
bachey rick_h_00:08
rick_h_bac: howdy00:09
baci've gotten most things integrated and working.  may need to bug you in the morning to work out why the heights aren't what i expect.00:09
rick_h_bac: sure thing00:09
bacthe charm panel has very tight specs for those sizings00:09
rick_h_ping me when you get in and we can run through it. 00:09
rick_h_bac: k00:09
bacrick_h_: it is here if you're curious lp:~bac/juju-gui/hookup-resizing-textarea00:10
bacthe single line inputs in the charm panel have to be 28px tall.  it took some weird tweaking to get them there00:10
rick_h_bac: yea, I think that's what that single input height was for. To kind of 'check' how tall each line of text should be00:11
rick_h_bac: I'll try to look at it in the morning and see 00:11
bacrick_h_: i changed single_line to be either falsy or to take a height.  the LP version used 1em hard coded00:12
bacrick_h_: have a good night.00:12
rick_h_bac: you too00:12
* hazmat watches gary_poster fill up the inbox in real time01:35
gary_posterwelcome (glad it is a good thing; was a bit worried about subscribing juju-gui but thought it was appropriate)01:36
rick_h_oh, is that why I'm getting dupes? 01:38
rick_h_ok, thought I had done it wrong when I sub'd to everything 01:38
gary_postersorry rick_h_ 01:50
rick_h_gary_poster: no, all good. Was curious checking if they were new ones I missed/etc01:50
gary_posterI added three01:50
gary_posteradded juju-gui for those01:51
frankbanmorning rogpeppe09:31
rogpeppefrankban: hiya09:32
frankbanbug 1160971 seems fixed, I attached the script used to dupe it, now it works well, do you want me to mark it as fix release in juju-core? 09:32
_mup_Bug #1160971: WebSocket disconnects when an invalid request is sent <juju-core:New> <juju-gui:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1160971>09:32
rogpeppefrankban: cool. i thought it probably was but your pastebin has disappeared so wanted to check with you09:33
rogpeppefrankban: it's incredibly annoying that pastebin has lost everything09:33
frankbanrogpeppe: yes, it's not a reliable tool for this kind of things09:33
rogpeppefrankban: tbh i think they have a responsibility to keep all the pastes around09:34
rogpeppefrankban: they're a specific kind of history and really quite important09:34
frankbanrogpeppe: I agree, IIRC there was some discussion in some ml about this issue.09:36
frankbanrogpeppe: anyway, marking it as "fix released" if you agree.09:37
rogpeppefrankban: in particular a lot of IRC discussion logs will be less useful without the pastes09:37
rogpeppefrankban: sgtm09:37
frankbanrogpeppe: cool. oh, and congrats for your spotlight award, you deserved it! :-)09:39
rogpeppefrankban: thanks!09:39
rogpeppefrankban: you guys have been awesome too09:39
rick_h_anyone know what the config is on the charm to not have it ask for the password? I'm not seeing a config option for that. 11:42
benjirick_h_: as far as I can tell if you deploy to py-juju and set "staging" to true in the config, then it shouldn't request a password11:46
rick_h_benji: cool, /me goes to try11:47
rick_h_cool though, first time I've deployed juju-gui and into an environment with our charmworld stuff 11:48
rick_h_sweet https://ec2-54-224-200-253.compute-1.amazonaws.com/bws/fullscreen11:49
rick_h_gary_poster: so this is a juju-gui using svg image links back to charmworld serving the svg image files working. 11:50
rick_h_gary_poster: still no gzip, but I think it works out well11:50
rick_h_thanks benji, worked11:52
rick_h_<3 using uistage to look up charm config options and descriptions lol11:52
gary_posterrick_h_, yeah, way better!12:09
rick_h_gary_poster: I think so. I'll bring it up in our stand up for review from others and then we'll see about breaking the work down into backend/front end cards12:10
rick_h_and this has the charmworld server doing the correct trimmed OPTION request, so 231B pre-flight with 158K of data 12:11
rick_h_so much better than over 1M12:11
gary_postercool, rick_h_.  If you cache for switch between full and sidepanel then I think that will be a pretty good resolution12:12
gary_posterI mean, the combined package12:12
rick_h_gary_poster: right12:12
gary_posterrick_h_, so is that instance trunk, or a custom branch of yours?  I could update the sandbox version and then we could have this behavior on the demo if you want--and the sandbox will make it feel asnappier also12:14
rick_h_gary_poster: it's a custom branch of charmworld and juju-gui that just implemented a quick hack to proof it out12:15
gary_posterrick_h_, ok cool12:16
rick_h_gary_poster: so we have to go back and add the feature to charmworld, with tests, etc. and the front end12:16
rick_h_I actually really like this 'create a branch, hack feature in, launch charms, point at hack branches...test'12:16
rick_h_really kind of cool to A/B ish feature test12:17
gary_posteradd feature and tests: yeah, understood rick_h_ .  Is that a "by the end of this week" thing, if it were prioritized, do you think rick_h_ (understanding that it might not be prioritized and your estimate might be wrong and la la la la) ;-)12:17
gary_posterrick_h_, cool to test with: agree.  lightweight deployment is very nice.  makes me want it even more lighter weight :-) particularly for iterative development and testing12:18
