
* Laney gave in and restarted00:23
pittiLaney: oh noes, our test platform!00:33
pittiLaney: I got myself into the large swamp of cleaning up acpi-support00:33
pitti*cough* dust *cough*00:33
slangasekpitti: run away00:34
pittislangasek: well, while I am at it I might as well throw out all the other cruft00:35
pittiit's just wasting cycles00:35
slangasekin acpi-support?00:35
pittiacpi_fakekey, oh these old times00:35
slangasekmost of the stuff in acpi-support is still used00:35
pittiI'm dissecting the bits that are broken (like acpi_support), handled by g-s-d/KDE, or by logind and upower00:35
slangasekbut it's used on particular hardware that we don't have, so we can't really check if it's redundant now with the kernel00:36
pittiwell, but we do know that acpi_support doesn't work (and hasn't for years)00:36
pittierr, acpi_fakekey00:36
slangasekwell, actually00:37
pittiand e. g. upower calls pm-powersave by itself, and logind suspends on lid close, etc.00:37
slangasekwe know that it *usually* doesn't work00:37
slangasekit does work if the input device it injects the event on permits that keypress based on its mask!00:37
slangasekwhich is why I can't say categorically that it doesn't work and dropping the scripts won't regress00:37
slangasekbut I guess we could sweep them up and say we no longer care00:37
pittie. g. "sudo acpi_fakekey 113" (KEY_MUTE) doesn't do anything here00:38
pittiand my actual mute key works00:38
slangaseknot on your hardware, but I'm betting it's not on your hardware that this is triggered00:38
pittihm, so you want to keep this?00:38
slangasekI don't know ;)00:38
slangasekI'm just explaining my rationalization for why I haven't dropped it already00:38
slangasekbecause I'm not *sure* that dropping it is regression-free00:39
slangasekhowever, maybe at this point it's better to drop all acpi_fakekey, and deal with the regressions as they come in by finally fixing the kernel drivers as needed00:39
Laneythat command works for me00:39
pitti(or the udev keymaps)00:39
* slangasek nods00:40
slangasekpitti: scrapping acpi-support for logind handling of lid close sounds right, yes00:41
pittiat least udev has keymaps for some Toshiba models00:41
wgrantajmitch: Could you do step 36 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess?01:04
ajmitchwgrant: let me try & copy one forward01:07
ajmitchwgrant: can you tell me when the publisher run finishes so I can remove it?01:10
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Laneypitti: /now/ (since I restarted) my laptop doesn't lock any more. :-)05:17
Laneyso it's DE agnostic05:17
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ionNice. Clicking on a link in release notes in the release upgrade thing opens a browser as root.07:48
Davieycjwatson: Hey, could you moderate two emails i just sent to the TB please?10:29
bdrungwhom should i talk to about the canonical partner archive?11:25
bdrungi found no contact information on the web11:26
Davieybdrung: For most things, it's probably good idea to raise here.  slangasek is a good person, but there are other people aswell.11:31
bdrungthe adobe-flashplugin is neither in raring, nor in saucy11:32
davmor2bdrung: I thought it was added to universe11:42
bdrungdavmor2: flashplugin-installer is in multiverse for ages, but adobe-flashplugin comes from partner11:43
davmor2bdrung: hmmm maybe but it might of been dropped. As it is nolonger supported on linux, let me check with someone who should know11:45
debfxadobe still provides security updates for linux npapi flash11:49
davmor2bdrung: apparently no-one is entirely sure.  Double checking is in place and if it should be it will be as soon as possible.11:50
darkxstdebfx, except mozilla have absotutely no intention of supporting the npapi crap12:07
ionErr… what?12:10
ionI think it’s PPAPI that Mozilla doesn’t support.12:11
darkxstah yes, got my aconyms mixed up12:13
bdrungthe backport process seems to be complicated. why isn't it similar to the SRU process where every developer can upload a package?12:20
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debfxbdrung: for no-change backports I don't see how the process would be easier when developers upload the package12:31
debfxlaunchpad probably doesn't generate meaningful diffs so it might be even more work12:32
bdrunghm, okay12:33
debfxis there something in particular you want to get backported?12:37
geseranyone familiar with autotools knows how to tell libtool to use g++ for linking? I suspect the ftbfs from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/138652517/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.librevisa_0.0.20130412-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is due to using gcc instead of g++ for linking?12:43
