
carreraruien, are u near Shanghai?  cause it's 8:08 AM there00:08
ruienno, I'm in sichuan, far away from shanghai. However, china has no daylight savings time and the whole country is on a single timezone - very convenient.00:09
ntzrmtthihu777and back01:00
ntzrmtthihu777carrera: gnome-panel is the gnome-fallback mode (no effects), gnome-shell is gnome01:01
carrerantzrmtthihu777, thanks!  By "no effects" do u mean Gnome 2 lookalike?  So gnome-shell is Gnome 3?01:10
carreraruien, very convenient indeed but that's a VERY big country for one time zone!01:10
ntzrmtthihu777carrera: I think its all gnome3, but the gnome-panel session looks almost exactly like ubuntu lucid01:13
ntzrmtthihu777carrera: and by no effects it means no compiz by default.01:13
ntzrmtthihu777heh, and I got the one compiz thing I wanted in the form of a script hotkeyed to super left or right.01:14
bazhello, i cant log in on x windows, how can i troubleshoot problem, currently on text only irssi session at the moment....something about remote logins on my var/log files??????01:16
bazi have a mouse pointer, a shaded blue screen and nothing else..... on VT 7 ...01:17
ruienbaz: mind sharing the specific errors?01:17
ntzrmtthihu777baz: drop to a tty and try sudo lightdm start, or was it sudo start lightdm?01:17
ruien"service lightdm start", right?01:18
ntzrmtthihu777ruien: not sure as to the exact invocation, but yeah, like that.01:18
Unit193service application action01:18
bazntzrmttthihu777: i give that a shot byut understand root or usual user?01:19
bazntzrmttthihu777: i give that a shot byut under root or usual user? osrry about the nonsense01:19
ruienas root01:19
bazjob is already running (its says)01:19
ntzrmtthihu777man i like this icon theme I'm working on :P01:19
ntzrmtthihu777baz: xfce4-panel01:20
ntzrmtthihu777and I got tabbed browsing in thunar now :P01:20
ruienbaz: you can restart lightdm too: "service lightdm restart"01:20
bazntzrmtthihu777: xcce4-panel as root?????????? (why, not even password prompt yet, anyways??)01:21
ntzrmtthihu777baz: no, you can run it as a normal user. try what ruien said first01:21
ntzrmtthihu777baz: you are obviously logged in in some form, as you are talking to us on said machine, correct?01:22
ruienhe's in irssi01:23
ntzrmtthihu777ruien: yes, and that requires some sort of login, as any program would. he's not in a tty, though, as he has a mouse, no?01:26
ruienoh, i assumed a tty, no mouse.01:26
ntzrmtthihu777brb, reboot, dist-upgrade01:26
ruiengood luck01:26
bazwell i restarted it, lost complete control of system, couold only get system to respond to alt-sysrq-b.......after restarting lightdm service....still wont boot...odd message about remote sessions diectory in lightdm /var/;og01:29
bazsame shaded blue screen01:30
ruienbaz: twice you've referred to an "odd message", but you haven't told us what that message is.01:30
bazmessage: failed to open sessions directory /usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions ?????? <------ is that normal01:30
ruienno, that sounds like a problem.01:31
ruienhm, then again, I don't have even /usr/share/lightdm on my 12.04 xubuntu system. Which system are you running?01:31
bazruien: is it normal to have a remote-sessions directory? it seems odd to me when all my sessions to me are local (sitting in front of pc) but maybe this is some strange x windows description of remote ...01:32
carreraI want to have a Gnome 2 like DE on my laptop as well as Fxce. Should I go for MATE or the new Ubuntu Gnome project?01:32
ntzrmtthihu777carrera: stick with xubuntu, you can have it almost exactly like gnome201:33
ruienbaz: well to X, everything is a session and it might treat them all as remote, though i am not so sure. But yeah it's a client/server relationship.01:33
ruiencarrera: mine looks a lot like gnome 2, just due to the way i've moved the panels around, but i'm not sure what you're really looking for01:34
carrerantzrmtthihu777, great... thank u sir!  Actually that's what ruien told me too. He said I should spend some time with  xubuntu, cause I would really like it.01:34
ntzrmtthihu777well hell, now my top panel's window buttons item is not expanding out :/01:34
bazruien: remote-sessions directory ????? is that normal?????01:35
carreraruien, for one, I like the clock app in Gnome. I could add all sorts of cities and look up the time by clicking on the clock. I could also "set" that city and get the temp together with the time and date in the panel01:36
carreraruien, I was gonna add Shanghai, so I would know your time when I noticed that's not possible in Xfce01:37
ruiencarrera: if you're talking about the "orage globaltime", that's already in there. but i'm not very familiar with what you're talking about, i only have limited experience with gnome01:39
bazcrazy, theres nothing in lightdm /etc/ directory about that session directory anywhere, WTF?01:40
ntzrmtthihu777baz: you install anything strange lately?01:41
carreraruien, thanks dude, I know about orage and I was going to give it a try. I was busy watching car videos again!01:42
bazntzr: nothing strange, just desura and some games .....padman.....warsow.....all done through desura or software center.....01:43
ruienbaz: which distribution are you using01:43
bazthis directory lightdm is referring to doesnt even exist anywhere01:43
bazruien: xubuntu 12.1001:44
bazhavent upgraded due to issue with chrome, also should mention am running amd catalyst ....01:44
ruienyeah, i'm waiting on upstream for chrome too01:44
ntzrmtthihu777apt-get purge lightdm-gtkwhatever its called apt-get install lighdm lightdm-gtk-whatever, should purge config files and reset defaulds01:45