rick_h_gary_poster: I'll ask in the stand up. I think since it can make the demo better it will be my/abentley's goal for today, but not sure12:18
rick_h_gary_poster: I do need a hand from someone in debugging an issue I've got that only shows in prod mode. however, when I try to run make prod I get 404's vs the app12:19
rick_h_gary_poster: just at some point today if someone is experienced in how prodmode is setup/diff12:19
gary_posterrick_h_, yeah I know that.  now's about as good time as I'll get.  If we can't figure it out quickly I can hand it off12:19
rick_h_https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1175183 only happens in production mode, but running that locally would 404 when I go to 127.../bws/fullscreen and such12:19
_mup_Bug #1175183: Filters checkboxes should not act as radio buttons <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:In Progress by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1175183>12:19
gary_posterI mean, I know about that12:19
gary_posterprod mode is simply dumber atm, in that the backing webserver can't serve index.html from arbitrary urls12:21
gary_posterso quick hack: 12:21
gary_postermerge your "charmbrowser defaul" branch and debug12:21
rick_h_ah, gotcha. makes sense. 12:21
gary_posteralternative, maybe quick hack:12:21
rick_h_thanks, will do12:21
gary_posterlook at devel and try to switch that to serve prod temporarily12:22
gary_posterbenji, if you want to talk about memory, I have about 10 or 1512:36
benjigary_poster: sounds good.  the regular place?12:36
gary_postersure benji12:36
bachi rick_h_, thanks for your email and explanation12:39
bacrick_h_: upon further investigation i did see that the <input> fields on the charm panel have a line-height and height of 18px, so it is working just fine12:40
rick_h_bac: np, thinking it's the generic css rules from input -> textarea getting in the way if I'm lokoing at the right spot12:40
bacrick_h_: and those are the ones we're trying to match12:40
rick_h_bac: yep, that's what I was going to add today. I missed putting line-height in those css notes12:40
rick_h_so font-size, line-height, padding, border all come into the combined height you end up getting12:40
bacrick_h_: there is a problem with the service settings page, though.  if you still have my branch could you add haproxy and then look at http://localhost:8888/:gui:/service/haproxy/config/  when you have time?12:41
rick_h_bac: I can pull it back down. give me a few. 12:41
rick_h_bac: ok, loaded and on that url12:48
bacso if you look down at service, one of the last ones12:48
rick_h_bac: ok, so this should be opened up?12:49
bacrick_h_: you'll see it is a single line, though it is populated with multi-line data.  a keypress in there will cause it to expand12:49
rick_h_k, /me goes and looks at code/etc for a bit12:49
baci'm stepping through the resize() method called at the end of the initializer now.  that is where it is supposed to get expanded12:50
rick_h_bac: right, but in resize it checks for single_line and trumps the height in that first if condition I'd expect12:51
bacrick_h_: ah, i think maybe _prev_scroll_height should not be initialized to 012:51
bacrick_h_: i see this behavior whether using single_line or now12:52
rick_h_bac: so this was built to work with the inline editor such as the bug title, so that a single line would expand only when you were editing12:52
bacrick_h_: funny thing is it works in charm panel when using single_line12:52
bacin this view it does not work either way12:52
rick_h_bac: k, looking12:52
rick_h_ugh, multi dispatch FML. Goes through this debug code so many times12:57
rick_h_bac, what view is doing the initial work here? loading plugging the textareas?12:58
rick_h_bac: actually, want to chat for a second?12:58
rick_h_bac: looks like the normal hangout is taken, sec 12:59
rick_h_bac:  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/439096b6bd109b21f6137274b06438e42739fdb0?authuser=0&hl=en13:00
gary_posterrick_h_, I think I LGTM'd everything from Huw13:38
rick_h_thanks gary_poster 13:38
bachi gary_poster -- the integration with the resizing textarea is going well.  it works in the charm panel but is not happy in the service settings view.  rick and i know what's going on and i'm chasing it down.13:44
gary_posterawesome bac!13:44
gary_posterthanks for heads up13:44
rick_h_bac: after I cleared my browser 100x I did get it to hit those debuggers but the Y.Array.each wasn't seeming to get hit. 13:55
bacrick_h_: similar here13:55
rick_h_bac: bah, you don't need to Y.Array.each a nodelist, you should be able to just do view.tareas.each(...14:02
bacrick_h_: i'm confused.  when the break point hits, view.tareas is an array with 12 elements.  the breakpoint inside the .each never hits, though14:02
rick_h_bac: if you get a sec try that. If not I'll give it a go after I get this stuff landed for huw14:02
bacrick_h_: that works if you do  tarea.resizingTextarea.resize(); -- the plugin must be included14:06
rick_h_bac: ah! awesome14:06
rick_h_bac: so at least a hack can make it work then. Might check with hatch or someone more up on showView() to see if there's a better place to hook into. A 'rendered' event or something. Otherwise, this gets around the issue at least14:07
