
janv_Hello all09:14
janv_I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 - and would like to use the owncloud-client09:16
janv_I could not find this client in the Ubuntu repositories, nor is it provided at: http://owncloud.org/sync-clients/09:16
janv_Should I add a bug report to request for the owncloud Desktop Sync Client?09:16
rbasakIs the owncloud Desktop Sync Client free software?09:20
rbasakLooks like it's in Debian, so it presumably is. Ubuntu has a delta, too. So I think it would be reasonable to file wishlist bugs against it.09:23
janv_ok, thanks. I will do so.09:27
janv_rbasak: for your info, the license is stated here: https://github.com/owncloud/mirall#readme09:38
janv_GPLV2 or later09:38
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Str8bsHi. Bug affects me vs. dupes ?15:24
Str8bsWiki indicates "one person per issue per hardware" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs15:24
Str8bsI see frequent mailing list notes requesting please click on "this bug affects me."15:25
Str8bsWhich is appropriate? I'm confused. :)15:25
hggdhStr8bs: sort of both of them. For kernel issues, it is better for a new bug to be opened, since very small hardware differences may impact; for anything that does not directly deal with hardware, "also affects me" is the way to go15:30
hggdhStr8bs: usually, what we worry about is *one* bug report reporting *many* bugs -- this is certainly NOT the way to go15:31
Str8bshggdh: Thanks. I spend a lot of time obsessing over open source drivers. That would fall under hardware.15:32
Str8bsI "think" I get it now. :)15:32
hggdhStr8bs: also, please note that the rule is actually "one report, per person, per hardware combination, per bug"15:33
hggdhso, if the hardware is the same, "also affects me" applies :-)15:33
hggdhStr8bs: please do not hesitate in asking your questions about bug work here -- we strive to help, and all that :-)15:34
Str8bshggdh: I've reached out to ubuntu-x for some pointers on graphics drivers. Trying to clarify some ongoing KMS graphics issues on PPC.15:35
Str8bsAs long as I follow code of conduct, OK to try to request logs/ mark dupes/ mark incomplete without offending anyone?15:35
hggdhStr8bs: yeah, I would guess they will be more of experts on graphics...15:35
hggdhStr8bs: yes, of course. We *need* help in triaging the bugs. Too few triagers, too many bugs15:36
Str8bshggdh: Thanks. I'm still new at Linux and just want to make sure I don't overstep my bounds.15:37
Str8bsI'm sure someone will point out my mistakes. :)15:38
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hggdhStr8bs: we will, please rest assured. But we will be nice, and also point you to better ways ;-)15:39
hggdhStr8bs: this might also help you: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures15:41
Str8bshggdh: I will start trying to help out. Thanks again!15:42
hggdhand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad15:42
hggdhStr8bs: actually, thank YOU. We do appreciate the help!15:42
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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