ruienthen, after that, create a *new* user account and try to log into that new account with xfce01:45
bazntzr: whats, intresting here is that none of the .conf files associated with lightdm in the /etc directory mention the directory in the error message whatsoever .....01:47
ntzrmtthihu777yes, this is very strange for certain.01:51
bazis there a normal X sessions directoy on xubuntu 12.10? where is it?01:56
bazanybody offhand know what the md5 hash of the lightdm binaries should be?02:01
ruienbaz: do you mean ./usr/share/xsessions ?02:01
SeandomonoHey, i'm running Ubuntu on an older system and it's starting to get pretty sluggish. I'm planning on migrating to Xubuntu, would it be better to format and install from scratch or just install xubuntu-desktop?02:02
Unit193baz: You can use debsums to check and see if it's good.02:02
Unit193!info debsums02:02
ubottudebsums (source: debsums): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.52 (raring), package size 42 kB, installed size 199 kB02:02
ntzrmtthihu777Seandomono: I've tried converting to xubuntu from gnome, did not work out too well02:03
bazruien: maybe, whats really got my curiosty is why lightdm is looking for a directory that does not exist. i pulled up the man page for lightdm and it mentioned the sessions...02:03
Unit193Seandomono: I like fresh installs better if you don't have stuff setup too much, but can try...02:03
bazthanks unit19302:03
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »02:03
ruienSeandomono: install from scratch if you can. And, yes, you will notice improvements in the speed with xubuntu.02:03
Unit193baz: Sure thing.02:03
Seandomonontzrmtthihu777, Unit193, ruien: Thanks, that's what I will do then, install from scratch.02:05
ruieni have a netbook that went from unusable to awesome02:05
bazdebsums says it checks out ...... was hoping to see the md5sums of the binaries in the debian package archive and compare them manually to what i have out of /usr/sib02:08
bazdebsums says it checks out ...... was hoping to see the md5sums of the binaries in the debian package archive and compare them manually to what i have out of /usr/sbin02:08
Seandomonoyeah this laptop only has a 1.5gh core 2 duo with 2gb of RAM and Unity is pretty slow02:09
bazis lightdm started from xinit???? If i had gui i would google it but kinda tricky without graphics02:10
ntzrmtthihu777Mine is better (no brag) but it got hella better when I installed xubuntu :P CPU~Dual core AMD Athlon II X2 240e (-MCP-) clocked at 800.000 Mhz Kernel~3.2.0-40-generic x86_64 Up~42 min Mem~1352.3/3447.5MB HDD~500.1GB(29.2% used) Procs~182 Client~Irssi 0.8.15 inxi~1.8.402:11
ntzrmtthihu777baz: you can install lynx and browse the net with that.02:11
GridCubebaz, sudo service lightdm start02:11
ruienbaz: you can extract the archive with 'ar x foo.deb'02:11
ntzrmtthihu777its basically to a gui browser what irssi is to xchat02:11
bazgridcube: tried that already same thing02:11
GridCubewhats the problem?02:11
bazntzr: lynx, yeah i know about lynx02:12
bazsystem starts up, blue shaded screen, mouse pointer, no gretter no password request. /var/log/lightdm files complain of missing remote-sessions directory which doesnt appear to exist in my directory tree whatsoever...02:13
ntzrmtthihu777baz: when you first started what dir were you in? and did you have autologin setup?02:13
GridCubebaz, tried to reinstall lightdm?02:14
GridCubebaz, tried to change lightdm for gdm?02:14
bazfailed to open directory : /usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions???????????????????????????? wondering why its looking there, used debsums... debsums says packages are fine...02:14
bazno autologin02:14
bazntzr: no directoy in particular , just regular boot02:15
GridCubecheck the file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf02:15
ntzrmtthihu777baz: you have to be in *some* dir. do pwd02:15
bazit's odd,, i do bitcoin stuff and a little concerned that someone may have tried to get in the box so to speak so verifying md5sums etc... very curious as to what making lightdm looking in a non-existant directory for sessions02:16
* GridCube shrugs02:16
bazntyzr: pwd wont help right now....... its not the directory i am in.......the question is why is lightdm looking in what seems to me is a really odd directory?02:17
GridCubebaz, did you installed gdm at one point?02:17
bazgridcube: not to my knowledge.......02:17
GridCubebaz, do mkdir -p /usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions02:17
GridCubeand try to launch lightdm again02:17
bazgridcube: sure, cant hurt02:17
bazopk directory is created..........02:19
GridCubebaz, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/106406102:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1064061 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lightdm doesn't start if /usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions is missing" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:20
GridCubethats the workaround02:20
bazshame i cant copy and paste right now......or at least i dont know how to do that without a mouse pointer in console land......there are days.. that i actually miss Dos, the amiga, etc.. this is one of them02:21
ntzrmtthihu777baz: you can do close enough with pastebinit02:22
ntzrmtthihu777you can do it right in irssi02:22
ntzrmtthihu777do /exec -o pastebinit /path/to/file02:22
GridCubebaz, yes, you can execute any command and | pastebinit02:22
bazUnable to read from: /home/baz/test02:23
GridCubebaz, you couldnt create the directory?02:24
bazwell created directory and nothings new...i checked the log files02:24
