
alan_gredtape: Mir is a mix of GPL and LGPL (the latter for the client side).00:02
redtapeok thank-you.  I take it that is GPL 3.0 ?00:03
alan_gredtape: correct00:06
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thomianyone seen alf this morning?15:50
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bcbc2mir has unmet dependencies: depends on libmirserver0 (=0.0.2bzr643raring0) but the version of libmirserver0 is 0.0.2bzr644raring in the ppa16:30
thomiI just found the same thing :-/16:33
bcbc2I mean:  0.0.2bzr644raring016:33
thomialf__: ping?16:35
alf__thomi: pong16:35
thomialf__: I wonder if you could take a look at this? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/glmark2/fix-for-new-mir-client-api/+merge/16187516:35
thomiit fixes glmark2 to use the new surface creation function in the mir client API16:35
thomithen we can have pretty graphs again :)16:36
thomihmm, empty diff - WTF?16:36
thomialf__: did you already fix that?16:37
alf__thomi: I pushed a fix to lp:~mir-team/glmark2/mir some time ago (this morning)16:37
thomialf__: haha, ok16:37
thomialf__: thanks - any idea what the packaging issue is in the ppa?16:37
alf__thomi: for glmark2 or for mir?16:38
thomialf__: for mir16:39
thomi mir : Depends: libmirserver0 (= 0.0.2bzr643raring0) but it is not going to be installed16:39
alf__thomi: no, I will try to find Robert, but he is not around right now16:40
thomiok, thansk16:40
robert_ancellthomi, hmm, odd quantal build failures for lightdm?! https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/lightdm-quantal-amd64-ci/8/console18:02
robert_ancellMight just be easiest to drop quantal support18:02
* thomi looks18:02
bschaeferduflu, heres the bug if you want to change it to a better description: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/117526718:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1175267 in Mir "Mir EGL Apps fail to shutdown." [Undecided,New]18:03
duflubschaefer: Thanks. so long as it's assigned to the Mir project I'd see it anyway18:03
bschaeferduflu, o well cool :)18:04
bschaeferduflu, it seems to hang while shutting down, soo it might be different then the egl failing to init problem I was seeing...18:04
bschaeferbut I can try to come up with a different test18:04
duflubschaefer: Maybe mention "init" somewhere. So people don't confuse it for existing "shutdown" bugs18:04
thomirobert_ancell: ugh - I've seen this before - it's some odd autotools thing18:05
thomithere's a variable that's being set to ''18:05
bschaeferduflu, alright! And not hang, but after shutdown it stops running completely (which I don't see where in the code it should quit out)18:05
robert_ancellthomi, unity-system-compositor not set up for CI yet? https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-system-compositor/std-endl/+merge/16190618:09
thomirobert_ancell: I'll check - the lightdm issue seems to be a missing build-depends18:14
thomiwe're just trying to figure out what it is18:14
thomirobert_ancell: for lightdm, we're missing a build-depends on qtchooser in quantal. Probelm is, that would require us to add the qt PPA for quantal, but not precise. If you're OK, I suggest we disable quantal support for lightdm daily builds18:18
robert_ancellthomi, yeah, ditch quantal18:18
robert_ancellthomi, any eta for CI for unity-system-compositor?18:59
robert_ancellRAOF, can you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/document-reality/+merge/161895 with trunk so I can merge my branch with it?19:09
RAOFrobert_ancell: Done.19:12
bschaefercmake .. -DVIDEO_OPENGL=OFF22:38

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