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smartboyhwHas balloons went to bed?03:15
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, I think so03:29
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Meh. You completed the Q&A03:31
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, what do you mean?03:32
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: jajaja private message?03:32
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, ok03:33
crhrabalhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-s-quality-feature-testing  proposed this blueprint for uds04:07
SergioMenesescrhrabal, you're right04:07
SergioMenesesbut it is "Pending Approval" now04:08
crhrabalyeah i just proposed it like an hour ago04:08
crhrabalbut it's just an idea04:08
SergioMenesescrhrabal, ;) Jono will approve it soon04:09
crhrabalWe have had excellent quality in the isos and a lot of other things, I think that if these experimental ppas and other feature elements in production had more testing quality could be even better04:10
SergioMenesescrhrabal, and dont forget ubuntu-touch :)04:12
crhrabalThings like Smart Scopes and Ubuntu-touch core apps are in production, and if those particular elements were singled out it would make those elements more stable.04:16
crhrabalThere are just not enough testing of those sorts of things by the larger community, imho04:17
smartboyhwcrhrabal: We will test smart scopes04:18
smartboyhwAnd the core apps04:18
smartboyhwWe just haven't started04:19
smartboyhwIf Smart Scopes isn't ready we can't test...04:19
crhrabalWhat do you mean isn't ready? There is a ppa out there now04:20
crhrabalIt is no different then calls for testing new unity 7 ppas etc by the qa community04:20
crhrabalor testing daily isos that aren't completely stable.04:20
crhrabalhttp://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/01/testing-hud-heads-up-display.html     things like this. This was a push for testing the ppa so that it was tested enough before it was in the repos. I just think that needs to be pushed heavier in this cycle04:24
crhrabaltesting experimental in-development packages04:24
SergioMenesesok guys nice talk but it's bedtime here, so I see you later04:24
SergioMenesestake care04:24
smartboyhwcrhrabal: Sure there is a PPA doesn't mean it's ready until the devs told us04:27
smartboyhwAnd I think ee DID test it before…04:27
crhrabali mean the smart scopes ppa has been around for like 3 months now. Why shouldn't we be continuing to test it?04:28
crhrabalThat just means more bugs reported04:28
smartboyhwcrhrabal: Em are all the smart scopes ready? I mean, if the features aren't ready there is no point to tedtllst04:29
crhrabaloften many people try the ppas and things don't work and the devs say "works for me"04:31
crhrabaloften daily isos are testing and devs might say "works for me"04:31
crhrabalbut that's my point, if quality of daily isos which are constantly in development is a push for qa, why shouldn't packages which are in develpoment also be a push for qa?04:31
smartboyhwcrhrabal: If the devs don't consider it ready, that means it doesn't workvfr t04:41
smartboyhwfor them04:41
crhrabalIt may work, but it might be too early to introduce it into the repos04:42
crhrabalthat doesn't mean it doesn't work04:42
crhrabali got the idea mainly from nicholas skaggs' blog http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/08/quality-perceptions-survey-results.html04:43
crhrabali think that application testing is very important, and if you can't do any testing on these applications until they are proposed as 100 percent stable i think that you're working a lot slower04:44
smartboyhwcrhrabal: Well we DO DO application testing.04:46
smartboyhwThe system works like this04:46
smartboyhwThe devs from Canonical tell balloons (Nicholas Skaggs, Canonical Community QA Manager) to help testing04:47
smartboyhwThen balloons tells us to test.04:47
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crhrabalIm not saying that it doesn't get done. I'm just suggesting ways to improve current qa04:48
crhrabalnot saying anything done is bad, just suggest improvement04:48
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smartboyhwcrhrabal: We did test Smart Scopes once in http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker04:49
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crhrabalokay so that's my point04:50
crhrabalif you did it once why wouldn't you continue to do it04:50
crhrabalor do it weekly04:50
crhrabalwhy say you did it once then say it's not worth testing at all?04:50
smartboyhwcrhrabal: Um we have different focuses each bi-week called cadence weeka04:51
crhrabalyeah, I understand that. All I'm suggesting is that these things become higher priority in cadence testing04:51
smartboyhwcrhrabal: Application testing IS the priority in cadence weeks…04:52
crhrabalI know. I'm just trying to have a bigger push for experimental features04:52
smartboyhwcrhrabal: But we can't test too many applications04:53
crhraballike you said, you've tested them before, so I don't think that it is impossible to test regularly04:53
smartboyhwcrhrabal: Too frequent isn't good either.04:54
smartboyhwOf course monthly on the SAME feature works04:54
smartboyhwballoons: ^04:54
smartboyhwBut weekly: Not a good idea04:55