bachey hatch14:08
rick_h_beetlejuice ... beetlejuice ...14:08
bacso in services.js views.service_config there is a container that i'm using to add the resizing textarea plugin14:09
bachatch: all well and good, but that container has not yet been added to the DOM, so the initial size computations are all zero14:10
rick_h_hatch: I couldn't figure out how/when showView() from _buildServiceView() actually put the thing in the DOM14:11
rick_h_hatch: in app.js, so we put some hack code into the callback for post-showView() but feels hacky14:12
bachatch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5625996/14:12
* hatch creates a card for everyone to use gist.github.com so we can have editing and syntax highlighting14:13
rick_h_hatch: replies!14:13
rick_h_paste.mitechie.com :) lodgeit ftw14:14
hatchsorry I had to run and take the garbage out....not that it mattered I missed the damn truck14:14
hatchgists are mini git repos, nothing beats that :)14:14
hatchbac: rick_h_ so that's how you're supposed to do it - th eonly change I would do is have a method you call in the view to do that each()14:15
rick_h_hatch: yea, makes sense. view.fixTextAreas()14:15
hatchhaha - well....instantitateTextAreas :P14:15
hatchname that song! first person wins 1 internet14:17
benjino, not Snow, anyone but Snow14:20
rick_h_that just makes me want to start 'ice ice baby'ing around the house 14:21
bacrick_h_, hatch: yeah perhaps we should not attach the plugin until after showview14:21
benjiI'll take two Vanilla Ices (Icies?) over Snow14:21
rick_h_bac: or that. 14:21
benjiEspecially now that he is a general contractor with a renovation TV show14:21
hatchI want those sunglasses14:21
hatchbenji: haha really?14:22
benjiwho saw that career change coming?14:22
benjihatch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrNiiNRCvYo14:23
hatchvanilla ice !== snow :)14:23
hatchsorry too early14:24
hatchmissed the convo changing tracks14:24
hatchjujugui - has anyone looked into these CI failures? I think this one is fixable14:28
gary_posterhatch, I tried yesterday.  sent email.14:29
hatch2013-05-02 14:27:27,704 DEBUG openstack: 400 '{"badRequest": {"message": "Can not find requested image", "code": 400}}'14:29
hatchoh woops sorry I'm 100+ behind in my emails14:29
gary_posterhatch, we must fix it.  make distfile might be broken?14:29
hatchpossible, I'll grab my laptop and log into it14:30
hatchsee what I can do to fix it14:30
gary_posterhatch make distfile works on trunk.  this is on charm apparently.  do you know where to find the right image numbers offhand?14:32
gary_posterif you can fix CI, teknico is looking at broken charm14:32
hatchisn't that euca-describe-images or something14:32
hatchwas just looking it up14:32
gary_posterhatch something like that but then you have to know which one to choose of a zillion14:32
hatchI'll pick the one with the coolest name14:33
hatchhonestly I was going to see what the old one was and try and find something similar14:33
frankbangary_poster, hatch, teknico: it seems that make distfile is broken in trunk: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5626062/14:35
hatchoh ok14:35
gary_posterfrankban, worked for me after make clean.  maybe make clean-all is necessary to trigger14:35
frankbangary_poster: oh, trying14:36
hatchok well if you guys are on it i'll get back to gui stuff14:38
frankbangary_poster: still an error14:38
gary_posterhatch, multiple problems14:38
gary_posterhatch if you can fix image name that would be fanulous14:38
gary_posterfabulous even14:38
frankban(make clean-all && make distfile)14:38
hatchohh ok14:39
gary_posterfrankban, weird.  I got a fresh branch and WFM.  Raring, yeah?14:39
rick_h_gary_poster: FYI manage.j.c is updated with fixes to the OPTIONS request and gzip is now enabled so tinyurl.com/jujucharms should hurt less. 14:39
frankbangary_poster: yes, trying on a branch14:39
gary_posterfrankban, and the failure was the same as before ?  " bin/py: File removed before we read it" is weird error14:39
frankbangary_poster: yes14:40
gary_posterrick_h_, awesome thanks.  once fires are out I'll also update tinyurl.com/jujucharms14:40
hatchhmm I cannot remember how we specify the image to use14:46
gary_posterhatch in ~/.juju/environments.yaml14:46
hatchohh right right14:47
hatchumm....image id's are in the format aXi-XXXXXXXX - the one in the env.yaml looks like a hash of some type14:50
hatchor am I missing something here?14:51
frankbangary_poster: it was a local problem: bin/py broken symbolic link in my trunk branch, not removed by make clean-all14:51
gary_posterfrankban, ah ok cool.14:51
hatchso as far as images go - do we want 64bit raring?14:52
gary_posterhatch no14:52
gary_posterwe want 64 bit precise14:52
hatchor stay with 12.04?14:52
hatchdoes anyone have any idea how that id got changed?14:54
gary_posterhatch 12.0414:54
gary_posterhatch the id changed probably because they have improvements to the image14:55
gary_posternewer sources14:55
gary_posterthat sort of thing14:55
hatchno I mean they aren't even in the same format14:55
hatchthe one in our env.yaml is a huge hash14:55
hatchnot the format of the image id's14:55
hatchhmph who knows I'll keep it just in case14:56
gary_posterhatch, sorry, trying to get over at the machine to look.  have a call in 314:57