mlankhorstgeser: I'm guessing autotools is using file extension for linking, so if you want that you would need to make sure one of the extensions is .cc or .cxx somewhere12:49
bdrungdebfx: yes, bug #117513312:51
ubottubug 1175133 in raring-backports "Please backport nemo 1.7.2-1 (universe) from saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117513312:51
cjwatsonDaviey: moderated13:26
Davieycjwatson: thanks13:29
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bdrungdebfx: thanks. is there an overview page that shows which bugs needs attention from the backporters team (something similar to the sponsoring queue)?15:07
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* vibhav stares at gcc15:09
geserbdrung: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-backporters good enough?15:09
vibhavDoes anyone know why aufs-tools fails to build here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/138833414/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.aufs-tools_1%3A3.0%2B20130111-3ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?15:10
vibhavThe build completes perfectly in raring, though15:11
slangasekwhen you stare into the compiler, Dennis Ritchie stares back at you15:11
debfxbdrung: yw. basically every open bug in the *-backports projects needs attention15:11
vibhav(apparently, the header uapi/linux/aufs_type.h is not found)15:11
slangasekvibhav: because the kernel has been revved in saucy, and has managed to break installation of a header maybe?15:11
bdrunghow do you differentiate which package needs testing and which needs to get uploaded?15:12
debfxrequests that lack testing should be set to incomplete15:14
vibhavslangasek: Probably.15:15
bdrungdebfx: btw, what do you think about backporting vlc? see bug #1099003 for the request.15:17
ubottubug 1099003 in vlc (Ubuntu) "VLC 2.0.5 won't work with Opus. Please include libopus0 from n-muench PPA" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109900315:17
vibhavslangasek: gcc says the error is somewhere at /usr/include/linux/aufs_type.h:19:34. The header is probably broken, then15:17
jtaylorit means the header does not exist, which is not unusual for linux headers, it needs to be updated to whatever is the interface now15:18
* vibhav takes a look at the source15:19
vibhavAlright, the source (ver.c, to be precise) includes <linux/aufs_type.h>15:21
vibhavStrange, <linux/aufs_type.h> doesn't include anything aquainted with uapi15:23
jtaylorits best to check with upstream on these things15:23
debfxbdrung: does this require backporting vlc or opus or both?15:23
bdrungdebfx: both. opus + enabling opus in vlc.15:24
bdrungit could be stripped down to opus + minimal patch for vlc (instead of taking the quantal version)15:25
vibhavMaybe I should preprocess the header and see if I can find anything relevant15:27
debfxbdrung: we still have bug #888665 but this should work as libopus doesn't exist in precise-release (not 100% sure though)15:28
ubottubug 888665 in Launchpad itself "Backports can't build-depend on other backports" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88866515:28
debfxbdrung: backporting vlc should be fine as long as someone tests the rdepends of libvlc15:29
jtaylorvibhav: its probably better to just wait for the debian maintainer/upstream to fix it at this stage of saucy development15:31
vibhavjtaylor: I will try building the debian version of the package and see if it works15:32
jtaylorit won't15:32
vibhavThe ubuntu delta was to fix an FTBFS caused to warn_unused_result, nothing related to the current FTBFS though15:32
jtaylordebian will unfreeze in a week or two and update their kernel too, then the debian package will be fixed too15:32
vibhavah yes15:33
* vibhav crosses fingers15:33
jtayloryou can already file a bug to notify the maintainer of the issue if there isn't one already15:33
jtaylor(if this change is not ubuntu specific)15:33
vibhavjtaylor: The package doesn't fail in debian15:34
vibhavMaybe it is the kernel, as slangasek pointed out15:34
vibhavjtaylor: btw, the last version was uploaded on 2012-06-29, which builds on all platforms15:35
vibhavIt is the kernel15:35
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pittiLaney: that's still gnome-screensaver, isn't it?15:38
jtaylorvibhav: there is a patch upstream15:41
jtayloroh wait no I misinterpreted the error15:43
vibhavjtaylor: :D15:44
pittidobey: actually, I can't upload the pygobject fix for bug 1173249 yet, as software-center hasn't been updated in saucy yet15:46
ubottubug 1173249 in pygobject (Ubuntu Raring) "update-software-center AttributeError during upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117324915:46
