
SangeetKhatrihey can someone help me to get banshee to work in lubuntu 13.0405:14
SangeetKhatriit just attempts to play music attempts 5 songs and then stops but in the process no music is played at all, something similar is happening with other music players05:15
csc`Anyone have any reports of 13.04 failing to shut down properly?05:48
SangeetKhatrii cannot play mp3 in banshee in lubuntu 13.0405:49
Unit193You install a codec for mp3?05:50
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:50
csc`Unit193, any reports of odd shutdown bugs in Ringtail?05:51
csc`that you're aware of anyway05:51
Unit193I don't know of any.05:51
Unit193(Read, I don't have any.)05:51
csc`hmm, well in that case, my laptop fails to shut down at all after the update to ringtail05:52
csc`any particular log I should sift?05:52
csc`(it just stalls at the text shutdown, no particular error or anything)05:52
csc`going to try the proposed update kernel and see if it does anything to remedy the issue05:54
SangeetKhatrihey i cannot pplay mp3's in banshee in lubuntu 13.04 even after installing lubuntu-restricted-extras package12:28
SangeetKhatrihey guys i cannot play any mp3 in banshee in lubuntu 13.04 even after installing lubuntu-restricted-extras. I ran banshee in debug mode and here is the output from terminal http://pastebin.com/fhXmJaTQ12:40
SangeetKhatrithis is said to be support channel.. Why the fck is no one here to solve my problem12:56
pmatulisSangeetKhatri: calm down bro13:00
pmatulisSangeetKhatri: can you play other formats (i.e. other than MP3)?13:00
SangeetKhatrii don't have any other files than mp3 to test them out13:04
SangeetKhatribut yeah mp3's are working fine in audacious and VLC13:04
SangeetKhatribut i cannot run any mp3 is any professional music player like Rhythmbox, Bansshee, Xnoise, etc13:05
pmatulisSangeetKhatri: sounds like banshee is busted.  i suggest testing with other formats and then report results in this way:13:36
pmatulisubuntu-bug banshee13:37
anasieteHi there. I've installed Lubuntu in Toshiba NB100. Everything goes properly but the speed of my access to the Internet is 1M instead of 10M (the speed I reach with another laptop with Ubuntu). I've tried both the wireless and the wired conection and the result is the same. I've tried to find a solution by reading other posts but I've found nothing. Thank you for helping me.16:08
holsteinanasiete: i would try some speed tests and determine that you are actually getting slow speeds, and not just getting a reading like that16:11
anasieteI've already tried different speed tests and the result is always the same: with my netbook with Lubuntu I get round 1Mb while with my laptop with Ubuntu I get round 10 Mb16:14
holsteinanasiete: lubuntu *is* ubuntu16:14
holsteinanasiete: its more likely you have an older version of ubuntu and a newer version of lubuntu.. and the kernel driver support is "different".. is that the case?16:15
anasieteI have Ubuntu 12.04 and Lubuntu 12.1016:17
anasieteHolstein: as that is the case (older version of ubuntu and a newer version of lubuntu), what do you suggest?16:18
holsteinanasiete: since all is well in the 12.04 version, i would either just install LXDE in ubuntu 12.04, or lubuntu-desktop.. or just install 12.04.. you can always look for specific bugs relating to 12.10 and your hardware, or try the latest 13.04 live and test16:19
anasieteHolstein: thank you very much. I'll start with your last option as it looks like the eaiest one.16:22
holsteinanasiete: and, 13.04 is the latest..16:22
holsteinanasiete: cheers and good luck16:22
n-iCephillw: around?17:09
n-iCesomething is wrong with the 13.04 iso cd17:11
n-iCeAgain grub failed17:11
n-iCeseems this time is working17:22
n-iCeI really hope so17:22
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
cerebratelubuntu gets wonky results trying to run games, for examply black screens instead of Animations:c19:17
cerebratecinematics and splash screens, not showing the full game environment ;-;19:17
cerebrateim talking about windows games19:22
cerebrateplay't 'n' win'19:22
cerebrateplay't 'n win'19:22
devilboyhi all23:11
devilboyno problem so far with my lubuntu 12.10 on stability23:11
devilboyone issue only! am connected over the internet through USB WIFI ADAPTER but from this one USB Port, networks doesn't come up to be shown. Any update coming to fix this ?23:13
Unit193I have built-in, and sometimes I need to  sudo service network-manager restart  before it'll show the networks.  But, this could be an entirely different issue.23:14
devilboyUNit193, what's the command you are writting to refresh or wake up network manager ? :P23:15
devilboysudo service network-manager restart ?23:15
devilboyi will try it23:16
Unit193Seems like Bug #102763823:16
ubottubug 965895 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu Quantal) "duplicate for #1027638 After boot, NetworkManager indicator menu only shows four entries" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96589523:17
devilboyUnit193, worked. Thanks! :-)23:17
Unit193Sure thing.23:18
devilboyirc never gets old!23:18
devilboygood night/morning Unit193, and thanks again! :)23:23

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