gary_posterand was just off another call14:57
hatchsure np - I am just looking through the list of images14:57
hatchI think we want ubuntu-released image?14:57
hatchsounds like it would make the most sense :)14:57
gary_posteryes hatch I think so.  Although if it has "smoser" in the name it is fine too I think14:58
hatchthere are those too but they are further down - I'll try this one for now14:58
hatchok id updated and new build kicked off15:00
hatchreally wondering how that id got changed15:00
hatchhmm now it's saying invalid image ref provided15:05
hatchI'm confused...15:05
gary_posternot good image15:05
hatchok will try the smore one15:06
teknicohere are some charm changes, I'd like a few eyes on it, possibly frankban's, and bcsaller_'s when he's around: https://codereview.appspot.com/9121043/15:07
teknicoI even did a pre-review of sorts to help you out :-)15:07
hatchkicked off build again15:07
frankbanteknico: will do15:08
teknicofrankban, thanks15:08
hatchok invalid image ref again...it must not like the id format15:09
hatchso I need to somehow associate the id in the euca list to some hash?15:09
hatchaccording to the canonistack documentation it's the proper ID format15:10
hatchchecking in #canonical-support15:11
hatchorr..... matsubara you around?15:12
matsubarahatch, yep15:12
hatchso we started getting these errors last week15:13
hatchDEBUG openstack: 400 '{"badRequest": {"message": "Can not find requested image", "code": 400}}'15:13
hatchand when I view the environments.yaml file the ID is a large hash15:13
hatchbut when I change it to a proper ID it gives me an invalid ref id15:13
hatchERROR Unexpected 400: '{"badRequest": {"message": "Invalid imageRef provided.", "code": 400}}'15:13
matsubarahatch, deploying on canonistack?15:13
hatchso it's like it's expecting a large hash ID not the one that's in euca-describe-images15:14
matsubarahatch, can you deploy locally from your laptop?15:18
hatchI can try15:19
hatchbut I'm going to guess no15:19
hatchthat also has the large hash i'd15:21
hatchI can't remember where those came from15:21
hatchbut no - can't find the requested image15:21
matsubarahatch, sorry, got disconnected. I think smoser knows the id to use. maybe ask on #is?15:21
hatchok so it doesn't follow the canonistack documentation on wiki any more?15:22
hatchthe id's from euca-describe-images aren't valid?15:22
hatchok I asked him15:23
matsubarahatch, this is in the env.yaml file for the charmworld project:  default-image-id: bb636e4f-79d7-4d6b-b13b-c7d53419fd5a15:24
hatchyeah same we have15:25
hatchwhich doesn't work15:25
gary_posterhey hazmat.  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+spec/servercloud-s-juju-gui-read-only-for-is is the blueprint.  It is for juju-gui.  I think you need a juju-core blueprint.  That will be one that GUI follows15:25
gary_posterI think I should try to delet the gui one15:25
hazmatgary_poster, ack, thanks15:25
matsubarahatch, might be a problem on canonistack itself15:28
hatchjust got an id - and an explanation as to what's up15:28
hatchso /me happy15:28
rick_h_noooooooooo bug in yui makes me sad...well at least lack of support 15:28
hatchwhich bug?15:29
gary_posterhazmat, I was wrong: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/juju-core/+spec/servercloud-s-juju-core-role-based-access-control15:29
gary_posterhave at it :-)15:30
hatchgary_poster: jenkins is about to shut down so when it's back we'll see if this new ID works...and I also found out why there is a discrepecy and will update the documentation15:30
rick_h_hatch: working on it. Looks like it has two query string parsers. One in http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/files/app_js_router.js.html#l99415:30
rick_h_hatch: and the query string module itself15:30
gary_posterhatch, and can you also document what to do in the future when this happens? :-)15:30
hatchrick_h_: keep in mind we have totally bastardized that router code :)15:30
rick_h_hatch: the one in the router code is dumb and can't handle  querystring: "category=databases&category=file_servers&15:30
hatchgary_poster: definitely - I was getting frustrated hah15:30
rick_h_where a key is in there twice to turn into an []15:30
gary_poster:-) cool15:30
hatchrick_h_: that's because query strings with multiple of the same keys are technically invalid :)15:43
rick_h_hatch: but but but 15:44
rick_h_hatch: it works in dev mode :P15:44
hatchhaha no I agree it's a commonly used feature15:44
rick_h_hatch: only fails in production so building tests against Y.QueryString and Y.Route atm15:45
hatchoh really? that's interesting15:45
rick_h_hatch: http://jsbin.com/efofol/1/15:46
rick_h_hatch: so for some reason in dev it's using Y.QueryString but in production using Y.Router._parseQuery and thus breaking my filters15:47
rick_h_hatch: anyway, will ahve to find some way to cheat it when I get back from lunch. bbl15:47
hatchnow I see what's going on15:48
gary_posterjuju kanban now please15:50
gary_posterjujugui I mean15:50
gary_posterbcsaller, any idea when your branch might land?  if soon I will wait to update tinyurl.com/jujucharms15:51
bcsaller_gary_poster: I pushed a number of updates a minute ago, I think I if I could get a second review on https://codereview.appspot.com/9070043/ I'm ok with it as an intermediate step15:53