ntzrmtthihu777baz: does /home/baz/test even exist?02:24
ntzrmtthihu777try it with your .bashrc02:24
bazwhats the ownership of remote-sessions supposed to be?02:26
GridCuberoot i suppose02:26
GridCubebaz,  try sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm02:26
bazthats the current ownership... looking at timestamps of log files02:26
bazwierd -- 0 bytes for x-0-greeter.log02:27
bazsame after reconfigure... got a process number i am going to use lsof and see what files it has opened02:29
GridCubebaz, P: what if you sudo apt-get install lightdm --reinstall02:31
GridCubeor even sudo apt-get install gdm02:31
bazaccording to dpkg -i | grep gdm, gdm is not installed02:32
GridCubeno, thats why, i say install it :P02:33
ntzrmtthihu777later, starcraft time :D02:43
=== Trexity is now known as Linus
Linushow are you02:57
ruienGreat. Have a question?02:58
Linusno more like a thank you02:58
Linusover the last few years linux has adapted and over all gave me a great perspective on things02:58
ruiengreat, direct that to knome; he and his team deserve it :)02:59
Linusi thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to making the best enviroment for users02:59
Linus i honestly have to say ......... thank you  - Linus Torvalds02:59
kRushlooks legit03:12
bazdear god. what was that pastebin thingy i found a new dbus issue re my greeter not loader ...03:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:21
baz!pastebinit /var/log/auth.log03:22
bazthe above possibly describes why i have no password prompt on x-windows... d bus message blocked ....03:24
kRushyou're not making much sense03:25
bazkrush: see those lines .... dbus lightdm-greeter.....03:27
bazin that paste on ubuntu.com03:28
bazi have no password prompt in xwindows, i think thats why.....03:28
bazbut restarting lightdm has not helped03:29
ruienbaz: no, we cannot see your paste.03:29
bazfound in my /var/log/auth.log03:30
ruienrequirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "baz"03:31
ruiendid you do what we suggested? purge and reinstall and then create a new user to test?03:31
bazno i did not purge and reinstall, sounded dangerous03:31
ruienyeah, it does. how about the new user?03:32
bazhavent tried that either. dont understand what use a new user is going to be when the damn greeter seems to be not loaded or possilblyu blocked dbus03:34
bazvery frustated , sorry about d**n, 2 day old install...03:34
bazwell, i purged and reinstalled the greeter.......since that seems to be the one generating the error messages.......03:37
bazand after restart, we have gone from a shaded blue screen to a completely black one....wonder what the logs say now03:37
bazwell, that was destructive03:39
holsteinbaz: if its just a few days old, i would just reinstall03:39
bazholstein: WHY?, two days...... "just" reninstalling involves installing all drivers and software all over again, if i want that experience theres a windows parition ready and willing03:40
holsteinbaz: sometimes, if you are new to it, that can be the easiest.. if you installed drivers, i would start there troubleshooting03:41
bazdoes anybody know exactly would those lines in auth.log mean????03:41
bazholstein: new not really, try 4 years03:41
bazbut 4 + years of linux use does not help when the documentation provided leaves you with way too much guessing...03:42
holsteinbaz: what documentation do you need?03:43
bazholstein: i need to understand if these dbus error is in the way of my password prompt showing up..03:43
holsteinbaz: in the greeter? you dont have a password promt? can you login in tty?03:44
holsteinbaz: can you login via tty?03:47
bazat this point after purging and reinstalling the greeter i have probably toasted major sections of the install.....not that it wasnt toasted to begin with......everytime i come back to the ubuntu camp, hoping things are better since more people like steam have jumped on the ubuntu train and only to find out things are worse, i got a 3 year old debian install in my other box......03:47
baz3 years to 2 days ....03:48
bazholstein: yes03:48
holsteinbaz: works fine for most, but i can understand you are frustrated03:48
bazholstein: right now, i am chatting via irssi.....on console....03:48
holsteinbaz: if i were you, i would just use debian and install xfce.. sounds like that would make you more comfortable03:49
bazeverythings much harder when you cant cut and paste in seconds03:49
ruienbaz, the issues you are seeing aren't really typical. did you start with a fresh install of xubuntu and go from there installing drivers? In my experience, drivers can break a lot of stuff too03:49
holsteinyup. i agree with that ^^03:49
holsteini think it whatever drivers you are refering to..03:49
bazholstein: yeah, i get your gist. but i chose xubuntu to have fun,,,,,,,,,,,debian is not fun......debian is for admins.....debian doesent have steam and all that.... i wanted a stable gaming distro......03:50
holsteinbaz: i would reinstall xubuntu, and come here before you do anything03:50
bazruien: yes, fresh install, installed catalyst driver, all was fine until today......03:50
holsteinbaz: i, and many other have never had those issues.. and when you say "i have to install all those drivers" thats a red flag for me03:50
bazholstein: 1 driver,,,,,, amd radeon 795003:51
kRushwhat was the last thing you changed before it broke?03:51
holsteinbaz: and you have removed it and tested?03:51
bazis the software i've installed i moaning about.03:51
holsteinbaz: thats what i suggested earlier... remove it and test03:51
bazopencl sdk, mining stuff (bitcoin),03:52
holsteinbaz: non repo software?03:52
