no panels()[i=1]21:23
ahoneybunapachelogger: thanks for the info21:23
ahoneybunRiddell: what do you want to do?21:24
Riddellahoneybun: I /think/ a wiki would be better but really don't know, needs experi21:25
* Riddell runs out of battery21:25
yofelapachelogger: ROFL21:25
yofela65d05f7 (Aaron Seigo    2011-04-30 13:01:38 +0200 15)         panel.height = panels()[i].height = screenGeometry(0).height > 1024 ? 35 : 2721:26
yofelAuthor: Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>21:26
yofelDate:   Sat Apr 30 13:01:38 2011 +020021:26
yofel    give me back my small panel!21:26
ahoneybunRiddell: how would I go about getting into the wiki to do this?21:26
yofelwell ok, it's Davide Bettio that's responsible for the original WTF-ness of that line21:28
apacheloggeryofel: forget about that and tell aseigo that he writes ugly wrong code :P21:28
apacheloggerthat should get things moving :P21:28
yofelapachelogger: to save him, he only did s/768/1024/ there21:28
yofelthough he didn't fix it either21:29
apacheloggerthe blame blames aseigo :P21:29
yofel9747b2e6 (Davide Bettio  2011-04-27 16:52:59 +0200 15)         panel.height = panels()[i].height = screenGeometry(0).height > 768 ? 35 : 2721:29
yofelbefore that it was just21:29
yofeldb68adfd (Davide Bettio  2011-04-27 12:51:36 +0200 15)         panel.height = 2721:29
apacheloggerI like the current one better21:30
apacheloggerkeeps people from tinkering with it :P21:30
sreichyofel: what is that, a default?21:35
sreichlayout default, rather21:35
yofelsreich: plasma default layout init script21:35
ahoneybundoes muon use kpackagekit?21:49
yofelmuon doesn't use packagekit21:49
yofeland kpackagekit was what's now called apper21:49
ahoneybunok I'm updating the images for the docs21:54
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1175299] kwin Plastik decoration displays the help-button wrong @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1175299 (by Allo)22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1175299 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "kwin Plastik decoration displays the help-button wrong" [Undecided,Invalid]22:03
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174605] No unlock dialogue after locking @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174605 (by naught101)23:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1174605 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "No unlock dialogue after locking" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:04
QuintasanPlasma Workspaces 2, huh?23:29
ahoneybunQuintasan: not sure either23:41
Quintasanwhat you are not sure about ahoneybun?23:41
ahoneybunPlasma Workspaces 223:42
QuintasanWell, there is nothing to be unsure about, they will release them in Q2 201423:42
Quintasanand at least for 2 years we get bugfixes for 4.1123:42
Quintasanand then we'll probably switch to Qt 5 for good23:43
QuintasanCan't be sure about that but I guess that would be the best course of action for us imo23:43
ahoneybunin 2 years?23:44
Quintasanahoneybun: 4.11 will be the last feature release23:44
Quintasanthen we get only bugfixes for 4.1123:44
ahoneybunno new features?23:45
QuintasanYes, no new features23:45
ahoneybuncool I would love just bugfixes23:45
QuintasanWhole feature development will move to Plasma Workspaces 223:45
QuintasanThat said I'm going to bed23:46
Quintasan2 in the morning here23:46
QuintasanGood night.23:46
ahoneybungood night Quintasan its 7 pm here23:46

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