gary_posterbcsaller_, cool, let's rustle someone up on the call15:54
bcsaller_redoing the propose now15:54
bcsaller_gary_poster: did you ever get it to work in practice?15:55
gary_posterbcsaller_, aigh! no!  doing now.15:55
gary_posterbcsaller, lol that's *awesome*15:58
bcsaller_heh :)15:58
gary_posterbcsaller_, I will have to do a live demo on call :-P15:58
gary_posterbcsaller_, qa: cannot add or remove relations to imported bits15:59
gary_postermaybe fixed16:00
gary_posterbut just pulled16:00
gary_posterjujugui call nowq16:00
bcsaller_gary_poster: yeah, should work now16:00
bacjovan2: i'd like you to look at the expanding textareas.  i have an instance coming up at http://ec2-50-19-207-147.compute-1.amazonaws.com and it will be available soon16:05
jovan2bac: sure16:06
jovan2bac: pwd?16:12
frankbanMakyo: congrats!16:12
MakyoThanks :)16:12
MakyoI found out this morning we made a couple of the local papers, too, since it was the first day. :P16:15
bacjovan2: trying to get it16:16
teknicobcsaller_, frankban, thanks for the reviews!16:18
hatchLF review for doc update https://codereview.appspot.com/9124043/16:23
gary_posterhatch, maybe mention how to choose the ids?  look for precise, and...?16:24
hatchnow that the CI is back up we have failures in IE16:24
hatchgary_poster: adding16:24
hatchgary_poster: proposing16:27
bachey rick_h_, could you look at the above ec2 url?16:28
* bac lunches16:31
rogpeppegary_poster: "the Juju API cannot accept a websocket directly (it expects to have to upgrade it)"16:33
rogpeppegary_poster: what does that mean?16:33
gary_posterrogpeppe, it may be no longer relevant,  Where is that? on call16:34
rogpeppegary_poster: it's from servercloud-s-juju-core-role-based-access-control16:34
gary_posterrogpeppe, could you delete? not relevant16:37
rogpeppegary_poster: ah actually - i'd missed the fact that that comment was talking specifically about py juju16:39
rogpeppegary_poster: so probably still relevant16:39
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
hatchbac: did you test your textarea stuff in IE? it looks like it's breaking the CI16:48
hatchsorry... :)16:48
Makyohatch, It hasn't landed yet, has it?16:57
hatchthe video shows a 'textarea' suite failing16:58
MakyoWas it landed as separate branches, then?16:58
hatchI can't seem to stop the video to see what the title actually says16:58
hatchI have no idea16:58
gary_posterhatch, some of it landed a while ago17:16
gary_posterspecifically some standalone plugin tests17:16
gary_posterthe new branch actually integrates it17:17
hatchohh ok - looks like it's those tests which are failing in IE17:17
gary_posterbac, LGTM with comments plus fixing the IE tests from previous checkin17:18
gary_posterbenji did you run the charm tests when you landed?  teknico reported that tests were broken in trunk17:21
gary_posterfrankban, LGTM.  Did deploy tests also fail for you?17:23
frankbangary_poster: not tried, teknico said they were failing in trunk, I suggested to handle that in another card. I can check it tomorrow17:24
gary_posterok thanks frankban.  have a good evening17:24
frankbangary_poster: you too!17:24
gary_posterbcsaller_, I still cannot add or remove relations on imported services with tip of your branch17:30
bcsaller_gary_poster: yeah, I loaded the charms so I thought it would work, I'm looking at that now, very odd error17:31
bcsaller_["cs:precise/memcached-6", "cs:precise/wordpress-14", "cs:precise/mysql-19", "cs:precise/mediawiki-8", "cs:precise/haproxy-17"]17:31
bcsaller_["cs:precise/memcached-6", "cs:precise/wordpress-10", "cs:precise/mysql-16", "cs:precise/mediawiki-6", "cs:precise/haproxy-16"]17:31
bcsaller_where 'this' is the fakebackend17:31
hatchthat's a lot of smiley faces17:31
bcsaller_hatch: you have a very expressive IRC client17:32
hatchyeah it even does inline pastebins, images, and autoresolves tinyurls17:32
gary_posterbcsaller_, weird...so fakebackend is not honoring the service revision17:34
gary_posterbcsaller_, maybe it can't honor it?17:34
bcsaller_gary_poster: or they are pulling from the old and the new sources17:35
gary_posterbcsaller_, because the charm store only offers current versions?  and so the solution is to reconcile?17:35
gary_posteron the service17:35
gary_posterbcsaller_, I think that is it: line 325 of fakebackend17:36
gary_poster            charmIdParts.charm_store_path17:36
gary_posterif you go get that json...17:37
bcsaller_I suspect you're correct17:37
gary_posterbcsaller_, yup: http://jujucharms.com/charms/precise/wordpress-10/json (look for store_revision and compare with url)17:40
gary_posteror store_url for that matter17:40
bcsaller_the the imports are not going be the current version much of the time anyway17:41
gary_posterarguably would be more reliable if they were17:41
bcsaller_but its not quite like pinning a package version17:41
gary_posterin terms of backwards compatibility17:41
gary_posterit kind of should be17:42
bcsaller_within a series the assumption has been that current == best17:42
gary_posterno guarantee that config will be the same across revisions, or relations, or...17:42
gary_posterbut that's not an option right now anyway17:42
gary_posterI think we ought to continue to ask for what the import specifies, but update the service to the charm we actually get and hope for the best17:43