Laneypitti: indeed - I was just happy to be immune15:50
Laneybut now I have to be broken along with everyone else :(15:50
xnoxjodh: heya15:54
dobeypitti: the plan was to get it in raring and have it copied over to saucy15:54
xnoxjodh: dget http://ppa.launchpad.net/xnox/backports/ubuntu/pool/main/u/upstart/upstart_1.8-0ubuntu2.dsc15:56
Laneydobey: pitti: we should upload the same s-c there16:01
Laneyif it's blocking stuff16:01
dobeyLaney: it hasn't even been accepted into raring-proposed yet, afaict; haven't gotten the "Accepted" e-mail at least, only "Waiting for approval"16:04
Laneyso what we can do is upload to saucy directly16:05
dobeybut it has to be a different version number, or we'll have to re-upload to raring-proposed with a different version, no?16:06
Laneyor, bug someone to accept the SRU now :-)16:06
pittidobey: copying WFM, I can hold back the pygobject upload16:07
pittidobey: right, it's in the queue still16:07
dobeyLaney, pitti: since you're all at the sprint, can you all discuss it in person and do what you want with it?16:07
Laneyspeaking of the sprint16:08
Laneyxnox: where you at?16:08
dobeysince i am not at the sprint, and all16:09
xnoxLaney: i'm in the kernel/phonedations/foundations room. last on the right "grand ballroom" i think.16:13
geserare you at some sprint/(non-virtual)UDS?16:15
pittigeser: yes, in Oakland (same hotel as last May's UDS)16:16
geserhave fun then16:16
infinityWe won't. ;)16:16
slangasekinfinity: HAVE. FUN.16:19
vibhavIMO, the word "sprint" really sounds fun16:19
infinityslangasek: YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD.16:19
slangasekvibhav: only if you never had them as a phone carrier16:19
vibhavslangasek: heh16:20
vibhavBelieve me, phone carriers here are worse16:20
dobeyslangasek: the great thing about sprint is, they aren't verizon or at&t.16:22
dobeyactually, they were fine when i had them, aside from the fact that they aren't GSM, and the occasional attempts to sell me wireless data cards to replace my home internet connection with16:23
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ogra_infinity, can you give me a headsup once i should be able to try to roll a saucy rootfs ? (/me wants to try a touch rootfs build today)16:41
infinityogra_: Any time.16:42
infinityogra_: If you mean locally, debootstrap has been fine for days, if you mean livefs builders, that was sorted this morning.16:43
ogra_ah, colin said you needed to update the livefs chroots16:43
ogra_great !16:43
lamontmountall and my fstabs hate each other it seems, in an iterative fails-to-boot- sort of way... <-- slangasek16:45
lamontwhen I have a chroot into which I'm mounting proc and dev/shm and such, what _should_ arg1 be?16:45
slangaseklamont: erm, give me your fstab and tell me which bits are failing16:46
lamontproc-buildd-raring caused mountall to get lost back in the lucid(?) timeframe, and apparently "none" is the new way to fail to boot16:46
lamontnone /home/chroots/lamont/chroot-lucid-home/proc proc defaults 0 016:46
infinityIn my world, that should be 'proc-foo', not 'none', but I'm not sure why that would make mountall sad either.16:47
lamontunder the right circumstances (don't ask for details, because I don't have them), that causes the machine to fail to boot, because mountall heads off into the tall grass to get lost.16:47
lamontinfinity: ISTR somethign to do with $1 begining with an fstypename16:47
lamontthere is a part of me that is considering just labeling it with a uuid16:48
slangaseklamont: do you get messages from mountall on plymouth?  (must use plymouth splash)16:48
lamontslangasek: data center machines, I tend not to see any console messages on them, because of distance.16:49
slangasekcan you reproduce it in a local context?16:49
lamontI have not had that fortune.16:49
lamont-addmount proc-$chrootname   $chrootdir/proc     proc       defaults 0  016:49
lamont+addmount none  $chrootdir/proc     proc       defaults 0  016:49
cjwatsonogra_: I'll give an Ubuntu daily-live build a spin again and see what happens16:50
lamontwas my last change, with the commit message:   mountall does not like the arg1s that we were putting in fstab16:50
ogra_cjwatson, great16:50
ogra_i will have to add touch to the livecd-rootfs config first anyway16:50
ogra_(and probably disable a ton of missing packages in the seeds)16:51
slangaseklamont: mountall expects that all virtual filesystems to be mounted before it will emit any other events related to other filesystems.  Is /home/chroots/lamont/chroot-lucid-home on the root filesystem?16:53
lamontin my personal case, generally not (/home is its own partition) on the DC boxes, it tends to be one big happy filesystem16:54
