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ollimhr3, can you pls point me to the 100/smart scopes branches?16:02
paulliumterry: the network upstairs works.16:21
mterrypaulliu, nice!16:21
dandradertsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/phablet_nullSearchHistory/+merge/16188417:00
kenvandinesil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/autopilot-phablet/+merge/16185117:03
kenvandinesil2100,  :)17:03
sil2100kenvandine: approved!17:10
kenvandinesil2100, thx17:10
cyphermoxTrevinho: mind if I rename the bamf/0.4 branch to something else than "trunk", and push a new "trunk" with the "trunk"series ? :)18:20
Trevinhocyphermox: no, I wanted to do that actually...18:21
Trevinhocyphermox: any plan to do an SRU however for that?18:21
Trevinhocyphermox: with changes landed later in trunk that didn't make for FF?18:21
cyphermoxwe'll land bamf in saucy that way, and then land the SRU in raring18:21
Trevinhocyphermox: nice18:22
luvseb128: hey, you remember we discussed apparmor confinement and securing keyring .. so ive reading the proposal and digging in a bit, it turns out it still won't support (at least initially) limitting a particular record/keyring for an application18:36
luvit is going to support only "this application can access these key(ring)s", not "these key(ring)s can be accessed only by this application(s)" which would be nicer :-)18:37
luvbut it's a great start indeed18:37
seb128luv, they planned to restore the acl stuff which was dropped by upstream as well I though, but maybe not18:37
seb128luv, better to ask on #ubuntu-hardening18:37
seb128luv, better to ask on #ubuntu-hardened18:38
seb128that's where the security guys are18:38
luvgreat, thanks18:38
cyphermoxTrevinho: can you fix the dev focus branch?18:47
cyphermoxfor bamf18:47
tsdgeostedg: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/hud/return_true_on_toolbar_item_active/+merge/16193519:31
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sil2100kenvandine: are you ready for a BIG BATCH of merge requests ;)?21:29
sil2100kenvandine: it's like 9 merge requests in overall :o21:32
sil2100kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/enable_misc_stack/+merge/161954 <- you can find the links to the previous 8 ones in the description21:32
sil2100kenvandine: once those are reviewed, the global one can be triggered ;)21:32
sil2100No haste with those!21:32
kenvandinesil2100, will do21:33
sil2100kenvandine: big thanks!21:33
sil2100didrocks: argh!21:36
sil2100didrocks: UTAH issue on the cu2d-unity-head-2.2check's generic autopilot jobs!21:37
sil2100didrocks: no autopilot tests were run :(21:37
sil2100didrocks: but I already re-fired the powerpc builds that failed in the PPA21:37
didrockssil2100: argh :/ ok, let's hope this time, it will be fine!21:39
kenvandineMirv, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/kubuntu-packaging/qtwebkit-opensource-src_dev_depends/+merge/16196221:55
kenvandineMirv, that fixes apps that build depend on qtwebkit21:56
kenvandineMirv, no rush though, i worked around it for signon-ui by adding the build depends there too21:56
sil2100racarr_: ping22:02
Mirvkenvandine: thanks!22:10
kenvandinesil2100, notify-osd failed CI22:14
kenvandinesil2100, at first glance it looks like it fails because of coverity22:15
sil2100kenvandine: I saw a branch for coverity somewhere there already, probably not merged though22:19
sil2100kenvandine: or maybe not, it was for some other project22:23
tyrogHello, is there a stable PPA for Unity in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?22:26
Mirvsil2100: can you check/approve https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/bamf/0.4_set_vcsbzr/+merge/161981 ?23:05
Mirvsil2100: and https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/cupstream2distro-config/update_bamf/+merge/16198223:08
sil2100Mirv: commented on the bamf one ;)23:10
Mirvsil2100: thanks :)23:12
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mzanettikaleo: ping23:59
mzanettikaleo: sorry... meant katie23:59
mzanettikatie: ping23:59

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