bazits not the mining software. its not the sdk. that was fine....03:52
bazholestein: how do you sugguest i properly run a $330 graphics card for some fun? , incomplete-open-source drivers..... ????03:53
holsteinbaz: i suggest you test this as a troubleshooting step03:53
bazshall i just march into amd's office and demand they open source their driver to make all the open-source guys happy, i'm sure it wont work... and it wont fix my problem ...03:54
ruienfirst, radeon cards are not a great choice for linux. second, the suggestion was to help narrow down the problem03:54
holsteinif you want to have fun, maybe consider purchasing a machine built and designed to run ubuntu.. maybe from system76.. everything should just work out of the box03:54
bazdear god03:54
holstein!ot | baz03:54
ubottubaz: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:54
bazi spent $1300 dollars on my non-system76 system.....blaming my problems on a video driver is just ingnorance and sillyness03:54
baznot only that, all of my componemts work out of the box without extra crap apart from the video card...03:55
ruienbaz, there are complexities you are overlooking.03:55
holsteinbaz: it literally wont hurt to test withouth the driver installed..03:55
holsteinbaz: i only mention it because of the issues i have had using the proprietary graphics card drivers in the past03:56
bazand removing the driver (which is not and was not the issue) IT was fine....removes the abilty to play the games.......you might as well be AMD telling me my graphics card is broken becuase i ran linux ...03:56
holsteinbaz: i would just try without the driver, as a troubleshooting step.. you can always put a custom xorg.conf in place that forces the vesa driver03:57
holsteinbaz: maybe its as simple as using a nother greeter with that driver...03:57
bazjp;steom:  intresting sugguestion but the greeter and dthe driver worked fine together before.03:58
holsteinbaz: they are currently *not* working fine together03:58
holsteinbaz: im sure you can find a volunteer who can look at that log and help you.. maybe at amd, or in the mailing list.. also, this is likely not a xubuntu specific issue, so you can try #ubuntu as well03:59
bazholst3ein: they were working fine until my last reboot.   The real sad issue is i spent years learning all kinds of stuff about computers, i am almost 40 now, started when i was 10 and linux has been the hardest thing to pick up, the documention SUCKS,04:00
bazi can code in assembly language04:00
holsteinbaz: the documentation is mostly publically editable... for all linux distros04:00
kRushjust read the code then =c04:01
holsteinyeah.. the code isnt hiding anything from you.. if you are comfortable looking there (i am not)04:01
bazi wrote stuff on the c64, but i still know very little about the linux in general, like for example DBUS..... why it is so hard to find good documentation on dbus... if i was as easy as reading a couple of documents and understanding it.. my system would be working fine now... the sad truth is i know my way ....way better around windows which is funny becuase in the last 5 years i can count the number of hours i have used that th04:02
holsteinbaz: i think its more about what one is used to... let us know if you have a support question, otherwise, enjoy the offtopic channel.. cheers!04:03
bazi had a support question, no one seems to know what the error message means....04:04
bazwhich is the ROOT of the problem , oh dear04:04
holsteinbaz: did you try the main channel? #ubuntu ? or the mailing list?04:04
bazthey sent me to you in about 2 minutes ....04:05
holsteinbaz: doesnt seem that any volunteers here (including myself, or you) understand that log message paste04:05
holsteinbaz: what driver are you using? have you tried the open one? and both proprietary ones? how about if you use the open one or the vesa driver?04:05
bazholstein: right, and if there was more documentaion we would and maybe there would be a lot more linux users in the world ...04:05
holsteinbaz: but, the documntaion you need is hardware specific..04:06
ruieni don't really see any errors in the paste..04:06
bazholstein: i used the vesa driver, before i installed the properity one.......04:06
holsteinbaz: and you logged in with it, correct?04:06
bazruien: the rejected send message doesnt look like a error to you?.....04:07
bazholstein: i have been able to log in under x windows after installing the catalyst driver.....04:07
holsteinbaz: doesnt look like it to me either.. but again, im not a volunteer who is that savvy with the log messgaes04:07
ruienbaz: sort of, but why is it there, not at the end? does that mean you are able to open an X session if you are root?04:08
engkurhi all04:09
engkurruien, nice see u again !04:09
ruienhey :)04:09
engkurabout my problem, xfce4-session crash with libglib-2.004:09
engkurim upgrade from 12.10 to 13.0404:10
kRushbtw baz, I have that message in my auth.log, too04:10
ruienbaz all i found is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/346513 which is fixed04:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346513 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) ""dbus-daemon: Rejected send message" for indicator-applet spams /var/log/auth.log" [Medium,Fix released]04:10
bazruien: i expect that root wont be a problem for getting into x but you dont really x running as root anyways !!!!!04:10
holsteinbaz: you could try it04:11
engkurbut thin not problem when im try fresh install xubuntu 13.04 im in virtualbox04:11
holsteinbaz: its just a troubleshooting step. ruien is not suggesting that you run as root all the time...04:11
