
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
canurabushey all. im reading up on some of the api for the QML related stuff and came across the bit about 'grid units' ... i wanted to ask why use grid units at all instead of, say fractions of screen width and height?03:33
anonymous_Opinions: Is Quickly worth learning? I've never used Python and GTK together. I've seen the developer.ubuntu site say all three are recommended. I've never heard Quickly before today, so is it just promoting a new way forward??10:38
albttashiHi all10:58
albttashiwant start develop on Ubuntu , any guideline11:01
albttashiwhats preferred  languages on ubuntu ?11:01
anonymous_albttashi: developer.ubuntu.com says 'python and gtk' are recommended. I don't know which are preferred by everyone though12:12
=== anonymous_ is now known as ryandev
=== francisco is now known as Guest65033
=== francisco is now known as Guest56549

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