
=== smartboyhw__ is now known as smartboyhw
knomeanybody in the xubuntu-team in LP, please approve new members to xubuntu-users, unless it looks like a flood13:09
knomei will revert the team as open once the voting has been donw13:09
* smartboyhw waits for voting open:)13:11
knomeshould be open in approx. 110 mins13:11
knomei know LP says 1 hour... but i set it to 15UTC.13:12
knomeunless it wanted GMT. in which case it will shift back one hour.13:12
knomehmm, no13:12
knomeno, yes13:13
* knome hates DST13:13
knometimezones are doable, but DST is confusing and useless13:13
=== kurapika is now known as Mr_Peignoir
smartboyhwknome: I do know when to vote (I read the mail). BTW did Noskcaj ask you for membership testimonials?13:18
smartboyhwknome: BTW can one change his vote after initial voting? (Not saying I would)13:31
skellatStill an hour until the poll opens14:12
smartboyhwskellat: 48 minutes14:13
skellatLP rounds up then14:13
smartboyhwskellat: Refresh mab14:13
smartboyhwShould be 46 …14:14
knomesmartboyhw_, no, didn't ask for testimonials from me14:18
knomesmartboyhw_, i don't know if you can change your vote. skellat?14:18
smartboyhw_knome: Eh? He's running for membership tmr 22:00 (7 hrs after meeting)14:18
skellatknome: Yep, as long as you save the vote change key14:19
knomesmartboyhw_, right, no.14:19
knomesmartboyhw_, he didn't14:19
smartboyhw_knome: Hmm interesting14:19
smartboyhw_skellat: OK14:19
knomeeverybody still free to leave support to each of the candidates for the XPL run as well14:20
knome(i suppose after 40 mins it might not make as much sense)14:20
smartboyhw_knome: I did for you:)14:20
knomesmartboyhw_, i noticed. thanks!14:21
knomethe best thing in these elections are the supporting words, whether you got nominated or not14:21
smartboyhw_knome: Heh you have supporters from many flavours:)14:21
knomei suppose one of the benefits of trying to help other people whenever you can14:22
smartboyhw_knome: :)14:22
smartboyhw_25 mins\o/14:34
=== matt_symes is now known as headache
smartboyhw_2 minutes to voting time! Woohii14:59
skellatThere's no running tally of where votes have gone, though.  LP only gives totals once the poll closes.14:59
smartboyhw_skellat: No worries, the meeting will reveal it;P15:02
smartboyhw_Voted already15:02
lderanwoo voting15:09
knomeskellat, i'm curious why there should be? :)15:33
skellatI was just thinking of the US Senate and US House of Representatives that have running tallies during votes and where votes can be changed up until the vote is closed.15:34
knomefinnish elections do not have those15:35
knomeprelimiary/counted votes are only published when the voting has ended15:35
skellatNah, these are votes internal to those bodies15:35
knomeoh well, we can always do better next time :)15:36
skellatElections I help administer don't have any results known until after the poll is closed and all four poll judges sign the tabulator tape & post it15:36
skellatWhich I still haven't gotten a deployment order for the May 7th Party Primaries/Special Elections contest yet15:36
skellatI'm just a substitute15:37
skellatLast November's election I got called the night before and was ordered to a precinct to serve15:37
skellatTheoretically I can get an order up until polls close on the 7th15:37
skellatWell, sometimes precinct election officers do get sick during election day and have to be replaced.  15:38
knomehello elfy15:39
elfyhi knome 15:40
knomeso... the voting is underway!15:42
elfyyep - done my duty for the day - tomorrow I'm supposed to do it all again 15:42
knomehehe :)15:42
knomedone my duties for today as well.. which are none!15:43
elfywhen's the daily going to be available by the way?15:43
knomegood question15:43
knomedon't think it makes much sense to test anything yet15:44
lderanwish my days duties were equal to none :P15:44
skellatNothing to test yet.  There's still debate about alignment of milestones.15:44
elfywell I tested setting-manager and did the bug report :p15:44
knomeanother benefit of being an entrepreneur - sometimes you have days like this15:44