ruienbaz, have you heard of a binary search? you need to troubleshoot, and that means dividing your problem into pieces and eliminating causes. You write software, so you know that writing software takes no skill.. it's debugging that is where experienced programmers shine, right?04:11
engkuri think im hit this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/117201804:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1172018 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu crashes randomly" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:12
bazkRush, nice ASCII nick style04:12
ruienengkur: that's a confirmed bug, so maybe indeed04:12
holsteinbaz: i have to go.. but consider trying some of the suggestions offered here.. trying as root could help ruien help you.. and trying another graphics driver wont hurt either04:12
bazkRush, does your system still let you log in...04:13
bazholstein: yeah root works fine...or at least startx from the root prompt... no panel though... just a right clickable menu with thankgod a terminal04:13
holsteinbaz: try as another user then.. remove your user config from the euqation04:14
holsteinthen, you'll know the issue is in your user /home somewhere.. you can remove the .config files there and they will respawn04:14
bazholstein: but thats not going to help lightdm-gretter show up04:15
holsteinbaz: i would go one thing at a time...04:15
holsteinbaz: good luck!04:15
holstein!volunteer | baz04:16
baz!volunteer | baz04:16
holstein!volunteers | baz04:16
ubottubaz: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:16
kRushand what ASCII nick style?04:16
bazthe small k and the upper case R looks nice on my font...04:17
bazon my console....04:17
marandihi , guys , i use ubuntu in my laptop and xubuntu in my old PC ! i installed so much great packages in my ubuntu the i copied all .deb files from /var/cache/apt to my xubuntu ! now i wanna know how can i make a repository from this local directory of all .deb files in xubuntu ?04:21
MeXTuXInstalled Xubuntu 13.04 and now when I see the grub menu options and pick one. I see a cursor for a few seconds and then I am back in grub screen over and over and over. Any idea? I am using a Lenovo laptop04:42
ruienMeXTuX: does grub freeze? or does the computer reboot?05:00
marandihi guys , how can i make a Package.gz from all my deb s file in xubuntu ?05:02
ruienmarandi: do they all live in /var/cache/apt/archives ?05:02
ruien(making a repository from the files is not so easy. you're better off with a mirror like with apt-mirror), but just backing up the .deb files is easy.05:03
marandiruien: no , i copied them from ubuntu /var/cache/apt/archives but its in my home in xubuntu !05:03
ruienokay, well put them all in one directory, say it's called "my_dir"05:03
baizonmarandi: the easiest way would be: https://syslog.tv/2010/07/02/using-dpkg-selections-to-backup-and-install-packages/05:04
ruientar -czf my_dir.tar.gz my_dir05:04
marandibaizon ruien: ok let me check05:04
baizonmarandi: then you get a list of your pkgs without creating a gz.05:04
ruienof course, to avoid having to re-download those .debs, you still want to extract them to /var/cache/apt/archives on the new machine before running the dpkg --set-selections command05:05
marandiruien: so if copy them all to /var/cache/apt/archives and install them with sudo apt-get install it wont download all packages again ?!05:07
ruienright, it's smart. and baizon's method makes it easy to gave a full list too05:08
baizonmarandi: thats not correct, not every pkg is there05:09
baizonthere is the cache05:09
marandibaizon: no , i just want to install some of my software such as lamp-server and sublime and workbench05:09
grassman20Anyone here able to help me with the new Xubuntu 13.04?05:10
baizonmarandi: then, download the pkgs, form packages.ubuntu.com by yourself. Tar it and install it then with dpkg -i <youpkg>.deb05:11
baizongrassman20: yes05:11
baizonif it isn't to hard :)05:11
grassman20I just installed it on my laptop and I've got no network interface05:11
grassman20No eth005:11
grassman20It was working before I upgraded05:11
marandibaizon: i dont want to download again , i downloaded and installed them before in my ubuntu , and in my new pc with xubuntu i dont have internet connection so i wanna use all those packages from ubuntu05:12
baizongrassman20: ifconfig -a gives you what output?05:12
baizonmarandi: then check /var/cache/apt/archives for this pkgs and copy them out05:12
grassman20baizon: Well, I'll have to type it out. Computer in question is not online to cut/paste. Anything in particular I should look for?05:13
baizongrassman20: is there anything?05:13
marandibaizon: i did , and copy them out to new pc in home directory ! and what u told me was to copy them into /var/cache/apt/archive right ?!05:13
baizoni mean any output05:13
baizonmarandi: no05:13
marandibaizon: so ?!05:14
baizonmarandi: copy them wherever you want, and just install with dpkg05:14
grassman20baizon: just lo05:14
baizongrassman20: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html05:14
marandibaizon: how ? can u explain me the command ?!05:15
baizonmarandi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/40779/can-you-install-a-deb-file-via-the-command-line05:15
marandibaizon: with this command it will install dependencies  packages too , right ?!05:16
baizonmarandi: no, you have to mark all the pkgs by yourself, like this: dpkg -i pkg1.deb pkg2.deb and so on05:17
baizonmarandi: in this way you have to mark all the dependencies05:17
marandibaizon: its not fair :( , i wanna stick to make a repository from all these package , it think its much easier !05:18
