
mlankhorstoh seems that aaronp took notice of that patch breaking optimus on nvidia drivers05:49
mlankhorstand has some patches too, nice05:53
darkxsthey, will the new pointer barrier events (in libxi) be landing in Saucy?11:06
mlankhorstdarkxst: yeah but it depends on xserver 1.14 landing first11:26
darkxstmlankhorst, oh of course, forgot for a moment my X is from staging...11:27
mlankhorstdarkxst: just grab the libxi from staging, it's a bit of a problem atm because precise will eventually have to support both11:31
darkxstmlankhorst, oh I have xi from staging, but barriers are not working11:32
mlankhorstdo you have xfixes from staging too?11:33
mlankhorstodd, it should work on 1.1411:34
darkxstmaybe I need to rebuild mutter against those though11:34
tjaaltonthe problem is unity though, we need to be careful not breaking it while pushing new crap in saucy :)11:35
darkxsttjaalton, sure understand. 11:36
mlankhorsttjaalton: and the problem in precise is going to be even more fun to solve11:36
darkxstah yes, rebuild against staging packages fixes it11:39
tjaaltonmlankhorst: oh yeah :/11:50
mlankhorstI want to talk to some unity devs, I was thinking of doing a mean trick to support both api's in 1 program11:50
darkxstmlankhorst, why not backport the new barriers? they are much nicer than the old ones11:52
tjaaltondarkxst: problem is it breaks unity11:52
tjaaltonwhich depends on the old api11:52
tjaaltonso it needs to be fixed to somehow support both11:52
mlankhorstdarkxst: because backporting something from the input stack is not trivial11:52
tjaaltonthe staging ppa has a version that supports only the new api11:53
darkxstso I guess there is more to it than just the barriers then?11:54
mlankhorstit's done at a different level11:55
tjaaltonthat's enough to break things :)11:55
darkxstyeh I don't follow the X stack that closely, but I have seen both the barrier patches in Xfixes12:02
mlankhorstdarkxst: yeah the new one is also in libXI though12:08
darkxstyeh I know the events come from XI12:09
mlankhorstif it was easy to backport I may have done so for raring :)12:09
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jcristauSarvatt: care to add a line about #628758 to mesa:debian-experimental's changelog so it gets closed on upload? :)20:55
Sarvattjcristau: was just about to push that :)20:56
Sarvattoh eww, silly me thought it was like launchpad and bugs go under the source package name making http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=mesa;dist=unstable a really small list, but the motherload is filed under libgl1-mesa-dri :)21:15
jcristauSarvatt: bugs.debian.org/src:mesa should be the full list21:21
jcristau(or, replace pkg=mesa with src=mesa in your url)21:22
Sarvattoh thanks, that helps a lot21:22
jcristauSarvatt: oh, also nnnn@bugs.debian.org doesn't reach the submitter, you need to cc them explicitly21:26
jcristau(yes, that sucks)21:27
Sarvattjcristau: ahhh heck, I'm making a mess of the bugs, sorry about that :)21:47
Sarvattdidn't realize you guys shipped /etc/drirc, when i brought it up when it first got added everyone was opposed to it :)21:47
jcristauno worries21:49
Sarvattfix never got cherry-picked to 8.0 branch21:57
* Sarvatt switches to mutt to do anything on bugs.debian.org from now on, gmail is a nightmare with it :)21:58

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