slangasekogra_: disabling missing packages in the seeds> nack, we should be building the images using the available ppa16:54
slangaseklamont: in the case we're trying to debug a failure on?16:55
ogra_slangasek, that will require hackery to actually make live-build use PPAs16:55
slangasekogra_: yes, which needs to be done16:55
lamontnone /home/buildd/build-saucy-live/chroot-saucy/proc proc defaults 0 016:55
lamontlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2012-08-07 15:41 /home -> /srv/home16:55
ogra_slangasek, i would like to first just get a tarball out, even if there are bits missing ...16:55
lamontand /srv/ is its own partition16:55
slangasekogra_: that's not a useful milestone16:56
ogra_no, i dint plan to use it (or propose to anyone to use it)16:56
lamontogra_: then why produce it.16:57
ogra_to make sure the right thing comes out at the rear end16:57
lamontmy first question for any delivery is "what can I do with it?"16:57
cjwatsonIt isn't hard to make live-build use PPAs16:58
slangasekogra_: the "right thing" requires the PPAs16:58
Laneydobey: software-center> I just test built it on saucy and it failed because of an enumeration in softwarecenter/distro/ubuntu.py16:58
cjwatsonShouldn't require any hackery16:58
ogra_we need to add PPA support we have missing packages etc .. i dont want to be held up by that when doing the initial implementation16:58
LaneyValueError: ("Could not find '%s' in ubuntu distro class please add it to DISTROSERIES", 'saucy')16:58
cjwatsonIt's a trivial livecd-rootfs-level change16:58
Laneyseems suboptimal16:58
slangaseklamont: aha, symlinks in the path - thanks, I think that maps to a bug that's been filed16:58
cjwatsoncf. the existing config/archives/ stuff there16:58
ogra_cjwatson, i know16:59
cjwatsonHell, tell me what PPA to use and I'll do it16:59
ogra_still i'd like to verify it wiorks16:59
slangasekso it's trivial - so do it, don't hack things OUT of seeds16:59
cjwatsonIndeed, you can verify it just as well after the livecd-rootfs change16:59
slangaseklamont: ... isn't this bug #1096079, which you filed?17:02
ubottubug 1096079 in mountall (Ubuntu) "boot fails when a mount is a dangling symlink" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109607917:02
lamontslangasek: not dangling, which was the case when /run came about17:02
lamontslangasek: having said all that, what would you like me to make $1 in those fstabs?17:03
lamontso that if it breaks I can say "but you told me to!!" ...17:03
slangaseklamont: I don't believe it has anything to do with the $1 now17:03
slangaseklamont: what I think you should do is not do chroot submount setup in /etc/fstab ;P17:03
slangaseklamont: but as I suppose you would like an actual bugfix for mountall so that it properly handles this case, please file a bug report against mountall with the fstab deets... I'm at a sprint right now so can't dedicate time today to look at it17:04
lamontslangasek: I'll see what I can do.  I'm somewhat hampered by not actually seeing the bug myself.17:07
slangaseklamont: well, if you can at least give me an /etc/fstab that reproduces it, I can try to find a reduced test case in there17:07
ogra_cjwatson, well, if you want to add the PPAs ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5623284/ has the list of the ones used on the current raring builds17:12
ogra_they arent building saucy yet, but serguiens said he would switch them today17:13
cjwatsonogra_: OK; can you point me to the existing code that adds them?17:14
cjwatsonogra_: (in the jenkins builds)17:14
cjwatsonJust for reference and in case I can get the sources.list.d file names to match up or whatever17:14
ogra_yeah, trying to get my hands on it ...17:14
apwdoko, hey, i seem to have a gcc 4.8 bug in 'uninitialised variable' detection that i'd like to pass by you17:17
apw(to make sure it is actually broken)17:18
slangasekapw: is that why I have no linux-mako binaries? ;)17:19
apwslangasek, that is indeed :)  i have it 'worked around' and i am building the next upload as we speak17:19
apwslangasek, for reasons unknown it is .xz ... which is rather slow17:19
slangasekapw: hmm, but no; from the build log, the linux-mako failure is a signedness mismatch, not uninitialized variables...17:20
apwslangasek, there are 3 real bugs in there before that17:20
slangasekfwiw I don't see them when looking at the log17:20
dokoapw, I don't see you in the kernel/engine room17:20
apwslangasek, i have fixed the correctly rejected code, and then got hung up by this final one, which i have incanted at, applied a chicken to it17:21
ogra_cjwatson, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/touch-preview-images/ubuntu-build-phablet/files/head:/customization/archives/17:21