baizonmarandi: yes it is05:18
baizonmarandi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147074205:18
baizonthis gave me google for example05:19
marandi1sorry i just disconnected !05:20
marandi1my last sentence was baizon: its not fair :( , i wanna stick to make a repository from all these package , it think its much easier !05:20
marandi1baizon: so can u help me out with it ?05:20
baizonmarandi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147074205:20
baizonthis gave me google for example05:20
baizonmarandi1: im sure you will find a solution :)05:21
marandi1baizon: i found this http://www.ihelplounge.com/how-to-set-up-a-local-repository/ , but there is no dpkg-scanpackages command found on xubuntu !05:27
grassman20baizon: I worked through that link you posted, but I wasn't able to find a solution05:27
grassman20baizon: I tried  sudo lshw -class network05:28
grassman20baizon: That listed both network interfaces (ethernet and wireless) but didn't give them a logical name or list their mac address05:28
baizonmarandi1: you need the dpkg-dev pkg05:28
marandi1baizon: alright ! thanks , let me check05:29
grassman20I might just start a forum thread. I'm pretty much stuck.05:34
mazenalarifii have problem black screen after i start  and remove nividia however before update ubuntu is working normal05:35
marandiguys , load button in restore section in aptoncd  wont work and i got error even after i install hal ! what should i do ?06:31
marandisomebody help please06:39
uberAnyone here?06:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:51
uberI need some testers for a Debian package I've built for the latest release of DocFetcher. It was a little tricky. Its available for only amd64 right now. You can install the .deb package from the link.06:51
TheSheepuber: maybe try ubuntu-motu06:52
TheSheepuber: this is a support channel06:52
uberThxs I'll have a look.06:52
marandiguys , my cdrom mount directory is AptOnCd but i wanna rename it to cdrom , how can i do that ?06:54
ruienmarandi: when nothing is mounted, it's just a normal directory.06:55
ruienif it's breaking something, maybe `ln -s AptOnCd cdrom` ?06:56
marandiruien: no no , aptoncd for adding cdrom as repository need to mount cd in /media/cdrom but my when i insert cd it will automatically mounting into aptoncd directory06:56
ruienokay, i am not sure then, because i don't see why or how the default mount point for your CD changed.06:58
marandiruien: dont u know why load button dosent work in aptoncd ?!06:59
ruienSorry, i'm not sure what you're referring to and haven't used aptoncd. I don't even have a CD drive.07:00
marandiruien: its ok , thanks btw07:00
chrisnofneurHello all09:22
[uzver]chrisnofneur: hi!09:22
chrisnofneurI am having troubles since I've upgraded my xubuntu 12.10 to 13.0409:22
chrisnofneurI can't activate the wireless09:22
chrisnofneurthat's pretty weird09:23
chrisnofneuranyone facing the same issue ?09:23
Unit193chrisnofneur: What do you mean by "can't activate"?  Does sudo service network-manager restart  help?09:24
chrisnofneurI will  try that09:29
chrisnofneurI was meaning, I can't activate wifi with the applet in the top panel09:29
chrisnofneurwhen I that ifconfig09:30
chrisnofneurI get eth0 and lo but no wlan009:31
chrisnofneurnetwork-manager restart doesn't  help09:32
ruiendoes the kernel identify your wireless network adapter during boot in dmesg or does it perhaps show up in lspci ?09:33
chrisnofneurit does sho up in lspci :09:33
chrisnofneur02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)09:34
chrisnofneurI get this in dmesg : "02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)"09:38
chrisnofneurWhen I type ip list I get : "3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT qlen 1000"09:39
chrisnofneurLooks like my wireless is recognized but Down09:39
chrisnofneurI don't know how to bring it up09:40
luffe48Anyone here who has some experience with bluetooth audio?10:58
luffe48I'm trying to hook up some bluetooth speakers, but i can't seem to get this to work10:59
luffe48With bluez configured to use the socket api, there's some sort of dbus api mismatch, and with the media api nothing works.11:00
PPetrosHi. Xubuntu 13.04: I have installed additional drivers (Software Centre says) but it shows nowhere. Need to set up my broadcom simple way. Hjalp!12:48
spidermanhello i recently installed 13.04 xubuntu and sound is not working for me.13:04
spidermani also cant play youtube in firefox becasue it r equire flash palyer plugin which i downloaded but then its installation failed..13:04
engkurspiderman, just install xubuntu-restricted-extras13:11
engkurand all codec will be install as well13:11
DarkEraspiderman, did you check if the sound is muted by default? that can happen on some systems13:18
abderraoufi need to make the keyboard layout label "ara" to "ar" , how i can do that? xfce4-xkb-plugin13:23
spidermani had installed minitube which said , it need to install lot of codecs etc,,....after that  when i tried istalling xubuntu restricted extras.. it said some programs will be removed13:27
spidermanit seems there are three variants ...xubuntu-restricted-extra , kubuntu-rest-extra  and ubuntu-rest-extra13:28
spidermanubunutu one's size is more 6 MB while xubuntu one's size is 3 MB...so can i install ubunutu assuming it will more codecs ?13:29
spidermanno sound was not muted by default... in fact from my speaker when i reduce the volume.. i see notification on my desktop that volute is increasing decreasing...13:30
DarkEraxubuntu-restricted-extras is the one you need when running xubuntu13:31
spidermansound  came back.....13:34