bcsaller_yeah, npm styled specs in the charm for revisions might be nice some day, an export format that could say charm: "cs:precise/wordpress >= 10"17:43
bcsaller_I can do an inplace upgrade for now, yeah17:44
gary_posterbcsaller_, the new promise code is not working in fakebackend.  charms are being loaded because of the GUI side endpoints code17:49
gary_posterbcsaller_, to demonstrate put breakpoint in line 1253 (if (s.name && !s.id)) in fakebackend17:50
gary_posterbcsaller_, s.id is always set17:50
gary_posterso _promiseCharm never called17:50
gary_posterat least with sample-fakebackend.json17:50
hatchis this something I did?17:51
bcsaller_hmm, sounds like I've got some digging to do17:51
hatchI saw promise and charm17:51
gary_posterhatch no, all's good17:51
bcsaller_hatch: no :)17:51
* hatch goes back to his cave :)17:51
bcsaller_gary_poster: I've updated the tests to check that the charms are loading, and those are passing, not sure how much of that I changed since the last push, but I'll verify what you're seeing 17:52
gary_posterok cool17:52
bcsaller_ha, well, the initial demo is cool anyway ;)17:53
gary_poster:-) only small bugs bcsaller_ , no biggie17:54
benjigary_poster: (back from lunch) I can't say I specifically remember running the tests, but I would hope I did.18:00
gary_posterbenji, looks like it was bad and it may be worse: just got a report that the charm is now broken, possibly after teknico's commit.  Could you join me on guichat and we can work together for a bit?  This is an emergency (and our process surrounding the charm is a big lose, obviously :-( )18:04
benjigary_poster: sure, be right there18:05
hatchgary_poster: whenever you have a moment if you could QA and review https://codereview.appspot.com/9132043/  that would be awesome :)18:23
hatchsorry it's a rather large diff18:23
hatchwell....lots of files18:24
hatchoh poo18:24
hatchfor some reason it didn't diff against the most recen't trunk18:25
hatchill try again18:25
gary_posterhatch ok ping when ready18:25
hatchgary_poster: ok it's done18:29
rick_h_hatch: jcsackett or sinzui can I get some +1s on a 1 line change that took a day to figure out please? https://codereview.appspot.com/910104318:33
rick_h_well I guess it still works18:33
hatchwoah woah woah....false advertising18:33
hatchthat's clearly a 6line change18:33
rick_h_comments don't count :P18:34
rick_h_I should get bonus points for avoiding explitives in my comments :)18:34
hatchI don't think the description matches the fix though?18:34
sinzuirick_h_, Thank you for the explanation for the zaniness18:35
rick_h_? querysting listed before juju-gui in the use() block?18:35
rick_h_hatch: how so?18:35
hatchmaybe I'm missunderstanding them "it looks like perhaps there is some extra render going on..."18:36
hatchshould the description not reflect the fix?18:36
rick_h_hatch: ah, right forget that18:37
rick_h_that was the "oops'18:37
rick_h_I had taken a first stab at the fix the other day18:37
rick_h_and used the same branch name on accident18:37
hatchok lgtm'd18:37
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
sinzuirick_h_, I added my LGTM. I think you are free to land18:39
rick_h_sinzui: thanks18:39
benjigary_poster: I'm getting test failures, but I think they are a local problem:18:48
benjiWebDriverException: Message: 'Can\'t load the profile. Profile Dir: /tmp/tmpR9aoJc Firefox output: Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1015".\n*** LOG addons.xpi: startup\n*** LOG addons.xpi: checkForChanges\n*** LOG addons.xpi: No changes found\n' 18:48
gary_posterbenji http://jujugui.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/rarings-selenium-doesnt-like-rarings-firefox-my-solution/18:49
bacbcsaller_: i've got to go figure out how i've broken CI.  i'm not going to be able to review your branch very soon.  you may want to scare up someone else.  sorry.18:49
bcsaller_bac: np, thank you18:50
* benji looks.18:50
jcsacketthatch: can i get you to look at https://codereview.appspot.com/9131043/18:51
jcsackettbuffer error, that's ricks.18:52
jcsackettor never mind, those are just *very* similar IDs.18:52
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, that's the one I reviewed so all good18:52
jcsackettrick_h_: yeah. hatch, can you give it the other look?18:53
hatchon it now18:53
rick_h_man I <3 usb3 18:54
rick_h_"i'd like to backup ~ ... ok good"18:54
hatchgary_poster: for some reason it's picking up that test_model_controller.js is  anew file when in fact it's in trunk but I merged it in from it's branch before it was landed...so you can disregard that one if you like18:57
hatchbenji: you're reviewing bcsaller_'s branch?19:05
benjihatch: nope, but I can if need-be19:06
hatchoh no I ust saw you say 'looks'19:06
hatchI can do it if one is still needed19:06
benjihatch: have at it19:07
hatchbcsaller_: what's the link?19:07
bcsaller_and thanks19:07
hatchholy poo that's a large diff19:08
bcsaller_its not actually that big, mostly new charm data for the tests I think19:08
bcsaller_and you'll get to see what all that charm/promise talk was about19:08
gary_posterhatch, your code is good but your diff is bad: A fix for /:gui:/ will come in a later branch?19:08