apwdoko, i'll pop round17:21
slangasekapw: righto17:21
ogra_cjwatson, fro https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/touch-preview-images/ubuntu-build-phablet obviously17:21
cjwatsonogra_: thanks17:22
ogra_cjwatson, assuming you do it in livecd-rootfs, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5623319/ has the general enablement for ubuntu-touch17:23
cjwatsonAh, I was just looking for that :)17:23
ogra_(we only need a tarball for the start_17:24
ogra_havent added that side yet17:24
evmpt: do you still have that mock up of error reporting on the phone by any chance?17:26
mptev, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#Phone17:27
mptev, I need to copy that over to ErrorTracker17:27
evmpt: you had done one for the actual error itself, if memory serves17:27
mptoh, wait, it already is17:28
evmpt: actually, you have :)17:28
evI'm after the error has occurred mock up17:28
jcastroev: hey did phased updates ever land for 13.04?17:28
mptev, we hadn't decided whether it should show a prompt at all17:28
evmpt: we being you and I, or the design team? I'm all in favour of it not showing a prompt at all, given Apple and Google don't17:29
evplus it makes my job easier and gives us more reports17:29
evjcastro: we have the individual pieces, bdmurray is in the process of glueing them together17:29
jcastroev: thanks!17:29
mptev, you and I17:29
mptbut yeah, no prompt seems reasonable17:30
evjcastro: https://errors.ubuntu.com/api/1.0/package-version-new-buckets/?package=jockey&previous_version=0.9.7-0ubuntu7.7&new_version=0.9.7-0ubuntu7.8&format=json17:30
evas one example17:30
mptexcept in a developer mode or something17:30
evmpt: woo, excellent17:30
evnow all we need is a working kernel17:30
* ev shakes his fist at apw even though its not his fault17:30
mptA working kernel? In our operating system? It's less likely than you think.17:31
xnoxLaney: where are you?17:31
Laneydid you break it?17:31
jcastroev: dude that is wicked17:32
evjcastro: credit to bdmurray on that one, but yes it is17:33
evjcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker/PhasedUpdates#next is the result of our discussions this week17:33
xnoxLaney: not sure where 208 is. But yeah. Original bug report was that from the indicator-session one clicks shutdown and nothing happens.17:34
xnoxLaney: is indicator-session ported? Does that need an active logind session?17:35
Laneynot in the archive yet17:35
jcastroev: cool, someone asked why they weren't getting updates and I was wondering if it was normal -proposed delays or if you guys had flipped the switch.17:35
Laneybut yes17:35
evjcastro: *nods*17:35
dobeyLaney: i guess it'll need a patch for that then17:40
xnoxslangasek: how do I start a pam session by-hand for ubiquity? simply use sudo in /etc/init/ubiquity.conf ?17:41
Laneydobey: are you aware of python-distro-info?17:42
Laneymight be useful here17:42
dobeyLaney: i didn't write that code, and i don't know how exactly the enumeration is used in the code, so i can't say what the best solution is. i have no idea why it does that :)17:45
Laneyall the fun17:46
dobeyLaney: but i have no issue with you adding a patch to add saucy to that list, to get it building17:46
Laneywill you do it upstream?17:47
dobeyin trunk, don't know about sticking it in the 5.6 branch17:48
Laneydobey: ok then, I'll do it17:49
LaneyI'll just call it ubuntu4 to avoid having to futz around with raring-proposed17:49
ogra_oh, wow, seems apt-get install ubuntu-touch just works in a saucy chroot (it isnt supposed to) ... thats funny17:50
Laneypitti: since I'm uploading s-c to fix this FTBFS, you'll be able to go ahead with pygobject17:53
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pittiLaney: ah nice; I'll wait until this is built17:53
cjwatsonogra_: So, um, ubuntu-build-phablet is already using live-build; is there any reason why I shouldn't just port all this stuff into livecd-rootfs wholesale?17:53
ogra_cjwatson, not really, its a different live-build version on jenkins though, i havent checked yet if there are discrepancies17:54
cjwatsonogra_: Merging into the general structure of livecd-rootfs' use of live-build, of course, but it looks like it's basically just option mangling and shipping a bunch of files17:54
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cjwatsonI'm happy to keep an eye out for the compatibility problems I know about :)17:54
ogra_cjwatson, well, there is post processeing needed to roll the update.zip in the end17:54
cjwatsonlive-build never really seems to stop being incompatible17:55
ogra_but i'm about to add that17:55
ogra_(similar to ac100/nexus7 post processing)17:55