spidermanwithout installing those... i removed and plugged in my usb speakers once again. thats all13:35
DarkErafirst things one always has to do before installing anything else on a fresh system: first update and reboot, look if drivers need to be install for a graphics card for example and reboot when done, then install the restricted extras of the DE /distro you use and from there on you can go on install whatever you like13:35
spidermanif i try to install xubuntu extra its telling me  libav codec and libav library will be removed ..do i want to continue?13:39
DarkEraspiderman, i don't think that will hurt your system and guess it's something you pulled in with Minitube13:46
DarkEraif those are the only two that are removed i wouldn't worry too much13:47
spidermani have a pentium-4   processor 3GH , 1 MB L2 cache, with Hyper threading model no 530J .. 2 GB RAM intel 915 chiset mother board14:04
spidermanwhich buntu is good for me>14:04
genii-aroundspiderman: xubuntu or lubuntu are probably your best options.14:06
DarkErai thought you were running xubuntu already....?14:06
genii-aroundspiderman: And of course you're asking in the #xubuntu channel, so it's a bit biased ;)14:07
spidermani had x12.04 for lontg time with 1GB RAm, it was perfectly fine , then i installed 12.10 that also fine....then i tried linux mint ...sound went off.... then i came back to x12.10   still no sound... then i tried x13.04 still there was no sound...  now sound some how came back after relugging my usb speakers in14:08
spidermannow i have upgraded to 2 GB RAM14:08
DarkErai don't know what you want exactly to be honest. First you want help with xubuntu 13.04 that you have installed, then you ask which buntu is good for your pc and now the sound issue is brought up again. Kinda confusing to me. :)14:13
DarkEraanyhoo, i got to go anyway, have some things to do14:14
xubuntu103hello, I have a little problem... Today I installed xubuntu 13.04, but now, when I open firefox my system crash (like when memory overload). What can I do?14:17
genii-aroundxub Sounds like low on swap or some other system resource14:23
genii-aroundBah. No wonder tab complete failed, they left already.14:24
seronishaving tried linux in a few years.  a flash drive bootup of xubuntu is responding quicker than I remember any HDD install working in the past14:34
seronisgotta say im pleased so far14:34
seronishaving / havnt14:34
=== matt_symes is now known as headache
MeXTuXI am having this issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/286259/ubuntu-13-04-endless-reboot even the LiveCD reboots endlessly.15:41
jewardHi, I changed my resolution and no can no longer log in to xfce or xubuntu session.15:43
jewardI can log via twm, awesome or ssh however.15:43
jewardI get this in .xsession-errors: xfce4-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.15:44
jewardTrying this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130960315:47
well_laid_lawnjeward:  see if renaming ~/.config/xfce4/ to something else lets you start xfce15:47
jewardI did what was suggested in that link and seem to be getting in now.15:48
jewardLet me try adjusting the resolution again.15:48
jewardSame thing happens.  I set the resolution and never get a prompt to keep it or not nor does the resolution change.15:50
jewardThis is in a VM if that makes a difference?15:50
jewardI changed it from 800x600 to 1024x768 and it kept that resolution thought it knocked me out and I had to log in again.15:52
well_laid_lawnanything happen if you use xrandr in a terminal to set a different resolution?15:53
jewardI'm not sure how to do that.  Let me try upping it a little more.15:53
jewardWon't stay at the next higher resolution.15:54
jewardMust be some sort of device driver issue?15:54
well_laid_lawncould be. or xfce4's reslotion setter playing up15:55
well_laid_lawnxrandr -q   will show the available choices then   xrandr -s widthxheight15:56
well_laid_lawnarandr is recommended in here alot too15:56
well_laid_lawn!info arandr15:56
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB15:56
kRushyou might try something like guest additions, if your VM has that15:57
jewardI believe guest additions are installed and up to date.  VMWare Esxi 515:58
kRushI'm only familiar with virtualbox15:58
jewardInstalling arnadr.15:59
jewardI think you need to know how to use xrandr to use arandr.16:01
well_laid_lawnarandr should pop a window with options16:02
jewardYeah, nothing I understood.16:02
jewardWell, hmmm.16:03
jewardI THINK this workd on a RHEL VM.16:03
jewardLet me check.16:03
jewardYeah, I can set RHEL Gnome 2 desktop to any size I like.16:04
well_laid_lawntry  xrandr -s 1024x76816:06
well_laid_lawnif that works put the command in the startup apps in xfce16:07
bilboqueyhello evrybody17:03
bilboqueyi have a question17:03
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:04
oliver2Who can help me?I installed Ubuntu 12.10 on a server that I have and XP. The problem is that I can not connect to the internet. I get an error "wired network disconnected, you are offline" ty!17:05
bazhangoliver2, does ifconfig show eth017:07
bilboqueyfirst i want to know if it s exist xubuntu irc in french17:07
well_laid_lawnbilboquey:  there's an #ubuntu-fr channel17:08
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:08
nantoui can hear and record sounds with 13.04, but skype output sound with a lot of static interference17:08
nantoutips please17:08
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:08
bilboqueymerci , thank u for ur help17:09
nantouis skype ekiga compatible?17:15
bazhangoliver2, ask here17:15
nantouor the other way round17:15