knomeelfy, there is something to test and triage if you are willing to to Q->R upgrades though... bug 115516715:45
ubottubug 1155167 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from image prompts creating a new user" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115516715:45
elfylot's of people wanting to join xubuntu-team ... we should have a poll of some sort twice a year :p15:45
knomewhy poll?15:45
knomeoh, you mean xubuntu-USERS, not -team15:46
elfyyea - sorry - long day lol15:46
knomewe haven't marketed the group too much15:47
knomei don't know if there are any direct benefits of it15:47
elfyI should be able to check that bug out over the next couple of days 15:47
knomeelfy, thanks!15:47
elfyindeed - I found when I've done 'teams' that you get an initial upswing in interest - then it drops of rapidly - I've always been happy if I've managed to keep 20% of the original interest 15:48
knomeeasier to get people to join open teams with badges...15:49
elfyI'll not comment on that ... 15:49
* knome checks elfy's badges15:49
lderanespecially if the badges are shiny 15:50
elfythe only badge I've got for badges sake is the not canonical one :)15:50
lderanwoo just voted :P15:50
knomei don't think i'm mistaken a lot for working for canonical :P15:51
elfyI get it lot's 15:51
knomegah, pleia2 has lots of badges15:52
knomebut i can haz more karma!15:52
elfyI just had a cnd badge when I was his age :p15:53
knomehttps://launchpad.net/~pitti wins in karma15:53
lderanall bow to my measly 1 karma15:53
knomethat's a start!15:54
elfyknome: how much karma does the LP bot thing have :)15:54
knomeand btw, people would get easy karma for keeping the release blueprints up-to-date, but they don't do it so i have to15:54
knomemost of my karma comes from spec management anyway...15:54
knomeelfy, no idea15:54
elfymine comes mostlt from creating bugs that never get looked at :D15:55
knomethe karma system is far from perfect15:55
elfymost karma systems are 15:55
elfylike thanks/likes pretty much pointless 15:55
elfybut it's what we have so meh 15:57
elfylderan: when you fix that bug you'll have more than 1 :)15:57
lderanwoo \o/15:57
elfyI'd assume ... 15:58
elfyhi GridCube 15:59
GridCube:) hi elfy 15:59
skellatAnd for my first merge request of the Saucy Salamander cycle: https://code.launchpad.net/~skellat/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/16186516:08
elfywhat's going on with docs this cycle - so I know 16:09
skellatDon't know yet16:12
skellatFirst merge is to bump it into this cycle16:12
skellatbkerensa is supposed to have a vUDS-1305 session about revitalizing Docs at the macro Ubuntu-wide level16:13
skellatBeyond that, we can add notes to our blueprint16:13
elfytbh - I don't know what happened last cycle either lol - I had a part in the big upgrade from 12.10 to 13.0416:13
elfyskellat: well - while that is a great idea and I hope it works - I'd not base what we do with our docs on a revitalised doc team16:13
elfyI'm serious :) 16:14
skellatWe have a workaround to that in place too after we had to scramble to do some updates to get 13.04-versioned docs into 13.0416:14
skellatThe first few releases had 12.10 docs still16:14
skellatknome has commiter/upload rights now so we need not worry16:15
elfybasically I guess I needed to know if it was being done like ^^ through LP etc - in which case I can forget that :p16:16
skellatYeah, it is the magic of LP16:17
skellatWhich can be worked around16:17
elfyskellat: k - thanks16:19
=== headache is now known as headache_gone
=== headache_gone is now known as matt_symes
Unit193knome: Can you pop the meeting on to the Xubuntu calendar?20:27
knomeUnit193, sure, i'll do that later21:01
seronisis there any place to go to influence getting an updated version of a 3rd party lib added to the xubuntu repos ?23:45
bluesabreHi seronis, just follow the sponsorship process: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess23:49
seronisty for the link bluesabre 23:54
bluesabresure thing23:55

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