crhrabalsmartboyhw: I have to disagree with you. How could more testing be a bad idea?04:55
smartboyhwEspecially when we have Alpha and Beta images04:55
smartboyhwcrhrabal: We have images to test…04:56
crhrabalYes but the more people testing things the better. If you can push for these types of testings, the more chances that people will test them. I'm not saying that every tester needs to commit themselves to testing every package, I'm just suggesting a bigger push from within the qa community04:57
crhrabaland, if as in skagg's poll, if people consider quality to mean more than just being able to boot, but for core applications to work properly, then that needs to be just as important as being able to boot.04:59
crhrabaland if a new feature is implemented like a month before the cycle ends, I think that not enough testing ends up getting done on achieving this.05:01
crhrabaland again, it's just an idea, not meant to be a criticism towards anybody, just tryin to share some ideas for improving things as they currently stand05:04
smartboyhwcrhrabal: One week it is Smart Scopes, another week it js Transmission and Totem anthoer week we have Unity 7.205:04
crhrabalokay so why not test everything?05:05
smartboyhwWe have dozens of application to test05:05
smartboyhwcrhrabal: That's too much pressure…05:05
crhrabalIt's no pressure, It's just more testing05:05
crhrabalNo one is forced to test anything, but if the testcases exist it is better for everyone05:06
crhrabalbut I think it'd be a discussion that would be worth having at uds as I think it'd be an improvement. I understand you disagree, but thanks for your feedback05:11
smartboyhwI'm not sure if we are able to test 20 applications at the samr tjme05:32
crhrabalI'm trying to brainstorm a goal, I'm not saying that it's the simplest goal ever05:35
crhrabalSaying that you don't have the ability to do regular testing on a lot of things because it is not as important as other things doesn't seem to be any solution for qa growth05:36
smartboyhwcrhrabal: I don't mean that05:37
smartboyhwApplication testing is important05:37
smartboyhwI"m thinking of a counter-idea05:38
smartboyhwWe just simply open the QA Tracker for each app without specifying for which cadence weeks05:39
crhrabalYeah, I just think anything shipping in 13.10 should be a high priority and should be tested early rather than later.  There is a lot of work to be done with isos and the regular cadences as it is.  On the iso tracker there are lots of testcases. Some of those testcases some testers will have the ability to run the test for those testcases. Some don't fit the hardware for testing those particular testcases.  In that case, not everyone ca05:42
crhrabaln always test everything,  and the same is true for applications.05:42
crhrabalso if it is tracked and tested by whatever means available, that is a good thing.05:43
smartboyhwWhen there is a new release of the app, people subscribed to the app will get notifications05:44
smartboyhwThat's better05:44
smartboyhwAnd we tell people each week:Hey, this week when doing tests do this app first. If you can't test the others!05:45
* balloons waves05:46
balloonsbedtime here for me, but I can stay for a min05:46
smartboyhwHey balloons05:46
smartboyhwcrhrabal has an idea05:46
smartboyhwAnd I have another one:P05:46
smartboyhwCounter idea05:47
crhrabalyeah  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-s-quality-feature-testing05:47
crhrabalboth ideas work, just tryin to get the ball rollin :P05:47
smartboyhwballoons: I will send you the answers when you wake up05:48
balloonsI read the scrollback quickly05:48
balloonskeep brainstorming! I like hearing about ideas like this05:48
smartboyhwcrhrabal: Can you add my idea to the blueprint?05:48
crhrabalsmartboyhw: can you rephrase your idea so i can copy it. I don't want to mispresent what you said05:49
balloonsgood stuff.. you can make me the approver on any blueprint you make..05:50
balloonsi really must sleep now, but glad I took a look in here :-) smartboyhw if you need anything, email is best to contact me for the next few weeks05:51
crhrabalballoons: Okay, thanks.05:51
balloonscrhrabal, my quick thoughts on your idea05:52
balloonsi too would like to see us getting involved earlier and testing more iterations over longer periods05:52
balloonsit requires more effort on our part, but is doable05:52
balloonsas smartboyhw mentioned, it's possible for us to do so with the tools we have05:53
crhrabalballoons: Yeah, that's what I thought. I don't really think much really needs to change as far as how things are tracked regularly.05:55
balloonsthe changes are that we would need it to be availiable, and wanting testing.. but that has happened in some cases.. meaning, there is ppa's now and daily testing for unity for example05:55
balloonsI must sleep.. good night!05:56
balloonscrhrabal, feel free to ping or email :-)05:56
crhrabalballoons: take it easy, and thanks for listening05:56
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uberstudent-dot-Anyone here?06:59
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smartboyhw_Jajajajajajaja SergioMeneses;P14:52
SergioMenesessmartboyhw_, morning!14:53
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balloonsSergioMeneses, smartboyhw morning15:33
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njinballoons, evening16:13