xubuntu456hi everybody, first timer here and already amazed that I can be here and the system is not installed...17:36
brainwashhello there17:37
xubuntu456finally got rid of my eternal XP17:37
well_laid_lawnxp is ten years old now ...17:38
elfyso - lots still use it17:38
elfyxubuntu456: cool - glad you've done that - try and bear in mind that they aren't and were never intended to be the same17:39
xubuntu456i know, just that my pc is really old and we are always using my gf's, so I wanted to try to turn this one into a tv box17:40
xubuntu456Ianybody have used XBMC?17:40
elfyI expect so :)17:41
elfyxubuntu456: do this - then we can chat in there instead17:42
elfy/join #xubuntu-offtopic17:42
elfyyou should see another channel17:42
elfyalternativel you can quit17:43
|mtx|i use rdp to connect to my xunbutu install (12.04 i think) it worked perfectly until yesterday where now I just get a blank screen does anyone have any idea what could have changed?18:11
ner0xWhen I'm in a symlink directory and I open a new tab it expands the symlink to the full directory path in the title. Is there any way to stop this behavior?19:07
=== headache is now known as headache_gone
wakejagr_workI'm not at my xubuntu box at the moment, so I'm not looking for specifics, but I'd like to know if turning off tap-to-click can be accomplished through the graphical config/setting menus.  Searching online indicates that some (fairly simple) command-line stuff was needed pre-13.04, but I don't see any recent info.19:35
baizonwakejagr_work: http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/mouse19:37
wakejagr_workbaizon: Thanks.  That's exactly what I was looking for.19:39
=== headache_gone is now known as matt_symes
nantoucan anyone here help me with ekiga?19:50
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:51
nantoui have configured ekiga and the sip address according to the instructions found at the wiki, but I cannot hear any sounds19:52
nantouI have ALSA, and I have been also testing http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Audio_setup.19:52
nantousee the " I cant get the sound to work! " section? Only the last command, with c 2 works19:53
nantouthere is alink that states it "may" be useful and fix the problem, but for me it didnt work19:53
nantouplus, cant I listen to music with gmusicbrowser while talking via a microphone?19:55
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:05
edinhohi ppl21:33
llldinoWhat up21:33
edinhoi can t install flash player on my xubuntu!21:33
llldinodo sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras21:35
edinhothanx :D21:35
llldinoor sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:35
=== kblin_ is now known as kblin
ntzrmtthihu777anyone here had success setting up bitlbee with skype?23:11
new_xuis there any place to influence getting an updated version of a 3rd party lib added to the xubuntu repos ?23:30
new_xuis there any place to influence getting an updated version of a 3rd party lib added to the xubuntu repos ?23:45
ntzrmtthihu777!patience | new_xu23:46
ubottunew_xu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/23:46
new_xunot a patience issue..  half dozen new entries and 15 minutes passed23:47
ntzrmtthihu777joins/parts? I got my client set up to ignore them, so I just see two identical posts.23:48
ntzrmtthihu777new_xu: what lib?23:49
new_xusfml 2.023:49
new_xu1.6 is in repo23:49
ntzrmtthihu777:P lol, why not compile it yourself? I did, I'll even gladly walk you through the (damn easy and straightforward) process.23:49
new_xui just wiped my laptop today (win7) and getting dev environment set up for linux23:49
new_xulast time i used linux for more than 3 months was redhat 6  =-)23:50
ntzrmtthihu777lol, well if I can be of service lemme know.23:51
new_xuim sure i can figure out compiling the lib if i read up on it..  but if i can ALSO find a place to make sure old libs with recent udpates are 'known' it might be useful23:51
ntzrmtthihu777its pretty simple. cmake .; make; sudo checkinstall -D make install23:52
new_xuthats 'it'  ?23:52
ntzrmtthihu777yeah. and install a few libs that cmake may or may not bitch about.23:52
new_xuhmm...  i did a preliminary google on the install and it mentions taking the precompiled .so files and has a 2 page explination of where to put them23:53
ntzrmtthihu777lessee, glew, openal, and sndfile come to mind, in particular.23:53
new_xulooked fairly basic.. wasnt THAT basic though23:53
ntzrmtthihu777hell you dont' even need checkinstall. I just use that so I can add/remove compiled from source programs as easily as standard apt packages23:54
new_xuoh..  #xubuntu-devl just mentioned   'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess'  on the same question23:55
new_xuguess there is a process for petitioning updates23:55
ntzrmtthihu777new_xu: sfml will likely not be added untill they get a final release, its still under dev23:56
xubuntu611My son wants to play some online games, and i know NOTHING about this ubuntu operating system, it says i need to install plug ins, what do i do to get him on a game?23:57
new_xu"http://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php"    lists 2.0 as the latest stable23:57
new_xuxubuntu611:  depends on the game.   30 of my 93 games on my steam account are available for linux23:57
xubuntu611He is just searching "cool math games"23:58
xubuntu611I have no games on here, my friend fixed this computer for me because the hard drive went out on the one i had so we put two computers together23:58
xubuntu611This is mainly for the kids,     "fun Brain " is what he wants23:59

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