benjigary_poster: I'm getting this error after doing the virtualenv thing, does it ring any bells?19:09
hatchoh wow it's a lot worse than I thought...19:09
benjiTraceback (most recent call last):19:09
benji  File "./deploy.test", line 9, in <module>19:09
benji    from selenium.webdriver import Firefox19:09
hatchgary_poster: any thoughts on how to fix this diff?19:10
hatchit's like it's not diffing from trunk19:10
hatchinfo shows that it's parent is /trunk though19:11
gary_posterhatch, in your shoes I'd re branch master, merge your existing branch, and repropose from that.  That's lazy but I don't have tim eto figure anything else out atm :-)19:11
hatchso branch trunk, merge my branch into that?19:12
hatchI can try that19:12
gary_posterhatch y19:12
gary_posterbenji, no.19:12
gary_posterbenji more info from reporter19:12
benji<eyebrows raised>19:12
gary_posterbenji, you saw on #webops?19:13
benjinope, looking now19:13
benjigary_poster: I'm not in #webops19:13
gary_posterbenji, oh because of eyebrows I thought maybe so19:13
gary_posterbenji: 19:14
gary_poster<wedgwood> gary_poster: https://pastebin.canonical.com/90418/ to prepare the charm, then https://pastebin.canonical.com/90419/ as the config19:14
benjimy eyebrows are easily misunderstood19:14
gary_posterbenji, he's doing something weird.  I'll handle it. :-)  you see if you can wrap up something on your other work19:15
benjigary_poster: ok.  do you want me to abandon trying to run the jitsu tests for the charm?19:16
gary_posterbenji, um.  up to you.  We must be able to run tests.  So that needs to be done.  OTOH, if you might have something actionable from your memory work in the remaining time it would be great to do that too.19:18
benjiok,  I don't know what the odds of actionable results are, but keeping doing what I was doing seems like the best route19:18
hatchgary_poster: ok this diff is much better https://codereview.appspot.com/9119044/ I can apply your changes to this branch so you don't have to do another review/qa19:19
gary_postercool hatch, apply the changes then ping me and I will look19:19
gary_posterbenji ack, go for it19:19
hatchsounds good19:23
hatchbcsaller_: review done19:42
bcsaller_hatch: thanks19:46
gary_posterhatch are changes applied or should I go to next call?19:46
hatchgary_poster: continue on - I just started after doing ben's review19:47
gary_postercool hatch thx19:47
hatchgary_poster: changes are made and pushed to https://codereview.appspot.com/9119044/ I'm going to take lunch now20:01
MakyoGot a confirmation that I'll be working from a local co-working place tomorrow in the AM.  During the final few minutes of our meeting time , so I'll try to get there early.20:03
MakyoAt least one other Canonical-er there, figure it's worth a try.20:04
MakyoThree, looks like.20:04
hatchId have a 20minute drive to get to a co-working place here....not gona happen20:13
hatchbac: did you see that your latest commit failed CI? Was that one from before the IE fixes?20:14
bachatch: there are no ie fixes yet20:15
hatchahh ok cool20:15
bacso it is expected20:15
gary_posterhatch looking now.  what's the story for :gui:/ environment registration: follow-on branch?  apologies if you already responded, but I didn't see it20:32
gary_posternm hatch I see in code :-)20:35
hatchalright :)20:35
jcsackettrick_h_: you still around?20:41
rick_h_jcsackett: kinda, what's up?20:41
jcsacketti was an idiot and submitted that filter-string fix branch, which is blocked on aaron's code. i have a branch that reverts it, but my lxc won't load, which means i can't propose/submit.20:42
jcsackettwas wondering if i could get you to help me get it through.20:43
jcsackettbut if you're EoDing, perhaps hatch can help.20:43
rick_h_jcsackett: so, I'd ask if abentley's branch is going to land tomorrow. It landing isn't an issue atm since the browser is 'feature flag'd' behind the urls20:43
jcsackettrick_h_: ah, there is that.20:43
rick_h_jcsackett: the issue is only that searches will fail with categories due to upstream20:43
rick_h_nothing really 'breaks'20:43
rick_h_we just have to watch for the demo and if abentley will have a migration/final update to manage. tomorrow then all is good20:44
rick_h_jcsackett: but if you'd like to revert, shoot me the revert branch and I'll put it down and lbox it up20:44
jcsackettrick_h_: given what you've very sensibly pointed out, it's not a rush.20:44
jcsackettif aaron can't land his changes tomorrow, i'll land the revert then.20:45
abentleyrick_h_, jcsackett: The charmworld change is nearly done.  Then I have to do the charm change, which should be fast.20:45
rick_h_jcsackett: rgr 20:45
rick_h_abentley: awesome, good to hear. 20:45
jcsackettabentley: you're a hero. :-)20:45
* jcsackett totally forgot abentley was in this channel. :-P20:45
jcsackettrick_h_: have a nice evening, and good luck with raring upgrade tomorrow. my LXC woes are part of my upgrade. :-P20:46
rick_h_jcsackett: was just about to reboot to my usb device when you ping'd. Why I said I was 'kinda' around :)20:46
jcsackettrick_h_: i will delay you no more. :-)20:46
rick_h_jcsackett: good news is I've not lxc'd on this to date so hopefully avoid some of that20:47
rick_h_but definitely hoping to lxc/local juju it up on the new desktop when I get back 20:47
