
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|away
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jcastropopey: I'm having dep issues with the scopes on the -certified unity ppa14:43
jcastroany idea what's up with that?14:43
=== matt_symes is now known as headache
jcastroballoons: I take it we're not hanging out today?14:56
balloonsjcastro, I posted in the #community channel as well15:33
balloonssame thing :-)15:33
balloonsso no :-)15:33
jcastrobkerensa: ping me when you're around15:37
elfyjcastro: thanks :)15:38
popeyjcastro: I dont use that ppa, you're better off poking people in #ubuntu-desktop tbh15:40
popey(Morning btw)15:40
jcastrooh I thought you were in charge of all crackrock on the desktop15:40
popeyjcastro: nope, not me, didrocks15:45
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: ping17:55
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, pong17:55
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: can you please check if ubuntuonair.com is up for you?17:56
dholbachno, it's not17:56
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, ^17:56
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: and, is jono at the sprint today?17:56
JoseeAntonioRok, so I'll just cancel his show today and solve this with IS17:57
dholbachok, perfect17:57
dholbachthank YOU17:57
elfydholbach: how's the community wiki pages looking now? good I hope :)18:01
jcastro<--- lunch18:22
bkerensajcastro: pong18:29
bkerensa<- - - Sushi Lunch18:48
jcastrobkerensa: hey so18:56
jcastroso far a bunch of my traffic to my server posts have been for FB18:56
jcastroI need some help getting on HN18:56
jcastrowithout self-submitting I mean18:58
bkerensajcastro: huh I will post when I get back... I have to go Sushi and do errands :)18:59
jcastrono worries19:01
jcastroI figure we could work on it together19:02
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bkerensajcastro: ok back21:23
bkerensajcastro: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=564089621:26
jcastroI will spread this21:27
bkerensajcastro: u need upvotes :)21:27
jcastroWorking it21:28
bkerensajcastro: unlike reddit the window for getting it upvoted is much smaller otherwise it sinks21:28
bkerensajcastro: One reason not to deploy with Ubuntu Server..... Our puppet package is very much out of date21:28
bkerensaI believe its still has CVE's too :s21:29
bkerensahopefully this cycle though and we can backport it to 13.0421:29
jcastrowhich CVEs?21:29
jcastroit's in main21:29
bkerensajcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/puppet/+bug/114300921:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1143009 in puppet (Ubuntu) "Sync puppet 3.1.0-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:30
popeyjcastro: http://www.jorgecastro.org/2013/05/01/13-reasons-to-deploy-with-ubuntu-server-part-3/ - HP listed twice at the end21:31
jcastropopey: fixed it21:32
bkerensajcastro: 2012-1906,  2012-1986, 2012-198921:32
popeyalso, s/jist/gist/ ☻21:32
jcastrothat's a pun on purpose21:32
jcastrobut no one gets it21:32
popeyyou might want to cross link the articles21:33
bkerensajcastro: basically the issue is the newer puppet is available in Debian experimental and I just need to take some deltas upstream to them so they can add them to exp then we will sync down and also get the fixes21:33
popeye.g. 2 doesn't link to 321:33
jcastrohey so the security team is missing from that bug21:33
jcastroif it fixes CVEs you might want to ping them21:33
bkerensajcastro: I did not think to include them21:33
jcastropopey: I did crosslink them all, perhaps your CDN edgepoint isn't up2date21:33
bkerensajcastro: Once I get unlazy and forward a debdiff upstream it will be a sealed deal anyways21:33
jcastroI just kicked off another inval, so that should refresh21:34
jcastrobkerensa: ok so what you're saying isn't "ubuntu server sucks because our puppet is out of date."21:34
bkerensaI am indeed21:34
jcastroyou're saying "ubuntu server sucks because our puppet is out of date because of me."21:34
bkerensaI do not maintain puppet21:34
bkerensathats actually server team21:34
bkerensaso I blame adam_g robbiew etc21:35
bkerensatell them to do work :P21:35
jcastroyeah but seriously, if there's CVEs21:35
jcastroI think security team should be CCed21:35
bkerensaI just added them21:35
JoseeAntonioRpopey: hey, please check your email asap, uonair is down21:43
popeyJoseeAntonioR: have updated it21:47
JoseeAntonioRpopey: great, thanks a bunch21:47
popeyalso spoke to IS about transferring the domain, will do that asap21:48
JoseeAntonioRno hurries on that21:48
popeywell, the domain expires on 11th ☻21:48
popeyand I'd rather transfer+renew than renew21:48
JoseeAntonioRthat's totally fine as long as we don't experience a long downtime21:49
bkerensawhy not just use air.ubuntu.com?21:49
JoseeAntonioRI'll wait 24h until the DNS changes propagate, it still shows the old record21:50
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: we've got onair.ubuntu.com, but everything is documented as ubuntunoair.com21:50
jcastroso this is badass22:00
bkerensaLinux Automated Beer, Cider and Root Beer making22:07
bkerensathats badass ^22:07
SergioMenesesbkerensa, jejeje nice picture22:09
SergioMenesesdpm, around and free?22:09
dpmhi SergioMeneses, I'm around, but I'm moving around (some of us are at the Canonical Client sprint). Can I help with anything?22:11
bkerensamarcoceppi: there was Ask Ubuntu swag at the Ubuntu Booth... no idea where it came from though22:11
marcoceppibkerensa: http://i.imgur.com/TUF91.gif22:12
marcoceppiActually, I dont' really know either, which conference was this?22:12
bkerensamarcoceppi: oh dear22:12
bkerensamarcoceppi: LinuxFest Northwest.... The guy said StackExchange paid for some printing22:12
bkerensaI guess22:12
bkerensahe said they make money off of Ask Ubuntu so they do some marketing for it and send out ask ubunt swag22:13
SergioMenesesdpm, I'm checking "Create a currency converter phone app" but this command: qmlscene ~/CurrencyConverter/CurrencyConverter.qml doesnt work22:13
marcoceppiOh, cool. I know - or think - one of the moderators at AU live in that area. I wonder if he was up there22:14
SergioMenesesbtw I'm using ubuntu13.04 and I have all packages that I should need22:14
dpmSergioMeneses, can you tell me the contents of your ~/CurrencyConverter/ folder?22:14
dpmSergioMeneses, if you could just use the ls command and paste it on paste.ubuntu.com, that'd be great22:15
SergioMenesesdpm, sure!22:16
bkerensamarcoceppi: the guy said he was a top user on AU.... so no idea.... but there were a handful of Canonical people22:16
* marcoceppi does some digging22:16
bkerensajcastro / marcoceppi: Do you know if there is a man I can read about the unprovider for ssh juju deploys?23:50

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