cjwatsonAdd it in ubuntu-build-phablet, or in livecd-rootfs?17:55
ogra_in the build script17:55
ogra_we will need http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/touch-preview-images/phablet-build-scripts/files (ubuntu-data ... which should really rather be "build-update.zip" or so)17:56
ogra_and treh META-INF dir17:57
ogra_i plan to add both to livecd-rootfs17:57
ogra_ubuntu-build-phablet is dead and will be removed ... it was for cross building the anroid trees17:57
cjwatsonEr, ubuntu-build-phablet is a set of live-build configuration with all the stuff we need to put the right PPAs in place17:59
Laneypitti: dobey: done17:59
cjwatsonI've just gone through all of it and didn't see anything that was related to cross-building Android17:59
cjwatsonPerhaps you mean ubuntu-touch-android.sh?18:00
xnoxstgraber: can you please rerun the cloud-init test against the same ppa? it has an updated package ... take #2 =)18:00
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dobeyLaney: thanks18:04
Laneyno probs hombre18:04
ogra_cjwatson, oh, i thought you referred to ubuntu-touch-android.sh18:05
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slangasekxnox: yes, if you need to start a pam session you could do so calling 'su'.  Why do you need this?18:11
xnoxslangasek: can I just call pam_start()? I am removing consolekit and replacing with logind, I have the option to start a pam session which will thus do things with pam_logind. Or I do similar to what we did with consolekit and calll logind1 dbus api call to CreateSession.18:17
xnoxanyway, it can wait once we have daily-live saucy images.18:18
xnoxto test if it works.18:18
cjwatsonxnox: Can wait until about 25 minutes ago? :)18:24
xnoxhaha =)18:25
cjwatsonJust re-enabled the cron jobs18:27
xnoxLaney: saucy can be fetched from http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily-live/ instead of the fake conference mirror.18:27
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ still says raring for the most part18:27
cjwatsonI fixed that already18:27
cjwatsonAnd indeed beware of the conference mirror18:27
pittiah, right18:27
pittibut anyway, great!18:28
* pitti applauds cjwatson18:28
slangasekxnox: pam_start() doesn't give you a session, no.  You need to call pam_start() + pam_open_session(), and make sure you call pam_close_session() at the end, and you need to implement a pam_conv for your application given that you have no user interaction18:29
slangasekxnox: however if you're only concerned about this wrt logind, I think you should just make the dbus call directly18:29
xnoxslangasek: hmm.... but i know it's passwordless account.18:29
xnoxslangasek: ack. will look into logind dbus calls.18:29
cjwatsonpasswordless> you'd still need a dummy pam_conv to implement that18:30
slangasekxnox: any pam module is allowed to use pam_conv either to prompt the user or to send them messages18:30
xnoxah. I see.18:30
slangasekso you need to implement the pam_conv such that you discard all these appropriately, as I think the fallback behavior might be a segfault ;)18:30
xnoxdbus sounds nicer than this then.18:30
slangasekanyway - I think pam is the wrong abstraction, es18:30
Laney"These calls should never be invoked directly by clients. Creating/closing sessions is exclusively the job of PAM and its pam_systemd module.18:34
pittiLaney: so for ubiquity, my gut feeling was that we mostly just need to rip out all the CK bits and make sure that libpam-systemd is installed; so apparenlty that's too simple?18:39
LaneyNothing creates the pam session18:39
xnoxpitti: ubiquity upstart jobs, pre-empts lightdm / DM and spawns X, dbus, etc by itself / by-hand. Thus there is no session created.18:40
Laneyit currently just calls CK's OpenSessionWithParameters18:40
pittiah, so there is no "su -c UbiquityMagicCommand ubuntu" anywhere?18:40
xnoxpitti: the only thing suspected to be broken is indicator-session which may not work to shutdown the machine.18:40
xnoxpitti: there is for the ubiquity window, but not for the spawned indicators.18:40
xnoxas far as I can tell.18:41
pittias long as that doesn't rely on /dev ACLs, etc.18:41
pittiLaney: ah, so you didn't close the s-c bug with the upload; I thought there was some actual change that needs to be applied18:46
Laneypitti: which bug? the upload should close bug #1173249 when it migrates18:47
ubottubug 1173249 in pygobject (Ubuntu Raring) "update-software-center AttributeError during upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117324918:47
pittiLaney: right, but the s-c in the raring-proposed queue has some postinst change for this18:48
Laneyan attempt to work around the dpkg bug, yes18:48
Laneythe same change is in the saucy upload18:48
