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BluesKajHey all10:14
ToBeFreeI would like to upgrade to 13.10; "do-release-upgrade -d" doesn't work yet, however. Would it work to replace all occurences of "raring" in my sources.list by "saucy" or aren't those repositories up yet?10:20
bekksThe latter.10:26
ToBeFreeany idea when I could do this?10:28
bekks14When someone set up the repos :)10:29
Ian_Cornesausy is already there10:32
Ian_Corneour mirror has it already at least10:32
Ian_Cornethe delta with raring will be small still however10:32
ToBeFreeah, great11:17
Fudgeits working nicely too11:18
ToBeFree237 upgrades. :D11:18
BluesKajI wonder what happened to the 64 bit builds for the hdmi/intel audio patch that was published earlier this week , it. seems to have disappeared ..this is the 32 bit  url : https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/+packages12:01
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sevenhillhi everyone12:24
sevenhillhow can i upgrade my *ubuntu to 13.10 ?12:24
jhenkenormal way is update-manager -d12:26
jhenkewhere the -d means "upgrade to development version"12:26
sevenhillImportError: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apt_pkg.so: undefined symbol: _Py_ZeroStruct12:26
sevenhilli used sudo sed -i 's/raring/saucy/' /etc/apt/sources.list   is that wrong ?12:27
jhenkeespecially so early in the development cycle I would suggest to set up a vm12:27
sevenhillthere are some problems about update-manager ( because of mixing python2 & 3 in my system )12:27
jhenkein case something breaks ;)12:27
sevenhilljhenke, i like bugs :)12:27
jhenkestill it is usefull to have a stable and running host os12:28
jhenkeso you have an emergency access12:28
sevenhill:) the live cds/dvds/usbs are for emergency access :D12:31
sevenhillif we didn't like to deal with bugs we need to use our abacus instead of using computers :)12:31
jhenkesevenhill no, it is not about whether we are dealing with bugs, but how to deal with it12:32
jhenkeVMs with features like memory snapshots can help in finding the cause for bugs12:33
jhenkeby comparing before and after12:33
BluesKajsevenhill, I sed'd my sources.list and it worked fine just make sure you update and upgrade 13.04 first and for safetys sake comment out any ppas in the sources list12:33
sevenhillBluesKaj, i was using 13.04 before it release so i need to change a developing cycle thats the why i'm asking is it enough to use sed or am i have to wait for its first alpha1 iso12:36
sevenhilljhenke, it looks right from looking from your viewpoint :) But come and try any vm with my old laptop :)12:37
BluesKajsevenhill, I'm already runnng 13.10 , just updated and upgraded and am about to boot back into it ...bbiab12:37
BluesKajok , boot into 13.10 successful after a large update and package upgrade12:43
sevenhill:D same in here try to update lots of updates :D12:45
sevenhill268 upgraded, 87 newly installed, 25 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 235 MB of archives.12:45
BluesKajsevenhill, assuming you have a stable OS as a fallback , then an adventure into 13.10 is pretty uneventful12:45
sevenhill13.04 -> 13.1012:45
BluesKajso far12:46
sevenhillBluesKaj, i have done my job in kde ( i committed all my patches )12:46
sevenhillso i need a little adventure :D12:46
sevenhilltomorrow is tagging day in kde12:47
Guest99103hi everyone. is f2fs enabled in kernel 3.9 ? i already installed f2fs-tools and manually compilled gparted 0.16.112:47
sevenhillso maybe for me to deal with other problems in ubuntu :D12:47
BluesKajrunning kde here as well , so far all seems good12:48
BluesKajGuest99103, what's the hurry ?12:50
Guest99103BluesKaj, just testing ...12:51
BluesKajgood luck :)12:51
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johnjohn101when do you think we'll get some announcements about what's coming in 13.10?16:28
brendandjohnjohn101, UDS16:40
brendandtwo weeks from now16:40
genii-aroundjohnjohn101: There's also https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+specs16:40
johnjohn101thanks. i know 13.04 had been released so there's a lull.  ubuntu has a lot of work to do in the next year. I can't wait to get my ubuntu phone!16:42
genii-aroundThat's probably a ways off yet. They say Oct but who knows16:44
johnjohn101i can wait until april next year.  no rush16:55
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Fudgeare we bug reporting things yet or do we have to wait for a freeze from debian23:42

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