njinjumping to saucy16:14
SergioMenesesnjin, \o perfect! using VM or real hw?16:23
njinSergioMeneses, real hardware16:23
SergioMenesesnjin, awesome!16:23
njinuao, release notes ready16:25
SergioMenesesnjin, ;) are you there?16:25
njinyes, now  setting software channels16:26
SergioMenesesnjin, why guide are you using for updating?16:26
njinSergioMeneses, old school...edited /etc/apt/sources.list16:27
SergioMenesesI see, it is the easy way16:27
njinand ever working16:28
njinI'm looking for balloons ! have you seen him around here, in the case ?16:29
SergioMenesesnjin, maybe he is busy attending a call or something16:30
njinnote for Balloons: I've installed the apps from the PPA, do you needs me to write down some testcase ?16:32
njinballons: ^^16:33
njinI write down a big balloon16:34
SergioMenesesnjin, do you want to help with testcases?16:34
njinSergioMeneses, i'm an admin ;-)16:36
SergioMenesesnjin, so am I :)16:36
SergioMenesesnjin, just take a bug and start to work on it ;) feel free16:37
crhrabalSaucy is pretty saucy so far. Did /etc/apt/source.list a couple days ago16:38
crhrabalAny news on a daily iso?16:38
njincrhbal, no new build till now16:39
SergioMenesescrhrabal, there is not a daily iso yet16:40
njinops crhrabal ^^16:40
crhrabalyeah i know there isnt one yet, just wondering if anyone knew of when they would start16:41
balloonsnjin, sorry I guess my responses didn't go to you16:55
balloonsnjin, yes please write some tests!16:56
njinballoons, hallo16:56
balloonscheck this out, let me grab the link16:56
balloonsthe stopwatch app developer is ready, and we can help out by getting a test up for him16:56
balloonslook at ubuntu-touch.blogspot.com16:57
njinyes, I run it just few minutes ago, it works great16:57
njinok, I tested the ubuntu-clock-app16:57
balloonsnjin let me send you something else too16:58
balloonsthe design team has a blog where the talk about the designs of the applications16:58
balloonsthis can help you ensure the test is covering everything16:59
balloonsthat for example is the link to the clock design16:59
njinyes, i'veused it without read nothing so i think that the gui is perfect17:00
balloons:-) Have a look and make sure you've got everything17:00
njinok, thnaks17:00
balloonsthanks njin.. all of the core apps in that ppa need test17:00
balloonsI have one i started for clock if you want to branch it17:00
njinstill observing any news17:00
njinon first let my take confidence17:01
balloonsthat has a beginning for the calculator app17:02
balloonsprobably should file a bug or bugs on the project for the rest, and send a post to the mailing list again about them :-)17:02
balloonscrhrabal, the builds should be up really soon17:02
balloonsI had thought they were there yesterday17:03
balloonslet me look17:03
balloonshmm.. might need one more day :-) Looks like some build troubles, but they were attempted yesterday :-)17:04
crhrabalballoons: yeah i saw that /current/  had builds from today for arm so i was disappointed to see the rest of the builds were raring final17:04
njinballoons, uca in ubuntu-calculator-app/uca-001 what mean ?17:14
SergioMenesesok guys lunchtime here! see you17:23
balloonsnjin, it's simply a way to refer to the testcases17:29
balloonsi picked the first 3 letters from ubuntu-calculator-app is all :[)17:29
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crhrabaldaily builds are up, happy testing :)18:46
njingoodnight everybody19:01
crhrabalyikes today's daily build did not boot for me :(19:16
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SergioMeneseshi guys! Ubuntu Saucy is ready for downloading if you use TestDrive21:11
crhrabalSergioMeneses: Good luck, the iso didn't boot for me21:21
SergioMenesescrhrabal, I'm downloading it right now, but my connection isnt good =/21:23
SergioMenesescrhrabal, this is a good time to report bugs ;)21:26
crhrabalyeah i informed some people about it but i didn't want to create a bug for it since  i don't believe this first build was built correctly21:27
crhrabalit's not necessarily a bug on saucy, as i'm running saucy right now with no problems21:27
crhrabalso im going to try the build after this, and if that also doesn't boot, then i will file a bug report21:29
balloonsahh yes.. the lovely first images21:39
balloonsso much fun!21:39
Noskcajfirst images? that's the fun bit. also, vote for me as xubuntu project lead21:40
balloonshello Noskcaj21:42
Noskcajhey balloons21:42
SergioMenesesNoskcaj, I saw the poll ;)21:43
SergioMenesesballoons, testdrive has the new images! Saucy is here21:43
balloonsNoskcaj, where is the poll?21:43
balloonsSergioMeneses, :-)21:43
NoskcajSergioMeneses, :)21:44
Noskcajballoons, https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-users/+poll/xubuntu-xpl-2013/+vote21:44
SergioMenesesNoskcaj, you're in the poll with Pasi!21:56
NoskcajSergioMeneses, yes21:57
SergioMenesesballoons, Nice interview with Carla http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-carla.html22:06
balloonsSergioMeneses, glad you liked it22:14
SergioMenesesit is awesome ;)22:14
SergioMenesesok, I find an issue in the ubuntu-phone guide22:23
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phillwballoons: when ever you get time, can you dig through your list of 'how tos' and email me the ones for bzr, thanks.23:56

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