pittioh, I see; it's two changelog entries18:49
pittiLaney: you didn't build with -v, so it won't autoclose18:49
Laneyyeah I uploaded with -v18:49
Laneydidn't I?18:49
pittithanks for the heads-up18:49
pittiah, then https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+changelog just doesn't reflect that18:49
pittianyway, thanks!18:49
LaneyI can't remember how to find the changesfile from LP's UI18:50
Laneyah, got it18:51
Laneyjust got paranoid and wanted to check :-)18:51
wgrantpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/14462018:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 144620 in Launchpad itself "Some displayed sourcepackagerelease changes files don't have attribution" [High,Triaged]18:53
Laneyso if there's no author it's an indication that the uploader *did* use -V18:54
wgrantLaney: Yup18:54
ahoneybunogra_: hello19:00
ogra_cjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5623567/19:03
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cjwatsonogra_: the root cause there is "start: Job failed to start" in dbus - I think that's a matter of having forgotten to do the bits of setup involving creating a policy-rc.d script and diverting initctl before installing anything on top of bare debootstrap output19:08
ogra_oh, yeah, and i didnt mount /proc either19:09
cjwatsonogra_: the error that failed the livefs build is something entirely different - "Sorry: IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level (test_registry.py, line 608)"19:09
ogra_its a manual build ... mainly to see the deps19:09
cjwatsonogra_: that wouldn't be architecture-independent - I suspect it's yet another instance of the pandas randomly corrupting data19:09
cjwatsoner, wouldn't be architecture-dependent, I mean19:10
slangasekkenvandine: sho' nuff, it's *your* commit that regressed my window placement :-)19:13
kenvandineslangasek, you're welcome :)19:14
kenvandineslangasek, look at the commits to trunk from sam the same day19:14
kenvandineand the next19:14
slangasekkenvandine: ack19:16
crhrabalyeah today's daily build did not boot for me :(19:16
cjwatsoncrhrabal: The saucy one?19:26
cjwatsoncrhrabal: Which architecture?19:26
cjwatsoncrhrabal: I'll have a look, thanks.  It's the very first saucy daily build so may need a bit of tweaking19:27
crhrabalit's bizzare cause i'm currently running saucy and have had no problems and every single daily iso last cycle booted on this machine19:27
cjwatsonI shouldn't expect it's anything too complicated19:27
Laneymight be CK; here the live session boots but only-ubiquity does not19:34
* Laney lunches19:34
cjwatsonYeah, quite possible, so just what xnox was working on19:34
crhrabalfor me it gets to the plymouth screen that says ubuntu and it continues to load for about two minutes then black screen19:36
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lifelesscjwatson: hey; another t-b message for moderation please ;)20:23
Laneylifeless: you ought to subscribe :P20:39
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cjwatsonlifeless: done20:47
=== smb` is now known as smb
lifelesscjwatson: thanks20:53
cjwatsonogra_: did you try a build, or shall I poke it now?20:59
ogra_cjwatson, i'm just getting the seeds in sync, lets wait until we have a new meta in place21:00
cjwatsonOh and I guess we need the PPA copies21:03
cjwatsoncrhrabal: Having looked, I think Laney's diagnosis is right - the long pause and blank screen is a result of ubiquity-dm crashing early and then upstart eventually falling back to a failsafe job.  I think.21:07
Laneyyou could verify by installing consolekit and then restarting ubiquity-dm, assuming there's no useful traceback21:08
pittistgraber: can we pick your brain about lxc?21:11
pittistgraber: we tried to bind-mount the host's /run/udev into the container, but apparmor denies that; did you change anything in that regard on your machine?21:11
cjwatsonOh, there's a traceback in /var/log/upstart/ubiquity.log21:12
Laneycjwatson: yeah, /var/log/upstart/ubiquity-dm.log confirms it is this21:12
cjwatsonWhich is indeed "CK, what CK"21:12
Laneyexcept you had the filename right21:12
Laneylooked from code inspection like this is what would happen, hence my grabbing of xnox this morning21:13
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, i doubt the meta will add alll the right bits when running teh update script atm since it doesnt know about the PPAs21:14
* ogra_ just updated meta to saucy and is watching it ...21:14
cjwatsonogra_: easily fixable21:17
cjwatsonAt least I think archive_base/* can be a list or some other similar hack21:18
ogra_yeah, lets see how it comes out, at leats it finds some of the packages21:19
ogra_after all we want to get rid of the ppa21:19