rick_h_so :/20:47
jcsacketti think it's upgrade borked my setup. if you don't have a setup yet, maybe no problems.20:47
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, I'm a reinstall fan myself. backed up to NAS, external portable usb3, and boom goes the OS20:48
jcsackettrick_h_: yeah, i'm worried i'll need to reinstall now. but i'll spend some time seeing if i can figure out what's broken.20:48
* Makyo -> dogwalk20:56
gary_posterhatch trying to qa. two conflicts with trunk; resolution is not entirely trivial. I'll share.21:02
hatchthat's interesting - I merged it into trunk to get that diff and didn't get a conflict21:02
gary_posterhatch, new textarea integration code is conflict.  help me resolve this quickly on guichat?21:05
hatchok sure thing21:05
bacgary_poster: CI "fix" is at https://codereview.appspot.com/912804421:20
bacgary_poster: need any help with conflict?21:20
gary_posterbac, nah was pretty easy thank you21:20
bacgary_poster: cool.  ping me if you get to that review21:21
gary_posterbac review done21:21
hatchbac: lol "fix"21:27
hatch*sigh* back to the file watching errors21:30
hatchI thought those were behind me21:31
* Makyo back.21:31
hatchgary_poster: I can't reproduce the same bug - but when I try I get console errors....so that's almost better :)21:32
hatchgary_poster: did you var attachPlugins = function(view) { <----- pass the view into this function?21:33
gary_posterhazmat, one more move of that blueprint fwiw, to match rules: now https://blueprints.launchpad.net/juju-core/+spec/s-cloud-juju-role-based-access-control21:34
hatchI think we both missed that ;)21:34
hazmatgary_poster, thanks for the update21:34
gary_posterhatch, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5627317/ I think it is right21:34
hatchoh yeah - when I do that it works fine21:35
* hatch closes bug - unable to reproduce21:35
hatchI'll try in chrome ubuntu21:35
gary_posterback later21:36
hatchgary_poster: yeah I can't reproduce...I am wondering if it's a race condition21:36
hatchwth same jenkins error?22:00
hatchfixed image id and set another build22:06
hatchwe'll need to keep an eye on CI error messages - if we notice the image id error any more we might need to create our own image so that it's not changed.22:08
hatchbcsaller_: thanks for the review22:08
hatchbcsaller_: mind doing me a favour and building this branch and then visiting a url? https://code.launchpad.net/~hatch/juju-gui/promise-conflict22:11
hatchthe url is /:gui:/unit/mysql-5/  and it should dump you to the service view with 3x notifications22:12
hatchgary gets a loading screen and it works fine for me on all my devices22:13
hatchso I'm wondering if it's a race condition that I'm not seeing22:14
bcsaller_hatch: doing it now22:14
hatchyay CI passed IE tests again22:17
bcsaller_hatch:  I fired up improv while the server was running and it connected and then bounced to the service view. After that I re-entered the url, pressed enter, got the three notifications and sit on the loading screen, it might depend on if the 1st delta has happened or not at the time of the view resolution22:19
hatchwell I definitely can't land it as it is22:19
bcsaller_because the db will be empty initially 22:20
hatchahhh I think I know why22:20
hatcheven though we have promises we are still relying on the db change event22:20
hatchto re-fire them22:20
bcsaller_async promise resolution + url management does sound error prone, unless the ui model is to block with a spinner waiting on the promises22:22
hatchare you able to reproduce it reliably?22:22
hatchI am wondering if removing the { update: true } from line 600 in app.js will be enough to fix it22:24
hatchI am hoping that that will cause a full re-render fixing the problem22:25
bcsaller_this time it gave me three notifications and then the proper service view, so it is a racce22:26
hatchthoughts on what to do?22:27
hatchwait something is really wrong here22:28
hatchmaybe adding options.model = db.services.getById(req.params.id) on line 590 before the showview will fix22:29
hatcheither that or removing the { update: true } on 60022:29
hatchok I was finally able to reproduce the error22:31
hatchoh bac is gona be mad....the autosize widget tests fail in FF now22:38
hatchbcsaller_: whenever you get a moment if you could pull down the latest changes in the promise-conflict branch and see if you can get the error or if my hack has resolved it22:42
bcsaller_hatch: I was still poking at it so I can do it now22:42
hatchoh ok great22:42
bcsaller_hatch: I still get three error notifications, but it seems to redirect to the service page after 3 sucessful tries22:44
hatchyeah the error notifications will happen until we don't dispatch 3 times on load22:44
hatchso right now I'm hoping this fixes the race condition22:45
hatchI reloaded about 20x tmes and couldn't get the loading screen hang with this fix22:46
bcsaller_yeah, seems better to me as well22:47
hatchthat's a relief22:48
bcsaller_the notifications might be excessive though :)22:48
bcsaller_hatch: maybe another timeout to spawn that?22:48
hatchhey....they are the ones trying to access an invalid unit/service :P22:49
hatchbut yeah I suppose that's a reasonable workaround :)22:49

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