cjwatsonOr you could just manually (or scriptedly) add them for the time being21:19
ogra_germinate gives me a nice list of missing ones :)21:20
mwhudsonGPU hang back in raring :()21:47
RAOFmwhudson: The one that should have been fixed by reverting a patch?21:49
mwhudsonprobably, but let's not jump to conclusions :)21:50
mwhudsonit could be an exciting new bug!21:50
mwhudsonhm, less stuff in syslog for this one21:51
mwhudsonMay  2 09:46:56 narsil kernel: [97584.880176] [drm:i915_hangcheck_hung] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung21:51
mwhudsonMay  2 09:46:56 narsil kernel: [97584.880181] [drm] capturing error event; look for more information in /debug/dri/0/i915_error_state21:51
mwhudsonand that's it21:51
mlankhorstRAOF: did you hit any nouveau bugs yet?21:56
RAOFmlankhorst: In saucy, or in Mir?21:57
RAOFThe answer's the same, though: no.21:57
mlankhorstlack of trying? :P21:57
pittistgraber: what would be an appropriate place to send patches for ltsp-cluster-accountmanager? (you are in AUTHORS)22:18
ogra_cjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5624172/22:21
ogra_pitti, discovering the wornderful world of LTSP ?22:22
pittiogra_: porting it from CK to logind :)22:22
* ogra_ wasnt aware anything in LTSP actually uses CK22:23
ogra_but then my last code contribution is probably 3 years  ago22:23
pitti./src/bin/ltsp-cluster-accountmanager asks CK if a particular user has running sessions22:23
ogra_yeah, the cluster stuff is clearly stephanes child22:24
ogra_he is sitting on the table in front of me, should i throw mentos ?22:24
pittiogra_: nah, it's not that urgent22:24
ogra_bah ... you are supposed to give me a reason :P22:24
pittiogra_: wait -- you guys have Mentos!?22:24
pittiwhy don't we?22:25
ogra_well, these "starlight mint" things22:25
pittioh, ok22:25
ogra_bah, missed him22:25
stgraberpitti: anyway, yeah, I've got commit rights, so I'm happy to commit that stuff upstream22:25
pittistgraber: so if I mail you the patch, is that ok? or is there a bug tracker?22:26
pittiHomepage: isn't very useful22:26
ogra_should be on lp22:27
ogra_(like all LTSP projects)22:27
pittioh, convenient22:27
pittistgraber: ok, https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ltsp-cluster/accountmanager-logind/+merge/16197622:38
pittiargh, wrong target branch22:39
* Laney slaps sourceforge22:40
Laney"about 15 days ago we said, Instability on various parts of the site right now (500 errors). We're working on resolving this as soon as we can."22:40
Laney15 DAYS!22:40
pittistgraber: bug 1175371 (MP attached)22:40
ubottubug 1175371 in ltsp-cluster "port to logind" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117537122:40
StevenKLaney: Pft, I've been waiting on RedHat to fix their bugzilla for 5 months now22:40
stgraberpitti: thanks22:42
LaneyStevenK: I can't browse or fork repos or view bugs when logged in22:43
* Laney cuddles launchpad22:43
StevenKWatch out for those spiky bugs22:44
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GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Hi Robert!23:00
RAOFLaney, pitti: You don't mind if gnome-do waits until say tomorrow before supporting logind? I want to merge a bunch of branches and do a plugin release, so I might as well do that at the same time.23:02
Laneyfine by me23:03
* Laney is excited to see a new release23:03
LaneyI'm still a user :-)23:03
ogra_cjwatson, ubuntu-touch with manual hackery uploaded and built ... once it migrated from proposed i guess we could trigger a test build23:07
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pittiRAOF: absolutely, this isn't urgent23:19
ogra_sergiusens, i get a lot of 404's from the PPAs , seems apart from unity-next all others are not on saucy yet23:20
StevenKogra_: PPAs need a package in the series before they grow indices for it23:25
ogra_StevenK, hmm, binary copy worked for the unity-next one apparently23:25
StevenKogra_: Yes. It just needs *something* in saucy for it to have a saucy index23:26
ogra_ah, so that had it probably23:26
ogra_sergiusens, can we solve that somehow ?23:29
sergiusensogra_: yeah, I'll do a bump for one of those for all those PPAs23:35
sergiusensI guess I should get didrocks to do it in the daily-build-next ppa23:35
sergiusensI'll do the others23:35
ogra_daily-build-next seems fine23:35
sergiusensogra_: excellent23:36
ogra_err, nope, ignore that23:36
ogra_phablet-team is the one thats fine23:36
sergiusensogra_: ack, it's the only one I did the copy to :-)23:37
sergiusensogra_: in regaards to the list, you don't need the sdk ppa as it is already in daily-build-next too23:38
ogra_oh, good23:38

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